
Ji Xiong immediately racked his brains to think, and quickly asked: "What is your relationship with Mayor Liu of Yuanlin City?"

"It's the first time I've heard of it."

"What about President Liu of Hongshan Group?"

"It's the first time I've heard of it." Liu Xu's attitude was very indifferent.

Ji Xiong asked nervously: "Are you a relative of Secretary Liu of Xisha Province?"

"I haven't heard of it at all." Liu Xu remained calm.

Seeing Liu Xu's serious appearance, Ran Jing couldn't help it anymore, burst out laughing, and said, "Ji Xiong, don't guess, the landlord is showing the villa to others now, I can guarantee that he is definitely not you Anyone who has heard of it. Ji Xiong, you go, you can't beat him."

Ji Xiong was trembling with anger, and glared at Liu Xu angrily.

Watching Liu Xu and Ran Jing leave, Ji Xiong held the steering wheel and looked ahead with a sinister gleam in his eyes.

Ji Xiong thought for a moment, with a sinister smile on his face, and then dialed a number.

"Xiaohan, how was the girl last night?"

"It's much more enjoyable than the female students in our university, thank you Brother Ji."

"You're welcome, are you free in a few days?"

"Don't mention it, since my dad was promoted to the director, those friends and classmates insisted on asking me to treat them. One meal a day is too busy. If you are free, come together!"

"Okay, I'll pay the bill, don't rob me, or I'll look down on you, Brother Ji."

"Brother Ji, you are too polite."

"Haha, friend, by the way, I need your help with a small matter."

"no problem!"

"Is such that……"

Get out of the car and walk to her house with Ran Jing.

After entering the community, many people were enjoying the cool in the gazebo or under the shade of the trees. Only one person shouted: "Brother Master is here, come here often in the future! Ran Jing is the district flower of our community, and other men chase me and refuse to accept it. But if Chase me, I'll offer to help! Ran Jing has been afraid of caterpillars, snakes, spiders and the like since she was a child, next time you encounter these insects, just hug her bravely."

"Yes, she also likes to eat chicken drumsticks, and Xiaojing's mother talked about it a lot." A middle-aged woman followed suit.

"Don't look at Ran Jing's knife-mouthed knife-hearted heart, but when you meet someone like Master Master, you will definitely become a tofu-mouthed tofu-hearted." After the man finished speaking, many people burst into laughter.

There was no shame on Ran Jing's face, she put her hands on her back, glared at the man and said, "Stinky bastard, believe it or not, I will expose your scandal! Who told me to buy ice cream for me back then, and secretly added a few mouthfuls?"

The man blushed immediately, smiled dryly and did not speak.

When they got closer, everyone said, "Thank you, Brother Master."

What made Liu Xu speechless was that even some older people called it that.

After entering the corridor, Liu Xu asked Ran Jing a little strangely: "Why do you call me brother master?"

"You're already a master!" Ran Jing was triumphant, with a look of pride on her face.

"What are you happy about?" Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Of course I'm happy. I brought you here. Now my girl's reputation in the community is huge. When those kids see me, they stop and call me sister master. I'm so beautiful! If I'm not busy with work, I can do it." Be the big sister of this community!" Ran Jing said more and more Ma Qiaoao.

Liu Xu supported his forehead and said, "I really lost to you. Such an adult is so happy to be a child king. What do you want me to say about you?"

"She's not yet twenty, she's still a girl!" Ran Jing made a grimace, and ran up quickly, her white dress reaching her knees, the more she ran, the more her legs were exposed.

Her legs are whiter than her skirt, dazzling people's eyes.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 585

When the two arrived at Ran Jing's house, Ran's mother immediately greeted her warmly, and wanted to keep the two of them for dinner, and even intended to stay with Liu Xu overnight.

Ran Jing saw through her mother's trick at a glance, grabbed the car keys and pulled Liu Xu outside, making Ran's mother sigh.

Because the Baihe community was often harassed by demolition people, Ran's mother parked the car elsewhere, the two walked out of the Baihe community, and walked to Ran Jing's Bi Yadi mini car, and Ran Jing took out the key.

Liu Xu sat in the passenger seat and waited for Ran Jing to drive.

Ran Jing looked at Liu Xu and said, "Safety comes first."

Talking about playing, she straightened her body, and Liu Xu felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing towards her face.

Ran Jing hung half of her body in front of Liu Xu, took the seat belt and fastened it for him.

The dress on her body was sleeveless, and a little half of it could be seen from the side, which made people want to touch it.

Liu Xu couldn't help thinking of Shen Meizhuang. Shen Meizhuang used to help him fasten his seat belt, but he didn't expect that Ran Jing also had a careful side.

"Thank you." Liu Xu smiled.

Ran Jing turned the key and the car ignited, but it didn't start.

"Let's use this as our food fund!" Liu Xu flipped his hand, and a bank card appeared in his hand.

"Three hundred thousand?" Ran Jing exclaimed.

"When I passed by him just now, I took it by hand."

"You steal..."

"He told me himself."


Ran Jing brushed her drooping long hair behind her ears, looked at Liu Xu, and asked, "I've been wanting to ask you something just now."

"Say." Liu Xu stared at Ran Jing with a sweet smile that he never tired of watching.

Ran Jing asked: "If you don't have a girlfriend now, would you really give up chasing me and marrying me for [-]?"

Liu Xu thought for a while and said, "I have no intention of chasing you at all. I don't have any psychological burden to give up on you for [-] yuan."

"Am I not worth [-] yuan?" Ran Jing felt aggrieved, her pink little mouth was tightly pursed, serious.

"It's not a question of whether it's worth it or not. It's like throwing me on an isolated island and asking me to choose between bringing [-] million in cash or canned food worth [-] million. I will definitely choose the latter." Liu Xu spread his hands, " You are not a rigid demand."

Ran Jing blushed, and said softly: "Rogue! You also use puns to tease me at this time. I'm not Guo Haizao. Be careful, I will sue you for sexual harassment."

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment before he understood why Ran Jing called a hooligan, and said dumbfoundingly: "Say you are mature, a little thing will scare you out of your mind; say you are innocent, your mind is full of not knowing what to think."

Ran Jing has always been open-minded, and immediately put the puns behind her head, and asked with an idea: "If you want to spend your whole life on an isolated island, but there is enough food on the island, although it is not good enough, you have to do it yourself. And you You can only choose between me and [-] canned food, how do you choose?"

"For a lifetime?" Liu Xu asked.

"Yes, you can't leave the island until you die!"

Liu Xu said dissatisfiedly: "Ran Jing, do you think I'm stupid? Of course I will choose you!"

Ran Jing said triumphantly: "I just said that Ran Jing is invincible in charm, how could I lose to [-]!"

"If you have the ability to replace [-] cans with Guo Haizao, try to see if your charm is invincible." Liu Xu said disdainfully.

Ran Jing froze for a moment, then blushed slightly.He said angrily, "You are a big wolf! If my place was bigger than Guo Haizao, who would you choose?"

Liu Xu was silent. After thinking for a long time, he had to say honestly: "Choose you."

Ran Jing was ashamed and annoyed, and said: "Landlord, I have seen through you! You are a big wolf! Huh! Today you had a chance to win the heart of this beauty, but unfortunately you chose [-] yuan. It's too late, Ben A beautiful woman will never like you, a bastard who values ​​money and despises me!"

Liu Xu said slowly: "You mean, after the previous food fund is used up, the [-] food fund has nothing to do with you?"

Ran Jing was about to start the car, and turned around quickly. Ran Jing quickly turned into "Ran Poor", her eyes were wide and bright.

Grabbing Liu Xu's wrist with both hands, he shook his body gently like a kitten, and said coquettishly: "Good landlord, I was wrong. Your choice of [-] yuan is the most correct choice, because you want me to eat more delicious food .I reserve the possibility of liking you. Don't let me eat, okay?"

"You know what's wrong?"

"I know I was wrong!" Ran Jing looked at Liu Xu pitifully.

"Then what do we do next?"

"The landlord tells me to go east, but I will never go west; the landlord tells me to pet the dog, but I will never steal chickens." Ran Jing vowed.

"That's about the same!" Liu Xu nodded in relief.

Ran Jing waved her little pink fist, lightly punched Liu Xu's leg a few times, and said with a smile, "Master Landlord, Maid Ran beat your leg. Don't be angry. Then next time we will eat stewed fish?"

Liu Xuzheng refused. Seeing Ran Jing's eyes filled with anticipation, he couldn't bear it, and said, "Okay!"

"Long live the landlord!" Ran Jing raised her arms excitedly, and then drove.

Originally it was good to go home, but Ran Jing drove the car to the parking lot near the pedestrian street. In her words, she had to take a walk to digest after eating, that is, go shopping to buy gifts for her and Guo Haizao.

The two got out of the car, and within a few steps, someone shouted from behind.

When the car door opened, a black low-heeled leather shoe appeared first, followed by a white calf without stockings, which was tightly wrapped in a black skirt before reaching the knee.

The woman stood up from the car with her feet on the ground. She was a professional woman in formal attire.

This woman is about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, with natural curly hair hanging on her shoulders. She has a delicate appearance, light makeup and red lips, very beautiful.

It's just that her eyes are extremely calm, her demeanor is too calm, and she looks a little old-fashioned.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 586 The world is incomplete without the young woman Bai Jie

She showed a very faint smile, walked over and said, "Hi, my name is Bai Jie, and I work in the district government."

As he spoke, he took the initiative to extend his slender hand.

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