I heard that there are unspoken rules in the business of sales girls. They occasionally provide special services to big customers for the sake of commission, but I didn't expect that he would run into them.

"For example, if you choose to pay the full amount at once, I may bring you some small surprises." The corners of Yu Xiaoyu's mouth curled up, and his tone was full of strange taste.

"Oh? Then I'm really looking forward to it! If you can satisfy me, I may consider paying a sum of money first." The corners of Liu Xu's mouth also curled up, and his eyes gradually became hot. "If you are satisfied with the house, it is no problem to pay in full."

He never thought of himself as an upright gentleman. Since people have said that so bluntly, what is there to shirk?

He had heard before that the unspoken rules of this industry were approaching the entertainment industry, but he really didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to encounter it.

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Yu Xiaoyu's eyes lit up instantly.

The intent deposit is almost equivalent to the deposit. Although she does not get a commission for receiving the intent deposit alone, the customers who have paid the intent deposit are basically satisfied with the house.

Whether to buy it or not depends on her efforts.

"Mr. Liu keeps his word!" Yu Xiaoyu smiled, then gracefully put down her long legs and left the seat.

The back seat of the car is only that big, where will she go when she gets out of the seat?What are you going to do?

Liu Xu seems to know what the purpose of this spacious design is. Naturally, it is convenient for guests to have a suitable space, and "consider" whether to buy a house?

Those who want to be crooked go to the corner and draw circles by themselves!


Time passed quietly in the gallop of the Mercedes-Benz.

The car drove very smoothly. Of course, Liu Xu might have been distracted and didn't notice this detail.

After tidying up his appearance a little, Yu Xiaoyu returned to his previous demeanor yet dignified.

Don't get it wrong, she just messed up her skirt in the car.

Then, he took a document from the side and handed it to Liu Xu with a smile.

If it wasn't for the fact that the joy was so real, Liu Xu would have been unimaginable that this beauty in the workplace is actually such a coquettish person.

Stretching out his hand to tease Yu Xiaoyu's messy hair, Liu Xu accepted the letter of intent under her smiling eyes, signed his name after scanning his eyes, and then took out his bank card and swiped it on the wireless POS machine .

He paid the 100 million intent payment without blinking an eye.

Seeing Liu Xu's appearance as a local tyrant, Yu Xiaoyu's eyes became even hotter, and the scorching gaze almost softened his bones.

If she didn't know that she was about to reach her destination, she really wanted to have another dessert with him right here.

The luxury car stopped at the gate of the community, the driver rolled down the window and handed out the identity card, pasted it on the card reader next to the window, and then the barrier bar slowly opened.

Liu Xu saw through the window that the security guards on duty at the entrance of the community were all tall and tall, with electric batons attached to their waists.

Although I don't know how strong they are, but judging from their military posture, these people should all be retired soldiers or armed police.

Indeed, as Liu Xu guessed, the more than 50 security guards on duty in this villa complex full of rich people are all good soldiers in the army who can fight and climb, and have no record of violating discipline.

After all, it is a "high" property fee of 5 yuan per square meter. You can't raise a bunch of idiots, can you?

In the 6 years since the establishment of this community, it is not that there have been burglars who have not thought about this place, but none of them has the ability to touch the residents' homes.

Among these security guards, there are many experts from the reconnaissance company. If you can beat these people?

Hehe, boy, what kind of thief are you? Are you interested in working in Guoan?

The luxury car passed through the spacious aisle smoothly and drove to the deepest part of the community.

The whole community is buckled in a "bowl shape" on the artificial highland by the river, overlooking the beautiful scenery of the entire Huangpu River, and Liu Xu's villa is located in the center near the "bowl mouth".

"The residents living here are either rich or expensive. Living here is not only a kind of enjoyment in life, but you can also meet many interesting neighbors."

The implication of Yu Xiaoyu's words is that the help to his career should not be underestimated.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 477

Liu Xu didn't pay too much attention to this aspect, he just smiled and didn't comment.

Career is one aspect, but the quality of life must not be compromised, otherwise is it still a social animal?It's just that the price is so high.

Since it is a house bought for enjoying life, the first consideration is naturally the level of comfort.

As for those neighbors who are either rich or expensive?Liu Xu had a hunch that as long as he showed a little bit of real ability, they would take the initiative to come to visit him in an endless stream.

The car stopped steadily at the door of the villa, Yu Xiaoyu got out of the car first, and then took the initiative to open the door for Liu Xu, a big local tyrant.

I saw this chick took out the door card and swiped it on the door, and the sliding iron door opened automatically.

"After checking in, the security system of the gate of the villa will be updated, and you can even open the gate through the APP launched by our company. Of course, I recommend using a special electronic key to start it." Yu Xiaoyu blinked playfully, and then attracted Liu Xu entered the villa.

Behind the European-style high walls is a different world.

Neat green lawns, straight bluestone brick paths, and buildings with both European classicism and modern minimalism styles blend together two almost diametrically opposite architectural styles without any contradiction.

Generous floor-to-ceiling windows form the first floor structure of the villa, and the clean white cubes fill the rest of the villa as a whole, making it both generous and elegant.

The four-story building stands out from the crowd of three-story villas around it.

What satisfied Liu Xu the most in the whole villa was the round egg-shaped swimming pool in the backyard. It was just like the annotation beside the photo. Liu Xu just pressed a button, and the vault rotated and converged towards the bottom in a spiral shape, turning into a off the road to the swimming pool.

The heating device at the bottom can also quickly and accurately heat the water temperature to the set value. Although these tall designs may not be very practical, they perfectly satisfy the curiosity-seeking psychology of an upstart like Liu Xu.

While explaining the various high-end functions of the villa to him, Yu Xiaoyu led him into the villa.

As for the interior of the villa, he was even more satisfied.

This kind of model villa needs to be advertised, so the supporting decoration is usually completed after it is built, and even the corresponding furniture has been fully configured.

Of course, if the customer is not satisfied with the decoration, he can also choose a favorite scheme from various design schemes, and Wanhua Real Estate will redecorate the interior of the villa on the original basis according to the customer's instructions.

However, Liu Xu is already very satisfied with the decoration here. The living room with the main color of black and white looks very comfortable, and the artistic furniture that complements the scenery can't be picky.

After all, this is all personally designed by the masters in the industry. Although Liu Xu can't tell what the advantages are, but it looks comfortable and comfortable to use, so he will naturally not be satisfied.

Next to it is the dining room, followed by the kitchen.

Needless to say, in terms of equipment and decoration, it is still impeccable.

Following Yu Meimei up the stairs, the second floor of the villa is basically designed with comfort as the core of the design.

This floor is dominated by bedrooms. What surprised Liu Xu is that the style of each bedroom has a microsecond difference. This is also designed in consideration of allowing the head of the household to choose a bedroom that suits his mood.

For example, the bedroom just now has a modern minimalist style with black and white cool tones, but this bedroom has a romantic and warm style with warm colors as the main color.

That bed is more interesting, and it can vibrate at the touch of a switch.

The design of the third and fourth floors is basically a continuation of the overall design idea of ​​the whole building. Each floor has a bathroom and two extra bedrooms.

In addition, there are some vacant rooms, which are convenient for the head of the household to transform them into activity rooms that suit his appetite according to his own preferences.

Such as gym, study room, studio and so on.

Standing on the roof terrace overlooking the river view, feeling the breeze blowing on your face.

Although it is still midsummer, there is a bit of coolness in the wind.

This may be related to the surrounding greenery, and there is no such hot atmosphere in the city that is so close.

"That's right, it's a good place to live at home." Liu Xu nodded in satisfaction in front of Yu Xiaoyu.

The lush greenery, elegant environment, and luxurious and comfortable design are indeed worthy of his price.

It is more "modern" than the "retro-style" villa in the last days. It is really impeccable as a nest for home life and luxury enjoyment... and it is not far from the warehouse in the suburbs.

Just over [-] million soft sister coins.

Perhaps it was because the money came so easily that Liu Xu didn't even feel agitated in his heart.

Yu Meimei, who secretly observed the expression on Liu Xu's face, burst into joy. It was the first time she met such a bold client.

Although there were many local tyrants who spent a lot of money to buy villas before, it was the first one who nodded to Liu Xu on the first day of viewing the house so readily.

If this kind of person is not taken advantage of, then it can only be the kind that really has a certain amount of money.

From Yu Xiaoyu's point of view, Liu Xu obviously belongs to the latter.

"If I pay in full, I don't know what surprise you will give me?" Liu Xu suddenly looked at Yu Xiaoyu with a smirk, and reached out to gently touch her cheek.

Liu Xu, who already knew how coquettish this woman was, naturally wouldn't be as reserved as when he first saw her.

It is always easier to "make a mistake" the second time than the first time.

"For this level of villas, although our company cannot provide discounts, according to the cooperation agreement signed between our company and Maybach Automobile Company, we will configure a newly launched Maybach S1 for the head of the house who purchases more than 600 million yuan. Luxury car." Yu Xiaoyu explained to Liu Xu with a smile: "Currently, this model has a price but no market!"


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 478 Trying to see if the house works?

Liu Xu has also heard about the Maybach S600.

It is said that the estimated selling price overseas is US$570465, or about RMB 356.8 million.

Of course, those who can afford a [-] million yuan luxury house will definitely not be short of this money.

But this kind of heart is always there, and it is definitely not as comfortable as giving a luxury car directly at a discount.

This is also a sales strategy.

"That's not what I mean, what I want to ask is what surprises 'you' can bring me." Liu Xu grinned badly, biting the word "you" hard.

He didn't pay much attention to the discount that he had already got. Now that he has decided to buy a house, how can he not get some "benefits" from the chick in front of him?

Eat marrow to know the taste!

It's hard to learn well, but isn't it easy to learn bad?

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