"Lu Yao, we are really destined!"

"Call me Officer Lu. The police are handling the case. Anyone who is irrelevant please leave immediately."

"Who says I'm irrelevant?" Liu Xu chuckled and motioned for the two to step aside.

Lu Yao looked suspicious, but reluctantly went to the side with Liu Xu, but the latter took out a certificate and waved it in front of his eyes.


This gangster turned out to be from the National Security Bureau?

"My own people are all my own people. Tell me, what happened?" Tao Lao helped Zhang Luo get Liu Xu's national security certificate, and he had never used it before.

"There was a murder here."

Uncle Ma, who always gets up early, came to Qinglong Lake for a run. From a long distance, he saw something red and black lying on the road.

Uncle Ma approached curiously, but suddenly saw a corpse with a bloody lower body, and was so frightened that he almost had a heart attack.

Seeing Lu Yao begin to introduce the case to Liu Xu, although the people around did not know his identity, they nodded again.

Before entering the investigation of the case, another group of bastards came from a distance.

"Director Hu, who is this?" The gangster handed over a cigarette.

"The case is being handled!" Reaching out without smiling, Director Hu took the cigarette and said, "How do you know I'm here?"

"There is a rich man offering three thousand yuan. Let's make a call. Let's say a man is wearing a plaid shirt and gray trousers. There is a woman next to him wearing a white dress. She is very beautiful. Whoever sees it is tough. Since Brother Hu Here, let's wait and do it first, so as not to trouble Brother Hu." After finishing speaking, the gangster glanced at the crowd and was stunned.

He thought that Lu Yao and the others were all subordinates of Director Hu, that's why he dared to speak so brazenly. If he knew that Lu Yao was the leader of the serious crime team in Shanghai, how would the gangster fart.

Aren't the two standing next to Director Hu the target?Especially that woman, who definitely meets the standard of whoever sees who is tough.

Director Hu was also stunned, wondering why there was a familiar feeling, and when he turned his head and looked at Liu Xu and Zhang Zeling, he suddenly realized.

The gangster slapped himself violently, and shouted: "Damn it! You don't want to be a gangster anymore! Brother Hu, don't stop me, even if you dare to hit Brother Hu's friend, let's see how I deal with him! Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't bear to give up a glance at Zhang Zezhen, and took it straight down the mountain.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 632 You Are Too Beautiful

Director Hu remembered what the gangster said, glanced at Zhang Zezhen, held back his smile, and asked, "Leader Lu, let's investigate the case first!"

Lu Yao nodded, the other party was just farting, and she couldn't teach him a lesson, and Lu Yao didn't want to stand out for Zhang Zeling, she didn't like the girl who was with Liu Xu.

Zhang Zeling's mind was full of the phrase "Whoever sees it is tough", his little face turned pale with anger.

Liu Xu said comfortingly: "Don't be angry, what you say is not rough, you are already too beautiful."

"Hmph!" Zhang Zeling turned his head and ignored him sullenly.

Director Hu couldn't help but nodded slightly. If he was a few years younger, he would be so fascinated by Zhang Zezhen that he couldn't tell north from south. Look at the male police officers who came together, aren't they all secretly looking at her?

Liu Xu understood the case, but he didn't intend to help Lu Yao solve the case at all. If he wanted him to catch the ghosts, he should leave the case to the police of the serious crime team!

If Liu Xu solves the case, Lu Yao won't be laid off!

Walking down the mountain, Liu Xu helped put the bucket into the trunk, and saw the four gangsters walking over, holding Liu Zicheng, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Seeing Liu Xu standing next to the million-dollar Maybach s600, Liu Zicheng finally realized that he had offended someone he couldn't afford to offend, and immediately said, "I admit it! I admit my mistake! Tell me the number, and I will definitely satisfy you."

"Losing money? Okay, one million." Liu Xu said cheerfully.

Liu Zicheng blushed and said, "I can't take it out."

"Didn't you say that I would be satisfied? Didn't Ting Neng pretend?" Liu Xu asked.

"But one million is too much." Liu Zicheng said with a bitter face.

"Then you should honestly accept legal sanctions, and remember this lesson. Don't think that you have a little money to do evil all day long and hire murderers to kill people." Liu Xu glanced at Liu Zicheng, and got into the car with Zhang Zeling.

But the gang leader found that Zhang Zezhen's face was not looking good, so he slapped Liu Zicheng fiercely, and cursed: "You can also touch Brother Hu's friends? Look at Brother Hu's friends. His wife is so beautiful, her temperament is so noble, and she is so beautiful. I don’t even bother to look at you. Do you think that you are great if you have a piece of money? I despise people like you the most!”

As he said that, he handed [-] yuan to Liu Xu through the car window, and said with a smile on his face, "These [-] yuan belong to him. Please keep it. It's my treat for you to drink."

Liu Xu pushed the money back with a smile, and said, "I see that you are doing justice in the court. You take this money. When I come next time, I will invite you to dinner to express my gratitude."

The gangster said excitedly: "My name is Lu Yuan. You can see that you are a big boss, and you are not short of money. Next time you come, you must tell me that I will be there whenever you are called, and I will definitely guarantee your safety."

Liu Xu nodded with a smile and drove away.

Lu Yuan put the money into his arms with a smile, glanced at Liu Zicheng, and kicked him at the root of his life.

"Ah!" Liu Zicheng screamed, lying on the ground clutching his crotch, shrinking into a prawn.

This time, Zhang Zezhen learned his lesson, and asked Liu Xu to find a public toilet in Qinglong Town first, and then rushed to the magic city.

On the expressway, Zhang Zeling leaned on the seat and fell asleep.

Liu Xu took this opportunity to send the aura collected from Qinglong Lake into Zhang Zezhen's body.

Entering the urban area, Zhang Zeling was awakened by loud noises.

"When is it?" Zhang Zezhen raised his head, sat next to him, stretched out his hands to comb his messy hair, and then touched his face.

"It's almost four o'clock." Liu Xu looked at Zhang Zezhen, her face was clearly red because of the pressure on her shoulders.

"Hmm." Zhang Zewan sat in a daze, still a little confused, but she was extraordinarily pure and natural.

"I'll take you home!" Liu Xu said.

"No! Go back to your house, and then I will go back by myself." Zhang Zezhen said in an unquestionable tone.

"It doesn't matter, when will you be free in the future?" Liu Xu asked.


"Well, it turns out that you like me to call you every day, but I actually like it too." Liu Xu said.

Zhang Zeling narrowed his eyes slightly, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes, and he returned to the white swan of Ma Qiaoao.

Liu Xu laughed and said, "Angry? Blame yourself if you want to blame, and make an appointment to have a meal with me once a week."

Zhang Zewan clenched his small fists and exhaled long, because he had just woken up with a rough sound in his throat, like an angry kitten.

"I want to see your ballet. When you perform, give me a ticket!" Liu Xu said.

"Don't show it!" After Zhang Zezhen finished speaking, he turned his head and looked out the window, leaving Liu Xu with a slender and fair neck, revealing a shallow collarbone, more beautiful than a swan.

"Oh." Liu Xu sighed.

Zhang Zeling said softly: "If you tell me what secrets Wang Li told you about me, then let you watch me dance the ballet!"

"I won't tell you!" Liu Xu cheered up.

"Damn it!" Zhang Zeling clenched his little pink fist and waved it lightly.

When we arrived at Azure Cartier, Zhang Zeling got out of the car, and Liu Xu wanted to give her the fish. Zhang Zeling said gloomily that he couldn't carry it, and then took an Uber to leave.

Liu Xu watched Zhang Zeyu get into the back seat of the car, wrote down the license plate number, and was about to turn around when Zhang Zeling suddenly waved goodbye to him from the rear window, then pointed to the car seat, and said a few words that Liu Xu couldn't hear. A word, showing a mischievous and proud look, then turned around and sat down.

"The money is under the car seat." Liu Xu obtained the result through Zhang Zeling's mouth shape, and then found the money left by Zhang Zeling in the car.

Five thousand yuan.

"Still so stubborn." Liu Xu sighed softly.

Liu Xu called Zhang Bowen to the villa and gave him a task, asking him to hire a lawyer to go to Qinglong Town to handle the contracting of Qinglong Lake.

Qinglong Lake must find a way to obtain it legally without any problems. Liu Xu plans to open a high-end club there integrating medical treatment, catering, leisure and entertainment, and it is only open to the real high-end crowd.

However, this process is very troublesome. Liu Xu has no time. After Zhang Bowen finishes everything, he can sign it.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 633 Female Tour Guide Guli Nazha

In the evening, Liu Xu called Huang Yijiang.

He just called her to report that she was safe after returning to Shanghai, and he hasn't contacted her these days.

"Liu Xu, why did you think of calling me?" The phone was picked up after only one ring, as if Huang Yijiang was standing by the phone, and the answer was very fast.

"I miss you! How about you, what are you doing?" Liu Xu asked with a smile.

"Guess?" Huang Yijiang smiled sweetly, and Liu Xu would take the initiative to call her, which meant that he didn't want to wipe his ass off and leave.

In fact, she had been worried for a while. Huang Yijiang was really afraid that Liu Xu would not be able to contact her on the phone, because if she couldn't wait, it would prove that Liu Xu was the kind of man who would disappear after taking advantage of him.

And such people are everywhere now.

"I guess you are watching TV?" Liu Xu laughed.

"No! I just took medicine, contraceptives, I forgot, last time it seemed to be in a dangerous period, so I just bought the medicine and took it!" Huang Yijiang whispered: "But the time has passed, I don't know... "

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly sighed: "I'm sorry, I heard that the medicine is not good for your health, so don't take it in the future, let's pay attention."

"Yes." Huang Yijiang responded in a low voice.

"Okay, I'm going to bed now! I'm so sleepy, I'm exhausted from cleaning today." Huang Yijiang pointed out on the phone.

"Haha, were we tired last time?" Liu Xu asked with a laugh.

"I don't care about you. I'll hang up. I'll see you in a few days." Huang Yijiang hung up the phone with a smile.

The next day, Liu Xu flew to Yanjing again. Without him as the screenwriter, Hua Qiangu's filming progress was very slow.

Although Zhao Liying is very suitable for the role of Hua Qiangu, she has not graduated yet, and her acting skills are not yet mature, and Zhao Liying has to play the leading role in this drama. One can imagine the great pressure on her.

Liu Xu went to Yanjing, and Zhao Liying seemed to be in the mood with him by his side. It was easy to get into the scene, and the shooting progress was immediately accelerated.

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