"Hahahaha..." Huang Qiang laughed and leaned forward.

"No wonder you're a bum, you've always been a bum. You're so naive! You're so naive! How old are you, and you still believe what's written in the book?" Huang Qiang pointed at Liu Xu's nose and educated him.

"Do you still expect some romantic love story to happen? Don't be stupid. Whether the two can get married depends on whether the families behind the two can complement each other and provide benefits to each other."

"The two families have made a deal, that is, the two have made a deal. There are many people who met before marriage, or simply from the first meeting, they have been arguing, and have been arguing until they get married and have children."

"Hehe, let's increase your knowledge!" Huang Qiang patted Liu Xu on the shoulder, "Dude! You're still young!"

Yang Shu may have thrown an olive branch to him for some purpose, but Gu Qingqing and Liu Xu believe that she has feelings for him...

"Let me tell you, Gu Qingqing is definitely mentally prepared to have sex with a man she doesn't like." Huang Qiang's words interrupted Liu Xu's thoughts, "You are just a prop that is thrown away after being used by others. You are a character! Just accept your fate, with your IQ, you will be taken advantage of in this life."

"Although I feel sorry for you, but..." Huang Qiang stood up.

"This can't change the fact that you have disturbed my good business. How dare you go shopping with my Qingqing in your arms! Even if it's a whore for sale, it's my Huang Qiang's whore. Even if you want to sell it, you have to negotiate a price with me in advance. If you don't have my permission, you can't touch anyone, and you can't spend money!" Huang Qiang roared, and he squeezed his fists, "Now, prepare to accept your punishment for offending me!"

"Really?" Liu Xu had a weird smile on his face.

Seeing Liu Xu's strange smile, Huang Qiang's heart skipped a beat. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "You're a dead duck, let's see how long you can be tough."

With that said, Huang Qiang raised his fist and was about to beat someone up.

"Give me...kneel down!" Liu Xu snapped his fingers with a "snap".

It sounded like thunder to Huang Qiang's ears.

He was startled, but before he could react, Huang Qiang found that his perspective had suddenly dropped.


The sharp pain from his knees hitting the ground reached his brain, Huang Qiang couldn't help but screamed.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 564 This meme is only funny if you have watched "Meteor Garden"

Hearing someone screaming, several policemen standing outside rushed in, stunned by what they saw.

Huang Qiang, who was flaunting his power to find fault, knelt on the ground and screamed, while the prisoner who was detained here sat on the stool leisurely, looking at them with a smile.

"What's going on here?" The policemen were very confused, "Why does the prisoner's smile look a little creepy?"

Hearing the sound, Huang Qiang looked back and saw the policemen coming in. He regained his spirits immediately and howled at them: "He wants to escape from prison. He attacked me by surprise. Come and help him, handcuff him, and beat him hard."

It seems that the police all know Huang Qiang, and a few people surrounded him and wanted to attack.

"Stop!" A voice suddenly came from outside the door, and a fat policeman with a belly walked in quickly.

"Guo Bureau!" Several policemen rushed to say hello.

The fat policeman took a look at the situation in the room, breathed a sigh of relief, and yelled at several policemen: "What are you doing? What are you doing? You want to torture the prisoner? Are you free? What should you do? Don't join in the fun. Remember it all for me!"

The fat policeman pointed at Liu Xu, and said: "This brother is a relative of my family. When we are guests, no one is allowed to make things difficult for him. Try to meet his demands. If anyone dares to ignore my words, don't blame me. Don't give face from time to time."

A tall policeman asked timidly: "Guo Bureau, where is Zeng Bureau..."

The fat policeman smiled triumphantly and said, "Zeng Ju? From now on, we won't have any Zeng Ju here!"

The few policemen were stunned, and the fat policeman admired the expressions of his subordinates very contentedly, and without explaining to them, he pretended to be serious and said, "Didn't you hear what I said?"

Several policemen immediately corrected their attitudes and said very respectfully: "Yes! Bureau Guo!"

The fat policeman waved the man out.

He nodded at Liu Xu, and said with a smile: "Brother, you are busy, so let me know if you have something to do. I have arranged a post outside the door. If you have any requirements, please ask. I will wait for things later. I will arrange a table for you. Take the wind and wash away the dust."

After finishing speaking, the fat policeman turned around and left, helping to close the door of the cell before leaving.

Huang Qiang was stunned by this sudden change, the only thing he could think of was that Yang Shu finally made a move, and solved the matter quietly. Hearing the meaning of the "Guo Bureau", it seemed that Yang Shu could actually pass through the front door. Thousands of kilometers, meddling in the affairs of Henan, and killing the leader of a city bureau.


But Liu Xu thought more, Mr. Du?How old?

Over there, Huang Qiang wished to bump his head to death. He was extremely cautious, but unexpectedly he became anxious. The moment before he learned the truth, he hurriedly jumped to the front desk and performed a clown scene.

This embarrassment is so embarrassing, Huang Qiang almost saw a huge slogan shining on his head, I am SB!

It's all right now, people's backstage is working hard, and I have put myself on the front desk, tearing my face openly, from now on, I can only wait for people's revenge like a storm, I don't know if the old man can bear it Can't live?

It's not a big deal for me to arrest him thousands of miles away. It's just that the old man has an old relationship here. It's not a big deal. He is called a cow. Without preparation in advance, he can influence the first leader of the city bureau at any place. Appointment and removal, and it was realized in just two days, this kind of power...

Just thinking about it makes Huang Qiang shudder, can his old man really handle it?

"Master Huang, your kneeling posture is so elegant!" Liu Xu suddenly laughed.

As soon as this incident was mentioned, Huang Qiang suddenly broke out in white sweat.

What happened just now was so sudden that my attention was diverted, and I only now remembered how weird and weird the situation just now was.

Liu Xu can control his behavior with just one word, Huang Qiang is not looking right at him now.

The unknown is always the scariest, and Huang Qiang was puzzled and awed by this phenomenon beyond common sense.

"Why are you speechless? Wasn't our Mr. Huang quite capable of talking just now?" Liu Xu teased.

"Liu...Brother Liu..." Huang Qiang's brains turned sharply. A hero does not take advantage of the immediate disadvantages. This Liu Xu has a deep background, and he can't afford to provoke him. He lost all thoughts of being competitive, so he just thought about how to escape this catastrophe, but don't drag the old man down, if the old man falls, he will be finished, and he will no longer have a happy life in the yamen.

"Your Excellency has a lot, I was wrong! I was really wrong! I will apologize to you!" Huang Qiang said, "Boom boom boom..." He kowtowed his head on the ground without hesitation.

In order to keep a happy life in the yamen, Huang Qiang didn't care about anything, leaving all face, self-esteem and other things behind, what else could those things do except bad things?

"Have you seen Meteor Garden?"

"Meteor Garden?"

"It's played by Baodao Taiwan, f4? Haven't seen it?"

"I've seen it!"

"Now that I've seen it, I'm relieved."


"If an apology is useful, why do you need the police! Hehe, you have to watch "Meteor Garden" to make this meme funny."


"Why don't you talk, am I wrong?"

"Yes, yes, what you said is right. This time it's all my fault. You just tell me, as long as you can calm down, forgive me for this mistake, and let me do whatever you want." Huang Qiang looked like a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

"Money!" Liu Xu spit out a word slowly.

money?There was an overjoyed look in Huang Qiang's eyes, money is a bastard, as long as he has power, there is absolutely no shortage of that thing.

In his circle, things that can be solved with money are trivial.

"I have no shortage!" Liu Xu added slowly.

Huang Qiang was shocked for a while, this is not playing with people!

Huang Qiang secretly sighed, the situation is stronger than others, bear with it!


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 565: Collect some interest first

"Then what do you need?"


Huang Qiang was worried, he didn't know what kind of "power" method Liu Xu wanted, don't let the old man divide power and give up?

"I am not interested!"

Huang Qiang felt relieved, as long as the rights are not lost, he can start over.


"That's easy to say, I'll find you whatever you want." Huang Qiang hurriedly said, beauties are really easy to deal with.

As long as his Second Young Master Huang speaks, beauties of all sizes, big and small, will pounce on him.

"You don't need to worry about it!" Liu Xu slowly added the remaining half of the sentence.

Huang Qiang choked hard, this was just to amuse him!

Okay, as long as you can calm down, take off this piece, and we'll let you have fun.

"What about this matter..." Huang Qiang looked at Liu Xu's mouth eagerly, hoping that he would not say any harsh conditions, "I haven't figured it out yet!"

"However..." Liu Xu raised his eyes and fixed his gaze on Huang Qiang. Huang Qiang was so horrified by him that he felt goosebumps all over his body, "I decided to charge some interest first!"

"Interest? What do you mean?" Huang Qiang was puzzled.

Before Huang Qiang could figure it out, Liu Xu snapped his fingers suddenly, stretched out his index finger like a talisman, drew a few strokes in the air, and then pointed at Huang Qiang, muttering: "Wow, oh, oh, oh!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Huang Qiang hugged his head and began to roll all over the floor as if someone had hit his head with a stick, with a high-pitched howl coming from his mouth.

Startled by the sound in the room, a policeman peeped his head through the small window on the door, saw that Liu Xu was safe, and shrank back.

Liu Xu was like a Tang monk who was reciting a mantra. When Huang Qiang's pain subsided for a while, he would read another paragraph, and then Huang Qiang would be attacked by more intense pain immediately.

After repeating this many times, Huang Qiang screamed until his voice became hoarse. Under the stimulation of severe pain, his eyes kept turning white, his whole body lost control, and he kept convulsing. The head is all over the face.

Not long after, there was a puff, and a foul smell spread out. Seeing that Huang Qiang's trousers were slowly being soaked, he had lost his lapel.

Liu Xu still didn't give up, and ran to the window of the house to breathe the fresh air, which made Huang Qiang enjoy it for a long time.

When Liu Xu finally got rid of the ghost of the driver, Huang Qiang only had half his life left, lying in his own excrement and urine like a gossamer, gasping for air.

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