"Don't move, it's still the last bit." Liu Xu said, reaching out to support her forehead, and sending all the true energy into her brain to repair the damage caused by the lack of oxygen.

"You go take a shower and then go back." Liu Xu put down Zhang Zezhen and was about to leave.

"I don't have the strength." Zhang Zezhen felt that he couldn't use the strength.

"Then I'll carry you to the bathroom, there is a bathtub in it, you sit for a while." Liu Xu said.

"Yeah." Zhang Zeling was very obedient.

Liu Xu bent over to hug her, carefully put Zhang Zezhen into the bathtub, tested the water temperature, and said, "I'll turn on the water first, with my back facing you. When you say yes, I'll turn it off."

"Yes." Zhang Zeling agreed softly.

After putting the water in half, Zhang Zeling said softly, "Thank you for being at the same table, I have strength now."

"Well, I'll wait for you at the door, and you must call me if you need anything."

"Yes." Liu Xu agreed.

Not long after, the sound of splashing water came from the bathroom.

Soon, Zhang Zeling came out wrapped in a snow-white bath towel.

The pink on her body receded, and her expression was no longer so pale, but instead showed a rare look of surprise.

"At the same table, your qigong is amazing. All the small scars on my body have disappeared, and even the big scars have become very shallow. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all. Did you really do it?" Zhang Zeling stared Liu Xu's eyes were full of curiosity. Those wounds have always been the most concerned about her body. She has been troubled since she was a child, but she never thought that they would be easily solved by Liu Xu.

"Of course it's my credit." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"I owe you more." Qiao Sheng, Zhang Ze's daughter-in-law, sighed softly.

Liu Xu opened his mouth and said, "I paid it back just now."


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 512 As expected of a woman who can lead Jingdong to the headlines

"Damn it!" Zhang Zezhen waved his fist, but he couldn't harden his heart. Instead of falling down, he pushed Liu Xu outward.

"I want to change!" Zhang Zezhen pushed Liu Xu out of the door.

Liu Xu stood outside the door, and after a while, Zhang Zeling, who was wearing a white dress, came out.

She returned to her usual expression, even her eyes remained unchanged, as if nothing happened inside.

"Let's go!" Liu Xu said.

Zhang Zeling followed and said, "It's raining outside."

"I have to borrow two umbrellas from the waiter," Liu Xu said.

The two walked to the door and found that the previous receptionist was approaching with an umbrella.

"Mr. Liu, I'm very sorry. The guests left with umbrellas one after another just now. We only have one umbrella left. Why don't you two stay at the hot spring hotel?"

Liu Xu was willing to live here, but when he thought of the reactions of his old classmates, he said, "Forget it, the two of us will go back now."

After receiving the umbrella, Liu Xu was a little helpless. Even a fool would not believe that there was only one umbrella left. The purpose of the receptionist's doing this was well known to passers-by, but he was not easy to find out, and Liu Xu had already made a decision. Mr. Xu said that this receptionist is very good and deserves to be cultivated.

Zhang Zeling didn't seem to know anything, and walked out with Liu Xu.

Seeing that it was at least moderately raining outside, Liu Xu opened his umbrella, and naturally wrapped his arms around Zhang Zezhen's waist, and turned the umbrella towards her.

"Let's go."


Neither of them spoke.

Slowly stepping down the stone steps, the wind was a little strong, and Liu Xu deliberately leaned the umbrella on Zhang Zezhen again, causing half of his body to get wet.

Zhang Zeling turned his head and glanced at him, his eyes softened, but he didn't speak, just said softly: "I'm a little cold."

Liu Xu's left arm around her waist was even stronger.

Zhang Zezhen's body was completely attached to Liu Xu's body.


She was wearing high-heeled sandals, and suddenly her feet slipped and she exclaimed.

Liu Xu quickly clamped her with his arms to prevent her from falling.

"Did you hurt your foot?" Liu Xu asked.

"No." Zhang Zeling said.

Liu Xu said: "It's easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down. Now it's raining and the road is slippery, and it takes about ten minutes to walk. I'll carry you on my back, and you can hold my umbrella for me."

Zhang Zeling hesitated and didn't speak.

"If you don't tell me, I'll take it as your agreement." Liu Xu stuffed the umbrella into her hand, then stood on the steps below her, squatting down slightly.

Zhang Zezhen looked at Liu Xu's wet half body, sighed secretly, leaned against Liu Xu's back, put his left arm around Liu Xu's neck, and held an umbrella in his right hand.

"Don't let go." Liu Xu groped back with both hands, lifted Zhang Zeling up on his back, then put his arms through the bends of her legs, and supported her firmly.

The steps going down the mountain were more ups and downs than those on the flat ground, and Zhang Zezhen trembled on Liu Xu's back.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. When we came to the townhouse, it had changed from moderate rain to heavy rain. The dark clouds in the sky were thicker, and there was no tendency to stop at all.

Liu Xu put Zhang Zezhen at the door of the villa, and said, "Go in, take a shower, and have a good sleep."

"Yes." Zhang Zeling agreed lightly, and handed the umbrella to Liu Xu.

Liu Xu walked to the next door under an umbrella, and heard Zhang Zezhen asking in a low voice: "If you and I go back to the past together, you will hold my hand, hold me in your arms, whisper in my ear, and tell me what you didn't dare to do back then. Did you say anything?"

"Yes." Liu Xu's voice was extremely firm.

"Today is the happiest day in my life." Zhang Zeling said and entered the villa.

Liu Xu held an umbrella and went back to the villa where the male classmates were. They were chatting and laughing on the first floor. When they saw Liu Xu, they showed envious or ambiguous eyes.

By midnight, it was raining heavily outside, the wind was howling, thunder and lightning, and everyone was sleeping.

Liu Xu was on the sofa on the third floor, and Lu Ziqiao was on the floor under the sofa.

The two chatted for another half an hour before gradually falling asleep.

The sun rises and the rain clears.

Liu Xu opened his eyes, was stunned for a moment, and a look of ecstasy immediately appeared on his face, and then he began to look inside at the river of energy in his dantian.

Originally there was only one river of qi in the body, but now this river of qi is extremely strong, like a surging river, the total amount is more than three times that of last night.

This promotion is too fast!

According to normal circumstances, at least killing the grandma-level monsters in A Chinese Ghost Story can achieve this kind of improvement. I didn't expect to have such a harvest after just being ambiguous with Zhang Zeling for a day.

As expected of a woman who can lead JD.com to the headlines, even Suning sighed, "To Moudong, if the boss is really strong, why do you need a lady boss in the headlines".

As the sun rose in the east, everyone got up one after another, saying happy holidays to each other. It turned out that this day was the Dragon Boat Festival, and then men and women walked out to the restaurant together.

Liu Xu took a peek at Zhang Zezhen. She had completely recovered her previous image, with a cold look.

Walking on the road, Liu Xu felt that there was something around him that made him a little uncomfortable. He used the qi-watching technique to look around, but found nothing unusual.

He was about to use the qi technique to look at the students around him, when a classmate suddenly said, "It seems that something happened."

There were many people gathered around the bulletin board in front, discussing things like landslides and road closures.

Liu Xu and others immediately went to look at it, and it really said that the landslide last night blocked the road and it would take two to three days to clear it.

At the same time, the various fees of the resort are discounted by [-]% to [-]%, and you can get five zongzi for free with the membership card, and you can get [-] for free with the senior membership card. Open to guests with a membership card.

Everyone complained immediately, and then called their family members or superiors to explain the situation, especially some people who would deduct their bonuses for taking leave, complained loudly.

Zhang Zezhen whispered to Wang Li that she had a performance tonight and didn't know what to do.

Liu Xu immediately looked out of the resort, and there was indeed a natural disaster that had just formed there, but the disaster was very weak and would dissipate soon, and no one was hurt.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 513 Landslide

Liu Xu walked aside, took out his phone and called He Changxiong.

After a while, He Changxiong finally picked up.

"Liu Xu, what's the matter?"

Liu Xu heard something wrong in He Changxiong's tone, and said, "It seems to be a landslide. The road to Linshan Resort is blocked, and I may not be able to go back for two days."

"How could this be? Misfortunes never come singly!" He Changxiong's tone was extremely bad.

"What's the matter, what happened to you?"

"Hey, you can't let the family ugliness out to the outside world. I guess you'll find out in a few days. Anyway, it's a big mess. I'll write down your matter. I'll contact the relevant departments and let them solve the road there as soon as possible. Don't leave. cell phone."

"I know."

While discussing, everyone walked towards the restaurant.

Speaking of zongzi, a female classmate said: "Doesn't Miao Qinian have a senior membership card? Use his card to collect zongzi! Now many projects offer a lot of discounts for senior membership cards, so let's just use Miao Qinian's card today." !"

Everyone looked at Miao Qinian together, Miao Qinian nodded with a smile, and said, "It is my duty to serve my old classmates. In the next few days, this card does not belong to me, it belongs to everyone."

"You are still so generous!" a female classmate praised.

"Miao Qinian is actually a nice person." Another female classmate said.

"Justice." A male classmate said.

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