Liu Xu found a sticky note and stuck it on the camera.

After the video was connected, a beautiful young woman appeared over there, with a little makeup and powder, quite attractive.

The young woman Mo Xianqing looked at the screen and tapped the keyboard a few times: "Why didn't I see you?"

"Sorry, my camera is broken."

"Can you show me the layout of the room? This is my study."

Mo Xianqing at the other end of the video raised the camera and looked around. The room was all dark mahogany, simple and dignified.

A large bookshelf, with some books piled on it, mixed with several incense burners, tripods and other decorations.

A calligraphy is hung on the wall: "Walk to the poor water, sit and watch the clouds rise."

Even Liu Xu at the other end could feel the ethereal air, and he praised the author for deeply interpreting the artistic conception of Mr. Wang Wei regardless of gains or losses.

There is a rattan coffee table in the center of the room, three rattan chairs are placed beside it, and a set of Kung Fu tea sets are placed on the coffee table.

Mo Xianqing put down the camera, pointed the camera at her face casually, and tapped on the keyboard: "How is it? Do you see anything?"

melancholy!lonely!abjection!Maybe it's called longing...

To put it bluntly, it is emptiness!

Her Mo Xianxin's husband Zhang Yongquan had domestic violence, so of course she felt empty.

Liu Xu took a sip of tea leisurely, while analyzing Mo Xianqing's heart in his heart.

"First of all, the desk can't face the window, otherwise it will produce "looking into the sky" and cause bad effects. For the desk near the window, you should pay attention to the sharp corners of other houses within ten meters from the window. The farther the sharp corner is, the less the impact will be. The closer it is, the greater the impact. This is the so-called 'horn evil', and it's best not to face the telephone pole or flagpole directly outside the desk."

Mo Xianqing on the screen stood up and looked around, as if to see if there was a telephone pole or a flagpole outside the window, which made Liu Xu laugh out loud.

"Secondly, your study room lacks some plants. It's not that you want to put some flowers and plants. It's too dazzling. You should put two pots of lucky bamboo or Guanyin bamboo. The former attracts noble people, and the latter makes you clear."

"Is there still so much to pay attention to?"

"Of course, you can also put a fish tank at your door, it should be round. Put some black, red, or white small fish in it. There is no need for other colors. This is also good luck."

"anything else?"

Mo Xianqing on the other side of the screen looked adoring.

Liu Xu blinked his eyes, it's time to get into the topic.

"Another day. I want to invite my friends to dinner, but I don't know what to eat. I need to find a suitable place on the Internet. Hehe, do you know any good places to recommend?"

Mo Xianqing was stunned, and then typed a row of words: "I don't know who your friend is? What kind of food are you used to?"

"Hehe, like me, my friend is from mainland China and has a strong taste."

"There is a Yutou King on Yan'an Road. The Hunan Cuisine Court there is famous. Well, if you don't mind having one more person, I'll invite you. What's your phone number?"

Are you here?

Liu Xu didn't dare to let Mo Xianxin know that he hooked up with her sister.

"That's so embarrassing, my number is 13XXXXXXXXX, just tell me how to get there."

"What's your name?"

"Liu Xu."

Mo Xianqing on the other side of the screen took out the phone and turned off the video. After a while, Liu Xu's phone rang.

"Hello, Liu Xu!"

Liu Xu is quite satisfied with his masculine voice.

"Hello, Mo Xianqing!"

A more beautiful female voice came from the other end of the phone. This voice is really comfortable, like a spring breeze.

"Hehe, Sister Mo, I'm so sorry! I'm on Kangsheng Road now, just tell me how to get to the fish head shop." Liu Xu smiled secretly.

"Where are you on Kangsheng Road? I'll pick you up by car!"

Mo Xianqing used a tone that could not be rejected, and then felt that the tone was too strong, she smiled embarrassedly, and eased her tone: "I will drag you to my house later, and help my house to check Feng Shui! This is equivalent Let's exchange!"

"Okay then, I'm in the middle of Kangsheng Road, there is a blue sky supermarket next to it, we'll wait for you next to the supermarket." Of course, Liu Xu couldn't tell the address of Mo Xianxin's home, he reported it to Zhao Ming home location.

Liu Xu packed his clothes and left Mo Xianxin's house.

I took a taxi to the Blue Sky Supermarket downstairs of Zhao Ming's house. Of course, Liu Xu was the only one. That unfounded friend was completely fabricated out of thin air.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 397

It didn't take long.


A car slowly stopped beside Liu Xu, and the window slowly rolled down. Mo Xianxin poked her head out a little, looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "Liu Xu?"

Perhaps she didn't expect Liu Xu to be so handsome, and the netizen she met was so young. Mo Xianxin was a little disappointed at first, but seeing Liu Xu's slender image, she couldn't help but smile.

"Hehe, Sister Mo, hello!" Liu Xu waved to Mo Xianxin with a charming smile, and his smiling eyes directly met her eyes, "I'm really sorry, my friend is in a hurry and can't go ,look……"

Mo Xianxin smiled slightly and said, "Didn't you not eat, it's just the two of us!"


Liu Xu nodded and blinked at Mo Xianxin.

Mo Xianxin suddenly felt that Liu Xu's eyes became extremely deep, like the center of a tornado, with an irresistible attraction, his eyes were deeply entwined with his eyes.

A stream of scorching hot air quickly rises from the lower abdomen, spreading to the whole body in an instant, and there is a strong desire in his heart, that is, to have a fish with the young man in front of him, and this desire is getting stronger and stronger.

For a moment, Mo Xianqing only felt red in the face, red in the ears, dry lips and tongue, and felt that the young man in front of him was full of great charm.

"Sister Mo?"

Liu Xu was completely unaware of the huge change in Mo Xianxin's heart at the moment, seeing her changing expression, he couldn't help but raised his tone and asked a question.

It was only then that Mo Xianxin felt his whole body relax. Although the extremely strong longing was only slowly weakening, he was still freed from that nightmare.

Hurriedly calling Liu Xu to get into the car, Mo Xianqing thought to herself, "What's wrong with me? How could I have such shameful thoughts?"

Having such an encounter, Mo Xianxin was faintly curious about Liu Xu, and also a little shy. When driving, she put all her thoughts on Liu Xu who was sitting next to her.

After turning around for several streets, they arrived at the destination in half an hour, parked the parking space, and the two walked into a big fish head shop.

"This door is really unique, it can eat people without spitting out bones!" Liu Xu muttered in a low voice.

"Welcome to Fish Head King!"

The beauties who greeted the guests at the door bowed and even bent their heads to their knees. They probably learned gymnastics before.

"Give me a box!" Mo Xianxin stood gracefully and said lightly.

"Sorry, the boxes are all booked!" The waiter at the door apologized.

"We can just sit in the lobby, it doesn't matter." Liu Xu said with a smile.

The dishes were served quickly, and Mo Xianxin was about to greet Liu Xu for some drinks, but found that he had already thrown off his cheeks and ate happily. He was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then a long-lost sense of relief surged into his heart. This feeling... It's been a long time!

There was a smile in the corner of her eyes, Mo Xianqing felt that her appetite had increased a lot, picked up the chopsticks and ate without any hesitation, and even forgot about the topic of Feng Shui.

Seeing that Liu Xu only cared about eating, Mo Xianxin suppressed a smile and kept picking up vegetables for her.

After eating and drinking, Liu Xu wiped the sweat off his brow and said, "Sister Mo, thank you!"

Under Mo Xianxin's suggestion, after dinner, you can go to the sauna in the afternoon.

Liu Xu got into Mo Xianxin's car and sat in the passenger seat. Liu Xu knew that something was about to happen to him with this charming young woman.

Mo Xianxin chuckled and said, "Why are you being so serious?"

"Sister Mo, I'm afraid that if people see me smiling in your car, it will affect you badly if it spreads out!"

Liu Xu answered mysteriously, but his eyes secretly glanced at Mo Xianxin.

"Hehe, it's okay. If someone asks, I'll say you are my younger brother."

Mo Xianxin replied with a chuckle, but there was another feeling quietly rising in his heart, he still knew to think of himself?

"Haha, Sister Mo, isn't it your family who can talk to you? Could it be that there are other people who talk to you?" Liu Xu intentionally misunderstood, and began to guide Mo Xianqing to think in a certain direction intentionally or unintentionally. .

"Little villain!" Mo Xianxin's face flushed slightly, an inexplicable emotion, like a spring grass slowly sprouting.

The car drove directly to the outskirts of the city. Liu Xu looked out the window for a while and asked, "Sister Mo, where are we going?"

"We went to the hot spring. I feel a little tired recently. Soaking in the hot spring can relieve fatigue." Mo Xianxin smiled.

Liu Xu also smiled silently, but did not speak.

After driving for more than [-] minutes, the car stopped. Liu Xu got out of the car and looked around. What he saw was a patch of green. Various large tropical plants were surrounded by brick and tile pavilions, which seemed like a mountain villa.

Mo Xianxin carried a bag and took Liu Xu straight to the reception desk, and told the receptionist that she had already made a reservation and reported a number.

The receptionist went through a few formalities at the front desk, then handed Mo Xianxin a key with a wooden sign on it, raised his head and said to the girl in a ceremonial cheongsam beside him: "Xiao Rong, take them to the 'Shuiyunjian'! "

Xiao Rong smiled charmingly and motioned for the two to follow her, slowly walking towards the side door.

When she turned her back to the two of them, Xiao Rong's eyes revealed a hint of surprise.

Between the water and the clouds?That's a hot spring for two, you two take a mandarin duck bath?It seems that the age difference is a bit big, right?It is not difficult to see that Xiao Rong is also a newcomer. If other people have already seen it, why is this age difference so surprising?Wouldn't you be surprised to see people in their [-]s and [-]s?

Passing through a cobblestone-paved tree-lined path, the hostess pushed open a quaint wooden door, bowed at the door, and said, "Please come in, two, and drinks and food will be delivered later!"

This is a typical official term, but the intention is to remind the two of them, don't be in a hurry, and don't be in a hurry when the receptionist brings things in.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

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