Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 480 The workplace is like a battlefield

At this time, Yu Xiaoyu, who was enjoying the support among the crowd, suddenly noticed a person, that Mano who was still standing at the front desk in a daze.

Didn't come to flatter my wife?

Yu Xiaoyu frowned slightly, and then thought that this little girl who had not been here for a long time seemed to have some conflicts with Liu Chen, so a mocking smile appeared on her face inadvertently.

"I really don't have Mr. Liu's phone number. How could such a big man like me fall in love with a small employee like me?" Yu Xiaoyu said pitifully, and then "accidentally" suddenly discovered Mano, so she said "joyfully" Said: "Ah, I remembered, Mano seems to be Mr. Liu's classmate, we might as well ask her about it!"

The beauties were taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

Mano's face was livid, and she naturally heard the mockery in the laughter.

Its meaning is nothing more than: "You little bitch, you even went through the game with five people, and you got poorly mixed up and barely passed the performance. In the end, all the pies that fell from the sky were delivered to your mouth Instead, it didn't bite, and it was sent out in a daze. Isn't this a typical evil pen?"

"I, I don't know, I'm not familiar with him..." Mano stammered, she lied, not only did she know him very well, but also had one-night sex.

However, it's too late to say anything. It would have been great if Yiyepa had developed into Yeyepa at the beginning.

Mano's face was full of humiliation and unwillingness, he lowered his head and packed up the things at hand, and walked away quickly with his bag.

Anyway, it was already time to get off work, she just wanted to get out of this place that made her feel ashamed.

As for the mocking laughter behind her, she could no longer hear it.

This is not the first time she has felt the warmth and coldness of this society.

From the beginning to the end, she never reflected on her own reasons.

She hated Liu Xu, hated the arrogant Yu Xiaoyu, and even hated the cold-faced "Passerby A (Zhao Liying)".

Resentment mixed with grievance and unwillingness, fermented like poison, spreading in her heart.

Satisfied to see the lost dog-like expression on the face of the little receptionist Manuo, Yu Xiaoyu showed no guilt or soft-heartedness on his face.

Because she knows very well that if this small front desk really gets the [-] million-billion-dollar business, she may have to give up her position as a sales manager. At this moment, she will have to stand by her side and lower her figure. Complimenting the little bitch she used to look down on.

The workplace is like a battlefield, especially a workplace full of women, which is even more tragic.

Therefore, she does not need to show mercy, and no one will sympathize with that Mano.

They will only take the opportunity to add insult to injury and show their "loyalty" to this unshakable boss.

Three days later, Azure Cartier.

Guo Haizao walked over carefully, like a child who has done something wrong, lowered his head and said: "Landlord, you said those bad guys won't come to me anymore, can I go home now?"

"Well, then I'll take you back!" Liu Xu got up and looked at Shen Meizhuang.

Shen Meizhuang stretched his waist, yawned, patted his open mouth with his hand, and said, "I'm going to bed early tonight, and I'm not on my way. I'll leave after watching the news, and I won't see you off."

Ran Jing on the side smiled and said, "I knew Sister Shen was the most understanding, right, landlord?"

The last two words completely imitate Guo Haizao's soft and soft voice.

Guo Haizao lowered his head even lower.

"Let's go!"

Guo Haizao raised his head and said in a low voice, "I'll go back by myself!"

Liu Xu stared, Guo Haizao immediately shut up, not daring to speak again.

Liu Xu and Guo Haizao went upstairs and left with their suitcases.

Not long after, the two came to Guo Haizao, got out of the car, and walked home.

Liu Xu glanced at Guo Haizao again, and found that the bad luck on her body had indeed disappeared, but the frustration was still there, only a little less than before, so he asked, "How is your father?"

Guo Haizao sighed helplessly, she was very cute.

"He turned off the phone, he should be drunk and sleeping at home."

"What are you going to do in the future?"

"I don't know, let's take one step at a time!" Guo Haizao was very distressed, and his pure face was full of melancholy.

"Don't be discouraged, as long as you have confidence, you will be able to seize the opportunity." Liu Xu encouraged her.

"Thank you, landlord." Guo Haizao smiled embarrassedly.

On the seventh floor, Guo Haizao took out the key to open the door, but she couldn't open it anyway. She looked carefully and said suspiciously, "It seems that the lock has been changed."

"Who's outside?" There was a shout from inside the room, and then there was a click, and the door was opened, revealing a middle-aged man with a vigilant expression.

Liu Xu pulled Guo Haizao behind him and looked at the middle-aged man.

"Who are you? Where is Guo Guangming?" Liu Xu knew that Guo Guangming had already left the city.

"Are you his relatives? He didn't tell you? He said he couldn't repay the loan and asked for another [-]. The house would belong to our loan company, and we would just give him [-]. Now the house is ours."

Liu Xu knew that Guo Guangming was a scumbag for abandoning his wife and daughter, but only now did he know that calling him a scumbag was definitely a compliment to him.

Guo Haizao stayed where he was, tears gathered in his eyes, and finally shed quietly.

Guo Haizao's silent crying was heartbreaking. Liu Xu quickly stepped forward to hug her, and said comfortingly, "Don't cry, don't cry."

Guo Haizao cried for a while, raised his head, with tears in his eyes, and said softly, "Landlord, I have no home."

Liu Xu felt distressed, hugged her tightly, and said, "Don't be afraid, you will live with me from now on. I am here, and your home is here!"

Guo Haizao couldn't bear it any longer, sobbed loudly, buried his head in Liu Xu's mouth, his body twitched non-stop, and wept non-stop.

Liu Xu was very distressed, and patted her on the back lightly. He really didn't understand why such a cute, docile, and beautiful girl had to suffer so much.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 481 You young couples, don't be so open...

After Guo Haizao's mother passed away, this house was her last memorial and evidence that she once had a family, but it was buried by her dearest father.

Being betrayed by relatives and friends is the most unbearable pain.

Liu Xu patted Guo Haizao on the back, and said: "Perhaps, when you and I met, it was your mother's spirit in heaven who guided you and sent you to my hands. From now on, you, me, Ran Jing, sister Shen, It's all family. I'll always be your landlord as long as you want."

Guo Haizao continued to cry, but her heart kept repeating the same three words.

I do!I do!I do!

Guo Haizao's inner protection finally collapsed.

Liu Xu suddenly felt that his luck had changed. His heart moved and he looked at Guo Haizao's luck.

Guo Haizao's crimson aura was originally only as thick as a little finger, but now it suddenly soared to the thickness of a thumb, and it is still growing. It will soon be as thick as two fingers, which can be called a one-in-a-million luck.

Originally, the plume of her vigorous qi flowed slowly, but now, it erupted upwards like a blowout, which showed that she was willing to give everything she had to one person and help him with all her strength, even if it meant death!

Liu Xu was extremely moved. At this time, the only person Guo Haizao was willing to help was him.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't leave, I, Liu Xu, will make you happy forever." Liu Xu couldn't help but say what was in his heart.

Guo Haizao's body trembled slightly, his arms hugged Liu Xu tighter, and his head was buried deeper.

"Thank you, my...landlord." Guo Haizao said softly.

The two of them hugged like this without saying a word, something unspeakable was brewing in the hearts of the two of them, and both of them felt that the other's heart beat faster.

The middle-aged man coughed lightly, and said, "I said, you young couples, don't be so open...cough cough, there is still a big living person standing beside you."

Guo Haizao immediately let go of Liu Xu in surprise, turned around, and pretended to wipe away tears to cover up, Liu Xu's face was full of displeasure.

Liu Xu coughed lightly and said, "She is Guo Mingguang's daughter. I want to buy this house, will you sell it?"

"Of course!"

However, Guo Haizao suddenly grabbed Liu Xu's sleeve, shook his head slightly, and said with his head down: "Landlord, don't spend any more money for me, I can't afford it."

Liu Xu held Guo Haizao's hand with his left hand, and said, "Anyway, I have already lent you money, so it doesn't matter if I borrow it a second time. I just came back from Hong Kong and can afford it."

Guo Haizao raised his head and shook his head, his red eyes were full of sadness.

"This is a relic left by my mother, but now, I can't protect it at all. If I live here, I will suffocate to death. Landlord, I have to make money by myself and buy my house back. Otherwise, I will have no face to see my mother."

Liu Xu sighed inwardly, she had already been heartbroken by her father, and if she lived here now, she might be sad all the time, so she might as well leave for now.

However, Liu Xu had other plans.

"Okay, you go into the house to pack your things, take your things away, and live with me first." Liu Xu said.

Guo Haizao said coyly, "I'll rent a house to live in. If it's really not possible, I'll stay at a relative's house for a few days first."

Liu Xu snorted softly and asked, "Have you forgotten the lesson from the previous few days?"

Guo Haizao blushed, turned and ran into the house.

The middle-aged man felt sorry for Guo Haizao, and when Guo Haizao entered the room, he whispered to Liu Xu, "Everything in this room belongs to our company, so why don't you let her take it away?"

Liu Xu asked: "I want this house, but let's contact privately, don't let Haizao know."

"Okay!" The middle-aged man glanced at Liu Xu and readily agreed, but in his heart, he probably already thought that Liu Xu was a rich second generation who was willing to spend a lot of money to pick up girls.

The two exchanged contact information.

Not long after, Guo Haizao came out of the bedroom, struggling to carry a large luggage bag, and at the same time dragging a large bundle packed with sheets.

The middle-aged man hurried over, picked up the heaviest burden, and said with a smile: "My van is downstairs, it's inconvenient for you to carry so many things, I'll send them to you!"

"Thank you very much." Liu Xu took Guo Haizao's luggage bag, and then carried the previous suitcase, and went downstairs together.

The middle-aged man took Liu Xu and Guo Haizao to the side of a van and put things in it.

"Where do you live?"

"Azure Cartier."

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