"Hey, you...you...you... speak Chinese very...great!" Liu Xu, who was about to burst his eyeballs, stuttered for a long time before uttering a sentence.

"Hei...hei, don't let Ren praise me like that!" This pretty girl with blond hair and blue eyes playfully imitated Liu Xu's accent.

"Heh...heh..." Scratching his scalp, Liu Xu was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to respond, so he kept scooping up the porridge and drinking it.

Although the foreign chick has a cheerful personality, she is obviously not cheerful enough to take the initiative to flirt with strangers. After smiling slightly, she continued to suck on the soup dumpling with her head down.

Just as Liu Xu was sitting there and was about to strike up a conversation again, the two diners at the table on the left provided a good topic.

The ancestors once had a saying to describe all kinds of people, that is: "Birds are so big that they dare to fly in any forest."

This foreign beauty chatted loudly on the phone, but when talking to Liu Xu, it was only a whisper, so the two diners on the left table did not know that she could speak Chinese.

"This foreign girl is so fucking handsome, she'd be so pissed off in bed!"

The speaker was a middle-aged man in his thirties. His eyes were not looking at Liu Xu's table, and his voice was not deliberately suppressed or raised. If it were a foreigner who didn't understand Chinese , will only think that they are just ordinary chats.

"Who says it's not? I heard that foreign girls don't grow hair there." A young man in a black suit spoke up, who seemed to be not a few years older than Liu Xu.

If you ignore the content of their conversation, it really looks like two young successful people exchanging work experience together.

The voices of the two said whether they were loud or small, but they had no choice but to hear clearly both Liu Xu and the beautiful woman opposite.

Liu Xu covered his mouth with his hand on the table, his eyes were full of smiles, but the face of the beauty opposite was getting uglier and uglier.

Until now, the two of them hadn't noticed that the beauty was about to go crazy, and they kept pretending to be talking normally, but the content of the conversation was almost extended by them to the American melee blockbuster, the plot that challenged the bottom line of human beings. up.

Although Liu Xu also wanted to join their conversation, and pointed out how old-fashioned the plot they are discussing now, but with the beautiful woman by his side, Liu Xu had to pretend that I was a gentleman, and I was very happy. Hate the way they look.

Originally, Liu Xu was ready to watch the play with a smile on his face, but something tragic happened...

"Hey, boy next to you!"

The young man in a black suit squeezed his eyes at Liu Xu. When Liu Xu glanced at him, he turned his head and said in a low voice, "Does the foreign girl across from you have a C-shirt? If so, please Quietly turn the chopsticks around twice, if not, pretend to touch your nose unintentionally."

The positions of the two of them are a bit off. If you don't deliberately turn your head away, you won't be able to see the beauty's expression.

I can't help but admire the level of acting of these two people. They are talking nonsense, but they are as serious as discussing the stock market.

As soon as the young man said this, Liu Xu just wanted to turn his chopsticks subconsciously, but was hit by an oncoming high-energy ray.

The big beauty in front of her had obviously reached the breaking point, her pretty little face was flushed, and her light blue eyes were fixed on the chopsticks in Liu Xu's hand.

To turn... or not to turn?

Liu Xu was caught in a battle between heaven and man.

If you don't turn... it means that your lofty morality and flawless character will be destroyed.

Turning... means that I have to bear the bitter fruit caused by those two people alone.

"Young man, do you have any? Do you not understand the meaning of the C mask?" The young man pretended to raise his chopsticks unintentionally while speaking, "Did you see these chopsticks? If her girth is about the same length as it, That's the C-hood!"

Feeling the more fierce gaze from the beautiful woman opposite, Liu Xu suddenly put down the chopsticks in his hand, turned his head and said loudly: "Two handsome guys, I have some unfortunate news for you, in fact, the foreign girl opposite me can understand Chinese! And what's even more unfortunate is...she heard everything you said."

These words, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, ruthlessly exploded on the apex of the hearts of these two men and one woman.

The foreign beauty on the opposite side stared at Liu Xu and blinked vigorously, her face full of disbelief.

"You...you...you..." She talked for a long time, but couldn't come up with anything else.


"I do!"

The faces of the two men next to him were full of shame and anger. After cursing each other, they stared at Liu Xu with cannibalistic eyes at the same time.

If it were someone who was shy and introverted, he might have died long ago because his mental quality was not strong enough to bear the three knife-like gazes, but who was Liu Xu?

Liu Xu, the majestic second-dimensional demon king, claims: "Immune to any mental and spiritual blows, only physical and physical blows can hurt him."


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 428 Your words are very precise

"I said three, judging from your respective facial expressions, it seems that I am about to be unlucky!"

Embarrassed to speak because of anger, the three of them locked their eyes on Liu Xu, the instigator.

Liu Xu felt that the atmosphere was a bit dull, so he took the lead in breaking the oppressive situation with a laugh.

Wisps of blush slowly appeared from under the eyelids of this foreign chick, as if an invisible big hand quickly applied a thick layer of rouge on her cheeks.


This foreign chick suddenly seemed to be possessed by a language master, and a fluent and clear local accent spit out from her mouth quickly.

The sentence was too short, so Liu Xu didn't realize why this chick could speak such fluent local dialect.

"Hmm..." Liu Xu scratched his head embarrassingly, "Your words are very precise!"

Any man is very face-saving, especially in public.

Originally, the two successful people were exposed to their behavior in person, and they were already losing face, but Liu Xu was still smiling and adding fuel to the fire.

At that moment, the younger one among them couldn't hold back his face and started to get angry.

Of course, this super-beautiful and super-talkative foreign beauty is not the target of his attack, but Liu Xu is the venting bag for his anger.

"Grass!" The young man grinned, grabbed the empty plate on the table and threw it at Liu Xu.

Liu Xu originally thought that the two men would sensibly suppress their rude side with the beautiful woman by their side, but who would have thought that this guy would turn his back on him as soon as he said it, without any warning?

With a crisp "bang", the white disk slammed hard at Liu Xu, but of course it missed.

"Ah!" The foreign chick opposite was like a frightened little white rabbit, jumping away from the seat with a look of surprise.

This crisp sound was like a rally signal, and everyone who was eating in the hall was attracted to look at it. They put down their chopsticks and rushed over in twos and threes, waiting to enjoy a wonderful fight from fist to flesh. .

"Come and don't be indecent!" Liu Xu stood up, took a sharp step forward, and kicked this man's heart.

Seeing Liu Xu kicking towards him, the young man panicked and wanted to get up from the chair to avoid it, but how could there be time?


After the sound of meat, the young man was like a rotten wooden stake, and the chair fell to the ground together.

Kicking the man to the ground, Liu Xu grimaced, grabbed the cage full of soup dumplings beside him, and pressed down hard on the man's head.

"Ah... it hurts me to death... it hurts me to death..."

The hot soup immediately splashed all over the man's face, and then the man was like a donkey, covering his face with his hands and rolling all over the ground in pain.

For a moment, the surrounding air seemed to freeze, and Liu Xu's ruthless hand completely stunned all the spectators present.

Even this beautiful foreign chick was originally full of malice, wanting to see how this guy would deal with such a thing?

But she really didn't expect that this guy would suddenly look like a different person, and fight so desperately.

After pressing the soup bag cage, Liu Xu immediately took two steps back, turned around, and stared at the middle-aged man who was still sitting there with a face full of astonishment.

Where would a middle-aged man dare to step forward?

To put it bluntly, if he really gets involved with Liu Xu, the result is not difficult to predict, he must be lying dead.

After watching for a while, he saw that Liu Xu had no intention of doing anything to him, so he quickly got up from the chair, squatted on the ground, and kept wiping the soup on Liu Xu's face with his cuff.

Liu Xu snapped his fingers at the little beauty in blue robe who was standing nearby watching the excitement, took out the bundle of hundred-yuan bills from his bosom, took out a pile of bills without even counting them, and threw them to her, saying: "This is Early money and loss fee, and the rest will be used as a tip for you."

"Flash!" Liu Xu shook the banknotes in his hand, as if his brother was not short of money.

Leaving Wansheng Building, Liu Xu suddenly received a call. He looked at the phone number and felt very surprised, because the call turned out to be from Singularity Chinese website.

Hasn't the manuscript of "Fights Break Sphere" been handed in?

When Liu Xu answered the phone, the other party directly explained the purpose of his visit. It turned out that a company wanted to buy the comic copyright of "Fights Break Sphere".

Although he has 100 billion in his hand, Liu Xu has already looked down on the copyright fee, but after all, it was a gift for him, and Liu Xu naturally would not refuse. He asked casually, which company it was from, and he got it The reply was Minghu Culture, and the person who came forward was Du Jun, the boss of their company.

Du Jun?big brother!

"I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence?" Liu Xu didn't expect that Du Jun would come to buy the copyright of "Fights Break Sphere". Now that Du Jun has appeared, will Guan Gu Miracle be far behind?

Just hung up the phone, the phone rang again.

Lu Ziqiao?

Liu Xu answered the phone and said bluntly, "Lu Ziqiao, how dare you call me?"

"Brother, help!"

"What's the matter this time?"

"Computer repair!"



Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 429 Could it be Hongtongtong Acting Company?

"Brother, listen to me, this time you will help me no matter what, I am preparing to develop into film and television recently... I will be promoted and raised in a short time, become the general manager, become the CEO, and win Bai Fumei , to the pinnacle of life!"

film and television?

Liu Xu's heart skipped a beat, and he asked, "Could it be Hongtongtong Acting Company?"

"how do you know?"

"No, absolutely not!" Liu Xu resolutely refused, "I will definitely not go back and fix Sister Hong's computer."

"You even know Sister Hong?" Lu Ziqiao was taken aback, but he quickly said, "It's not Sister Hong, it's Junqi Feiyang Culture Media Co., Ltd."

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