The feeling of "picking up girls by order" is great, Liu Xu's heart is as sweet as drinking honey, full of infinite expectations.

Next, they chatted for a while about Nuo Lan's illness and some treatment methods, but the final key is whether Nuo Lan can accept Liu Xu. If he is still the same as other men, then there is no way to talk about treatment. up.

Liu Tao decided that she would do Nuolan's ideological work first, and then they would meet again to develop a relationship. Every time they met, they would report the situation to her in detail and discuss with her before proceeding to the next step.

When will we meet, Liu Tao will inform Liu Xu again.

After talking about business, they chatted.

Liu Xu found that she seemed to be very interested in his personal life, and kept asking Liu Xu what he usually likes to do, what he is interested in, what interesting things happened recently, and so on.

Liu Xu told Liu Tao honestly that he usually likes sex and is most interested in women.

Liu Tao looked at him with great interest. It seems that it was also because of the drinking, and the strategic cooperation relationship was reached, and he became a comrade-in-arms on the front line, which deepened the relationship, so there was less barriers and scruples.

Then, Liu Xu told Liu Tao that the most interesting thing he encountered recently was: one day when he was taking a bus, he took out a condom from his pocket and dropped it on the ground while he was taking out his things. While picking it up, I suddenly heard a beautiful woman next to me shout: "Brother, your second brother's overalls fell off."

As soon as Liu Xu finished speaking, Liu Tao burst out laughing, holding his stomach and laughing, almost getting under the table.

He looked at Liu Tao in surprise, right?She hasn't heard of these and the common dirty jokes on the Internet?Do you really think this happened to you?

A joke made her laugh for a long time, Liu Tao finally suppressed the laugh, patted Liu Xu on the shoulder, and said: "Well, let me tell you, you bad guy, you are dead, you are not fair in front of sister. through."

At the end, there was a sentence: "Did you pick it up later?"

Hearing her words, Liu Xu fainted on the spot.

That night, they chatted for a long time, watching Liu Tao trembling with his own yellow-joke, Liu Xu's heart fluttered, as if he was flying, and he really hoped that he would never touch the ground.

However, Liu Xu's heart has been intoxicated and confused all the time, that is, Liu Tao's intentional or unintentional actions made him feel as if he was in a gentle village, but at the same time, he was like a dream and confused.

From time to time, Liu Tao raised his legs easily, and mentioned the high heels. The little feet that almost exposed the high heels were plump and smooth, and the perfect arc of the arch of the feet was charming.

Liu Xu is not a gentleman, if he pretended before drinking, then now that alcohol is on his mind, Liu Xu has let go.

His eyes looked at Liu Xu's legs. The stockings were uniform in color and gave off a lustrous but fleshy luster. With the movement of his toes, the high-heeled shoes also swayed, making Liu Xu's heart flutter and ecstasy .

Liu Tao sometimes clinks glasses with Liu Xu intentionally or unintentionally, with ambiguous expressions and meaningful words, but his body is very close. The refreshing body fragrance makes his blood spurt, and his blood is like boiling water that can no longer boil. Gulu gulu steaming.

Oh, it is fatal.

Stimulation was everywhere, so Liu Xu kept sneaking out under the pretext of going to the bathroom. While suffering unspeakably, he also enjoyed it.

There is no doubt that Liu Tao is seducing him consciously.

As for why, Liu Xu didn't know, but he also guessed a possibility.

When Liu Xu was burning with desire and was about to set himself on fire, this long and ecstatic dinner came to an end.

Liu Xu declined Liu Tao's kindness to send him back. Liu Xu is afraid that if this continues, he will not be able to restrain his impulse, and he can't help but have something to do with Liu Tao. It is obviously unwise to do so before Nuolan is taken down. of.

He needs the cooling of the cool wind, both the body and the chaotic spirit need to be cooled.

Liu Xu walked out of the hotel door, and a gust of cold wind blew by, which really lifted his spirits.

Liu Tao rolled down the car window, smiled and waved to him.

With the roar of the engine, she disappeared into the night with the car.

When Liu Xu was walking on the sidewalk and was about to leave the hotel, there was a voice calling Liu Xu behind him, he turned around, and a young man dressed as a waiter chased after him.

"Sir, you should go back! The woman you helped near the bathroom is still inside! She is drunk, please go and have a look!" He panted heavily and said to Liu Xu.

"Which woman?" Liu Xu was a little surprised.

"It's the woman you beat her husband, the woman who was kicked a few times. You should know her, right? She's drunk. She's in a mess. She's in the box. Please go and have a look!" He continued continued.

Yao flute?

"Is she still there?" Liu Xu understood who it was, so he rushed back with the waiter.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 437

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Yaodi with disheveled hair and closed eyes, lying on the couch and falling asleep.

When Liu Xu approached her, a strong smell of alcohol came to his nostrils. Yao Di's face had been wiped, but the bruised corners of his eyes and the slightly bruised corners of his mouth were still obvious.

Her body was covered with a checked tablecloth, only a pair of flesh-colored silk stockings were exposed, one high-heeled shoe was on the other, and there were four or five empty red wine bottles scattered everywhere, either upside down or upright.

Yao Di's hand dragged on the ground was still holding a half-drunk wine bottle.

Liu Xu opened her fingers and put the wine bottle on the coffee table.

Getting close to her head, Liu Xu pushed her exposed shoulders and called softly, "Hey, are you okay? Are you okay? Hey, hey, can you get up? Hello, can you get up?"

Yaodi didn't react at all, it seemed that he was drunk and passed out, no different from a dead person, and he couldn't wake up at all.


Liu Xu sighed, what should I do now?

He saw a mobile phone on the sofa next to a handbag.

Liu Xu took it over, and began to look for the phone numbers inside, but all the phone numbers were unfamiliar.

I don't know which number can help her, and I haven't found her home number, and if I contact someone rashly at this time, it is likely to attract paparazzi.

"Leaving Yaodi here is absolutely impossible." Liu Xu no longer hesitated, picked up the high-heeled shoe, held Yaodi's little foot, and put the high-heeled shoe on. The little foot felt very good in the hand. It's soft, and you can tell it's tender when you touch it, but he's not in the mood to appreciate it now.

Then put another high-heeled shoe on Yaodi's foot, and then wrapped the tablecloth tightly. Liu Xu straightened her up and sat down. He picked up the handbag and hung it around his neck, and stretched out one hand to hug her. Holding her slender waist, he lifted her onto his shoulders.

Drunken people are dead, but fortunately this woman is not too heavy, she is light and soft, but for Liu Xulai, even if she is carrying a car, it is not a big problem.

Liu Xu grabbed the two beautiful legs in stockings with one hand, supported Yaodi's buttocks with the other, and walked out of the box.

When he was about to pass the front desk, a female cashier stopped him and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, please wait a moment, can you settle this lady's account?"

"Oh!" Liu Xu took out the card, "How much is it?"

"The total is 5596 yuan." The female cashier said, and at the same time handed the bill to him.

There was still enough cash on him, so Liu Xu generously threw it on the counter and asked the cashier to count it by himself.

After paying the bill, Liu Xu walked out of the restaurant.

At the entrance of the restaurant, Liu Xu reached out and stopped a taxi.

He put Yaodi in, moved her inside, straightened her to sit upright, followed suit, and closed the car door.

"Where are you going? Brother." The brother in the car asked.

Yes, where does Yaodi live?

Liu Xu pushed Yaodi a few times, trying to wake her up, but it was in vain, and it was inconvenient to take her back to the villa in this state.

Just when he was about to ask the taxi driver to find a random hotel, he saw Yaodi's handbag around his neck, and Liu Xu took it off.

"Wait, let me take a look." Liu Xu turned over Yaodi's handbag.

A bunch of keys, a cosmetic box, a few lipsticks, a stack of banknotes, a few bank cards, a pack of beautifully wrapped flesh-colored stockings, and a white envelope.

He picked up the white envelope and looked at it. It was a bank credit card statement with an address written on it.

The payment was received by Yaodi.

Liu Xu reported the address to the taxi driver.

Just as he was about to drive the car out, Liu Xu saw the waiter who had chased him back running to the car window, looked at him, and knocked on the window.

Liu Xu rolled down the window.

"I'm sorry, sir, can you return the tablecloth to me." He said with a sorry face, "It's in the box, so it's hard to say if it's lost."

"Oh, take it!" Liu Xu tore off the tablecloth from Yao Di without looking at it, and handed it to the waiter.

The car drove out quickly.

Along the way, the street lights are bright, the road is very quiet, there are fewer bustling sounds than in the daytime, and the rustling of wheels can be clearly heard.

This Yao Di didn't know what was going on, he had such a big fight with Wen Zhang, and was beaten, and he was drunk like mud.

However, Wen Zhang was hit by Liu Xu's soul-losing curse, which can be regarded as a relief for Yao Di.

Oh, by the way, Tan Huanxi was hit by the Lost Soul Curse.

Just as Liu Xu was thinking, a head leaned on his shoulder suddenly, and a wisp of feminine fragrance rushed into his nostrils mixed with the smell of alcohol.

It was Yaodi, she fell asleep and leaned over unintentionally.

Liu Xu turned his head away, trying to straighten her up.

When he turned his head, the scene he saw was destined to be deeply embedded in Liu Xu's memory.

I saw Yao flute Suyue Hun Dalu, a showman's criminal appearance.


Liu Xu swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva with difficulty, panted heavily, looked over the thick black belt and a few strands of cloth, and then glanced down...

Oh, it's really fatal, Liu Xu suddenly became dry mouth and tongue, and had difficulty breathing.

The normally slender and flamboyant female star of a TV drama was once again exposed in front of her. It was a world of difference from her usual well-dressed, elegant and enigmatic appearance on the screen.

Liu Xu, who had been drinking, couldn't stand such confounding words. For a moment, his heart was surging, his blood was surging, and he was unbearably hot.

Touch it, she will never know.

No, she just got emotionally hurt!

However, having said that, it is precisely because of being hurt that I need a man's comfort even more!

So, just touch it!

Touch it and you won't get pregnant.

Manly man, when it's time to shoot, shoot.

Liu Xu leaned over slightly, stretched out five fingers, and touched Yaodi tremblingly. His eyes were wide open, he swallowed, his hand was getting closer and closer, and he was about to touch the perfect ball.

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