Huang Qiang took the phone and was about to make a call, but Liu Xu's words made him tremble all over, his hand softened, and the phone dropped to the ground.

"If He Jing dies, you two are going to accompany her with her life!"

If someone dared to say this in front of Huang Qiang before, he would definitely break that person's leg, and then throw him into the river to drown, but now that Liu Xu said this, Huang Qiang feared in his heart that Liu Xu could really do it!

Looking at Liu Xu's method of packing himself up, Huang Qiang has no doubt that Liu Xu has the ability to take people's lives silently.

And so far, Liu Xu hasn't even touched him yet!

He just chanted mantras from space, drew a talisman, and then pointed at the person, and he was in pain. I am afraid that if he really wants to kill someone, it is also a supernatural method.

It is completely unpredictable, even if he stands in front of the judge and blatantly kills, the judge will not be able to testify against him.

"What kind of method is this? Immortal family? Witchcraft? Lowering the head?" Huang Qiang's thoughts began to diverge into the plot of the novel.

"Hey, what are you thinking? Are you being soft-handed, or are you unwilling to help?" Liu Xu's words were full of dark air.

"Yes! Yes!" Huang Qiang quickly picked up the phone and made a call.

Huang Qiang, as the son of the secretary of the municipal party committee, has his own set of relationships. When he sits at home, someone will naturally come to his door, begging to be a dog's leg, begging to be a follower, hoping to obtain the qualification to serve the second young master.

After causing such a catastrophe, Huang Qiang was instinctively afraid of his old man, and he didn't even think about calling him to report his safety. He was afraid that the old man would know where he was and would arrest him and chop him alive.

Anyway, now that things have come out, what to do, what to do, he will not be able to do anything when he goes back, it can only make the old man more angry, which is not conducive to stabilizing his emotions and controlling the development of the situation, so now he is eager to stay away from the old man .

As for the future... let's talk about it later...

The person who answered the phone was a police officer from the Public Security Bureau.

"Second Young Master! Where did you go? Secretary Huang is looking for you all over the world!"

"Ahem!" Huang Qiang coughed dryly, "Help me keep this matter a secret, don't let the old man know that I contacted you."

"I know! I know! What orders does Second Young Master have?"

"Help me check the records of the police station and see if there is a record named He Jing on the day of the incident?" Huang Qiang glanced at Liu Xu, "Detention records, hospital first aid records, and death records of the funeral parlor must all be checked. ! Live to see people and die to see corpses..."

Speaking of this, Huang Qiang's heart trembled, God bless, don't see the dead body, it will kill two lives!


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 568 The script shouldn't have come like this!

Waiting is anxious, Huang Qiang waited anxiously with Liu Xu for almost the whole night, but fortunately his attendant was strong enough, after searching all night, the attendant finally found He Jing in the hospital, and he hurriedly reported to Huang Qiang.

"Second Young Master! The man has been found!" The attendant thought He Jing was one of the Second Young Master's lovers, "In the hospital, I was slightly injured, but nothing serious."

"Phew!" Huang Qiang let out a sigh of relief, his own life and that of his father were finally saved.

Liu Xu finally let go of his hanging heart, and looked at Huang Qiang a little more pleasing to the eye.

"Okay! You're still on your way, boy. This time, you've made a small contribution, so stop reciting the mantra. Get a good night's sleep. We still have things to do today!"

Knowing that He Jing was basically safe, Liu Xu breathed a sigh of relief.


Liu Xu was woken up by his mobile phone. He picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hey! Who?"

"Young Master Liu! I was sent by Mr. Yang to pick up Huang Qiang."

"Okay, wait for me at the gate of the police station, and I will pick him up!"

Liu Xu hung up the phone and quickly washed up. He also wanted to go back as soon as possible to see how He Jing was hurt.

Huang Qiang was brought out, and after saying goodbye to Director Guo, the group hurried back.

After returning, Liu Xu temporarily put Huang Qiang under house arrest in the villa he bought.

There are two bodyguards here, so it's no problem to take care of a yamen.

Now Huang Qiang is like Liu Xu's answerer, doing whatever he asks, not daring to run away at all.

Liu Xu went to the hospital right away, only to see He Jing in the ward, her head covered with gauze, sick in a daze.

"Hi!" Liu Xu greeted softly, holding out a pair of flowers in his hand.

"Ah!" Seeing it was him, He Jing screamed, and lifted the quilt to cover her head, "Don't come here! Don't come here!"

What's going on here?Liu Xu's head was muddled.

"I heard that you were injured, so I came to see you. This is your favorite daisy! I brought it all for you."

"I don't want it! I don't want it!" He Jing shook her head desperately under the quilt, "Get out quickly! Get out!"

"What's going on?" Liu Xu raised his head and asked, "What happened?"

"Nothing happened! Get out!" He Jing yelled loudly, "If you don't go out again, I'll call you molested!"

Molestation... Liu Xu's head was full of black lines.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! I'll put the flowers in for you, I'll remember to look after a while!"

"I got it! I got it! You can go!" He Jing urged.

"Then I'm leaving!"

"Well! Let's go! Let's go!" He Jing stretched out a hand from under the quilt, waving it non-stop, "Don't come back!"

While making the sound of people leaving, Liu Xu ran back silently, squatting in the corner of the hospital bed, ready to see what happened to He Jing?

He Jing heard that Liu Xu had left, lifted the quilt, and let out a long breath, "I'm suffocating!"

As she spoke, she patted Xiaoyue's chest.


A loud gulp sounded behind her.


He Jing turned her head and saw Liu Xu squatting in the corner of the hospital bed, watching her swallow her mouth, yelled, threw herself onto the hospital bed, picked up the quilt and was about to put it on her head.

Liu Xu rushed forward and hugged He Jing, the tenderness between the tentacles made his heart throb.

He Jing was hugged, but she didn't dare to resist, she kept lowering her head, wishing she could drop to the ground.

Liu Xu forced He Jing's shoulders, lifted her head up little by little, and turned her whole face around.

"Stop looking!" He Jing complained with closed eyes, "It's so ugly! It's all disfigured!"

Liu Xu found that He Jing's entire forehead and head were almost covered by bandages, with only two big flickering eyes exposed underneath.

"Why is it ugly? Isn't it good?"

"No way, the doctor said that there were more than a dozen stitches on the forehead, extending from the top of the head to the corner of the eyes." He Jing sighed in frustration.

"Isn't it possible to suture seamlessly now?"

"No way, a big wound like this must be stitched up with a needle. Band-aids won't work, and it's easy to break open." He Jing complained.

"What are you afraid of? The eye of a needle is not big."

"You don't know, I have nursed many traumatized people, as long as it is sutured, it will definitely leave a scar like a centipede in the end." He Jing looked dejected, and she gestured on her head, "Hey! From here Until here, there will be a big scar, and you can play a female pirate without makeup!"

Liu Xu patted her hand and said with a smile, "Oh! Don't worry! Let me see the wound."

As he said that, he seemed to be trying to lift the bandage.

"No more!" He Jing writhed violently in Liu Xu's arms.

He Jing didn't wear much at first, she only had a hospital gown with underwear inside.

As she struggled and twisted, the hospital gown was torn to pieces, and the bright color of the white tree blinded Liu Xu's eyes.

Liu Xu took the opportunity to sneak his hand into the hospital gown.

"Ah!" He Jing exclaimed, "You eat my tofu!"

"Let me go!" He Jing beat him non-stop with her small pink fist, "Let me go! Otherwise, I will be rude to you!"

Liu Xu was attracted by He Jing at this time, completely ignoring her resistance, hugged her arms tightly, lowered her head and kissed her hard.

He Jing was stunned as if she had been electrocuted, and then beat Liu Xu more violently, even hitting his feet, kicking his legs one after another.

Liu Xu doesn't give up until he achieves his goal. Doesn't it mean that as long as a woman is kissed, you just have to persist until her attitude softens and she starts to feel like being appointed, basically this woman can be taken down?

Unexpectedly, He Jing's resistance became more and more intense, until she punched and kicked and cried loudly...

Liu Xu was very surprised, the script shouldn't have come out like this!


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 569 Is it still with your own beautiful daughter?

"What's wrong with you?" He asked tentatively.

"Woo... woo... woo..." He Jing cried and wiped her tears, "You..."

"I... what's wrong with me?" Liu Xu was worried for her.

"You bully!" He Jing wailed loudly.

"Where am I bullying?" Liu Xu was confused, "No way!"

It's only natural for a man to take advantage of a woman. As for crying like this?

"You already have a Bai Fumei girlfriend, and you still come to make fun of me! You and Huang Qiang are the same thing!" He Jing cried bitterly, and cried even louder.

"This..." This question was asked so abruptly that Liu Xu was dumbfounded and couldn't answer for a moment.

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