With the thought of killing, Liu Xu no longer had any worries, and his magic power soared into the sky, stirring up the thunderclouds in the sky, and there was a murderous aura surging above.

Liu Xu wanted to kill, and the monk's expression immediately changed. He felt a bone-chilling chill, and his mana froze under the erosion of this murderous aura, just like an ordinary person.

"Be merciful!"

Xuan'e, the elder of Qinglong Temple, let out a loud roar, and threw a palm-sized wooden fish towards the talisman, trying to save the little monk, who was his disciple.

Jing Guang was extremely talented in Qinglong Temple's generation, and he was his apprentice, who had high hopes from Xuan'e. How could he tolerate Jing Guang's death at the hands of Liu Xu!

On the other side, Zhao Li's underworld bomb was stopped by Liu Xu's one-fingered killing order, and the strength of the two offset each other.

"Hmph, show mercy? Why didn't you say show mercy when he wanted to kill me? Now that your own people are about to die, you run out and pretend to be the Virgin Mary. Who do you think you are? I call you because I respect you Master, if you look down on me, you are not even a fart in my eyes."

Liu Xu was merciless and his eyes were cold. That wooden fish is not a weak magic weapon.

The old monk not only wanted to save others, but also had the idea of ​​killing himself.

These monks are nothing more than a pack of wolves in sheep's clothing.

All this happened in the blink of an eye. Without hesitation, Liu Xu shot out a total of eight talismans with ten fingers in both hands.

The five talismans and the wooden fish magic weapon collided together, and the power of the two melted together.

The remaining three talismans attacked Zhao officials and the monks of Qinglong Temple.

"Hmph, play with me. I don't have many other things, just a lot of talismans. If you have the ability, you can go up together. I will use talismans to pile you up to death." Liu Xu also became ruthless, because there was no mahogany sword and celestial master vestment, so He makes talismans when he has nothing to do, and now he has eighty if not a hundred.

What he is least afraid of is group attacks.

With the talisman in hand, I have the world.

Stopping the monks and Zhao officials in Qinglong Temple, Liu Xu didn't hesitate any longer, and made another move with eight talismans, and this time the target was Jiaolong Lihun.

"Heaven, earth, universe, yin and yang borrow the law, seal it!"

Liu Xu let out a roar, and under the blessing of his mana, the eight talismans fluttered in the wind. When they reached around the body of Jiaolong Lihun, each talisman expanded to a size of ten feet.

The eight talisman seals formed a gossip formation in the air, trapping Jiaolong Lihun.


Flood dragon roared fiercely, struggling desperately in the cage, trying to break free, but at this time its power had been consumed too much, and it could not break through the cage formed by this talisman at all, so it could only roar desperately in the cage.

"Donor, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot."

When the sound of the Buddha's horn sounded, Liu Xu felt his spirit shake. The gossip formation formed by the talismans shook for a while, as if it was about to burst, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from Liu Xu's mouth.

On the other side, Wang Xiaoya's expression changed immediately when she saw Liu Xu vomiting blood, a terrifying force flashed away from her hand, without attracting anyone's attention.

At this moment, Wang Xiaoya suddenly thought of Liu Xu's words, and suppressed the killing intent in his heart, otherwise Wang Xiaoya would have rushed forward by now.

Xuan Ku didn't know that he had passed through the gate of hell just now.

The ten ranks of Buddha cultivation: heartbeat, consecration, bodiless reincarnation, revolving illumination (Buddha consciousness), lotus heart (the buddha's mind has just formed), bright mirror, enshrining Zen, transcending calamity, and golden body; Sea), Golden Elixir, Nascent Soul, Huashen, Dongxu, Mahayana, Crossing Tribulation.

This old guy is at the Xuanzhao state, which is comparable to Liu Xu's heart-beating stage.

Liu Xu's heart moved. He knew that the most powerful old monk in Qinglong Temple had made a move. He saw the timing was right. At this time, Liu Xu's old power had been released, and new power had not yet been generated. It's a good time to attack now.

This old monk is very vicious, if he doesn't make a move, it will be a mental attack. If Liu Xu's mental power is not very strong, he may be doomed at this time.

It is said that the monks are merciful, these monks are simply a group of hypocrites, the standard Yue Buqun, their actions are vicious and vicious.

As a last resort, Liu Xu could only remove the talisman gossip formation, otherwise his spirit would be torn apart, which was too worthless.

"Who are you from Qinglong Temple?" Liu Xu asked in a deep voice, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Poor monk Xuan Ku, the previous abbot of Qinglong Temple." Xuan Ku clasped his hands together, his expression unchanged.

"Hmph, it seems that your monks are not pure, and you have become greedy for this dragon and Lihun." Liu Xu had a mocking look on his face.

"You..." All the monks showed angry expressions on their faces, but they were stopped by Xuan Ku.

"Amitabha, it is our Qinglong Temple's mission to subdue demons and eliminate demons. It is our Qinglong Temple's mission to suppress this dragon's soul. We should subdue this dragon's soul." Xuanku had a compassionate expression on his face.

"What a Virgin Mary, it turns out that the older you live, the thicker your skin is, almost as thick as the wall of the Great Wall. Why didn't the first emperor let you pass when he built the Great Wall, maybe you don't have to die There are so many ordinary people." Liu Xu had a sarcasm on his face, "It's obviously my own selfishness that is causing trouble, but I can still say such a high-sounding, righteous, worthy of being a monk with a brilliant tongue, the dead can be killed You talk about living. I think you should talk to this dragon Lihun, maybe you can talk about it and turn it into a real dragon with flesh and blood, so that you can have another mountain guard in Qinglong Temple gone."


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 612

"Since the benefactor can't understand the painstaking efforts of our Qinglong Temple, then the poor monk can only do the thing of subjugating demons with thunder."

Xuan Ku didn't care about Liu Xu's ridicule at all, which made Liu Xu sigh a little. It's good to have a thick skin these days. If you do something wrong, you don't have to feel guilty. Why doesn't my brother have this talent?

Liu Xu knew that this old bald donkey was going to do something to him, so he also became ruthless, and said sharply: "Since you are bullying the widow, then I will find another helper."

As he spoke, he sent and received the magic circle.

"No, stop him." Zhao Li roared. As a ghost messenger, he is very sensitive to the power of ghosts, so he understood what Liu Xu was going to do the moment Liu Xu made a move.

Xuan Ku's face also changed drastically. After the Talisman Eight Diagrams Formation was removed, Xuan Ku obviously felt that the power of Jiaolong Lihun had recovered a lot, and he immediately understood that it was Liu Xu's tricks.

"The benefactor is so cruel." Xuanku's face showed a look of resentment, but at this moment he couldn't care about Liu Xu anymore. When Jiaolong Lihun came out, he didn't go to trouble Liu Xu first, but He culled in the direction of the monks in Qinglong Temple.

With just one blow, quite a few monks were beaten to death.

Liu Xu left the battle group and watched coldly from the sidelines. He wanted to see who was plotting whom.

When the talisman gossip array was withdrawn, Liu Xu secretly laid out the ending, injecting a mana into the body of Jiaolong Lihun, so that the strength of Jiaolong Lihun soared again. Since you want to play, I will accompany you What you are afraid of playing a big one is that you can't afford it.

Liu Xu's calculations were accurate, and he drove away the wolves and tigers. With just one move, Qinglong Temple and Zhao officials were all dragged into the water, and these people were so desperate.

Play?Who wouldn't!

The fear is that you can't afford it.

What's more, when he made the move, Liu Xu really wanted to kill Jiaolong Lihun directly.

But just when Liu Xu had murderous intentions, a feeling of horror emerged from the bottom of his heart, as if something terrible was about to happen.

When he dissipated his killing intent, the feeling of terror disappeared immediately.

This made Liu Xu understand that there must be something secretly protecting the Flood Dragon Lihun. Once the life of the Flood Dragon Lihun is really threatened, that dark thing will definitely take action.

Therefore, Liu Xu took advantage of the pressure from Qinglong Temple and Zhao officials to throw this hot potato over.

Don’t you want it? Then I’ll give it to you, just in case you won’t be able to eat it.

As for helping Jiaolong Lihun recover its strength, Liu Xu had his own plans.

In addition to disgusting Qinglong Temple and others, he also wanted to see who was in the dark.

The strategy of killing two birds with one stone was played by Liu Xu.

"Husband, do you mean that there are other things under the Qinglong Lake?" Wang Xiaoya's face was incredulous.

"That's right, that's true." Liu Xu also discovered some problems at this time. Although the green snake Lihun wants to evolve into the Flood Dragon Lihun, there is a possibility, but it is only a one-in-a-billion possibility. This possibility is too small, almost impossible to happen, and the most important thing is that Qinglong Lake does not have such conditions.

If a small Qinglong Lake could transform a fallen green snake Lihun into a flood dragon Lihun, then there would not be so few flood dragons in this world.

Combined with the threat just now, Liu Xu guessed that there must be something else at the bottom of the lake, and this thing is also very powerful, so powerful that it is unimaginable.

"Honey, what should we do now? Are we just waiting?" Wang Xiaoya asked.

"Let's have a look before we talk!" Liu Xu was a little helpless.

Suddenly, Liu Xu remembered, perhaps, this is a breakthrough.

"By the way, Xiaoya, you said just now that you felt a familiar feeling on that Flood Dragon Lihun, so can you remember what that thing is?"

"Well, I seem to have a little impression, let me check the memory file!" Wang Xiaoya chuckled.

Liu Xu couldn't help but be speechless, memory archive, I made a slot, this term looks so tall, what kind of high technology is this, I am speechless.

Is it possible that a goddess can act cute like this?Don't you know it's shameful to be cute?

Looking at Wang Xiaoya, who was searching for the memories of the past, Liu Xu felt a little confused. Is this Xiaoya a clone, or the deity?

However, it would be nice if the two came together.

Well, that's it, the avatar and the deity together.

Together with this idea, it is as unstoppable as a raging fire. This seems to be possible, and if you have the opportunity to try it, Liu Xu couldn't help but become obsessed.

"I remember now." Wang Xiaoya held Liu Xu's hand and exclaimed in surprise.

Liu Xu's expression froze, and there was indeed something going on.

"That, the aura of the Flood Dragon Lihun seems to belong to Xiaoqing." Wang Xiaoya showed an extremely strange expression on his face.

"Xiaoqing? Which Xiaoqing?" Liu Xu didn't react for a while.

"Besides that little green snake, who else in this world is called Xiaoqing?" Wang Xiaoya gave Liu Xu a white look.

The green snake, Liu Xu knelt down resolutely. It was really Xiaoqing. I guessed it before, but I guessed it. The truth is so close. If you say it this way, the thing at the bottom of Qinglong Lake cannot be Bai Suzhen, right? ?

Liu Xu and Xiaoya looked at each other, it seems that this possibility is really possible, hasn't the Leifeng Pagoda collapsed for hundreds of years?

At this time, Bai Suzhen should have come out, and the West Lake Leifeng Pagoda that tourists are visiting now is a copy of later generations.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 613 Bai Suzhen vs Jiutian Xuannv

Liu Xu took a deep breath, this is Bai Suzhen, a fierce person who dares to flood Jinshan, and more importantly, this white lady has a very strong backing.

Otherwise, the sins caused by Bai Suzhen's flooding Jinshan would have been enough for her to die dozens of times, how could it be her turn to be suppressed under the Leifeng Pagoda!

Perhaps only a fierce person like Bai Suzhen can help Xiaoqing's ghost and snake soul transform into a dragon and dragon soul.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu's small thoughts were completely gone. In front of Bai Suzhen, he wanted to kill Xiaoqing's Lihun. Isn't that the old birthday star eating arsenic-looking for death?

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