The car quickly drove to the largest hospital nearby. For minor illnesses like a cold and fever, naturally, you don't have to go to the provincial hospital. You can just find a nearby hospital.

After Liu Xu parked the car in the parking space, he immediately opened the door and helped Zhao Liying unbuckle her seat belt.

But just when he was about to hug Zhao Liying in the same posture just now, she stopped him.

"I can walk by myself... I don't need you to help me, that would be too embarrassing." Zhao Liying's last few words were almost as weak as squeezed out between her teeth.

Her iceberg face, which was usually as cold as frost, was now covered with blood red, which made Liu Xu, who had never seen such a sight before, couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

Stared at by Liu Xu's "hot" eyes, Zhao Liying only felt a burst of "shame" and a burst of inexplicable pride?

After giving Liu Xu a hard look, Zhao Liying bit her lip lightly, and walked towards the hospital entrance with a slightly dizzy pace.

However, he couldn't worry about her "misty" pace, he was afraid that if she continued walking like this, she would fall to something wrong at the hospital gate before she could see the problem.

With a wry smile, Liu Xu still walked up to her and supported the stubborn girl.

Although a little shy, Zhao Liying seemed to be aware of her current situation, so she didn't stop Liu Xu from holding her hand, but lowered her head, hiding her unnatural expression under her bun, and followed him into the room in the hospital.

When the nurse on duty in the hospital saw Zhao Liying's condition, she immediately stepped forward to help.

After Liu Xu handed Zhao Liying to the nurse, he went to the front desk to go through the relevant procedures.

Next, it depends on the doctor's diagnosis. Although Liu Xu can use zhenqi to treat Zhao Liying's illness, just like the body will develop resistance if he takes too much medicine, the same is true for using zhenqi to treat illnesses.

Opened WeChat and checked, the girls Ju Jingyi and Zhang Xinyu seemed to have sent him a message.

For these two little beauties who wanted to enter the entertainment circle, Liu Xu was also happy to have a chat with them. On the contrary, Fu Jiamei seemed to have noticed something and hadn't contacted him for a long time.

Of course, the movie that he promised them would still be filmed for them, anyway, he was not short of money.

At this time, a doctor opened the door, walked to Liu Xu, and asked him to go to Zhao Liying to go through the hospitalization procedures, and then handed a bill to Liu Xu's arms, and then motioned Liu Xu to pay at the designated window, and then Call the nurse to give the patient a drip.

Then, Liu Xu came to the ward, casually moved a chair from one side, and sat on the side of Zhao Liying's bed.

"It's really troublesome for you." Zhao Liying squeezed out such a sentence from her lips with her eyes slightly closed.

It can be seen that her body should be very uncomfortable now.

"You're welcome, it's the boss's duty to be considerate of employees." Liu Xu laughed.

Seeing Zhao Liying's breathing gradually calmed down, Liu Xu looked at the drip hanging above, then sighed, covered Zhao Liying with the quilt, and walked out of the ward.

It seems that I can't go back today. It doesn't seem reassuring for this chick to be alone.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu took out his cell phone and called Shen Meizhuang.

"I have something to do tonight, so I can't come back."

"Well, go ahead, I'm fine."

The gentle answer from the other end of the phone warmed Liu Xu's heart.

"Good night." Liu Xu replied casually.

"OK, good night."

After making the phone call, Liu Xu stretched himself.

Zhao Liying has already fallen asleep, and she just needs to pay attention to remind the nurse to change the dressing later.

Anyway, let's make a cup of coffee first.

Liu Xu made up his mind and walked to the rest area of ​​the hospital.

By the way, there was also that chick He Jing, who didn't go to see her today, so Liu Xu hurriedly called He Jing.

The call went through, but was hung up immediately.

He Jing was angry.

Dial again and hang up...

Liu Xu put away his phone.

"If you call a third time, I will answer it." He Jing stared at the phone that had just been hung up for the second time and said.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 575 Liu Tao's best friend, goddess of immortality

Liu Xu took care of Zhao Liying for one night, and bought her breakfast the next morning before leaving.

At this time, the phone in his hand rang, and Liu Xu looked at the caller ID, Liu Tao.

After pressing the answer button, Liu Xu laughed first and said, "Haha, big beauty, are you feeling lonely and missing me again? Do you want me to accompany you there! I don't charge for it!"

During this period of time, although I haven't seen Liu Tao, a beautiful woman, I often contact her by phone.

On the phone, besides asking about Nuo Lan's situation, Liu Xu also talked about other things. He was more relaxed if he didn't meet each other. It is also common to buy something cheap to make her happy.

This also became the lubricant for Liu Xu to get closer to Liu Tao.

"You damn Liu Xu, you are not as big or small as the elder sister. The last time you saw me, you were like a mouse seeing a cat. Now you have eaten the heart of a bear and a leopard. Be careful. I will tell your company leaders tomorrow that you are not enough for customers. Respect, one word from me is enough for you to drink a pot!"

Liu Tao replied to Liu Xu with a smile. She still thought that Liu Xu was a computer repairman in Xiaohei Computer Studio.

"Okay, okay, I don't dare anymore. As long as a boss level like you comes to our company and shake it, I won't pack up and leave!" Liu Xu withdrew his laughter and said, "Tell me, what can you do with me?" ?”

"Just know. Are you free tonight?"

"Today..." Liu Xu deliberately elongated his voice.

"Are you busy? Is it all settled? If possible, I would like to meet with you tonight. Nuolan will be free when she comes back from her trip in a few days. Let's discuss it tonight, you see..."

"Sister Tao asked me out, no matter how important the matter is, the queen has to move it. Hehe, it's really not a big deal, your matter is important, you tell me a place, I'll go there!"

"Okay, half past eight, Yunding Cafe."

"Okay, I'll go over after dinner."

"I'll pick you up!"

"No need, I'd better call the past, you waste a lot of time coming and going."

"That's fine. I'm going to pick up a friend of mine. See you tonight."

"Okay, see you tonight." Liu Xu hung up the phone.

In the evening, when I came to Yunding Cafe, Liu Xu looked at his watch. It was [-]:[-]. Fortunately, there was a traffic jam on the road but he was not late.

The Yunding Cafe is on the top floor of the Jinmao Tower. It is usually a place where rich people go. A cup of ordinary coffee costs over a hundred yuan.

What people drink is not coffee but the atmosphere.

Liu Xu turned his head and looked around, and soon saw Liu Tao drinking a cup of coffee in a booth by the window.

He straightened his collar, took a breath, and walked over.

Sitting next to Liu Tao was a fashionable woman, very beautiful, full of coquettishness, wearing a white suspender dress full of rhinestones, radiant.

is her?

"Come on, sit down."

Liu Tao put down his teacup and greeted Liu Xu.

Liu Xu sat down opposite them.

Liu Tao got up to help him pour the coffee, she leaned forward, with a little light, and brought the coffee in front of him.

When he looked away, Liu Xu noticed that the beauty next to Liu Tao was staring at him.

Halo, she saw it.

"this is mine……"


"how do you know?"

"There is a performance in the Spring Festival Gala!"


Liu Tao pointed at Lin Xinru with his palm and said, "She is my good sister, just like you said, Lin Xinru, a close friend in my boudoir."

Then, she pointed to Liu Xu and introduced: "This is Liu Xu, a friend I just met, who works in a computer company."

Liu Xu and Lin Xinru nodded to each other.

"Liu Tao often calls you in front of me, and we chat for a long time. Seeing her smiling beautifully, like drinking honey, people who don't understand think you two are dating! Seeing her smiling so much Happy, I'm a little jealous."

She said with a smile, her voice was very gentle, and her speech was neither too fast nor too slow.

"What's the matter, she likes to talk nonsense, don't pay attention to her." Liu Tao pretended that there was no such thing, and said with a slightly red face.

"It's all because of a friend, so we talked more and longer." Liu Xu said casually, but found that he had said the wrong thing.

"Oh, you're friends before you even know each other! You're quite cunning!" Lin Xinru said, and she was caught talking.

"But you really look like Vincent, maybe you will not only be friends, but also the beginning of a beautiful marriage!" Lin Xinru glanced at Liu Xu, with a flash of contempt in her eyes.

"Okay, okay. Xinru, what you said scares people." Liu Tao glared at Lin Xinru and said.

Lin Xinru turned to Liu Tao and said, "I have no objection. This person is not bad. It depends on Nuo Lan's fortune! I was still a little worried, but now I don't."

"Look at you, you make people feel uncomfortable when you come here. Come, drink coffee, let's talk slowly." Liu Tao added coffee to Liu Xu's cup.

"You're so handsome, even women like you." Lin Xinru stared at Liu Xu again and said, "Not only are you masculine, but also somewhat aloof, and your eyes have a somewhat melancholic temperament, but they can't conceal your bad nature. These are the killer features of beauties." He Wen Center is not a type."

"Why do you keep mentioning Vincent? Really, he is someone else. What is the comparison!" Liu Tao said a little annoyed.

"Okay, let's not talk about it. Next time, I will bring Nuolan to the store I opened in mainland China to get her some cosmetics. Girls like it. I just spent a million yuan on decoration recently, and the environment is very good." Lin Xin Ru said it very plainly, without showing off at all.

"By the way, Liu Xu, I'm going shopping tomorrow, let's go together!" Liu Tao looked at him and said.

"Shopping? It's inconvenient for me, a grown man, to go with you!" Liu Xu didn't want to go shopping with women, even if they were celestial beauties, he didn't like them.


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