Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 413 is not small

Under the introduction of Hashimoto Kanna, the two officially met.

Liu Xu was very generous, but Yi Nengjing's face was a little red.

Because Yi Nengjing didn't expect Hashimoto Kanna to bring a man, and now she was only wearing a silk short-sleeved nightdress with a low neckline and very short.

Looking at Yi Nengjing's appearance again, she is only in her twenties now, her features are picturesque, charming and charming, and every gesture of her hands seems to contain a charm that catches one's soul, Liu Xu can't help but be fascinated by it.

Yi Nengjing smiled slightly and said, "Hello."

Liu Xu was called back to his soul by Yi Nengjing's sounds of nature, looked straight at her, and said with a smile, "Hello."

Seeing Liu Xu staring at her intently, Yi Nengjing coughed lightly, reminding him to brighten up his "tricks".

In fact, Liu Xu's tricks are already bright enough, so he should be more honest.

Liu Xujun blushed, knowing that the person he was staring at must have been discovered, so he glanced sideways at Yi Nengjing, seeing that she didn't look unhappy at all, so he was relieved, but his eyes still couldn't leave her body, As if attracted by a magnet.

Under Liu Xu's fiery gaze, Yi Nengjing's pretty face blushed, and she lowered her head in embarrassment, like a shy girl, even her ears blushed.

And when her eyes saw the large area of ​​snow-white exposed in front of her moon, her heart beat wildly.

Damn it, I'm used to it at home, and I actually wear such clothes to meet guests.

what!Seeing him in such a shameful state now, he was really ashamed to death.

Feeling that she almost didn't know how to place her hands and feet, Yi Nengjing said in a low voice: "I'll go and heat up the cold food."

Hashimoto Kanna said coquettishly: "Understood, you go quickly! I will greet Oni-chan well."

Of course, before heating up the meal, Yi Nengjing had to change out of her nightgown first.

"Still watching? My aunt has already entered the room." Kanna Hashimoto snorted softly and said with a smile, "Oni-chan, come and sit, don't stand there stupidly."

Liu Xu smiled embarrassedly.

Sitting on the sofa, Hashimoto Kanna turned on the TV to watch TV.

Liu Xu walked around the living room twice, then sneaked into the kitchen, and saw Yi Nengjing cooking with an apron on.

She changed into a set of furniture and clothing, a purple short-sleeved cotton crew-neck shirt. Even though there was a calico apron tied around her waist, she still couldn't hide her beautiful curves.

Liu Xu's gaze seemed to be drawn by magic, and it happened to land on the slender and lovely half of the calf, and the pair of crystal clear bare feet on the floor.

Yi Nengjing was concentrating on cooking. With the shovel flying up and down in her hand, her soft body was also slightly ups and downs. Liu Xu stood there holding her chin, admiring the graceful back.

Yi Nengjing just turned around at this time, and suddenly realized that Liu Xu was standing behind her. She was frightened for a moment, and the plate in her hand almost fell.

Liu Xu had quick hands and quick eyes, and his reaction was even quicker. He hurriedly picked it up with both hands. In a hurry, although his left hand caught the plate, his right hand accidentally pinched the white and slippery soft pancreas.

Withdrawing his right hand quickly, Liu Xu said with a normal smile, "I'm here to help in the kitchen."

Yi Nengjing blushed, but quickly calmed down, patted Yue Xiong's mouth and shook her head, "You! You really scared me to death. I think you're getting more and more busy, so go back inside and have a rest!"

Liu Xu had no choice but to reluctantly return to the living room.

Not long after, Yi Nengjing wore a pure white apron, held three pairs of bowls and chopsticks, and shouted with a smile: "It's time to eat, you are all hungry!"

After washing his hands, Liu Xu wanted to help bring some food to the table in the dining room, but Yi Nengjing stopped him and said, "Liu Xu, you are a guest today, so you can just sit down, and I can do it with Huannai's help."

Liu Xu had no choice but to sit at the dining table and look around at the decoration of the dining room.

Compared with the luxurious decoration of the living room, the small dining room is not inferior at all. The noble and elegant tempered glass dining table is covered with a layer of silk-woven cotton tablecloth, the exquisite and small silver chopsticks, and the exquisite rice bowl. It reflects the elegant taste of the owner.

Yi Nengjing was holding a bowl of egg drop soup, and slowly put it down on the dining table, Liu Xu, who was staring at her, inadvertently saw the beautiful scenery leaking from Chunguang.

Because of her bending over the purple short-sleeved cotton T-shirt, Liu Xu could see the scenery inside the neckline at a glance.

Hashimoto Kanna heard her aunt calling for dinner, and the little girl who was already hungry and croaking hurriedly threw away the TV remote control and ran all the way over.

The food was served soon, and the three of them sat on one side of the dining table, and Yi Nengjing was in the middle of the host's house.

Liu Xu and Hashimoto Kanna took each side, and the dining table, which was not very big, was filled with all kinds of delicacies. Liu Xu's mouth was watering when he saw it.

Yi Nengjing rolled her bangs on her forehead, and said with a sweet smile, "I'm sorry, I have nothing to say to you, just this little dish, you don't mind."

"Over there, these dishes are very good in terms of color and aroma." Liu Xu said politely: "I think the taste must be very good."

After hearing what he said, Yi Nengjing smiled happily and said, "Liu Xu, you can really talk."

"It's delicious. My aunt's cooking is the best. Whoever marries my aunt in the future will be blessed." Hashimoto Kanna held the chopsticks, but Yi Nengjing didn't say anything, and there were guests present, as Girls who grew up in Japan, where family education is very strict, of course dare not use chopsticks first.

Yi Nengjing blushed and looked at her cute niece, and said dotingly, "Aside from eating, what else do you know?" Then she said, "Liu Xu, do you drink?"

"Who made the dishes you cook so delicious, aunt!" Hashimoto said with a playful smile, "Auntie, can I drink?"

"No, you're still a child, you can't drink."

"I'm not too young!"

Liu Xu took a look at Hashimoto Kanna's Yue Xiong, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said to himself, "It's not small!"


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 414

"Forget it, let you have a drink." Yi Nengjing said.

"Yeah! I'll get it." Hashimoto Kanna shouted happily when she heard Yi Nengjing speak.

Yi Nengjing greeted warmly: "Come on, Liu Xu, let's eat the food first, don't be too outsider."

She put a fresh shrimp into Liu Xu's bowl and said, "Come on, try this dish of boiled fish maw with fresh shrimp and cucumber, and see if it tastes good."

"Thank you." Liu Xu hurriedly stretched out the bowl to pick it up, "I'll just do it myself, you don't need to bring me food."

"You're welcome." Yi Nengjing said with a smile, "Just treat this place as your own home."

Treat this as your own home?Didn't you become the woman in my family?Yi Nengjing casually said a polite word, but Liu Xu's heart was full of lust. Of course, he just thought about it in his heart and didn't say it out loud.

Holding a bottle of red wine and three goblets, Hashimoto Kanna walked over quickly and said, "Hey, here comes the wine."

Seeing that both of them started to eat, she said displeased again: "Okay! Auntie, you are so partial, you can start eating before I wait."

Yi Nengjing stuffed Hashimoto Kannai's mouth, and said angrily, "Little girl, I'm afraid of you, come here, and comfort you."

The warm pictures of the aunt and nephew, the friendly and considerate atmosphere, and the harmonious appearance of family and friendship made Liu Xu's appetite even better.

After the three of them had dinner, Liu Xu looked at his watch and said, "It's almost time for me to go."

Hearing the sound of water in the kitchen, Liu Xu knew that Yi Nengjing must be washing dishes and packing the kitchen utensils, so he walked towards the kitchen.

As a result, before he reached the kitchen, he heard an "ah" in the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Liu Xu hurriedly took two steps.

"The water pipe in the kitchen is leaking." Yi Nengjing frowned.

"Let me take a look for you." Liu Xu unbuttoned his cuff buttons and rolled up his sleeves.

Yi Nengjing glanced at Liu Xu with her beautiful eyes, and then said softly, "Can you repair water pipes?"

"Slightly understand." Liu Xu felt a failure, because Yi Nengjing was not amused by the meme, "Where are the tools?"

"The toolbox is under my bed." Yi Nengjing felt a little regretful just after she finished speaking, because she had just collected her clothes and her underwear were still on the bed, like a street stall.

It's always not good for Liu Xu to see these things, so Yi Nengjing said quickly: "Forget it, I'll give it to you."

Liu Xu said "Oh" and didn't care.

Yi Nengjing went into her room, and after a while, Yi Nengjing handed Liu Xu a plastic box.

The box is about the size of a bench.

After Liu Xu took it, he opened the box, took out a large wrench from the top, and then took out a roll of adhesive tape from inside after fumbling for a while.

"Go and close the main gate at home! I'm going to do it." Liu Xu said while waving a wrench.

It really looks like a plumber.

Yi Nengjing agreed, then went to the bathroom and turned off the faucet, and then shouted to the kitchen: "Okay, I'll turn it off."

Liu Xu turned on the water valve to let the little water remaining in the pipe drain away, and then started to move his hands.

The water pipe leak is not a burst pipe, so it is not difficult to repair. Liu Xu unscrewed the faucet with a wrench, then re-wrapped the tape on the leaking place, and then installed the faucet.

"You open the main gate now and try again." A gleam flashed in Liu Xu's eyes, and then he said loudly to Yi Nengjing who was in the living room: "Let me see if there is still a leak."

Liu Xu was very satisfied with the faucet he had just connected, thinking that the leak had been blocked.

Yi Nengjing was watching TV in the living room. When she heard what Liu Xu said, she immediately picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

Then she walked into the bathroom gracefully.

With her fair little hands, she unscrewed the water valve vigorously, and then turned on the faucet in the bathroom.

After seeing water flowing out, Yi Nengjing said: "Liu Xu, I have already opened it, and there is already water in the bathroom."

Yi Nengjing's voice like an oriole came from the bathroom, and Liu Xu couldn't help comparing her voice with Hashimoto Kanna's.

He felt that the voices of both of them were so nice.

Liu Xu couldn't help lusting in his heart: "I usually speak so nicely, if I wake up, wouldn't it be so exciting."

There is no more water dripping from the water fittings, and it looks like the leak has been fixed.

At this time, Yi Nengjing had already walked from the bathroom to Liu Xu's side, and turned on the switch of the faucet, but after turning it around, she found that there was not a drop of water flowing from the spout of the faucet.

"How is this going?"

"let me see!"

Yi Nengjing took the wrench from Liu Xu and tapped on the faucet.

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