"You saved me?" She asked weakly, still cold.

There is no need to talk about saving people all the time!

Besides Liu Xu, is there another person here?

Liu Xu stepped aside noncommittally, and said in a low voice, "Can I go? Those bastards are going to catch up."

"No." She said coldly, looking at the sky fixedly, and said no more.

Liu Xu really wanted to ask why the enemy didn't catch up. Seeing that she didn't want to say more, and thinking about the group of people who were not far away from him last night, they are all gone now. With the strength of those people, it is impossible not to find this place. There is only one explanation for not showing up, and the other party is too lazy to chase.

"Do you have a way to contact the outside world? The weapons are left for you, and I'm going to chase those bastards. By the way, do you know who they are?"

She looked at Liu Xu coldly, and there was some surprise in her cold eyes. She didn't explain, but just stared at Liu Xu so closely, making him uncomfortable, and asked in surprise: "What are you doing looking at me?" Well?"

"This is a neighboring country, and there is no communication equipment. Using any original contact method will expose yourself, tell me your identity?" She asked, her tone was no longer so cold.

"Do you believe me when I say that I'm a travel buddy?"


"Do you think I look like a soldier?"

"Not like!"

"Am I like Lei Feng who does good deeds and does not leave a name?"

She shook her head.

"So I'll tell you my identity after we leave here safely!" Liu Xu shrugged, "Go back after you rest, and I'll kill those guys."

"With your current strength, catching up is death." She said bluntly: "You are somewhat alert, and you are undeniably lucky, but it is not enough to kill the opponent. I have received a death mission and must complete it." , so I can’t go back either.”


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 534

Before Liu Xu could speak, she continued with a serious face: "I am injured, and it is almost impossible to complete the task, but I will not give up. No matter what your status is, we have a common enemy, and that is enough. You You have a good foundation and have the potential to be a sniper, I will teach you battlefield skills, and you take me to complete the mission, how about it?"

Liu Xu couldn't help thinking, and his eyes fell on the wound on her thigh. It's very troublesome to travel with a wounded soldier, and he can't catch up with the enemy at all, but this is a great opportunity to get along with the beauty day and night, so it's a pity to let it go... "

As if to see through Liu Xu's mind, she said, "I know how to find them, and I also know how to deal with them."

"Okay, that's it." Liu Xu agreed decisively.

"Your name is Liu Xu?" She changed the subject and asked.

Seeing Liu Xu nodded, she immediately said, "Thank you for saving me twice. My name is An Ran."

"flaming Phenix!"

"What fire phoenix?"


"My code name is Violet."



"The name is special."

"What's so special?"

"The surname An is rare."

"Very few indeed."

"I know a friend whose last name also happens to be Ann."

"So coincidentally?"

"His name is Andersen."


Before An Ran lost his temper, Liu Xu smiled and strode towards the side, saying: "With your injuries, I guess you won't be able to leave today. By the way, there is Bupleurum over there, which is the juice from the one you fed yesterday." , I'll go get some food back."

After hearing Liu Xu's words, An Ran couldn't help turning her head to look, and then recalled the scene of Liu Xu feeding the medicine last night, her face flushed "shua".

Sitting up slowly, looking at Liu Xu who left, there was warmth in his cold eyes. He struggled to get up and came to the pool, intending to wash his face, but found that his face was clean.

An Ran immediately guessed something and was embarrassed.

Her face was hot, and she turned her head to look at Liu Xu who was leaving, with a touch of gratitude in her eyes.

An Ran has received professional training, so she naturally knows some first aid measures. Pull out the root of Bupleurum bupleurum, wash it, and chew it in her mouth.

Looking at the bupleurum leaf slag juice all over the floor, An Ran thought of something, and An Ran's cold face became more gentle.

Ten minutes later, Liu Xu came over with a fat hare, which was killed by a stone.

An Ran lit a small fire and was filling the fire with twigs to expand the fire.

When they came to the pool, the 65-type army dagger was shaved to remove dirt, washed and stripped, strung up with branches, and put on the fire for barbecue.

After An Ran saw Liu Xu, her heart softened a little, and she didn't dare to look at him, so she simply lowered her head, thinking about her thoughts in silence, to cover up the embarrassment in her heart.

Liu Xu didn't bother to say anything more, and started grilling seriously. After a while, the rabbit meat was cooked, and Liu Xu tore off a leg and handed it over.

There is no salt, no seasoning, and the roasted hare meat is not delicious.

A fat hare was eaten by two people. Liu Xu washed his hands by the pool and said, "Can you find my lost backpack?"

"Yes." An Ran nodded affirmatively.

"That's good. There are daily necessities inside, so we won't have to worry if we find them." Liu Xu felt that An Ran's attitude towards him was a little different. When he looked carefully, his expression was still as cold as frost, and his words were still so short and direct. There is no difference, but feeling this kind of thing is naturally beyond words.

"It's useless." An Ran said, looking westward with a heavy expression on her face.

"Ah?" Liu Xu just wanted to ask why, but when he saw An Ran's expression, he swallowed his words, and suddenly thought that the enemy also needed living supplies, so they must have taken them away, and said with a wry smile, "That's right, I'm afraid there is nothing left."

"Let's go." An Ran regained her icy expression and stood up.

Seeing that An Ran couldn't stand still, Liu Xu hurriedly said, "It's not too late, just wait a moment." As he spoke, he looked around, and under An Ran's curiosity, he rushed to the vicinity, picked up a branch, and used the army dagger three or two times. Cleaned up the branches, made a simple crutch, ran back and handed it to An Ran.

"Thank you." An Ran took it and tried it, and it happened to be suitable for her. With a hot red face, she hurriedly lowered her head and hurried on her way.

I didn't expect Liu Xu to be so careful. When making the crutches, he considered his height, and his inexplicable affection became stronger. But when he thought of his family background, he quickly threw away these unrealistic fantasies.

The two went on the road, one in front and one behind, and An Ran said in front: "I will teach you the first lesson of jungle warfare, you will know how to return when you are lost. In deep mountains and dense forests, not only will you lose your direction, but you will also lose your way. When you find yourself lost, Don't be in a hurry, and don't shout and run around. You should calm down and carefully recall the reference objects such as springs, rocks, trees, water flows, caves, mountains, forks, etc., and then use your own memory to find your own footprints. Go back to the original route, you can recall it."

"It was too dark last night, plus I was too busy running for my life, so I didn't pay attention." Liu Xu smiled awkwardly. Of course, he couldn't say that he was holding An Ran yesterday.

"You must keep calm at all times. This is the most important point of survival in the wild. It doesn't matter if you don't remember the road. One way is to analyze the direction of the mountain and the geographical features to judge the possible paths of wild animals. Sometimes animals think and Like people, they instinctively look for a path in the deep mountains and forests, and if you find the path of the 'beast', you will find the path you have walked, and you will look for the traces of the beasts?" An Ran said coldly.

When Liu Xu heard it made sense, animals would not run around after entering the dense forest, but would instinctively walk in a safe direction, and the same goes for people.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 535 You are very suitable to be a sniper

In this instinct, there is no difference between man and beast. If you find the path that the beast has traveled, you can know the route that the person has traveled. It may not be [-]% accurate, but there is a certain truth.

It is not too difficult for Liu Xu to find the route of the beast. The trampled grass, broken branches, feces, etc. are all clues.

During the whole time, An Ran's cold voice sounded again: "Whether it is in a forest covered by trees or on a hillside covered with grass, if you look down and look closely, you can't find any traces at all. Ten meters away, you can vaguely see a trace of a grass branch slightly tilted, a grass blade slightly tilted, and a leaf back turned slightly. "

Liu Xu came to realize that An Ran was teaching himself the skills of special forces jungle warfare, so he quickly took notes.

The two taught as they walked, and before they knew it, it was noon.

The two came to the place where they had fought last time. On the way, An Ran picked some herbs and applied them to the wound. The bleeding from the wound stopped and the inflammation was curbed, which made Liu Xu feel relieved.

Liu Xu was very happy to be able to retrieve it smoothly. This shows that the method taught by An Ran is effective. After searching around quickly, he did not find the marching bag. It was probably taken away by the enemy, but the machete was still there.

After Liu Xu asked An Ran to find a place to sit down and rest, he fiddled with a pheasant he had hunted along the way.

There is no water around, it can't be washed and peeled off, and it can't be burned, so I can't help but feel worried. Before, whether it was magic, martial arts or black technology, I didn't have to worry about lighting things at all.

Not far away, An Ran took a look at Liu Xu, and then taught him the second trick to survive in the wild: start a fire out of nothing.


An Ran talked a lot. Seeing Liu Xu sat down and listened carefully without any impatience, she got a better understanding of him, so she changed the subject and asked, "Do you remember everything?"

"Yes." Liu Xu nodded confidently in agreement.

An Ran didn't doubt it. Since she knew each other, Liu Xu's various performances made her very curious, especially Liu Xu was able to covertly shoot and kill the wild wolf mercenary.

An Ran didn't know how Liu Xu did it, and she didn't ask, but she was very clear in her heart.

Liu Xu's potential is very high. After thinking about it, he suddenly said, "You are very suitable to be a sniper."

Before Liu Xu could react, An Ran continued to say: "Next, I will teach you the third trick, silent communication, which is military sign language."

Liu Xu began to study hard. After half an hour, An Ran was too tired to speak. He persuaded him: "Take a break, the food is just cooked, but unfortunately there is no seasoning, so you can just eat." He fiddled with the bonfire, dug out the pheasant in the ground, broke off the soil outside, and tore off a chicken leg and handed it over.

An Ran took it and ate it without being pretentious. After a while, the fat pheasant had only a skeleton left.

The two of them were half full after eating, and they were too thirsty. Liu Xu planned to find some water to drink, but there was no water around.

At this time, An Ran suddenly said: "I'm tired, I'll tell you how to find water later, have you seen those grape vines? The water in them is rich in vitamins, just get a few."

"Okay." Liu Xu saw Teng Man entwined on the big tree not far away, agreed, pulled out the 65-style army dagger and walked over, climbed the tree and cut a few vines to see, there was indeed a lot of water flowing out of it Come, taste it, it's a little sweet.

After chopping several roots, he jumped off the tree and ran to An Ran to hand them over.

An Ran saw that Liu Xu didn't drink it first, but gave it to herself first after tasting it. The soft place under the strong appearance seemed to be touched by someone, and a strange feeling came up, and her face turned red. bowed his head.

After Liu Xu handed all the vines to An, he turned back and drank happily on the tree.

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