In the entire lobby of the steakhouse, she was the most striking thing in Liu Xu's eyes.

Mo Xianxin did not wear a police uniform. As an icac, she would not normally wear a police uniform except when she was studying at the police academy or when the police station had important events.

She wore a black turtleneck top, a pair of leggings, and high-heeled shoes, fully showing off her good figure.

She wore a sapphire blue overcoat, which was particularly eye-catching.

Liu Xu saw that many men around her were secretly looking at her, while she completely ignored the gazes of the men around her and concentrated on playing with her mobile phone.

"Hey, no matter where a beautiful woman is, she always attracts so much attention." Liu Xu walked over to Mo Xianxin, and said apologetically to her, "Xianxin, you're already here! Sorry, I'm late .”

"It's okay, I'm a few minutes early, hehe..." Mo Xianxin shook her head and smiled at Liu Xu.

Her gentle smile almost blinded the 24K titanium alloy dog ​​eyes peeping at the men around her.

Liu Xu felt the jealous eyes of the male compatriots around him looking at him completely, ah, he was about to be melted...

They must be thinking: "Damn it, the cabbage was kicked by the pig."

Today's Mo Xianxin looks more temperamental than last night. Last night, she gave Liu Xu the feeling that Mo Xianxin is a strong but also worthy of love, and today's Mo Xianxin gave him the feeling of being gentle and elegant. Feeling a bit like a queen.

Changeable feeling, constant temperament!

Liu Xu and Mo Xianxin immediately ordered food happily, but after ordering, Mo Xianxin's action made him suddenly surprised.

Mo Xianxin actually gave Liu Xu a bag of money: "She, is she going to take care of me?"

As soon as he and Mo Xianxin finished ordering, Liu Xu looked at Mo Xianxin appreciatively, saw her take out an envelope from the bag next to him, and handed it to him with a smile.

"Hey, it's for you!"

Facing an envelope handed over by Mo Xianxin, Liu Xu felt very surprised, as if Monk Zhanger couldn't figure it out.

This envelope is very thick, and the mouth of the envelope is aimed at Liu Xu. He can easily see that there is a stack of red inside...

This is money?

"What is this?" Liu Xu took the envelope.

"Look, surprise!" Mo Xianxin smiled at him mysteriously.

The money was wrapped in an envelope, so as soon as Liu Xu opened the envelope, he estimated that it was about five thousand.

"Why did you give me the money? Hey, there is another card?" Liu Xu just wanted to ask Mo Xianxin why he gave him the money, but found that there was still a bank card inside.

"The [-] is a reward for helping us arrest criminal suspects in recognition of your bravery. And that card, which I gave to you personally, contains [-] yuan! It's to thank you for saving me yesterday." " Mo Xianxin still spoke softly to Liu Xu, and when he said he saved her, she blushed a little.

Liu Xu can understand the bonus, but what does the [-] yuan privately give mean?Could it be that Mo Xianxin really intends to take care of me?Do you want it or not?Do you want it or not?

"Pfft!" Seeing Liu Xu's dazed expression, Mo Xianxin couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Mo Xianxin smile, Liu Xu touched his nose and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you laughing?"

"The way you looked just now, you are so silly, but... you are also cute." Mo Xianxin said.

At this time, the waiter brought up their steaks and drinks.

Mo Xianxin picked up the drink on the table and took a sip, then suddenly remembered something and said to Liu Xu: "You don't think this money is too little! If it's less, I can still give it to you, after all, you are my lifesaver." Benefactor!"

Hearing what Mo Xianxin said about him, Liu Xu didn't answer, but picked up the knife and fork next to him and began to cut the steak to eat.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 392

"You, don't misunderstand me, I just want to thank you for saving me, there is no other meaning!" Mo Xianxin saw Liu Xu bowed his head and said nothing, she made a gesture of sticking out her tongue and head, yes Liu Xu explained.

After eating a piece of steak, Liu Xu raised his head and said to Mo Xianxin: "I'll take this cash, you can take it back! It's right to save you, I can't take your money."

Then, he bowed his head to eat the steak again.

"Why can't I have it? It's not that I snatched it up and stole it." Seeing Liu Xu's refusal, Mo Xianxin looked at him with pouted lips.

Liu Xu raised his head and glanced at Mo Xianxin, only to see her pouting, her big eyes full of innocent looks, and she kept firing at him.

so cute!

This is the third time Liu Xu has changed since he met Mo Xianxin in a short period of time. If he was a bit of a queen before, now he has become a little fresh.

Nima, where is the calm and calm demeanor of a policewoman yesterday!

If it wasn't for knowing that Mo Xianxin is a policeman, and also a top student with good skills, who would have thought that she was a soft girl who was still studying in some university!

"Uh... that, anyway... I don't want it, you take it back." Liu Xu really couldn't look directly at Mo Xianxin's watery eyes, and quickly lowered his head while eating steak while talking.

"Hmph! I hate it. I wanted to go shopping with you at first, but now you don't even accept my favor. I won't talk to you next time, and I won't make an appointment with you."

As soon as Mo Xianxin acted cute, Liu Xu's heart suddenly became hot!

"Don't, I just think you gave too much money, and I deserve it. In fact, you don't need to give me so much money. I appreciate your kindness!"

Liu Xu quickly raised his head and explained to Mo Xianxin, but he really wanted to say, "Brother is not short of money!"

Or say: "What can you do with this little money?"

After meeting Huang Shengyi, Liu Xu originally planned to return to the mainland, but he suddenly remembered that he had another purpose in coming to Hong Kong!

That is to swindle money. At the beginning, he uttered bold words and wanted to swindle hundreds of millions back, but now he has not even caught a hair!

Therefore, Liu Xu temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​returning to the mainland.

"Could it be that my life can't compare to this money? This money is not dirty money, it's all my own. If you don't accept it today, I will ignore you in the future." Mo Xianxin also seemed a little angry with Liu Xu, She started to be arrogant.

Liu Xu looked at Mo Xianxin, and found that her face was red, not sure if it was because of anger.

"Okay, I've accepted it, thank you, hey, I'm really sorry for so much money!" Liu Xu planned to find an appropriate time to return the money to Mo Xianxin.

Just kidding, he is a man who has come to circle hundreds of millions, and now he has received [-] yuan from his girl. What kind of magical development is this?

"Well, okay, I forgive you!" Mo Xianxin smiled.

A steak meal was quickly finished, and the relationship between the two became more and more harmonious.

"Liu Xu, you got rich today, please treat me to this meal!" Mo Xianxin said with a mischievous look at Liu Xu.

"No problem! I'll take care of it." Liu Xu called the waiter and paid for the bonus with the courage in the envelope.

"Hmm! Liu Xu, why don't we go shopping and buy clothes!" Coming out of the restaurant, Liu Xu was about to ask where Mo Xianxin was going now, when she suddenly said, "Yesterday you tore off your shirt to bandage my wound... ..."

Liu Xu followed good manners and decided to go shopping with Mo Xianxin.

In the beginning, he and Mo Xianxin walked a relatively wide distance.

"What? Liu Xu, are you afraid of me? You are so far away from me?" Mo Xianxin said suddenly.

"Ah? No!" Liu Xu quickly explained, and then walked a little closer to her.

It's just that the next scene immediately surprised Liu Xu, Mo Xianxin actually came over and took his hand, and even leaned her body over.

So fast?

Liu Xu himself finds it unbelievable, but the body temperature from Mo Xianxin, the soft presence of her holding his arm, all remind him that this is not a dream, it is real.

On the road, Liu Xu had the idea of ​​immediately turning into a roadside express hotel.

Mo Xianxin went shopping with Liu Xu, and still held his arm like this, the rate of their turning heads is definitely very high.

Many men walked past them, no matter whether they had girlfriends or not, they could feel their gazes on them.

"Liu Xu, when we were eating just now, you said that you are staying at a friend's house, right?" Mo Xianxin took Liu Xu's arm, looked at the shop on the street, and suddenly turned around and asked.

"Huh? That's right!" Of course Liu Xu didn't say that Zhao Ming is a woman, Zhao Ming, Zhao Ming, this name is more neutral or even masculine, so Mo Xianxin doesn't know Zhao Ming's gender.

"Oh! It's like this!" Mo Xianxin was silent for a while after asking, and suddenly she turned to Liu Xu and said something that short-circuited his brain in an instant, "I also live alone, why don't you move here, we Let's live together!"


Is this to seduce me into committing a crime?

Cough cough, they said living together!

On the street, Liu Xu suddenly heard that Mo Xianxin wanted to live with him, and he shouted in surprise: "What? Live together?"

Nima, the girl is so cruel!She actually wants to live with him, but it's too soon!He's not ready yet!

Ah, what should I do?How shy!

Mo Xianxin was so proactive.

If they really live in the past, if Mo Xianxin wants to make a request for sex with him, will he agree?

Liu Xu thinks that he is not a casual person, but Mo Xianxin is so beautiful, and he also brings his own sex props (police uniform), he should just be casual, but will Mo Xianxin be responsible for him!

At this time, although Liu Xu looked at Mo Xianxin in surprise on the surface, the obsessive mode in his mind had already been activated.

"Why are you so excited! Keep your voice down, everyone around is looking at us!" Mo Xianxin blushed suddenly, tightly held Liu Xu's hand, and quickly whispered to him.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 393 Men Are Always Fascinated by Things Used by Women

Because Liu Xu was a little excited just now, and then shouted, the pedestrians around all started to watch them, making them the focus all of a sudden.

Liu Xu immediately woke up from the obsessive mode, and hurriedly took Mo Xianxin out for a quick walk.

Mo Xianxin took Liu Xu's hand and followed him all the way.

From Liu Xu's point of view, Mo Xianxin's face was as red as a small apple, delicate and tender.

It seems to pinch it!

They walked to an intersection a little far from where they were just now. Finally, the people around them changed several times, and the feeling of being watched finally disappeared.

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