Seeing the man walking back in despair, and Lin Xiwei's cold expression, Liu Xu wanted to laugh in his heart. If Lin Xiwei's real identity was revealed, no matter if it was the underworld sister or the royal police, those men would not dare to act like this. Fire.

It's a pity that beauty is present, and there are warriors who are not afraid of death among men.

The men around Lin Xiwei put thick labels on their faces one by one, such as returnees, high-financial, so-and-so, so-and-so, scouts... they rushed up one after another, fearless of death, like a windmill turning. Dial several times.

Lin Xiwei first turned her head to the side to answer the last sentence, politely dealt with it, and politely declined.

In the end, it made Lin Xiwei tireless, she simply didn't want to pay any attention to it, and drank the cocktail in the glass by herself.

Those men who followed each other were stopped by Lin Xiwei's two bodyguards. They were a little bit embarrassed, and those who had drunk too much were dragged out of the bar. As for what to do?It's probably just a beating!

After this situation lasted for a while, the men who were eager to move already knew that Lin Xiwei was a rose with thorns, which was beautiful and hard to pick, so they wisely didn't go forward.

Finally, Lin Xiwei was quiet in front of her. She pursed her lips lightly, breathed a sigh of relief, drank the rest of the cocktail in the glass, added another glass, and continued to sip leisurely.

Lin Xiwei's every move, every tiny movement attracted him deeply, that's 100 billion human figures!

Because he was so engrossed in watching, Liu Xu absent-mindedly lost a few more rounds, and Huang Zifei flicked his fingers on his forehead again. The fatal thing was that ten bottles of beer were poured down. His stomach was filled instantly, and his bladder seemed to explode. Up uncomfortably.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 404 Beautiful Misunderstanding

Lin Qinyuan and Zhao Yang, the perverted rivals, just kept calm for less than a quarter of an hour, and continued their exciting game unforgivingly.

After losing two games in a row, Lin Qinyuan took off her underwear and bra on the square table at the request of Zhao Yang.

Seeing the silk underwear with very little fabric dangling in front of his eyes with body temperature, Liu Xu's body, which had already been stimulated by Lin Xiwei, reacted, and the desire to urinate and desire were intertwined in his body for a while.

Even God cannot solve these two problems at the same time.

Not knowing which one to tackle first can be as uncomfortable as it needs to be.

Fortunately, there were still two bottles of beer left on the table. After drinking these two bottles, it was time to check out and leave.

Liu Xu restrained the urge to urinate and continued to play cards with force.

However, God lost the last round. With Huang Zifei snapping his fingers on the head, two bottles of beer were pushed in front of him.

No matter, immediately go to the bathroom after drinking.

Liu Xu blew off the two bottles of beer in one breath, and immediately ran towards the bathroom clutching his stomach, ignoring the ridicule of everyone behind him.

The bathroom, which is usually just a few steps away, is so long. Liu Xu ran in a hurry, as long as he passed the long private room corridor and turned left, he would be there.

At the end of the corridor, a waiter was mopping the floor with a mop. There was a bucket of water next to him. The extreme urination in his body made Liu Xu run even faster.

Liu Xu rushed to the end of the corridor.

Suddenly, a black figure flashed in front of his eyes, and a gust of fragrant wind came to his nostrils.

Liu Xu didn't have time to stop, and bumped into the figure abruptly.

He subconsciously stretched out his hands to block it, and two soft objects rushed in.

Before Liu Xu could distinguish what he got, he and Lin Xiwei flew forward and fell down.

Lin Xiwei raised her feet high, and her high heels flew far away.

The terrible thing was that when she fell, her head was hanging on the bucket of water behind her for mopping the floor, and the bucket full of dirty water was poured directly on her head.

With a "wow", she was drenched all over her head and face, her upper body was soaked, and a few cloth strips from the mop were hung on her hair.

Liu Xu pressed down on Lin Xiwei's body and fell down heavily. He was also drenched by the bucket of water that fell, and his face was tightly attached to her cold face.

Liu Xu's wine-smelling mouth actually touched Lin Xiwei's ruddy little mouth, and his four eyes looked at each other very closely.

Lin Xi in front of him stared at Liu Xu in a daze, his two hands were still tightly grasping the two soft lumps.

A sudden violent collision made Liu Xu unable to control the strong urge to urinate, and when he became conscious, it was already too late.

The direct victim was of course Liu Xu himself, but Lin Xiwei was also an indirect victim.

Whether it was when she was a policeman or now as a gangster, Lin Xiwei had never been wronged like this.

Lin Xiwei, whose mouth was blocked by Liu Xu, snorted angrily, and twisted his body vigorously to get up. Only then did he fully recover, and first left her lips.

"Bastard! You bastard!" Lin Xiwei cursed, trying to break Liu Xu's hand with both hands.

Liu Xu let go of the soft lumps in front of Lin Xiweiyuexiong, and used the strongest willpower to control the desire to urinate, but the more violent desire to urinate was suppressed back into the body.

Standing up hastily, Liu Xu repeatedly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I really didn't mean it."

"Bastard, you bastard." After Lin Xiwei stood up, ignoring the sewage all over her body, she moaned and scolded angrily.

Following the scolding, a black stocking foot kicked Liu Xu's face.

The coming is ferocious and the speed is fast.

After solving the three urgent problems, Liu Xu is now feeling comfortable. Facing Lin Xiwei's flying kick, he naturally handled it with ease.

Liu Xu quickly grabbed the flying foot, and the silky ankle came in, and he held it tightly and didn't let go.

The little feet in black stockings were soft and boneless, and they were extremely sexually shaken, dangling very close to him.

Lin Xiwei's posture at this time was indecent to the extreme, under her high skirt, a radiant light burst out.

Following Liu Xu's gaze, Lin Xiwei was obviously aware of his brilliance, embarrassed and angry: "You bastard, bastard! You, you..."

Lin Xiwei was crying, her face flushed almost purple, and she was so angry that she was almost speechless.

Suddenly, Liu Xu held Lin Xiwei's stocking ankle and felt a sense of force, and she wanted to kick up the other foot to sweep towards his face.

It was too late to say it, and when Lin Xiwei was supposed to lift her other foot, Liu Xu pushed her ankle away.

Lin Xiwei looked at herself in horror, and then sat down on the floor with a fart, splashing all over for a while.

"Ow!" she screamed.

At this time, a waitress' voice came from beside her and said, "Miss Lin, calm down, look at the water all over your body, you should go wash it first!"

"Bastard! You bastard! I can't stop with you. You... you wait... I will never let you go, bastard..." Several waitresses hurriedly took Lin Xiwei away.

Originally, he wanted to have something to do with Lin Xiwei, but now that she was in such a mess, Liu Xu was in no mood at all. He took a deep look at Lin Xiwei's back, turned around and left.

He walked quickly to the entrance of the bar, but when he was almost at the exit, Liu Xu saw a girl wrapped in a man's suit with wet hair looking in not far from the entrance, and several people dressed as bodyguards followed her.

The girl was naturally Lin Xiwei, and the bodyguards were no longer two, but a dozen.

Seeing Lin Xiwei trembling with anger and gnashing his teeth, Liu Xu couldn't help but chuckle.

As a result, Lin Xiwei saw Liu Xu, and with a wave of her hand, several burly men rushed towards him.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 405 Why Do You Feel So Much For Her?

Liu Xu didn't hesitate, but after thinking about it, he didn't take down these bodyguards who were worthless in his eyes, but chose to turn around and run away.

If one picks twelve, in Lin Xiwei's eyes, her threat level will be greatly increased, and it will not be so easy to get close to her in the future, so Liu Xu chose to run away.

Although Liu Xu had never been to this bar, he glanced at the fire protection map on the wall at the entrance, and immediately knew where the back door was.

Liu Xu ran "with all his strength", and a group of people behind him also desperately chased him.

It's deadly!

It's more tiring than a real fight!

While running, Liu Xu called Zhao Yang to drive the car to the back door. Zhao Yang knew something was wrong when he heard it.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Xu walked through the lobby of the bar, the corridor of private rooms, and the kitchen. Later, Lin Xiwei's bodyguard bumped into several waiters along the way, and knocked down a lot of things, and followed Liu Xu out of the back door of the bar desperately.

Zhao Yang's Porsche slammed on the brakes just in time and stopped in front of Liu Xu. Without saying a word, he jumped into the car immediately.

Zhao Yang coaxed the accelerator, and the Porsche rushed forward and went a long way.

Liu Xu looked back, a few bodyguards chased him a few steps, and then stopped firmly.

Lin Xiwei ran out from the back door, looked at Liu Xu who was walking away, and stomped his feet several times in resentment, with an angry expression on his face.

"What does this taste like?"

When the speed of the car evened out, Lin Qinyuan slapped his nose with one hand, and asked with a frown.

"I said, buddy, what's going on?" Zhao Yang asked while driving.

"A beautiful misunderstanding." Liu Xu said helplessly.

The car drove around on the street a few times, and it was already one o'clock in the morning.

Lin Qinyuan and Huang Zifei excused that the dormitory was closed and they couldn't go back, so let them go wherever they like!

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the dormitory is closed or not.

Zhao Yang, an old fritter, will of course have various reasons to keep them from going back.

However, the closing of the dormitory also saved him a lot of talking.

Their goal tonight is to push these two girls down, and of course the two girls can't go back.

Liu Xu went home with Zhao Yang, who was renting a house outside.

In fact, Zhao Yang's family has a mansion in Hong Kong, but he didn't want to live with his parents, so he moved out and rented a house.

It's so late, Liu Xu doesn't want to disturb Mo Xianxin anymore, she has to get up early to go to work tomorrow, of course, the most important thing is to eat Lin Qinyuan.

The car was driving on the viaduct, and the destination was directly at the place where Zhao Yang lived.

The lights were blurred all the way, and Liu Xu suddenly thought that he seemed to have forgotten one thing.

No, he seems to have released Zhao Meixian's pigeons.

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