At this time Huangmao finally understood, where was the darkness, it was obviously being wrapped in a broken sack.

After a lot of punching and kicking, Huang Mao felt that several bones in his body were broken, and the screams finally changed their tone.

The visitor probably felt that it was almost done, and finally gave him a heavy blow on the head, Huang Mao finally didn't have to endure the pain, and passed out happily.

When he woke up, he found that his whole body was wrapped in bandages, and a voice came from beside him.

"Yellow hair! Why are you back again? Who beat you?"

"I didn't know! Fuck, being put on a sack and beaten up, this thing is endless, when I go out, I must make that guy look good."

In the days that followed, Huang Mao was horrified to find that his brothers were about to become professional residents of the hospital.

Everyone's injury is different, and they are discharged from the hospital sooner or later, but no matter who is discharged from the hospital, before they get home, they will be knocked down from behind on the road and sent back to the hospital.

It's fine for one person and two people, all five of them are like this, so far they haven't even had the chance to face each other, the other party just hits the back with a sap, puts a sack, and beats them hard.

Nose and face are swollen, that's all. Occasionally, people get broken bones or something.

The five met each other several times in the ward, and at first they clamored to go out for revenge, but gradually no one mentioned it, and they were probably a little scared of being beaten.

Huang Mao finally recovered from his injuries and was discharged from the hospital again. This time he was more careful, hailed the car early, and went straight out of the hospital gate and entered the house. Finally, he was not attacked and went home.

He hid at home for a few days, and felt that the limelight had passed. The man shouldn't have kept blocking him, he had been beaten twice, so it should be almost the same.

He dodged and ran around the street, all right!

Huang Mao regained his composure, let go of his composure a little, and began to slowly resume his old living habits.

Hearing that there are still people who are going to be discharged from the hospital today, Huang Mao decided to visit. After all, they are all buddies, so I have to express my condolences.

Huang Mao went to the vegetable market when he left the house, planning to buy a few catties of fruit to take with him. The fruit at the entrance of the hospital was expensive, but the one in the market was cheaper.

Just as he was thinking about it, he just turned the corner when he felt the wind behind his head, and before he could react, a torn sack was placed under his hood.

Huang Mao was shocked, and knelt down at that time, not even daring to lift the sack, "Big brother! Big brother! I was wrong, please forgive me, please don't beat me again, I kowtow to you and confess."

Before Huangmao's head could be knocked down, fists and feet rained down again.

Huang Mao screamed and begged for mercy, "Brother! How did I provoke you? Why don't you give me a word, why don't I come and make amends..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was knocked out again.

When Huang Mao woke up, he found that the buddy who was supposed to be discharged from the hospital today was still lying next to him.

"You're back too?" Huang Mao gave him a miserable smile.

It happened that the nurse who made the ward rounds came in. The nurse knew what they were doing, and she was not forgiving.

"Regular customers! I met two more. You are really high-quality customers. Why don't I get you a VIP gold card later. You will get a [-]% discount for hospitalization, and there are discounts for permanent residents."

A few people couldn't laugh or cry, did anyone apply for a discount card in the hospital?Also quality customers...

Because there are enough lessons in front of him, when he recovers from his injuries again, Huang Mao will not be hospitalized, so he decides to live in the hospital.

The sharp-mouthed nurse quit.

"I said what's the matter with you, you've recovered from your injuries, why haven't you gone through the discharge procedures?"


"Who is your eldest sister! Don't be so close, get out of the hospital quickly."


"Who are you talking about? Call me old!"

"My little aunt! Please! Just let me stay in the hospital for two more days!"

"Don't pretend to be pitiful. This is a hospital, not a hotel. Is it a place where you can stay as long as you want? Get out of the hospital quickly."

"Grandma, please don't hurt me. You know that even after I've been discharged from the hospital, as long as I leave the hospital gate, I have to turn around and come back, right? You can save me that fat beating!"

"Pfft!" The nurse laughed, these people are really unlucky, they were repaired badly enough, "You deserve it! You have hands and feet, what's wrong with you, you have to mess with the society. Haven't you heard of 'come out to mess? Will you have to pay back sooner or later?"


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 545 Alright, this is the last meal

Several people were scolded by the nurse pointing their noses like this, and they all listened with their heads bowed, not daring to talk back at all.

These days they were hospitalized to change their dressings, but they were all arranged by this nurse, which made them unhappy. A little carelessness when changing the dressings and injections would hurt people to death.

"Grandma, we know we were wrong. After this matter is over, we will resolutely change careers, stop being gangsters, change our minds and start a new life, so please hold us high and let us stay for a few more days?"

Several people chattered, flattered and swearing, and finally coaxed the nurse and promised to let them stay for a few more days.

But it can't be done, the hospitalization fee is also very expensive, so it's not always an option, Huangmao and the others discussed this matter.

"Which master do you think we offended?"

"Who knows! I haven't even seen the face, where do I want to go?"

"Who have we offended recently? Let them clean up like this?"

"Why don't you tell Brother An? Ask your friends on the Internet and find out who it is? Can't we come to make amends? It's better than being beaten like this."

"If you want to talk about offending people, before this happened, we just offended a powerful person. Do you remember what happened on the day of demolition?"

"Why don't you remember, those two bodyguards are really powerful, the throwing knives are really accurate, they go up so far, they hit people so hard, when they were punched in the stomach by him, they lay on the ground and couldn't move."

"It's them?"

"Almost! Those two bodyguards are definitely skilled enough."

"Did we offend that Liu Xu?"

"Isn't this nonsense? If you hit his girlfriend's father on the head with a stick, can he not hold grudges?"

"But haven't we already come to apologize? I heard that Mayor Li lost money."

"Losing money? How much is the difference between someone who can hire a bodyguard?"

"Apologizing is useful, why do you need the police? I'll give your girlfriend's father a stick, and then I'll apologize to you, so you can get better?"

"I'm afraid that the person agreeing to apologize and pay the money is to give Mayor Li face, but it doesn't mean that he will calm down."

"Why don't we kowtow to apologize? I don't want to be beaten anymore. Even if I can bear it, I can't afford the money for hospitalization."

"Should I ask Brother An to come forward to talk about it? If it is not possible, ask Brother Biao to talk about it?"


The five people were discussing in a hurry.

The bad news came back quickly. Brother Biao was seriously ill and had been in a semi-comatose state for a long time.

Without the backbone, Brother An is just a bastard, and there is nothing he can do about that Liu Xu.

Mayor Li didn't dare to offend anyone, let alone a gangster, and the five of them all fell down when they heard the news.

"Fuck! I'm going to kowtow to others, maybe we can survive!" Huang Mao's bachelor lost his temper, and walked out of the hospital door cruelly, and walked to Lan Huanbi's house.

As soon as he walked halfway, the familiar wind came from his ears, and a broken sack was immediately placed on his head again.

"Grandpa! Stop beating! Give me a way out. I'm going to kowtow to Boss Liu's father-in-law to make amends. Please let me go somewhere!" Huang Mao knelt on the ground and cried.

The expected fist did not land on him.

Huang Mao knelt on the ground covered with a sack and didn't dare to move. He heard someone nearby calling on the phone. The voice was so small that he couldn't hear it clearly.

After waiting for a long time, a voice sounded: "Okay, this is the last meal. Be careful if you do bad things in the future, you will be punished."

As soon as the words fell, the fists and feet landed on the body again, Huang Mao felt a feeling of relief at last, and suddenly felt that he had never been beaten so comfortably...


Geng Biao's unique condition aroused the great interest of the hospital. Various specialist consultations and remote consultations were conducted many times, but the cause has not been found out.

It's a ghost if you can find it out!

The sudden illness caused Geng Biao to gradually lose control of his underground world. Although Secretary Huang was the backer, no one dared to step on him to take over the position easily, but the operation of the entire organization began to experience large and small problems, and began to have yin and blah blah blah. The ones who violated the law began to be perfunctory, and some began to flirt with other powerful figures...

Geng Biao wanted to take care of it, but he couldn't leave the hospital now, and he couldn't imagine how huge a blow to his prestige would be if he suddenly collapsed on the ground when he was in a meeting.

But Geng Biao had no other choice but to temporarily support the organization to barely operate, hoping that this strange illness would get better as soon as possible, and hoping that the many experts around him could find a cure for him as soon as possible.

Geng Biao, who was tortured by the illness and had to die every day, felt that life was so gloomy and that life had no joy at all. It seemed that for him, living had no meaning, and that there seemed to be only the single tone of pain in his life.

When Geng Biao felt lifeless and thought of death, some people felt that they had been reborn and their lives were full of hope.

After a period of treatment, Mr. Du was told by his personal doctor that all his cancer cells had disappeared.

Upon hearing the news, Du, old and young, showed smiles on their faces.

When Yang Shu visited again and was about to consolidate and accept the fruits of Liu Xu's labor, Mr. Du said three words to him in a very affirmative tone: "Good! Very good!"

Although the two of them talked about their parents' gossip and daily trivial matters during the half-day meeting, and neither of them mentioned any non-life topics, but after Yang Shu said goodbye, his calm face still revealed There was a burst of excitement and excitement.

After Liu Xu cured Mr. Du's illness, he got a promise from Mr. Du that he would join the army and take the rank of major.

In addition, the final result of the demolition incident was to lose money.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 546 Why Do I Feel Something's Wrong?

Although the matter was "satisfactorily resolved", Yang Shu and Liu Xu didn't know that Huang Qiang flipped the table and smashed the wine bottle in front of Mayor Li.

"Fuck! This old bastard surnamed Yang stretches his arms too far, and he's taking care of me."

Huang Qiang was very angry, and he really should be, because this poplar, the beautiful daughter-in-law who was supposed to get it, ran away, and the group company that should have belonged to him went to another family.

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