Who is Qin Huanxi?

The sitting hall of Hongying Society of Hong Kong.

The first floor of Yejiaren Nightclub was completely silent at the moment.

Someone turned off the music, and everyone was looking at Tan Huanxi, wondering how Tan Huanxi would react.

"What do you want to do?" Tan Huanxi asked calmly, her voice was very peaceful, completely beyond everyone's expectations, how could Brother Huanxi react like this?

He should have waved his hand, and then a group of big men in black would appear, beat up the boy who disrespected him, and throw him out of the nightclub!

"There are only two endings for those who try to get my woman's ideas." Liu Xu hugged Mo Xianxin in his arms, "One is to become a dead person, and the other is to become a eunuch. However, I am in a bad mood tonight, so I I don't intend to give you a chance to choose, I have already made a decision for you, that is, to turn you into a dead person."

Liu Xu looked downcast, and the content of his words did not match at all.

"Liu Xu, you want to kill me?" Tan Huanxi smiled, "Don't you know that killing people is against the law?"

"Slap!" The answer to Tan Huanxi was a loud slap on the face, and everyone didn't even see how Liu Xu struck.

The audience was shocked again, everyone was looking at the slap marks on Tan Huanxi's face.

This, when did this world become so crazy?How dare someone slap Tan Huanxi in the face?

Tan Huanxi touched Huo Lala's cheek, feeling a little unbelievable for a moment.

It's not that he has never been beaten, even chopped with a knife, and pointed at the head with a gun, but that was a long time ago, and since he became the seat of the Hongying Society, Tan Huanxi has never been beaten again. People have offended people like this before, but now he was slapped in the face in full view of everyone!


Tan Huanxi could only feel a wave of anger burning in his body, he wanted to cut this bastard into pieces, and he wanted someone to throw Liu Xu into the river to feed the fish.

"Come on, give it to me..." Tan Huanxi yelled angrily, before she could finish speaking, she felt a flash of gold star in front of her eyes.

After the two gold-medal thugs, Agou and Atang, were overthrown by Liu Xu, no one dared to step forward to fight again.

"Slap!" There was another crisp applause, and there were five bright red finger marks on Tan Huanxi's other cheek.

"You also know that murder is illegal?"


"Have you killed less people?"


"Do you think you are really a leader in Hong Kong?"

"You fucking dare to hijack my woman?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"I'm Liu Xu, the ghost-hunting celestial master of the Maoshan School. Even demons and goblins will kneel when they see me. You're a mere mortal, what a fart!"

"Do you know how I'm going to kill you?"

"I'm going to slap you to death!"

"Papa. Papa..."

Every time Liu Xu said a word, he slapped Tan Huanxi across the face.

There was silence all around, but no one came forward. The security guards here were already lying on the ground, who else would go up?

Everyone just watched Tan Huanxi's well-cared-for old face quickly become unrecognizable, swollen like a pig's head, covered with blood, and lost countless teeth.

"You shit Hongyingshe sits in the hall, dare to provoke me to make you a ghost in minutes." Liu Xu raised his hand and wanted to slap Tan Huanxi, but at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind: " stop!"

Liu Xu turned his head, looked at the glamorous policewoman not far away, waved at her, and smiled: "Mei Xian, why are you here? Did you come to save me because you knew they were going to make things difficult for me?"

"Stinky rascal, shut up!" Zhao Meixian glared at Liu Xu fiercely, and cursed him countless times in his heart again. This damned guy actually released his pigeons last time, making himself wait for two hours. ...

Looking around, Zhao Meixian couldn't help frowning: "What happened here?"

"Maden, I'm reporting to the police, someone is going to kill me!" A vague voice continued.

Zhao Meixian followed the prestige and frowned even tighter: "What's your name?"

"Maden, I'm Tan Huanxi!" Tan Huanxi's tone was filled with grief and indignation, and the eyes she looked at Liu Xu were filled with deep-seated hatred.

"What? Who do you say you are?" Zhao Meixian couldn't hear it clearly, or couldn't believe it.

"Maden, this is Brother Huanxi, Tan Huanxi." A Tang finally said kindly.

Zhao Meixian was really dumbfounded this time, is this pig-headed guy Tan Huanxi?Tan Huanxi, who sits in the Hongying Society?

Not only she found it unbelievable, but also the policemen who came in with Zhao Meixian could not believe it. Who would have thought that Tan Huanxi, who was sitting in the hall of Hongying Club, would be beaten up like this?

"Liu Xu, was it you who hit it?" Zhao Meixian took a long time to realize it, and turned her head to ask.

"That's right." Liu Xu readily admitted, with so many people watching, he couldn't admit it if he didn't want to!

"Just admit it, follow me to the police station!" Zhao Meixian was very satisfied with Liu Xu's answer, and then waved her hand, "Come here, take him back."

Seeing a policeman taking out handcuffs and about to put them on Liu Xu, Mo Xianxin stopped them. As the number one beauty in the police station, they naturally knew her, but just now the lights were dim and the scene was a mess, so no one noticed her. .

Mo Xianxin walked to Zhao Meixian, briefly explained what happened tonight, and then left with Liu Xu.

Everyone was a little disappointed, so it's over?They still want to see a play!

Just when they were disappointed, Liu Xu who walked to the door suddenly stopped, turned around, and looked at Tan Huanxi from a distance: "By the way, Tan Huanxi, did I tell you that I am a ghost hunter? Fortune-telling? For the sake of beating you up tonight, let me tell your fortune, oh, I’ll do the math, oops, bad, you won’t live for three days! Hurry up if you have something to eat, drink and have fun Ah, by the way, find someone to prepare for the funeral."

Everyone was shocked again, threats, this is a naked threat!


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Chapter 410 Meixian, We Can Live Together

"Hey, it's getting late, go to the police station and get some sleep." The moment Liu Xu turned around, he flicked his index finger slightly, and a little cold star shot towards Tan Huanxi, sinking into his body.

And Tan Huanxi, who was in extreme grief and anger at the moment, didn't feel anything wrong with his body at all. He stared fiercely at Liu Xu's back, planning how to get Liu Xu into prison, so that he would never stand up again. .

"Who is the boss here?" Zhao Meixian glanced at the messy scene and asked with a frown.

"Maden, it's me, my name is Zhong Li, and I'm Ye Jiaren's general manager." Zhong Li hurried over.

"Tell me what happened first!" Zhao Meixian said, she hadn't figured out what happened here, in fact, she was just called by her superior.

"Okay." Zhong Li nodded and said the matter quickly.

"You mean, these people lying on the ground were all beaten by Liu Xu, and these things were also smashed by Liu Xu?" Even though he already knew that Liu Xu was very restless, after hearing this, Zhao Meixian still felt something was wrong.

"Brother Huanxi, brother Huanxi, what's the matter with you?" A terrified female voice suddenly reached Zhao Meixian's ears.

Zhao Meixian turned her head, only to find that Tan Huanxi was lying in the arms of a girl, unconscious.

"Hurry up, send it to the hospital!" Zhao Meixian hurriedly issued an order, "Two people go to the hospital, and the others are here. Make a record for everyone!"

Tan Huanxi's sudden coma made the scene a bit chaotic, and almost everyone unconsciously thought of what Liu Xu said a few minutes ago, and some people even shuddered.

Could it be... Liu Xu really knows fortune-telling?Brother Huanxi really can't survive three days?

This night was a sleepless night for many people in Hong Kong.

The instigator, Liu Xu, had a comfortable night. Although he spent the night at the police station, he didn't spend it in the interrogation room.

In the morning, when Liu Xu woke up, Zhao Meixian, who hadn't slept all night, finally returned to the police station, and CIB Inspector Zhuo Kai came back with her.

Liu Xu was finally brought to the interrogation room, and this time, it was Zhuo Kai who interrogated himself, while Zhao Meixian was just acting as Zhuo Kai's assistant.

"Liu Xu, what did you do to Tan Huanxi?" Zhuo Kai went straight to the point.

"It's nothing, I just slapped him eighteen times." Liu Xu yawned, looking like he was still awake, "Inspector Huang, where's my breakfast?"

"Bang!" Zhuo Kai slapped the table, "Liu Xu, be honest with me and tell me, how did you make Tan Huanxi unconscious?"

"Is Tan Huanxi unconscious?" Liu Xu had an innocent expression on his face, "Why didn't I know?"

"You don't know? It doesn't matter if you don't know, but let me tell you, Tan Huanxi fell into a coma after being beaten by you. If there is something wrong with him, you are guilty of intentional homicide!" Zhuo Kai shouted angrily, "Be frank and be lenient." , you'd better tell the truth!"

"Inspector Huang, why did you become an inspector?" Liu Xu looked strange, "Even if Tan Huanxi was beaten to death by me, it was only intentional injury to death. Are you legally blind?"

"Shut up!" Zhuo Kai was extremely annoyed, and slapped the table again, "Liu Xu, since you understand the law, you should know the consequences of this matter!"

"Of course I understand the law. Whether you look for a forensic examination or find another doctor, you can prove that my dozen or so slaps can't cause Tan Huanxi to go into a coma. I will only be locked up for more than ten days at most. It doesn't matter." Liu Xu looked at Zhao Meixian, "Hey, Meixian, you seem to be very tired. Let me give you a massage to make sure you are exhausted."

"If you explain quickly, I can go to sleep right away." Zhao Meixian glared at Liu Xu.

"Didn't I admit to beating someone?" Liu Xu felt wronged, "There must not be many suspects who are so cooperative!"

"When you left Ye Jiaren last night, what did you mean that Tan Huanxi would not survive three days?" Zhao Meixian asked.

"It's not interesting, it's just a fortune-telling for him." Liu Xu replied lazily, lying on the table.

"Be serious!" Zhuo Kai yelled at him, "Sit up straight and stay away from the table!"

There is also a reason for Zhuo Kai to be so angry, because the explosive seed has initially gained the trust of Tan Huanxi, and it is time to further obtain more information. As a result, Tan Huanxi was knocked unconscious by Liu Xu at this time, which directly led to the following The action failed, so he naturally vented his anger on Liu Xu.

It's a pity that he still found the wrong partner. Liu Xu is very honest here, mainly because Zhao Meixian is here, not Zhuo Kai. Liu Xu gives Zhao Meixian face, but Zhuo Kai doesn't.

"I don't sit up straight, what can you do to me?" Liu Xu rolled his eyes, "Don't think that you are a cib inspector, Tan Huanxi also thinks he is a great one, isn't he lying in the hospital now?"

"You, you threatened me?" Zhuo Kai was trembling with anger. He was a majestic cib inspector, but he was threatened by someone!

"You're not worth my threat." Liu Xu curled his lips, "If it wasn't for Mei Xian's sake, I'd beat you up."

"You!" Zhuo Kai blushed with anger, "Very good, very good, Liu Xu, let me tell you, even the Heavenly King and I can't save you this time!"

Turning his head to look at Zhao Meixian, he said angrily: "Judgment, continue to interrogate until he has recruited all!"

After saying this, Zhuo Kai got up and left angrily.

"It's great, Meixian, we can live in a world of two." Liu Xu looked happy.

The few police officers who were watching the live broadcast of the interrogation were quite speechless. This guy is really talented, and even this can be involved in the world of two people.

"The ghost is in the world with you, just stay here and take your time!" Zhao Meixian also walked out of the interrogation room angrily, leaving Liu Xu inside alone.

However, as soon as Zhao Meixian turned around, she entered another interrogation room, and there was a person sitting in it, it was Mo Xianxin.


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