Chapter 596 I Shouldn't Play Ice Bucket Challenge With You

"Come on, don't cry, don't cry, you're too drunk, go home quickly!" Seeing that woman was about to cry, Liu Xu raised his hands in surrender, and his heart softened. What a strength!

Although it is a new Audi A81, the top configuration is only 280 million. The last top Yanjing photo shoot was finally processed, and it cost a total of 350 million.

However, as soon as Liu Xu finished speaking, the woman not only didn't stop her tears, but even squatted down and cried loudly with a "wow".

"Come on, I can't afford to mess with you, I'm leaving!" Liu Xu was about to run away after speaking, he didn't want to cause any trouble here, after all, he was just passing by, and he was leaving tomorrow.

He quickly got in the car and started it, reversed the car, and drove past the woman.

Sure enough, the woman didn't stop him, she just squatted on the ground, shrugged her shoulders, and cried aggrievedly.

Liu Xu drove for about fifty meters, and when he glanced in the rearview mirror, he found that the woman was still crying, so he slowed down the car and thought about whether he was going too far, why don't he kick you out of the car a few times?You didn't kick it badly, why are you pouring water on other people's heads?

When the car reached about [-] meters, Liu Xu stopped the car.

Suddenly, a man walked up to the woman, squatted down and talked to the woman, and then two more men came over and started to hold the woman's arm, as if to take her away.

The woman was resisting, struggling to break free.

"Fuck, I really hit the spot!" Liu Xu immediately reversed gears and quickly backed towards the woman.

And when the men found a car reversed in front of them, they froze for a moment, grabbed the woman's hand, and wanted to let go, but they didn't want to let go either.

They want to see what's going on.

"Let go of her!" Liu Xu walked up to several people and shouted.

"Who are you?"

"Husband..." The woman was smart, and before the man finished asking, she took the initiative to call out to her husband!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we recognized the wrong person, we recognized the wrong person!" When the men heard this, they immediately let go of the woman, and retreated with a smile on their faces. As soon as the woman was let go, she threw herself into Liu Xu's arms.

Her body was icy cold, and her lips turned white from the cold.

Those men took advantage of the time when the woman threw herself into her arms and ran away.

"Come on, the play is over, go home quickly! If I don't come back, you will really be punished tonight." Liu Xu pushed the woman away.

Although the woman was very fleshy and soft before Yuexiong, but at this time Liu Xu was really not interested in finding a woman and had no evil thoughts, so he taunted the woman unceremoniously.

"Thank you." The woman had completely sobered up, and she also took two steps back, bowing slightly to Liu Xu.

"You're welcome, I'm sorry for what happened just now, I shouldn't be playing the ice bucket challenge with you!"


"It's not safe at night. Go home quickly. I'll call a taxi for you." Liu Xu was afraid that the three hooligans would come back after he left, so he planned to call a taxi for the woman.

It's just... It's almost three o'clock in the morning, and there are very few taxis. Even if there are a few passing by, there are still passengers in the cars. Liu Xu waved his hand several times, but he couldn't get a taxi.

But at this moment, the woman trembled even more violently, not only her lips turned white, but her face also turned pale.

"Okay, send the Buddha to the west, if you are not afraid, can you take my car? I will send it back to you?" Liu Xu said helplessly.

"Thank you, I'm not afraid." The woman opened the car door and sat in the back.

Liu Xu also got into the car at the same time, took off his coat and said, "Put it on quickly, I'll turn on the warm air, and you point the way. I just came from the capital, and I'm too dirty. I'm going to find a hotel or a bath to take a bath." And the laundry guy, I didn't expect to be hijacked by you, a female hooligan."

"I'm not a female hooligan, I'm sorry, I drank too much before..." the woman retorted softly.

"Are you sober now?" Liu Xu smiled.

The woman replied: "I have a headache, as if it's about to burst. It's the first time I drink too much alcohol."

"We've reached the intersection, show the way." Liu Xu said.

"Go straight, turn right at the next intersection."

"Oh!" Liu Xu accelerated, there were few cars at night, so he drove very fast.

" the right." The woman kept pointing the way from behind, and after several turns, Liu Xu was confused, and finally entered a community.

"Here we are, Building No. [-]." About half an hour later, we arrived at the woman's house downstairs, and Liu Xu didn't mention to take her upstairs to avoid her misunderstanding.

"Thank you today." The woman didn't get out of the car immediately, but took off Liu Xu's clothes and folded them, and said thanks again.

"When you get home, don't rush to sleep, make some ginger soup first, then take a hot bath, and go to get rid of the cold!" Liu Xu said.

"En." The woman hummed lightly, and glanced at Liu Xu's face again before opening the car door.

"By the way, is there a hotel for bathing near here? Do you know?" Liu Xu asked suddenly.

"It's near here... you drive, let me show you the way, and I'll take you there." The woman replied.

Liu Xu couldn't laugh or cry: "You send it to me, and then I will send it back to you, and you send it to me again, what are we tossing about?"

"Puchi!" The woman was amused by Liu Xu, and then she thought about it quietly: "If you don't mind, you can stay at my house today, and besides your clothes and shoes, there may not be someone who will wash them for you. .” The woman lowered her head after she finished speaking.

"Uh..." Liu Xu was a little confused, scratched his head and said, "Is it convenient to go to your house?"

The woman didn't answer him. In fact, it takes a lot of courage to invite a strange man home. She is not the kind of casual person, so it was very rare to let Liu Xu go to her house just now. Confirmed, she really couldn't open her mouth.


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Chapter 597

"Okay, I'm not being coquettish anymore, get out of the car and go upstairs!" Liu Xu turned off the car and pulled out the car key. Why is he being polite? It doesn't cost money to live here, and there are people to do laundry. good thing.

Sure enough, the woman got out of the car and led the way, like a thief, not daring to make too much noise.

She lives in a high-rise with an elevator, room 1202 on the twelfth floor.

The room is very large, more than [-] square meters to say the least, with two bedrooms, the living room is also large, and the decoration is luxurious.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Liu Xu, what's your name?" Liu Xu asked.

"Huang Yijiang." The woman closed the curtains, blushed and opened the door to the bathroom: "There is hot water inside, you wash first, and wear slippers inside, otherwise the floor will be slippery, I'll see if there are any oversized clothes at home, you go first Let's wash!"

"Okay, then I won't be polite." Liu Xu looked at her and smiled. Only then did he realize that this girl is not bad.

He could feel that this girl wasn't the kind of person who didn't know what to do, so he didn't think "that way".

It was kind of him to let him live here and to wash his clothes, so he couldn't let them lure wolves into the house.

If he really wanted to find a woman, he would just drag Li Yingzhi back to the capital together.

So tonight, he is staying here purely.

After Liu Xu nodded, he went straight into the bathroom and closed the door.

"By the way, after taking off your clothes, throw them directly into the washing machine. I'll go in and wash them later." Huang Yijiang shouted outside.

Liu Xu replied, "Understood."

Huang Yijiang, who was standing at the door of the bathroom, patted Yue Xiong's mouth. This was the first time she brought a man home, and the most important thing was that this man was still a stranger!

"Ah!" All of a sudden, she sneezed and felt a little dizzy, but her body was still cold.

She knew that she was really going to catch a cold, so she leaned on the wall to relieve the dizziness for a while, and then walked towards the kitchen.

"Liu...Liu Xu, I really don't have any oversized clothes at home. I just found a bath towel. When you come out, put on a bath towel first!" After Huang Yijiang boiled the ginger soup, he searched around in the cabinet, but There was really no men's clothes at home, so I could only find a large bath towel to make do with it, and she also put the bath towel at the door.

"Okay, got it." Liu Xu had almost finished washing at this time, he just washed away the smell of sweat on his body. Normally, men take a shower and wash their face much faster than women.

Huang Yijiang turned around and went to the kitchen again, but her body seemed to be shaking a little, she was dizzy, and she was almost unable to hold on.

After all, she just sobered up after drinking too much, didn't sleep at night, and was drenched in cold water, so after the three-pronged approach, her eyelids began to fight, she felt tired, sleepy and cold, and her whole brain was groggy.

But Liu Xu hadn't come out yet, and she, the master, couldn't go to bed early, so she gritted her teeth and persisted.

In about three minutes, before Huang Yijiang's ginger soup was ready, Liu Xu opened the door of the bathroom, quickly took the towel in, and walked out after wrapping it up!

"Why... ah..." Huang Yijiang heard the voice, and when he was about to ask Liu Xu why he finished washing so quickly, he got stuck, and the second half of the sentence was stuck in his throat and he didn't say it.

Because at this moment, Liu Xu's upper body was bare, and he couldn't tell if he was wearing clothes, but he showed strong muscles when he took off his clothes.

Liu Xu laughed, shook his head and said, "I'll make ginger soup for you, you go take a bath first!"

He found that Huang Yijiang's neck was red, so he spoke very softly, as if he was afraid of scaring her!

"Okay... okay..." Huang Yijiang lowered his head, seemed to be more energetic, and walked into the bathroom in a panic.

After entering, she immediately leaned against the door, patting Yuexiong's mouth with one hand, and covering her forehead with the other. She didn't want to take a bath because she was too sleepy. She wanted to sleep, but Liu Xu's body just now Once excited, he went straight to the bathroom in fright.

Not only was it the first time for her to bring a man home, but it was also the first time for her to see a man with such a good figure, so it was a lie to say that she had no idea. At this time, her heart was about to jump out.

"Eh? The trousers are all washed?" After calming down a little, he looked at the clothes pole in the satellite room, because there was a man's trousers hanging there that had just been washed.

"Pfft..." She spat secretly, blushing even more, this man really didn't treat himself as an outsider, he really washed his underwear.

"I'm so dizzy... But maybe taking a hot bath can relieve the cold." After thinking for a while, Huang Yijiang still started to undress, and also filled the washing machine with water, because there were Liu Xu's clothes and pants inside!

After a while, the bathroom was steaming, and she lay comfortably in the bathtub...

Ten minutes later, Liu Xu made the ginger soup and drank a small bowl by himself before sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching TV.

After more than ten minutes, Liu Xu was also sleepy. He glanced at the wall clock on the wall and found that it was almost four o'clock in the morning, but Huang Yijiang inside was completely silent.

"Huang...Huang Yijiang?" Liu Xu tried to shout, he wanted to ask where he should sleep.

However, Huang Yijiang inside didn't answer him, as if he didn't hear what he said.

"Huang Yijiang?" Liu Xu asked again, this time with a slightly raised voice.

Still nothing!

Liu Xu stood up, strode to the bathroom door, and tapped twice: "Huang Yijiang?"

"Huh?" There was still no sound.

Liu Xu was startled at this moment, and at the same time, he finally opened up his six senses, released his thoughts, and explored the bathroom.

In the end, Huang Yijiang fell asleep in the bathtub in the bathroom.

Liu Xu had a dumbfounding expression on his face, then knocked hard on the door a few times and said, "Huang Yijiang."

He tries to wake her up.

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