Everyone sat for a while, and got up to leave when Ai Yan, who had gauze wrapped around her head, walked over.

"I'm going with everyone."

As a result, all the female classmates seemed to have not seen her and continued to move forward.

Most of the male classmates didn't listen, and only the male classmates who helped her carry her bag in the morning and carried her to the hospital walked with her.

When everyone arrived in front of the bowling alley, they separated, some went to the video game city, some went to the billiard hall, and some stayed in the bowling alley.

Most of the female students stayed here, because Zheng Hao, Tian Hong, Qu Tang and others could play bowling, and Qu Tang also taught the female students to play bowling.

Liu Xu didn't want to see Qu Tang, so he asked Zhang Zezhen in a low voice, "I'm going to play the game console, will you come?"

"En." Zhang Zeling nodded slightly.

Liu Xu and Zhang Zeling left the bowling alley and played games together.

Since the Internet was available, Liu Xu seldom went to the game hall, and now he just had a good time.

There are many game machines in the video game city, including ordinary arcade machines such as fighting and fighting, fighting with planes and online clearance, mahjong machines, poker machines, various shooting, racing, music and dancing simulation machines, and fishing machines, etc. Numerous other types of game consoles, and there is a children's section not far away.

When Liu Xu saw the hip-hop machine, he remembered Zhang Zeling's seductive dancing posture back then, and urged her to go, even saying that he wanted to compete with Zhang Zeling.

Zhang Zezhen shook his head and refused, no matter what Liu Xu said, he would not go.

"Then you choose!" Liu Xu said.

Zhang Zeling is a one-finger shooting game.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 507 Don't worry, we can't hear you

"Okay, let's play together." Liu Xu exchanged his membership card for a lot of game coins, and walked to the haunted house shooting simulator with Zhang Zeling.

Zhang Zeling hurriedly said, "Change to another one."

"Why?" Liu Xu asked.

"It's not fun!" Zhang Zeling curled his lips.

Liu Xu froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Are you afraid of this kind of scary game? Then change it!"

"It's not that I'm afraid!" Zhang Zeling defended in a low voice.

So Liu Xu and Zhang Zeling played jungle adventure together, and then they played the shooting machine, fishing machine and so on.

Liu Xu has never played many game consoles, he just watched others play them or groped for himself.

It was Zhang Zeling's first time to play, and he had a great time.

Liu Xu was secretly amazed, but in just one hour, Zhang Zeling laughed three times, adding the previous ones, she actually laughed six times in one day.

Having been with Zhang Zeling for twelve years, Liu Xu never knew that Zhang Zeling could laugh so much in one day, nor did he know that Zhang Zeling could smile so beautifully.

"Why don't you play?" Zhang Zezhen noticed that Liu Xu was not moving, turned to look at him, and immediately noticed the strangeness in his eyes.

"Damn it! What are you looking at!" Zhang Zeling lightly waved his pink fist and landed on Liu Xu's shoulder.

Liu Xu couldn't help smiling. In front of others, Zhang Zeling was the cold and proud school belle, but when no one was around, if she got angry, she would definitely punch someone, but she never used force, more like touching.

Liu Xu had never seen Zhang Zezhen beat anyone else, it seemed that he was the only one who beat him.

Liu Xu subconsciously grabbed Zhang Zezhen's small fist and held it gently. His small hand was soft, smooth and delicate.

He was careful, for fear of hurting her.

"Haven't you hit someone for a long time?" Liu Xu asked with a smile.

Zhang Zeling panicked for no reason, and said softly, "Let go of me! You can't play games anymore!"

Liu Xu let go of his hand.

After the two of them finished playing, they continued to visit the video game mall. Zhang Zezhen pointed to the toy grab machine full of plush toys, and said, "Help me grab a toy!"

Liu Xu said, "It would be nice if you catch it yourself."

"I'm too stupid, why don't you help me catch it!" Zhang Ze's daughter-in-law Qiao said, clasping her hands together in front of Yuexiong, her beautiful eyes were full of pleading.

Liu Xu didn't expect that Zhang Zezhen would beg him for such a trivial matter. You must know that Zhang Zezhen has a very strong self-esteem and rarely asks for help. Even asking for help is an important thing, and he would never do it for a toy.

Faced with Zhang Zezhen's entreaties, no man could resist. Liu Xu was still struggling in his heart, but under the influence of his thick-waisted charm, he finally couldn't bear it and agreed quickly.

"You are so kind at the same table." Zhang Zezhen said, the cloud in his eyes dissipated in an instant, and the sky cleared in an instant.

"Smile for me, that's thirty-three times." Liu Xu looked at Zhang Zezhen and said.

Zhang Zezhen's face turned cold instantly, and he pretended not to smile for you.

Liu Xu walked to the toy grabbing machine and heard Zhang Zezhen asking in a low voice, "How could it be thirty-two times?"

"When you were playing the game just now, didn't you know that you were laughing?"

"Who would laugh because of the game, you must be dazzled." Zhang Zezhen said coldly.

"I said thirty-two is thirty-two." Liu Xu said, and began to grab toys.

"Which one do you want?"

"I want that little pig."

"You have a strong taste!"

"Yes, I think that little pig looks like you."

"Oh, you said that one, I mean the one next to it, I have to say, you have a good eye. You have chosen the most handsome toy, look at mine!"

Liu Xu smiled and scratched continuously, but failed every time, and soon realized that there was something tricky in it, but...

Brother has money, willful.

In the end, Liu Xu managed to catch the little pig after spending an unknown number of coins.

"Here, but go home and wash it, this kind of toy is very dirty."

Zhang Zeling was not afraid of getting dirty at all, and immediately hugged her in his arms.

"You gave me this!" Zhang Zezhen hugged the little pig toy tightly, his face was still slightly indifferent, but there seemed to be an unprecedented light in his eyes, which was hope, expectation, and satisfaction.

"Well, this is the first gift I gave you, please keep it safe." Liu Xu looked at Zhang Zeling, and the softest part of his heart was touched by her eyes.

"I'll throw it away when I get home." Zhang Zeling turned around and left, but the arm holding the pig toy was even stronger.

At this time, Lu Ziqiao called.Ask Liu Xu to gather in front of the bowling alley and let everyone go to the hot spring together.

Liu Xu and Xiao Yan quickly rushed to the bowling alley, and walked to the hot spring with everyone.

On the way, someone asked about the difference between the ordinary hot springs at the bottom of the mountain and the hot springs at the top of the mountain. Qutang explained vaguely, and he didn't like to discuss this topic in depth.

Liu Xu keenly noticed that Zhang Zewan was looking towards the top of the mountain with some envy.

There are dozens of hot spring pools in Linshan Resort.Qu Tang set up two adjacent pools, separated by a wall in the middle, with men on one side and women on the other.

Qu Tang first talked about some precautions for soaking in hot springs, such as soaking for up to [-] minutes at a time, washing the body beforehand, and taking good water with you to replenish water and so on.

Afterwards, men and women entered the hot springs separately.

The men talked and laughed together after entering, and after a while, the voices of women chatting came from the next door, mixed with the sound of stirring the pool water and laughter.

It was very quiet at night, and they were so close together that each could hear the other.

"Wow, little girl, I only thought you had a good temperament before, but I didn't expect you to be so talented, at least a C+, come, let my sister touch it."

"I don't think it's that big, c!"

"Keep down, don't let them hear you." Zhang Zezhen said in a low voice.

Lu Ziqiao immediately shouted: "Don't worry, we can't hear you."

Immediately there was a woman's laughter from next door.

Qu Tang soaked for a while, then said: "I'll go see Miao Qinian."

Said, got up and left.

Next, the male and female students chatted through the wall, explaining that tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival, if it doesn’t rain, they can go outing together and eat zongzi.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 508 Want to walk with you

When the discussion reached its climax, Liu Xu heard the woman next door exclaim.

"I'm a little itchy, how about you?"

"Isn't it about soaking in hot springs? I kept silent." Zhang Zeling asked softly.

"I'm itchy too! Could it be a problem with the water? Go, wash it right away."

Then, Wang Li's voice came: "Lu Ziqiao, do you feel itchy?"

"No!" Lu Ziqiao said.

"Oh, it's alright."

The other male students didn't take it seriously, but because Liu Xu heard more, he left the hot spring pool, put on his clothes, walked out, and stood at the door.

After a while, the female students who got dressed came out from the next door.

As soon as Wang Li saw Liu Xu, she said, "There seems to be a problem with the water in our place. Come with us and ask the manager here."

"Yeah, there must be a problem with the water, maybe someone else has used it many times, it is probably recycled water."

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