
"Mr. Yang!"

"Little Zhu? What's the matter?"

"Liu Xu was taken away by a policeman somewhere in Henan, saying that he was a suspect in a drug trafficking case."

"When did it happen?" Yang Shu was taken aback. How did it involve Henan?

"yesterday morning."

"Yesterday?!" Yang Shu became angry at that time, "You Damade just told me now!?"

Lily didn't seem to hear Yang Shu's anger at all, she said a word slowly on the phone, and then hung up the phone directly.

"I'm pregnant with a boy."

Poplar was Sparta then!

Yang Shu's wife Tang Hong is a strong woman, but when she started her business in the early years, she didn't take care of her health, and ended up infertile as a result.

Gu Qingqing's child was born to Yangshu and his ex-wife. Yangshu was married into Gu's family at the beginning, so Gu Qingqing took her mother's surname.

He died early, and later he was too busy with his career to take care of remarrying.Later, when Gu Qingqing grew up a little bit, her thoughts about getting married gradually faded away.

Later, after marrying Tang Hong, their careers became bigger and bigger. The only regret now is that they only have a daughter, and the daughter will belong to someone else's family sooner or later...

The thought that was deep in the bottom of my heart, which I hadn't even noticed seriously, was drawn out by Lily's words, and Yang Shu's heart was disturbed.


"What? The poplar tree hasn't moved?" Huang Qiang looked at his old man in surprise.

They deliberately chose a time when Yang Shu and Gu Qingqing were out of town, mobilized forces from far away from other provinces, arrested Liu Xu in a surprise attack, and then sent Liu Xu out of Hunan Province immediately to prevent Yang Shu.

It's true that Yang Shu is a local snake. His entangled relationship in the local area made Secretary Huang very cautious.

This time, the two of them deliberately chose a time when the Yang family's father and daughter were not around, just to catch them off guard and quickly take Liu Xu outside the Yang family's influence, leaving the Yang family beyond their reach, and had to seek help from higher-level officials. strength.

The ultimate purpose is to test Liu Xu and see if there are other big shots standing behind him.

Now that the card was played, Yang Shu didn't expect Yang Shu to answer the card, and didn't respond at all.

Is he beyond his powers, or is he confident?

But even if Yang Shu couldn't help it, the people behind Liu Xu should have taken action, but why didn't they see any reaction?

It's not right to say that there is no one behind Liu Xu. Why do people give away their family property and daughter for no reason, because Liu Xu is handsome?

nonsense!In Huang Qiang's words, that wretch would not affect the appearance of the city at most, even if he was killed, he would not admit that Liu Xu was handsome.

Neixiu?That's even more nonsense, Gu Qingqing is so beautiful, there is never a shortage of people to chase after, who doesn't!As for his undergraduate student, how is he outstanding?If you want to show it early, is there nothing to shine?

Besides, the two of them didn't know each other before, just like Yang Shu's head was suddenly kicked by a donkey, why did they fall in love with that guy who didn't have anything?

If there is no reason for this, even if they were killed, they would not believe it.

It is certain that there is something behind Liu Xu, but why has there been no response yet? The two of them started scratching their heads.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 560 An Ran's Younger Sister is An Xin

Lily put down the phone calmly, and silently sorted out the context of various relationships in her heart.

Lily is a person with aspirations. She doesn't think it's a bad thing to commit herself to Yangshu, and she can't even talk about commitment. She climbed to the position of assistant to the general manager step by step with her own hard work and ability. However, certain opportunities were deliberately created on certain occasions.

Some opportunities to pull her relationship with Yangshu across the invisible line between public and private, the boundary gap.

And then naturally, a beautiful secretary who doesn't know how to refuse will have enough opportunities to turn the boss into a cat who takes the initiative to steal.

Mature men, especially successful men, are the most attractive, at least Lily thinks so.

It would be even more perfect if attributives such as unmarried and rich are added in front of it.

Lily clearly sensed that Yang Shu had no intention of getting married, but it didn't matter, a Chinese man, in his situation, how could he not want to have his own son to inherit the family business!

Lily was lucky, she got pregnant as she wished, and she was still a boy.

At that time, she was so happy that Yang Shu's property would be her son's property in the future.

It's a pity that suddenly the situation changed suddenly, and her son's property was inexplicably reduced by half. This is intolerable.

She followed Yang Shu and knew the context of his interpersonal relationship clearly.

Lily knows that Huang Qiang has been coveting her son's property. Lily once thought of cooperating with Huang Qiang, but she knows that harming Yang Shu's interests is harming her son's interests.

If poplar is brought down, then Lily will not be able to keep these industries, and will end up at the expense of outsiders.

But Liu Xu, who suddenly broke in to snatch food, has something to do with it. Without Liu Xu, Yang Shu will definitely have a way to get back half of the property he gave away.

So, when Huang Qiang suddenly got into trouble, Lily delayed on purpose. She knew what kind of person Huang Qiang was, and she also knew that he absolutely wanted to strangle this guy who robbed his wife and property, so she decided to give him this chance...


In the capital, in a high-end villa.

The night sky was gray, and the moonlight was as soft as gauze, gently drifting into the window and falling on the dressing table.

A stunning beauty was bristling her soft hair, looking lazily at herself in the mirror, blinking her black and white eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

She was wearing a white silk pajamas, the pajamas were loose, but she couldn't conceal her proud figure, especially Tingba from the Yuexiong tribe, which was enough to make all the men in the world intoxicated.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" the stunning beauty said lightly.

Her tone was a little cold, and she glanced at the alarm clock next to her. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and it was right that no one would disturb her at this time.

The stunning beauty couldn't help but frowned slightly, and said dissatisfiedly: "Is it mom? I'm already asleep, so I'll talk about it tomorrow if I have anything to do."

"Ice beauty, open the door for my old lady, your sister who everyone praises is here." A pleasant voice sounded from outside, but the words and voice were a bit incompatible.

When the stunning beauty heard the voice, she immediately relaxed her brows, her cold face became more tender, she walked up quickly, and opened the door to have a look.

A slender and tall beauty stood at the door, combing a ponytail, wearing a decent casual leather jacket, black skirt, and high boots, she was indeed her sister.

Immediately get out of the way, and when the other party came in, he closed the door, the stunning beauty asked: "Little sister, you are here, have you found out the situation?"

"I said, An Ran, do you order people around like that? I'm your own sister, not your follower. It's fine if you don't even have to take a sip of water when you do things for me. You must give me a break, right?" the visitor said dissatisfied.

She lay down on the white bed all of a sudden, posing in big characters without any ladylike image, moaned comfortably, and said, "Old sister, your bed is so comfortable, I'll stay tonight!"

"An Xin, if you don't talk anymore, be careful I will throw you out." An Ran said dissatisfied.

"No wonder people call you Ice Beauty behind your back. I don't understand Fengqing. If you hadn't asked me to inquire about a man three days ago, I would have suspected your sexual orientation." The beauty named Anya said with a smile, seeing An Ran's face change Feeling cold, he quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, and said, "I'm really afraid of you, can I tell you it's okay? You too, with your ability, it's not easy to inquire about something, why are you sneaking around?"

"You know the reason." An Ran gave An Xin a dissatisfied look, and said dissatisfied.

"I know, I know, I'm afraid that the Song family will know! You have nothing to do with that trash of the Song family, isn't it because my dad wants to sell you to the Song family? It hasn't been finalized yet! In my opinion, if it doesn't work, just marry , Then eunuch that trash." An Xin said with a smug smile.

"You dress up like a lady, but you are actually a witch, if you don't talk about business, get out." An Ran said dissatisfied.

"Okay, let's get down to business." An Xin laughed and agreed, "I've asked someone to find out..."

"Wait, the person you entrusted is reliable?" An Ran asked suspiciously.

"Old sister, don't bring such hurtful things? If it weren't for the sake of you being my dearest old sister, I wouldn't bother to deal with this crap. What am I doing? It's not that you don't know, your old lady Sister, I claim to make friends all over the world. Hehe, it’s not easy to find out some news. Isn’t that why you came to me? I’ve already found out, and the news is absolutely reliable. If you don’t listen, I’ll leave. " An Xin said dissatisfied.

"Say." An Ran said with a serious face.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 561

"Forget it, I don't have the same knowledge as you, who made you my only and dearest elder sister." An Xin resumed her playful expression, and continued: "Your ideal person has been put together, and now he is under the control of the Henan police. Wake up, it's not Song Yang who knows you're cuckolding him!"

"The details are that the Henan police can't catch him across provinces on the charge of drug trafficking. But he is not worried at all, and he eats and sleeps well... Did you learn this calming skill from you?" An Xin looked at her sister With a teasing smile.

"Don't digress, let's get down to business." An Ran said dissatisfied.

"Okay, business." An Xin pursed her mouth, stuck out her tongue, made a grimace, not afraid of An Ran's threat at all, and then continued: "Later, your ideal person has been staying in the police station, and there is no He was interrogated. I inquired about it, and it seems that Huang Bingzhang gave the order, which is interesting."

"Huang Bingzhang?" An Ran frowned and said, "The one from the Song family?"

"Hee hee, you got the answer right." An Xin laughed and said, "Huang Bingzhang's son, Huang Qiang, suffered at the hands of your ideal man. He fought openly and secretly a few times, and you know the rest."

As he spoke, he looked at An Ran, his eyes were full of curiosity. Unexpectedly, his lonely sister was moved by Fan Xin, and he couldn't help but be full of curiosity about Liu Xu, who had never met before. , Dispel this idea quickly, so as not to make yourself uncomfortable.

"Remember, the relationship between me and him is limited to you alone, otherwise sisters have nothing to do." An Ran warned.

"Got it, it's really long-winded. You didn't say a word in the past few days. Why do you seem to be a different person recently? That Song waste really doesn't know about the two of you?" An Xin asked curiously.

An Ran didn't say anything, but meditated quietly. After a while, An Ran said with a firm face: "The last mission was top secret, and it has been sealed. Except for a limited number of people, no one knows the truth."

It turned out to be like this, An Xin suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "That is to say, Song Feifei doesn't know that he already has a rival in love, and your ideal person doesn't know about Song Feifei and you?"

An Ran nodded noncommittally, and said with a smile, "Then this is so fun, why not do this, old lady, let me go over there and have a look?"

Seeing that An Ran was silent, An Xin waited quietly.

After a while, An Xin saw that An Ran still didn't speak, couldn't stand the silence, and muttered, "Sister, I've already found out the situation for you, and you can give me a regulation on what to do next, if you don't speak, I can Really go, don't blame my sister for not helping you when the time comes. Also, mom and dad are determined to sell you to the Song family. To put it bluntly, it is a political marriage. This kind of thing is nothing in big families like us. But if you want to fight for your own happiness, then you can't be silent, anyway, I don't think that trash Song is good enough for you, as for your ideal person, it's okay to look at the photos, but I don't know how he is."

"Don't make trouble for me, this matter is over, you go back!" An Ran said lightly, stood up, opened the door, and looked at An Xin lightly.

"Old sister, are you crossing the river and tearing down the bridge? Don't expect me to help you in the future." An Xin said dissatisfiedly, but she still got up. The two sisters are deeply in love and don't really care about anything. An Xin got up from the bed, walked to the door, and suddenly lowered her voice. Said: "Old sister, I heard that my parents went to Song's house in the morning, and they seemed to have a very pleasant conversation. My sister will return to the army tomorrow morning, so I really don't need my help?"

"I will handle it myself, remember, this is the end of the matter." An Ran urged.

"Okay, you are afraid that I will cause trouble for you, so let's go." An Xin left with a smile.

An Ran immediately closed the door, leaned back against the door and meditated, with a cold face, exuding a murderous aura that seemed vaguely absent from her body.

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