When Liu Xu came out of the shower, Gu Li Nazha, who thought she had left long ago, was already lying on the bed, lying quietly on the bed alone, waiting for Liu Xu.

Everything was kept silent, Liu Xu didn't wait any longer, and lay down on the bed.

The two hugged each other tightly, and the rest of the matter came naturally.

It happened naturally.

After the storm, Liu Xu said, "Naza, what are your plans for the future?"

Gulinazha wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, covered her body with the quilt, leaned her head tightly on Liu Xu's arms, and murmured: "I don't know, I originally planned to just spend a night like this, and earn some money." We just went our separate ways and never communicated again, but now when I think of never seeing you again, my heart hurts. Maybe this is what they say, a woman will never forget her first man, because He turned us from girls to women."

In an instant, Gu Li Nazha seemed to have grown up a lot, from a girl to a woman, from youthful to mature, and even her desire for money has dimmed a lot.

Maybe when she wakes up tomorrow morning, she will become that snobbish woman again, but now the woman in Liu Xu's arms has recovered her kind nature, revealing the purity in her heart unreservedly.

Not long after, Gu Li Nazha quickly fell asleep.

When she slowly opened her eyes, she was taken aback. Although the bedroom was separated by thick curtains, the bedroom was bright and majestic. Gulinaza exclaimed, "What time is it?"

She wanted to get up, but her back hurt, and she lay down on the bed again with an "ouch".

A gentle laughter came from my ears: "You are taking a break, I called the service desk and asked them to buy some clothes and send them over."

Gu Li Nazha tilted her head weakly, she didn't even have the strength to roll her eyes, and said bitterly: "You are a dead man, you are a pervert, whoever marries you is bad luck for eight lifetimes."

He stretched out his hand to touch the body, but exclaimed, it turned out that the body was naked, but was covered with a towel.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "I wiped your body for you, it's uncomfortable to sleep with stickiness."

Looking at Gu Li Nazha's body, Liu Xu's heart felt hot again, and he hurriedly turned his head away.

Gu Li Nazha's heart warmed, she didn't expect Liu Xu to be so careful, and then she thought of the picture of him wiping her body, and her face became hot for a while.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 636 I Will Be Supported by You

I drank some red wine last night, and before that, I decided to send it out for the first time, so I didn't feel too shy, but now that the sky is bright and the sun is shining, I don't care at all, Liu Xu is by my side, Gulinaza Feel embarrassed.

Gu Li Nazha remembered another important matter and asked, "You don't think I'm an unruly woman, do you? I won't know in the future, but before last night I..."

Seeing her looking at him nervously, Liu Xu said with a smile, "Do you think any man would think it's immodest to give a girl to him for the first time?"

Gu Li Nazha breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered: "You are not someone else, I want to leave you the most beautiful side of me, after all, you are my first man."

After thinking about it, she asked again, "You really think so?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Didn't I say that? A man would think so."

After a while, Liu Xu asked again: "Are you hungry? Let me go and buy you something to eat!"

Gu Li Nazha couldn't help feeling warm, thought for a while and said: "No, the clothes will be delivered later, let's go out to eat."

Liu Xu and Gulinaza were strolling on the street. Gulinaza was wearing a suspender and jeans newly bought by the waiter. Her underwear was torn to pieces by Liu Xu last night.

Thinking of this, Gu Li Nazha couldn't help punching Liu Xu and said: "I hate it, that's my favorite set of underwear, you ruined it all, I'm so mad."

Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted and smiled: "It's okay, you have to think that they didn't buy well, after dinner, let's go buy a new set of clothes."

Gu Li Nazha opened her mouth, said nothing, and did not refuse.

Liu Xu picked up the car, took Gu Li Nazha to find a porridge shop, and ate some breakfast. When they woke up, it was almost noon, but they were not very hungry, and it would be better to eat some porridge .

After the meal, Liu Xu drove Gu Li Nazha to several shopping malls to buy some clothes for her.

In the shopping mall, Gulinaza finally felt the joy of shopping. She used to come to see it. Even though she could try on clothes for free, Gulinaza, who had no money, did not dare to try clothes casually. People are ironic, but today he has no worries at all. As long as the clothes look good, Liu Xu will buy them with a wave of his hand.

This feeling of wealth and wealth can't help Gu Li Nazha to feel happy, and Liu Xu also feels happy from it.

Liu Xu's mentality is the mentality of a nouveau riche, but in this era when everyone wants to be friends with local tyrants, no one would feel bad. On the contrary, the salesmen looked at Gu Linaza enviously, because she has such a person who is willing to spend money. My boyfriend feels jealous, everyone is probably envious, jealous and hateful!

Looking at the shopping bags in the back seat of the Cadillac, Gulinaza realized how much she had bought in the mall.

Seeing Liu Xu concentrating on driving, a feeling of happiness filled Gu Li Nazha's heart.

She suddenly didn't want to leave Liu Xu. This man, whom she had known for less than a day, took away her most precious chastity and gave her the money she was most looking forward to.

Everything should have ended here, but for some reason, Gu Li Nazha had the urge to cry.

When Liu Xu stopped the car, he looked at Gu Li Nazha who looked sad. Not knowing what was wrong with her, he got out of the car and opened the door for Gu Li Na Zha.

After getting out of the car, Gu Li Nazha looked around and found that the car was parked in front of Chow Tai Fook Jewelry Store. Her eyes lit up and she saw Liu Xu opened her mouth, wanting to ask something, but she was afraid that she would be too sentimental.

Liu Xu took Gu Li Nazha's hand into the jewelry store, came to the ring counter and said, "Look at which one you like."

Gu Li Nazha's tears welled up, she didn't know why, she just wanted to cry...

Since waking up, Gulinaza has been in conflict. She feels that she is not a good woman, and she doesn't think that Liu Xu can think highly of herself. As long as she has money, this is Gulinaza's initial thought, and everything else is fake. Now that he has reached this point, it depends on how much money Liu Xu can give.

Gu Li Nazha has no experience and doesn't know how much money she should ask for. In addition, Liu Xu bought her a lot of clothes, so she no longer has much hope for money.

But Liu Xu's action immediately moved her. Gu Li Nazha found that Liu Xu had no intention of leaving her. She wanted to buy jewelry for herself. Is there anything more touching for a woman than buying a ring?

Gu Li Nazha doesn't know, maybe there is, maybe there isn't.

Gu Li Nazha thinks that she may meet those big money friends mentioned by her friends. They don’t just play overnight. When she went to pick up the guests, she felt that Liu Xu might be an angel photographed by the sky, who came to save her.

"I would like to be taken care of by you." Gulina said inwardly, tears streaming down her face, but there was a happy smile on the corner of her mouth.

When she walked out of the Chow Tai Fook jewelry store, Gu Li Nazha was still sleepwalking, looking at the diamond ring on her hand, she felt trapped.

Although Gulinazha knew that this ring didn't actually mean anything.

After getting in the car, he secretly looked at Liu Xu, opened his mouth several times but didn't know what to say.

Liu Xu also noticed Gu Li Nazha's expression, smiled and said nothing, parked the car at the door of a coffee shop, sat down in a corner, and ordered two cups of coffee.

Drinking coffee, looking at the beautiful and sexy woman in front of him, Liu Xu felt sincerely satisfied.

This woman belonged to him. Thinking of the passion last night, Liu Xu felt a heat in his lower abdomen, and stared at Gulinaza with hot eyes.

Gu Lina gave Liu Xu a white look, and muttered, "Birds and beasts."

Liu Xu scratched his head and felt that he was a bit too much, as if he was interested in Gu Li Nazha's body, which was indeed the case.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 637 Nazha Became a Little Lover

Sighing, Gu Li Nazha took a sip of coffee and said, "Liu Xu, how do you plan to arrange me?"

Liu Xu opened his mouth, and Gu Li Nazha looked at the silent Liu Xu, smiled wryly and said, "I know it's a bit shameless to make this request, you bought me so many things, what else am I not satisfied with?" After finishing speaking, he gently touched the ring on his hand.

Liu Xu grabbed Gu Li Nazha's hand and said: "What nonsense, you are already mine, how can I let you go. I hesitated just now because one of us is in Yanjing and the other is in Shanghai. There are more than a thousand miles away, and I am thinking about how to arrange for you."

Gulinazha really cried with joy this time, and looked at Liu Xu in disbelief. She thought she was just a passer-by. Liu Xu bought so many things for her, thinking it was the price she paid for what happened yesterday. Gu Li Nazha raised hopes when she got the ring, but Liu Xu's noncommittal attitude made her heart sink to the bottom, so she thought that Liu Xu didn't open his mouth because he didn't know how to get rid of her, but it turned out not to be the case.

Liu Xu looked at the weeping Gulinaza, and thought of the beautiful woman in front of him. In his previous three-dimensional world, he didn't know whose arms he was lying in. Liu Xu felt a dull pain in his heart. After last night, Liu Xu had already This woman regards it as her own private property.

Liu Xu patted Gulinaza on the shoulder, told her to continue crying, vented all her grievances, and then hugged Gulinaza into her arms.

Liu Xu thought about it and continued: "Nazha, I have something to tell you. I am not a second-generation rich second-generation official, but there is no shortage of money. There is one more thing I want to tell you. You must be mentally prepared. .”

Gulinaza pouted and said: "I guess you have a girlfriend, I guessed it, you knew it yesterday, it's definitely not the first time for you."

Liu Xu scratched his head and said, "Not only do I have girlfriends, but more than one."

He reached out and hugged Gulinaza vigorously, and continued: "Whoever wants to travel and meets you again, in fact, I am usually very sensible, but you are too sexually shocking, and I have not controlled my desire. .”

Gulinaza snorted and said: "If you say that, you still have to blame me. I don't know who forced it yesterday. Let me tell you that your actions can constitute forced sex. If you treat me badly, I will sue you." you."

Listening to Gulinaza joking with himself, Liu Xu knew that she was in a better mood, so he smiled and gently kissed Gulinaza's cheek, her face turned red, and she didn't know what to do. it is good.

Gulina leaned into Liu Xu's arms, hugged Liu Xu's waist tightly and said: "I was scared to death just now, I thought you didn't want me anymore, I don't know how to keep you, I'm not a good girl , you don’t have to worry, as long as I can stay by your side, I won’t earn anything.”

Liu Xu smiled, didn't say anything, and held Gulinaza's hand tightly.

The two leaned together and were silent for a long, long time.

Many years later, when Gulinazha passed by this coffee shop, thinking of that afternoon, there were only warm memories in her heart.

Liu Xu finally decided to buy a house in Yanjing, one is to let Gulinaza move out of school, and stop contacting those tour guides, saying goodbye to the old days.

The other is to find a place for Liu Xu to stay. They can't just go to the hotel every time they come, it's neither safe nor cozy.

Gu Li Nazha was stimulated one after another, and she became a little numb. She didn't know what expression she should have when she heard Liu Xu's generosity.

Liu Xu put his arms around Gu Li Nazha and said: "Na Zha, I will buy a house in Yanjing for you, and it will be your home from now on. You can dress up however you want, and buy whatever you want. Be happy, maybe I can't make any promises to you now, but I will definitely treat you sincerely."

Gu Linazha nodded with tears in her eyes, and hurriedly covered Liu Xu's mouth with her hands and said, "Okay, don't talk about it, I know, I know, you are really good to me, I am so happy to meet you!" You. If it were someone else, I can't even imagine what my fate would be. Liu Xu, thank you, you changed my life and pulled me out of hell. I will treat you well, as long as you don't let me I leave, and I will always be by your side, even if you are nameless."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Don't worry, how can I be willing to let go of such a beautiful girl like you, just stay with me obediently, you will be mine for the rest of your life."

The two lingered in the coffee shop for a long time, until the waiter's eyes turned pale, and they left the coffee shop. Hearing the complaints from the waiter behind, the two looked at each other and smiled. How important it is, Liu Xu changed the fate of a girl's life.

As soon as they got in the car, the two hugged their heads and kissed each other, and it took a while for them to return to normal.

Gu Lina gave Liu Xu a white look, and said angrily, "You are such a greedy cat, you will never let me go."

Liu Xu laughed twice, and asked, "Where are you going, Nazha, I'm waiting for your order!"

Gu Li Nazha looked out of the car with confused eyes, and muttered to herself: "I don't know where to go. It seems that I have nowhere to go except for school and tourist attractions. But why do I always have a feeling of grief? , it seems that there is somewhere I should go back long ago, but I still can't remember where it is?"

Liu Xu sighed, gently held Gu Li Nazha's hand, and said with a gentle smile, "I know where you want to go?"

Gu Li Nazha looked at Liu Xu eagerly, and asked in a panic, "Do you know where I'm going?"

Liu Xu nodded and said, "I know, it's time for you to go home."

Gu Li Nazha's tears fell down in a flash, and she lay on Liu Xu's body, crying loudly.


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