There was a flash of panic in Zhang Zeling's eyes, then he turned his head and looked out the window.

One to the left and one to the right.

It was very quiet in the car.

Lu Ziqiao immediately said, "Liu Xu, you don't have a girlfriend yet, do you?"

"Yes, two." Liu Xu knew that Lu Ziqiao was out for his own good, and even dragged him to the party, most likely to match him and Zhang Zeling.

Lu Ziqiao opened his mouth, but in the end he just gave a thumbs up, meaning, you are awesome.

While driving, Wang Li said with a smile: "Liu Xu, I haven't seen you for a few years. You have become more handsome, and your body has become much stronger. I just saw you and regretted it. I should have chased you back then. let go!"

Lu Ziqiao said bitterly, "Then what should I do?"

"What do you do? You didn't dare to chase me before, but now that I'm married, you dare?" Wang Li said bluntly: "Besides, don't think that I don't know about you after you graduate. Do you want me to marry you?" Call Chen Meijia now and tell me about your Fengliu history over the years!"

Lu Ziqiao immediately looked like a deflated ball, and Liu Xu couldn't help laughing.

The car became quiet again, and the noise from outside continued to reach everyone's ears.

Liu Xu always felt that he couldn't calm down, so he forced himself to think about other things.

Suddenly, his heart moved and he looked at Zhang Zeling.

Liu Xu didn't expect Zhang Zezhen's luck to be so peculiar.

The charm of pink is far more than big. The legs are thick, and the waist of those who meet the standard is thicker. They are more charming than Gong Xinliang. Among the people Liu Xu has ever met, the charm is the most, and the level is truly alluring.

"It's no wonder that countless boys have pursued her since she was a child. This level of coquettishness is definitely no less than that of the most famous female stars in China. However, most of the coquettishness of those female stars is attached to fame. More than half of the coquettishness is just transparent. Once her reputation is damaged, her charm will decrease rapidly, and Xiaoying is a real national beauty, and she will not be changed by foreign things." Liu Xu thought to himself.

She couldn't see any man's charm around her charm, but Liu Xu could sense the charm, that's because too many people wanted to chase her.

Even if she refuses, Liu Xu can sense it if they are gathered together.

She has a lot of deep red vigor, as thick as a wrist, as much as Gong Xinliang and Guo Haizao now, a typical Wangfu look.

In Zhang Zezhen's body, Liu Xu saw a rare luck for the first time.

Talented, showing a beautiful orange.

Talent is a person's luck in art, and it also affects other non-art professional abilities. For example, famous scientists can also have talent.

Zhang Zeling's talent is as thick as two fingers, which is already very remarkable. She is a ballet dancer and has such talent.

It is enough to rank among the top ballet dancers in the country, even if it wins the top four ballet competitions in Varna, Moscow, Jackson and Helsinki, it is not impossible.

Zhang Zezhen has very little wealth, and no blessing or nobility at all.

This point is different from the Zhang Zeling who was rumored to be from a wealthy family that Liu Xu knew. Moreover, the milk tea sister has not (will it be?) met Liu Qiangdong.

On Zhang Zezhen's body, there are many small sicknesses, which are as thick as chopsticks when accumulated. This should be the damage caused by practicing ballet for many years.

As for the mildew smell from the needle point, Liu Xu didn't take it to heart.

What made Liu Xu regretful was that Zhang Zelian had a depression that was as thick as a little finger. After years of accumulation, the depression had become very thick, and it would soon reach the thickness of a thumb, which was extremely difficult to eradicate.

Frustration has a very serious negative impact on people's psychology. Liu Xu now understands why Zhang Zeling doesn't want to laugh.

In the end, Liu Xu saw Zhang Zezhen's longevity as thick as a toothpick, and his heart seemed to be grabbed, revealing an unconcealable sadness.

If nothing else happened, Zhang Zeling wouldn't live for three years!


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 486 He Wants To Do Bad Things To Me

A confidante has a bad life, Liu Xu kept thinking silently in his heart, but since he saw it, he wouldn't let Zhang Zeling's concubine die like this.

Taking advantage of his spare time, Liu Xu turned on his mobile phone and entered the Weixin group of the "Food Food League". It was inconvenient to talk now, so he sent a text message and told him about attending the party. He will either come back late tonight, or he won't come back.

Several women expressed their reassurance to him.

After a while, Wang Li drove to a corner of Ningda Square. Seven or eight cars were parked together, and more than [-] people of similar age stood together, chatting and laughing.

"I'll just wait for you guys!" Qu Tang was leaning on a BMW Z4 and waved vigorously.

The four of them got off the car together, and those people cheered and gathered around, some went towards Wang Li, some towards Zhang Zezhen, a few who played with Liu Xu and Lu Ziqiao back then, came to say hello, and a few others Standing aside did not speak.

Many people haven't seen each other for many years, and they immediately talked non-stop when they met. The scene was very lively, especially when they had a good relationship back then, no matter how you look at it, they feel cordial.

However, Lu Ziqiao suddenly changed his face, and whispered to Liu Xu: "Look there, why is he here? There is a problem, there must be a big problem!"

Liu Xu looked in the direction Lu Ziqiao said, frowning slightly.

It was an extremely handsome young man with a dark gray shirt, black trousers and leather shoes, leaning against a metallic blue Lamborghini, looking a bit out of the crowd.

Liu Xu and this person's eyes met.

The man smiled slightly, threw down the cigarette butt, and walked over with unrestrained steps. The students around him suddenly stopped talking and looked at Liu Xu and the man.

The man walked up to Liu Xu, took the initiative to make a move, and said with a smile: "Liu Xu, thank you for preventing me from making mistakes back then. I will always remember your kindness. After the party, you must honor me and attend my birthday party."

Liu Xu also smiled, reached out to hold each other, and said with the same smile: "Miao Qinian, long time no see."

Almost everyone saw invisible sparks in the eyes of these two men, and then they secretly looked at Zhang Zeling.

Everyone in the class remembers the story of these two boys and one girl.

One blocked Zhang Zeling in the classroom chasing a forced kiss, while the other directly smashed the former's head with a chair.

In front of Miao Qinian's powerful parents, the police, the principal, and others, Liu Xu, who had acted bravely, became a murderer. Zhang Zeling finally saved Liu Xu with a shy "he wants to do bad things to me" Miao Qinian was forced to transfer to another school.

Miao Qinian patted Liu Xu's upper arm, then walked towards Zhang Zezhen, Shen made a move, and said with a smile: "I apologized back then, and now I apologize again, I'm sorry, I had love back then, but I didn't know how to love, but now I Got it. So, please forgive me."

Miao Qinian stood between Liu Xu and Zhang Zezhen, his tall body just separated the two of them.

Zhang Zeling didn't seem to see Miao Qinian at all. He put his arms behind his back, clasped his hands together, then leaned his body slightly and poked his head out, and said to Liu Xu: "At the same table, when are we leaving?"

Miao Qinian's smile froze on his face.

"Old rules, listen to the monitor." Liu Xu smiled and looked at the person standing next to him. This was the monitor, Zheng Hao.

Zheng Hao was obviously the same age as everyone else, but he looked two or three years older than everyone else, extremely calm.

"The weather is a bit cloudy today, let's talk about the old days when we go to the place." Zheng Hao said with a smile.

Everyone looked at the dark clouds in the sky and got into the car one after another.

Miao Qinian smiled again, pointed at the Lamborghini and said to Zhang Zeling: "Xiao Ling, that's my car. I'll take you there!"

Zhang Zezhen treated Miao Qinian as a transparent person, opened Wang Li's car and sat back in the previous seat.

Lu Ziqiao couldn't help but sneered, and said loudly, "Xiao Li, I still want to sit with you."

"You look dead!" Wang Li gave Lu Ziqiao an angry look.

Although the smile on Miao Qinian's face was very faint, he didn't show any anger because of it, and said self-deprecatingly: "I will prove my sincerity, I am no longer the Miao Qinian of the past." After speaking, he turned and walked into the Lamborghini sit down.

A gorgeous female classmate immediately walked over with her ass twisted, and when she blocked the car door, the female Qiao said, "Qinian, can you give me a ride?"

"Sorry. You can take someone else's car!" Miao Qinian immediately closed the car door, and the woman backed away in embarrassment.

Lu Ziqiao mocked in a low voice: "Ai Yan is still the same, it's disgusting."

Wang Li also looked at Ai Yan with extreme disgust, and then sneered: "Didn't you still like her back then?"

Lu Ziqiao blushed and said, "I just think she's easy to get on, and I don't like her at all. I didn't know until the third grade of junior high school that she was the bus of those rich boys in the class. I never looked at her again. She. Besides, you didn't know what kind of person she was when you were in the second year of junior high school."

Wang Li snorted coldly and said, "After the group long-distance run in the second year of junior high school, many of our girls knew who she was. Fangfang saw with her own eyes that Ai Yan pushed Xiaoyu when she was starting and pushed her to the ground. It made my legs full of injuries. I even cried. If the little bitch refuses to admit it, he will definitely die badly."

Zhang Zeling sighed softly and said, "Someone pushed me hard at the time, but I don't know if it was her."

"You don't need to say it, it must be her." Wang Li said.

Liu Xu also gave Ai Yan a disgusted look. Ai Yan was the only one in the class who could provoke a good-tempered person like Wang Li to scold her.

Eight cars lined up, driving on the road, the most expensive one is Miao Qinian's Lamborghini, besides that there are two sports cars, the other five are very ordinary.

Lu Ziqiao glanced at Miao Qinian's car, then at Qutang's car, and said to Liu Xu: "I always think this party is famous."

Then, Lu Ziqiao began to analyze in an orderly manner: "Although Qu Tang likes to be lively, he is definitely not a generous person. It is wrong for him to propose to go to Linshan Resort and find a few people to pay for the expenses."


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 487 It's not sure who will punish who!

"I didn't think much about it at the time, but when I saw Miao Qinian today, no matter how I thought about it, I felt something was wrong."

"Back then, Qutang was Miao Qinian's follower. Do you think Miao Qinian wanted to use this party to take revenge on Liu Xu?"

Wang Li thought for a while and said, "It shouldn't be so. If he really has the intention of harming others, Zheng Hao and Tian Hong will not ignore it. Besides, he doesn't know that Liu Xu will definitely come today."

"Even if Liu Xu doesn't come, he still has a goal." Lu Ziqiao said, sneaking a glance at Zhang Zelan.

Wang Li said: "I heard that Miao Qinian's father's assets are hundreds of millions. If he really wanted to punish Liu Xu, he wouldn't be in the class reunion. Otherwise, who would want to see him in the future?"

"Punish me?" Liu Xu said proudly, "It's not certain who will punish who!"

Lu Ziqiao said: "It's not enough to harm Liu Xu alone, but if there are particularly important people around, killing two birds with one stone will do it."

Wang Li glanced at Zhang Zezhen in the rearview mirror, and remained silent.

Zhang Zeling still looked indifferent, the dark clouds in the sky were reflected in his clear eyes, carrying a kind of melancholy beauty.

Liu Xu smiled, didn't speak, and thought to himself: "Lu Ziqiao's guess is absolutely right. Miao Qinian does have a needle-thick translucent murderous aura on his body. It may not be that he wants to kill Liu Xu, but he must be planning to do something."

"Liu Xu, you have to be careful," Lu Ziqiao said.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure." Liu Xu nodded.

After a brief silence, Zhang Zezhen turned his head to look at Liu Xu and said, "I didn't know he was coming today."

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