Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 419 This is the right way to pick up girls!

"Are you also traveling to the mainland?" After five minutes, Yang Ying couldn't help it anymore. Her curiosity towards Liu Xu made her strike up a conversation with a strange man for the first time.

"Hmm... yes." Liu Xu replied casually without raising his head.

For a top-notch woman like baby, if you put her at the center of your world, you probably won't be able to get her in this lifetime.

Sure enough, the more Liu Xu treated her indifferently, the more upset Yang Ying felt. She was very conceited about her beauty, and there had never been a young man around her like a bee saw a flower, so she continued to ask: " Are you from Hong Kong?"

"That's right!"

Liu Xu's words were correct, but Yang Ying was dissatisfied, she pouted and said, "What do you call it?"

Liu Xu raised his head, glanced at Yang Ying, and said with a smile, "Big China!"

"Pfft." Yang Ying gave Liu Xu a white look. His reply obviously meant that he was actually from mainland China.

After that, the two chatted casually. Liu Xu didn't take the initiative to ask Yang Ying's name, so Yang Ying naturally wouldn't ask Liu Xu.

At this time, a very beautiful stewardess walked over from the back row by row, reminding passengers who forgot to fasten their seat belts to fasten their seat belts.

After walking all the way to the end, he turned around with the same smile on his face. Seeing her turn around, Liu Xu hurriedly waved to her.

"Hello, sir, what service do you need?" Seeing Liu Xu's gesture, the stewardess hurried forward, leaning sideways, with an extremely gentle tone, and the friendly smile on her face was still so beautiful.

Liu Xu smiled and said: "Hehe, it's really nothing, I just want to tell you that your period is coming soon, put on a sanitary napkin quickly, or you will make a fool of yourself in a while."

The flight attendant's face turned red all of a sudden, she got up hastily, the smile on her face disappeared all of a sudden, and her tone became even more stern: "I'm sorry sir, please respect yourself."

After finishing speaking, the stewardess left with three points of shame and anger.

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Liu Xu looked helpless. After thinking about it, he turned his head and shouted at the flight attendant's back: "Believe it or not, but you can put a piece of it on it to try, so you can be prepared!"

The flight attendant didn't look back at all, and even ignored him, and walked away.

Liu Xu turned his head and found that Yang Ying was looking at him with surprised and disdainful eyes. He shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "I reminded her kindly, but she didn't believe it. I can't help it."

"You..." Yang Ying looked at Liu Xu's innocent face, and suddenly felt amused, "I can't see that you are an honest person, and you can even pick up a flight attendant on a plane, it's just... just your way of picking up girls It's too different, if I were that stewardess, I would call you a hooligan and tell the captain about it."

Liu Xu sighed and said, "Believe it or not, anyway, I told her, if she listens to me and puts on a sanitary napkin, she will probably come over to thank me before we get off the plane."

Seeing Liu Xu's serious face, Yang Ying couldn't help muttering in her heart, is what this guy said true?

impossible!Wait a little longer to see if the stewardess will come back later to thank him.

Twenty minutes later, it was completely dark. The stewardess came out again pushing a small cart, and it was time for dinner.

The so-called dinner on the plane is actually a box lunch, and the portion is not big, so it is unlikely that you will be full. Most people still have to make up for another meal after getting off the plane.

The stewardess had a smiling face when she handed everyone the lunch box, but when she came to Liu Xu, the smile suddenly disappeared, and there was more contempt in her eyes.

Perhaps it was because Yang Ying and Liu Xu were sitting together, or because the flight attendant saw the two of them smiling and chatting, the flight attendant's attitude towards Yang Ying was not very kind.

After the stewardess left, Yang Ying smiled and said to Liu Xu in a low voice, "Look, this stewardess already hates you, and you've got me involved too."

Liu Xu smiled, did not speak, and started to eat the boxed lunch, which was wiped out after a while. Turning to look at Yang Ying, she had just eaten a third of it.

Liu Xu rubbed his stomach, and thought to himself, "I've taken planes a lot, but this is the first time I've had meals. I didn't expect box lunches to be so filling!"

But you can’t be hungry, Liu Xu hurriedly raised his hand, it turned out to be the stewardess, and when he walked over, his face was very ugly, which caused the surrounding passengers to be surprised. I don’t know how Liu Xu provoked the stewardess, but many people They could imagine obscenely, and two young men even extended their thumbs towards Liu Xu, making Liu Xu dumbfounded.

After the stewardess arrived, Liu Xu didn't wait for her to speak, and hurriedly asked, "Well, flight attendant, I want another one. I wonder if it's free?"

The stewardess couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this, thinking to herself how did she meet such a wolf today, but this time Liu Xu's question was not in the slightest indecent manner, so the stewardess could only reply: "There is no charge, do you want me to get another one for you?"

Liu Xu nodded and said, "Thank you very much."

After the stewardess left, Yang Ying gave Liu Xu a thumbs up and said with a smile, "That's the right way to pick up girls!"

Liu Xu rolled his eyes, smiled slightly, did not speak, but got up and threw the lunch box into the trash can. He forgot to ask the stewardess to take the empty lunch box away just now.

"Hey, why haven't you come yet?" Five minutes later, Yang Ying finished her boxed lunch, but she didn't see the stewardess bringing the boxed lunch to Liu Xu. She got up and threw the empty boxed lunch into the trash can, and came back to sit down. Then he smiled and said: "You know how powerful it is, that stewardess is still annoying you now, and she hasn't come to deliver lunch to you for so long."

After another five minutes, the broadcast sounded: "Ladies and gentlemen, this plane is scheduled to arrive at HZ City Airport in fifteen minutes, and the ground temperature is thirty degrees, thank you!"

Yang Ying laughed again: "The plane is about to land, and your lunch box is gone."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Not necessarily, look ahead."


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it’s 520 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 420 Zhang Tianai and Lan Yingying

In Yang Ying's surprise, the stewardess handed the boxed lunch to Liu Xu with a smile: "Sir, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, your boxed lunch."

After saying this sentence, the stewardess said softly again: "Thank you for your reminder." Then she stood up, blushed and walked away.

Yang Ying was so surprised, she turned to look at Liu Xu who was opening the lunch box: " did you know that...she...would..." Yang Ying didn't know what to ask.

Fifteen minutes later, the plane landed at the HZ City Airport smoothly. Liu Xu and Yang Ying also got off the plane with the passengers, but they were the last ones to walk. The stewardess was standing at the door and her face turned red when she saw Liu Xu For a moment, but the smile is brighter than anyone else.

After getting off the plane, Yang Ying smiled and said to Liu Xu: "You really don't know how to pick up girls. If you asked her for her mobile phone number just now, she would definitely give it to you."

Liu Xu wants the phone number, but the future goddess Baby is by his side, how could he attack an ordinary and handsome stewardess? If he wants to attack, he only needs to be a beauty of Ran Jing's level!

Yang Ying was about to say something more, when she suddenly saw a sign in the distance, waved her hand excitedly, and shouted loudly, "Uncle Xing, I'm here."

Liu Xu looked up and found that there was a burly and handsome old man in his fifties at the exit of the station holding a sign with a big word "Ying" written on it.

"Hehe, miss, you're back, the master almost misses you to death, if you don't come back again, the master will have to send someone to bring you back."

When Yang Ying heard this, she pouted immediately, and said unhappily, "I've only been out for half a year. Besides, I don't go to play. What's there to think about? Besides, I talk on the phone every day. By the way, Uncle Xing, what do you think of me? Is it stronger than before?"

The old man called Uncle Xing seemed to be looking at his daughter, and said cheerfully: "Yes, Miss did not go out in vain this time, let's go, Miss, the car is outside."

Yang Ying was so happy just now that she completely forgot about Liu Xu. When she heard the word "car", she remembered Liu Xu. She turned around and grabbed him, "Since no one is picking you up, why don't you join me?" Our car?"

"This..." Liu Xu hesitated a little. They just chatted together, and they didn't know Yang Ying very well, and they didn't even ask each other's names.

The old man glanced at Liu Xu vigilantly, and asked, "Miss, is this gentleman..."

Yang Ying said "Oh" and introduced: "I met him on the plane. We sat together and chatted happily along the way. Uncle Xing, why don't we take him for a ride!"

The old man hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and asked, "Young man, where are you going?"

Liu Xu thought for a while and said, "I'm going to Azure Cartier. If it doesn't go well, just drive me to the city."

The old man was surprised by this answer. Azure Cartier is a well-known high-end villa. The vigilance in his heart was slightly lowered, but he nodded calmly and said: "Okay."

Five minutes later, a seven-series BMW slowly drove out of the airport, and was driving on the highway from the airport to the ring city in a short while.

In the car, Yang Ying chattered to the old man about what she had seen outside, obviously very excited, while the old man listened carefully with a smile on his face, occasionally asked a question or two, and glanced at the silent man from time to time. Liu Xu.

Liu Xu got off the car in the urban area. As he expected, Yang Ying mainly asked him for his phone number, but she didn't give him her own phone number, she just said that she would contact Liu Xu when she was free.

In the center of the city, there is a KFC store on the side of the road.

Almost all the male animals were pinched by their female companions, but they couldn't help but look at the window from time to time.

I saw two beautiful girls with very different temperaments sitting by the window.

On the left is an obedient girl in an orange T-shirt and capri pants. Her appearance is eye-catching.

The companion opposite her is completely two extremes compared to her.

Although the delicate little face is more beautiful, but the good hair is tied up in a mess, not to mention the big skull painted on the black sleeveless vest dress, and there are some metal chains hanging on the body in a mess, but from the look in his eyes With her rebellious aura and her elegant elegance from time to time, she is more like a rich girl playing rebellion.

Now, these two beautiful girls seem to have become the most beautiful scenery of KFC, but the atmosphere between the two beautiful girls does not seem very harmonious.

Zhang Tianai looked at Lan Huanbi depressedly, curled her lips in displeasure, pointed to Liu Xu near the counter and said, "Hey! Did you see that guy? If you dare to go up and pour a glass of water on him, and then shout hooligan, This time I will listen to you, otherwise you will listen to me!"

There was not enough food on the plane, so Liu Xu was going to buy a family bucket.

After hearing Zhang Tian'ai's words, Lan Huanbi immediately pulled her face down, crossed her arms, pouted and said: "Zhang Tian'ai, you are not allowed to bully others, and you don't want to seduce me to fall with you. "

Zhang Tian'ai rolled his eyes, and then said: "How about this, let's bet, I will go up and pour him a glass of water, and then shout hooligans, if that guy turns against me, you will listen to me, if you don't turn against me, I will Gong listens to you!"

"It's not good, it's just for no reason to splash water on people." Lan Huanbi obviously didn't realize that it was all the same thing.

"If that guy doesn't turn his face, I will apologize to him and pay him a new suit, okay!" Zhang Tian'ai was afraid that Lan Huanbi would disagree, so she picked up the iced Coke and walked towards Liu Xu.

Seeing this, the people around looked at Liu Xu with pity, but most of them were waiting to see the good show.

Liu Xu bought a family bucket, and then his eyes scanned around like a radar, and immediately found the two beautiful girls sitting by the window.

With this discovery, Liu Xu's idea of ​​packing up the whole family's bucket and going home was directly thrown to the country of Java.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it’s 520 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 421 The Crown Princess and the Pretty Maid

Unlike others who look at beautiful women, Liu Xu recognized the identities of the two women at a glance.

The famous princess Zhang Tianai and screen tyrant Sun Li played Lan Yingying as the pretty maid Huanbi in The Legend of Zhen Huan.

He just sat down with his iced coke, and before he had time to put on the most handsome pose, he saw the rebellious beautiful girl get up and walk towards him.

Liu Xu was very excited. From Zhang Tianai's eyes, it could be seen that this little beauty came to find him.

Although Zhang Tianai's Yuexiong is a bit small, after all, she is not a red princess at this time, but as long as she develops a little bit, she can reach the perfect standard in his heart, and then...

Liu Xu couldn't help lusting for a moment, and immediately adjusted his sitting posture, intending to show his most stylish side and improve his impression score.

But for some reason, seeing the sly look in Zhang Tian'ai's eyes, Liu Xu felt a little bad.

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