Xiaoya followed Liu Xu to her hospital bed. A middle-aged woman was sitting in front of Wang Xiaoya's bed with a haggard look. From the woman's face, it could be seen that she was somewhat similar to Wang Xiaoya.

Liu Xu knows that this should be Wang Xiaoya's mother, hehe, isn't he a bit like a son-in-law meeting his mother-in-law!

Xiaoya's mother also saw Liu Xu walking in, she managed to hold up a smile, nodded to Liu Xu, and said, "You are Xiaoya's classmate, and you must be very good friends to see her so late. "

Liu Xu couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Xiaoya and I are not only good friends, I will be your son-in-law soon."

But Liu Xu still said politely: "Auntie, I'm really sorry, it's so late. I just heard about it, so I rushed here. How is Xiaoya now?"

"It's been seven days, and I've been looking forward to her waking up every minute." Xiaoya's mother said with a sad look on her face.

Liu Xu showed a surprised look: "That is to say, you have been staying here for the past seven days?"

Liu Xu naturally knew all these things, but in order to unravel Wang Xiaoya's knots, he had to do this, otherwise, Liu Xu would have no way to explain why he knew so much.

Xiaoya's mother sat down by the bed, looked at Xiaoya lying on the hospital bed, and said with heartache: "You must think that I am not a good mother."

Xiaoya's mother sighed heavily.

"That's true. Is there any mother in this world who doesn't love her daughter? I divorced her father very early because I never remarried because of Xiaoya. I worked hard to earn money so that she could receive the best education. The best future. Now that I think about it, I ignored her for money, I'm not a good mother..."


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 448 Wang Xiaoya Resurrection

Hearing her mother's words, Xiaoya burst into tears, feeling extremely sorry.

"Xiaoya, don't blame mom. If there is a future, mom must be like other mothers, holding her daughter's hand and listening to what she has to say. Xiaoya, wake up, wake up, child..."

Xiaoya's mother broke down in tears, and Xiaoya was also moved and burst into tears.

She knew that she had always misunderstood her mother, who had paid so much for her, yet she still misunderstood her mother so much.

Wang Xiaoya looked at Liu Xu beside her with tears, and said sincerely, "Thank you!"

Xiaoya's soul began to dissipate, turning into dots of light, returning to her body.

"Auntie, look, Xiaoya's fingers are moving." Liu Xu suddenly screamed, with a look of surprise on his face.

Xiaoya's mother also felt her daughter's fingers moving, and exclaimed in surprise: "Xiaoya! Child!"

Wang Xiaoya slowly opened her eyes, and she was deeply moved when she saw her surprised mother and Liu Xu who was standing aside and looking at her.

"I'm sorry mom, I blamed you."

"Liu Xu, thank God for bestowing you on me."

A smile appeared on Liu Xu's face, and he said, "Auntie, you two chat first, I'll go buy some rice porridge."

At this time, a ray of sunlight came in from the curtains, and it was another new day.

Although Wang Xiaoya woke up, but the physical injury caused by the car accident itself, she still needs to be hospitalized for a period of recuperation, a hundred days of injury!


On this day, Yang Shu introduced a few friends to Liu Xu, saying that he and Gu Qingqing should go to dinner together for a meal.

"No problem." Naturally, Liu Xu would not miss the opportunity to expand his contacts and clients, but Gu Qingqing was temporarily called away by Lily, saying that she broke up with her boyfriend and that she was going to commit suicide...

Although she knew [-]% that it was Lily's excuse, Gu Qingqing went anyway. This is what Liu Xu likes about her, and she is very interesting to her friends.

There was no way, Liu Xu had to go to the dinner by himself, so he called Shen Meizhuang.

Shen Meizhuang agreed to go together, but he had to dress up a bit so as not to embarrass his godbrother.

In the evening, Shen Meizhuang drove Liu Xu to Jingjiang Hotel. Zhang Bowen and a person were waiting in the parking lot.

As Yang Shu's personal assistant, Zhang Bowen introduced each other with a smile.

"This is the Master Liu I told you about. This beauty is even more powerful. She is Master Liu's sister! This is Mr. Yang's friend, Mr. Shang of Anyao Fire Equipment Engineering Company."

Mr. Shang is about forty years old, gentle and handsome, with flawless grooming all over his body.

"Master Liu, hello. Ms. Shen, hello." Boss Shang offered to extend his hand.

After exchanging pleasantries, the four of them entered the Jingjiang Hotel. On the way into the private room, they met four or five people. Mr. Shang actually knew two of them, both of whom were members of the police department.

After entering the private room, the people inside stood up one after another, and there were five people inside.

Everyone introduced each other.

Either the director or the boss of the company, Liu Xu didn't care much anyway.

After sitting down and ordering, the menu circled around the dining table and returned to Liu Xu's hands.

Tonight's dinner was only held for Liu Xu. The news about his treatment of poplars has been spread in a small circle, but it has not been confirmed. Now these guys are completely speculative, but if it is true, they probably won't be there. what's the matter.

At the dinner table, everyone was toasting Liu Xu.

After another round of toasting, Shen Meizhuang asked: "It seems that you are the protagonist tonight?"

Zhang Boxen glanced at her to see that Liu Xu didn't stop her, and then told her the news that Liu Xu would be cured.

As a result, everyone's eyes lit up, and they toasted more frequently.

Shen Meizhuang looked at Liu Xu tenderly, and said, "Xiao Xu is a capable person."

"No matter how smart you are, you're not as smart as sister Shen." Liu Xu said with a smile.

Shen Meizhuang gave Liu Xu a white look, Feng was full of emotions, and then Shen made a move to straighten Liu Xu's wrinkled clothes.

The eyes of the men present immediately fell on Shen Meizhuang, no matter where the beautiful women were, they were always the focus of men's attention.

However, they all have rich experience, and they can tell the difference between Shen Meizhuang and Liu Xu at a glance.

Seeing this situation, Mr. Shang had an idea in his heart, how about matching the two?

He immediately ordered a bottle of red wine, and when the wine came, Boss Shang poured it out in a new glass, handed it to Shen Meizhuang, smiled and said: "Beauty Shen, there are nine people here, except you are all drinking, you don't drink, Not interesting enough."

Shen Meizhuang raised the juice in front of him, took a sip, and said, "I don't drink."

"You didn't drink alcohol before because of a bad heart. Now that Master Liu is treating you for you, what are you afraid of? Drinking less red wine is not only harmless, but also good for your health. Drink a glass, just drink it as fruit juice." Mr. Shang said with a smile .

Director Wu immediately booed: "Yes, it's good to have a drink. Wine is the essence of food. The more you drink, the younger you will be."

Shen Meizhuang looked at Liu Xu, and found that he was looking at him with a smile, and said, "Xiao Xu, what should you do at this time?"

"If it's beer and white wine, I will definitely block it for you. As for red wine, it's fine to drink a few sips." Liu Xu said.

"Well, I don't understand why you men always like to drink."

Shen Meizhuang said, picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and immediately frowned.

"It's so hard to drink!" Shen Meizhuang's coquettish appearance was that of a very embarrassed girl, which made all the men in the room laugh together.

Everyone continued to chat, and Shen Meizhuang occasionally took a sip of red wine.

Her drinking capacity was extremely poor, after only one drink, red clouds appeared on her face, her eyes were particularly bright, and she smiled beautifully.

Shen Meizhuang rested his chin on his hand, glanced at other people occasionally, and looked at Liu Xu with a smile most of the time.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 449 The Legs Under the Table

After a while, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Shen Meizhuang's face.

She quietly took off the high-heeled shoe on her right foot under the table, then stretched out her jade feet wrapped in silk stockings, inserted them into Liu Xu's trouser legs, and then gently rubbed Liu Xu's calves with the tips of her toes through the stockings.

Liu Xu gave Shen Meizhuang a helpless look, and then continued talking to the others.

Shen Meizhuang quickly withdrew his feet again. At this time, he was talking about Liu Xu's ability to heal diseases with qigong, and also to read and tell fortunes.

Of course, in fact, my brother is best at catching ghosts. Even if he drank too much, Liu Xu would not tell them this kind of thing.

Mr. Shang hurriedly said: "Master Liu, can you help me see how my fortune is?"

"Okay." Liu Xu said, and looked at Boss Shang using the qi-watching technique.

At the same time, Liu Xu felt something suddenly poke between his legs, and he immediately understood that Shen Meizhuang was playing a prank.

He was afraid that others would find out, so he didn't bow his head, and slowly grabbed it with his right hand.

Before Liu Xu touched Shen Meizhuang's feet, he felt something gently rubbing there.

Xia Tian wore thin clothes, and that strange feeling immediately made Liu Xu very uncomfortable.

Liu Xu clamped his legs and clamped Shen Meizhuang's feet, but Shen Meizhuang was still dishonest, and his toes kept twisting.

Liu Xu's hand just appeared and grabbed Shen Meizhuang's little foot.

The stockings are smooth and the feet are like jade.

Shen Meizhuang's breathing became heavier, his face turned even redder, and he tried to pull back his feet, but Liu Xu grabbed him tightly.

Mr. Shang asked nervously, "What do you see?"

Others also waited for the result.

Under the table, Liu Xu's right hand grasped Shen Meizhuang's jade feet, and on the table, Liu Xu said solemnly, "I'll take another look."

He pretended to glance at Shen Meizhuang casually.

The two looked at each other, then quickly moved away.

Shen Meizhuang gritted her silver teeth, feeling ashamed and annoyed, her feet felt itchy, which made her weak all over, the redness on her face became more intense, and her eyes seemed to have spring water in them.

Shen Meizhuang was itching badly, mixed with other feelings, which made her subconsciously want to clamp her legs, but her legs were clamped by Liu Xu's legs, she couldn't do it, so she had to try her best to close her lips, for fear of making a sound .

Liu Xu was calm on the surface, but his heart was beating violently. He was suddenly not sure whether he was holding on to Shen Meizhuang's feet because he wanted to punish her, or because he didn't want to let go.

The eyes of the two met again, seeing the indescribable desire deep in each other's eyes, they immediately staggered away.

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