"Liu Xu, let's go! Dean Duan, please come with us!" He Changxiong was a little excited when he was encouraged by his elder brother.

He Yuanchao waited for a group of elders but couldn't lift their heads.

Liu Xu secretly praised, this He Changling is really extraordinary.

Vice President Duan didn't dare to disobey He Changling's order at all. He relied on the He family to become the Vice President and wanted to go further.He reluctantly took Liu Xu and He Changxiong away. Before entering the ward, he looked at Liu Xu seriously and said, "If something happens, you won't be able to get out of this hospital."

After finishing speaking, Vice President Duan led two people into the ward and ordered the other doctors and nurses to leave. The doctors showed anger and separated a few words. I have no choice but to leave.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 521 Master Liu, you have worked hard

Liu Xu walked to the hospital bed. At this moment, Mr. He was even worse than when we first met. At that time, Mr. He still had a breath, and now he doesn't even have half a breath left.

Liu Xu used the qi-watching technique to see that the true qi net left in He Lao's body had collapsed.

Mr. He's head, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, and intestines each condensed a thick bluish-black sickness, which was about the size of a fist, extremely solid and growing.

What's even more frightening is that there is already a sickness line between these six clusters of sickness, and the sickness line can be stabilized within three hours at most.

Liu Xu reached out and pressed He Lao's chest, a sword of nobility and a sword of sickness flew out at the same time.


After an unknown amount of time, Liu Xu withdrew his anger.

"Liu Xu, how is it?" He Changxiong asked.

"Mr. He is out of danger, let the doctor come in!" Liu Xu said.

He Changxiong glanced at Mr. He, and found that his grandfather was breathing steadily, and then asked Vice President Duan, "Can you understand those instruments?"

Vice President Duan showed an aggrieved expression that you can't insult a vice president like this, then looked at the monitor and said: "The heart rate is normal, the breathing is normal, the pulse is normal, the blood pressure is normal, the blood oxygen saturation is normal, and the body temperature is normal .all normal!"

At the end, Vice President Duan's eyes almost hit the glasses.

Vice President Duan muttered to himself: "This is impossible! The monitor is broken?"

He observed Mr. He carefully, and then put his hand on Mr. He's carotid artery.

Vice President Duan turned around slowly, with a friendly smile on his face, Shen stretched out his hands and held Liu Xu's hand, and said, "On behalf of the entire hospital, I thank you. Master Liu, you have worked hard!"

He Changxiong half-jokingly said, "President Duan, what are you doing? I got goosebumps all over the floor, I don't have such a disgusting person. Who objected to Liu Xu's move just now?"

Vice President Duan blushed, coughed, and said, "Master Liu, are you interested in cooperating with our hospital to study the mysteries of the human body?"

"What do you think?" Liu Xu asked bluntly.

Vice President Duan said helplessly: "I'm just saying, don't worry, I don't mean anything else, I just think your 'Qigong' may be helpful to Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. Since you don't want to, I won't mention this matter again in the future. I'm going to get the doctors in."

The three walked out of the room.

It was inconvenient for the members of the He family to stop Vice President Duan, but they huffed and surrounded him to ask He Changxiong what was going on.

He Changxiong frowned, and said sharply, "Get out of the way!"

Regardless of age, everyone obediently stepped aside and watched He Changxiong and Liu Xu enter the family room.

"Second uncle, make room." He Changxiong said to He Yuanchao bluntly.

Although He Yuanchao was not considered promising, he had seen the storm after all, and vaguely guessed that Liu Xu had successfully rescued He Lao, so he stood up immediately.

After Liu Xu sat on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest, He Yuanchao asked He Changxiong nervously, "How is it, how is the old man?"

He Changxiong looked at his elder brother He Changling, took a deep breath, and said slowly, "It's all right."

"Okay!" He Changling slapped his thigh excitedly, while the rest of the He family couldn't help shouting excitedly. These people in their fifties and sixties were so excited that they couldn't contain themselves.

Mr. He was the pillar of the He family. Once Mr. He passed away, half of the He family would collapse, and they would not have a good life.

As long as He Lao can be kept, everything is easy to talk about.

While He Yuanchao was happy, he asked doubtfully, "This young man really saved him?"

He Changxiong was too lazy to talk to his second uncle, so he said to He Changling, "Brother, please issue a password! The less people know about this, the better."

He Changling nodded, stood up, and said, "I'll go out for a while."

Not long after, He Changling came back and said, "At least in the short term, there will be no problem."

Everyone also knew that this kind of thing couldn't be hidden for too long, after all, there were too many people present.

He Changling said: "Since the old man came to the rescue, it's fine to have me and Changxiong here."

Everyone stood up, looked at Liu Xu, remembered his appearance, and left one after another.

When there were only three people left in the room accompanied by family members, Liu Xu sensed that there was a problem with the surrounding luck. He opened his eyes and looked at He Changling.

Liu Xu's face sank like water.

Liu Xu originally thought that after rescuing Mr. He, he would have time to rest, and then searched the Internet for ballet performances. Regardless of whether Zhang Zeling agreed or disagreed, he would go to see Zhang Zeling's ballet performance, but I'm afraid he won't be able to go today.

Liu Xu looked at He Changling. He was nearly fifty years old. He had thick hair, a huge nose, a square face, bright eyes, and a charm that ordinary people did not possess. He looked very decisive and convincing.

Just now, Liu Xu saw a translucent misfortune appearing on He Changling's head, which was as thick as a little finger. Such a thick misfortune meant that the death toll would not be less than ten.

Moreover, the disaster atmosphere is connected with He Changling's official atmosphere.

A normal plume of qi luck, even if it doesn't flow upward, will at most stand still, but He Changling's official qi was forced to flow downward by the pressure of the disaster.

"Changxiong, Governor He, is it convenient to talk here? I have something very important to say." Liu Xu said slowly, leaving his back from the sofa.

"No problem, what's the matter?" He Changxiong and He Changling vaguely felt something was wrong, and Liu Xu's tone was too dignified.

Liu Xu said: "I calculated Governor He's fortune just now, and found that Governor He will be implicated in a catastrophe. At least it will be difficult to get promoted, and at worst, he will lose his position."

"What?" He Changxiong turned pale with shock.

If Mr. He is the pillar of the He family, then He Changling is the hope of the He family. If something happened to He Changling, the He family would collapse in half.

He Changling's eyes changed and his breathing became heavier, but he quickly calmed down and said in a deep voice, "Since Changxiong called you Liu Xu, then I will call you that too. Liu Xu, can you explain in detail?"


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 522 Leaks

He Changling didn't waste time talking nonsense about why he should believe you like ordinary people. He knew exactly what to say now.

Liu Xu said: "Where did you go to three days ago? And if a major disaster occurs in this place, it will seriously affect your career."

He Changling quickly said: "Three days ago, I went to a military industrial group for investigation. If something happened there, I would definitely be implicated!"

Liu Xu said, "I suggest, block it immediately."

He Changling immediately said: "You don't know much about the military industrial group. It is a powerful weapon of the country. The governor and general can't speak well there. The Academy of Sciences must come forward..."

Liu Xu immediately stood up and said, "Then let's get there as quickly as possible. Only when we get there can I know exactly what went wrong. How far is it from the military industrial complex? What tools? Helicopters?"

He Changxiong immediately opened the door and said, "Let's talk while walking! The speed of the helicopter is only more than [-] kilometers per hour, which is too slow! We must use a faster business jet, which can exceed [-] kilometers per hour! I will contact my friend immediately! The business jet takes off Report at least three days in advance, it’s too late, brother, you should contact Commander Zhang of the provincial military region and ask him to help.”

"Yeah!" He Changling immediately took out his hand...

He Changxiong said to Yang Haining who was on the side: "Xiao Ning, come with us, use your helicopter to take us to the airport! Quick! There is no signal in the elevator, let's take the stairs!" After speaking, He Changxiong hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call Telephone.

Liu Xu, He Changxiong, He Changling, Yang Haining, and He Changling's secretary walked up the stairs.

The governor's secretary was not idle either, calling someone from the military industrial group.

The atmosphere was extremely solemn along the way, and Liu Xu found himself idle.

A group of people boarded the helicopter and flew to the airport.

Time passed by, and the group arrived at the airport, and quickly boarded a silver-white, fifteen-meter-long Senas business jet.

Hurry up and hurry up, but when it comes to the military industrial group, something happens.

An expert defected, and a group of mercenaries picked him up. The technology held by that expert is very important and belongs to the state secret level. If it is leaked, the consequences will be disastrous.

In fact, at this point, Liu Xu has tried his best. He doesn't have any thought of serving the country loyally, but for some reason, Liu Xu unexpectedly expresses his willingness to capture the defected expert.

At dusk, the border of the southwestern border.

A head with a grass ring poked out from an inconspicuous corner of the top of the mountain, searching for something with cold eyes, and a cold expression on a face covered with oil paint, indifferent to life and death.

It quickly retracted, and after a while, a svd sniper rifle was stuck out, and the sniper scope was put on the eyes to continue observing, just like a wolf hiding in the dark to observe its prey.

Not long after, the man shrank back, and there was no more movement.

The cool wind blows over the semi-desert mountain peaks, rolling up the yellow sand all over the sky, and the withered grass rolls up to the sky. The dark clouds overwhelm the top, and the temperature is suddenly cold, adding a bit of chill to this barren mountain. Seeing the first scene of autumn The rain was about to fall, and a few mountain eagles screamed, with unyielding and arrogant, they rushed into the sky, and soon disappeared.

On the rolling hills, in a relatively gentle open area on the mountainside, a dazzling red flag is flying. Next to the red flag is a low barracks - the station of the ancient road post on the Northwest border of Huaxia Kingdom.

Below the mountainside is a canyon, the only ancient road that runs through the east and west for hundreds of miles. This ancient road was very active in ancient times and was a golden passage for smugglers; The guardian of this ancient road to prevent people from smuggling.

There is only one class of people in the ancient road outpost. Except for the guards on the watchtower in the square, everyone else is huddled in the room to prepare dinner. The desolate outpost, life is boring, except for cooking, guarding, patrolling, and entertainment. Counting ants, chasing hares, stuff like that.The soldiers who were assigned to border posts basically lost their vision and hope, and they were just waiting to retire and go home.

Squad leader Wu Kai is a veteran, from northern Hebei, with a bold personality, a righteous man, and is deeply loved by his comrades. If he does nothing, he will retire in half a year. In this desolate mountain, it is difficult to see even a bird , where did it come from?There is no merit in the army, and promotion is a luxury.

"It's going to rain soon, god damn it, why don't you drop gold, Haizi, you're the squad officer, you go, take your raincoat, that brat Lei Zhan is about to come back, it's his first time going to the battalion department Get the supplies, don't get lost, if you get carried away by wild wolves, it will become the biggest joke of our Northwest Army, I can't afford to lose this man." Wu Kai said while meeting, it didn't look like A squad leader, the supreme commander of the outpost.

"That's it." A soldier who was lighting the fire agreed casually, dropped a piece of firewood, and got up. He was [-] meters tall, with a thin face and a strong body. The military uniform was clean and ironed. Far away on the border, the blood of soldiers is not cold.

"Squad leader, you don't know Lei Zhan yet? Don't look at it as a new soldier, let's fight fiercely, not to mention wolves, even tigers have to stay away. The men are tough, can't it be the legendary ancestral martial arts?" A soldier said with a smile.

"Never mind what it is, it's someone's private matter, who doesn't have any secrets, I warn you, he doesn't want to say it, you can't ask around, so as not to embarrass everyone, the future will be long, if Brother Lei Zhan wants to say it, you can say it, Zhuzi, you boy Have you retired in half a year? What do you plan to do when you go back?" Wu Kai, the squad leader, asked.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

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