Nazha's mother asked with concern: "Nazha, what's the matter? Long distance is so expensive, why did you call?"

Gu Li Nazha held back her tears and said: "Mom, it's okay, I want to tell you, I want to go back to see you."

Nazha's mother asked excitedly: "Really? Nazha, when will you get home and what do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you."

Gu Li Nazha shook her head and said, "No need, Mom, we're leaving today, the flight tonight."

Nazha's mother asked strangely: "You guys, who are you with?"

Gu Li Nazha said with some embarrassment: "Mom, I made a boyfriend, let's go back together."

Nazha's mother said: "Okay, okay, then be careful on the road, I will tell your father. Oh, you didn't say it earlier, and the house was not cleaned up, so I won't tell you anymore, I will go back Clean up at home, your boyfriend is here for the first time, we want to make a good impression on people."

After finishing speaking, she hung up in a hurry. Gu Li Nazha held the phone and smiled wryly. Why is my mother so anxious? There are still many things I haven't told her!

After lunch, the two set off.

Yanjing Airport, direct flight to Xinjiang.

When they entered the village, it caused a great commotion. Sanlipu is one of the poorest villages in the surrounding villages. After so many years, only Gulinaza has been admitted to university, and she still went to school in Yanjing.

On the day she left, the whole village came to see her off. Many people regarded her as their hope, and regarded her as their own child. Most of the tuition fees for the first year were pooled by various families in the village.

Sure enough, Gu Li Nazha did not disappoint them. Although she never came back after leaving, she sent money to her family every year, and she never asked her family for a penny after the first year.

When Nazha's mother received the call, she told the villagers that she was going to bring her boyfriend back, and it turned out that many people were waiting for them at the entrance of the village.

Unexpectedly, after the crowd dispersed, Gu Li Nazha came back in a car.

The children in the village jumped up and down behind the car, and Liu Xu drove the rented car carefully.

Originally, I wanted to take a taxi, but they left after seeing off someone. What should I do when I go back?

So Liu Xu simply rented a jeep off-road vehicle.

The roads in the village are relatively narrow. After a while, before the car reached the door of Gulinaza’s house, Gulinaza’s parents came out to welcome them. They walked faster than cars. It is conceivable that the road conditions are bad. up.

When Gulinazha saw her parents, she couldn't help opening the door and getting out of the car, and threw herself into her mother's arms, tears streaming down her face.

Under the command of Nazha's father, Liu Xu parked the car at the gate of Nazha's house. After getting out of the car, he saw Gulinazha walking over holding her mother's hand.

Gulinaza introduced with a blushing face, "Mom and Dad, this is my boyfriend, and his name is Liu Xu."

Liu Xu hurriedly said: "Uncle, aunt, hello, I am Liu Xu, and I am Nazha's boyfriend."

Nazha's father was an honest farmer, he nodded and said nothing, but Nazha's mother kept giving Liu Xu a lot, saying that the mother-in-law became more and more proud of her son-in-law, and so did she.

Liu Xu opened the trunk and took out a bag of candy to distribute to the children around.

The children jumped up and down happily, and the crowd around them not only did not disperse, but grew more and more.

Liu Xu said to Gu Li Nazha: "Nazha, tell my aunt to find a place, and I will take the gift there."

Gulinaza nodded, and whispered something to her mother.

Nazha's mother's eyes lit up, she greeted a few neighbors, and together with Liu Xu they talked about unloading the car.

This time, the surroundings are full of envious eyes, all kinds of clothes, tobacco and wine, food, gift boxes, and the most exaggerated thing is that there is a computer behind it. This is when I rented a car, according to Gulinaza. There is only a TV at home, and she wants to give her sister a computer, which Liu Xu bought specially for the Apple all-in-one.

The surrounding neighbors gathered here regardless of whether they could help or not. When they were busy, a girl in a white shirt ran out.

"Xiao Di!" Gulinaza yelled, and hugged the girl as she spoke.

Liu Xu knew that this was Gulinaza's younger sister. This year she was in her third year of high school and she was going to take college entrance exams. The reason why Gulinaza decided to take that path was because she wanted her sister to have a good start. The soaring tuition fees and living expenses will cause various twists and turns in the younger sister's way to school.

But, you didn't tell me that your sister is Dilly, did you!

Liu Xu was completely smected.

Dili also looked at Liu Xu curiously, and asked, "Are you my future brother-in-law?"

Liu Xu nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, you are Xiaodi, right? Your sister often praises you in front of me, saying that you are good at studying, and you are a seedling of Tsinghua University and Peking University in the college entrance examination. How do you have confidence?"

Dilijaba snorted and said, "Of course, but why do you have the same attitude as my teacher, you like to educate people when you talk."


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it’s 520 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats on the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 641 Parents are next door!

Nazha's mother slapped Dilly in anger, and said, "Go, crazy girl, what nonsense are you talking about? Liu Xu, I can call you that!"

Liu Xu smiled and nodded, "Auntie, you're welcome, you can call me anything."

Nazha's mother nodded with a smile and said, "Let's go, Liu Xu, come into the house quickly, don't stand at the door, Nazha is the same child, don't tell me earlier, when you come back, the house is not cleaned up."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Auntie, I'm not an outsider." After speaking, he followed Nazha's mother into the yard.

The house of Gulinaza's family is an old earthen house with three rooms, a jujube tree in the yard, a pig and a few chickens.

The courtyard is now full of people.

Liu Xu kept greeting these relatives and friends under the introduction of Nazha's mother, but when he entered the house, Liu Xu didn't remember a few people. There were too many people, and he suddenly appeared expectantly An older sister, Tong Liya, did not appear.

The bunk in the east room was filled with all kinds of gifts bought by Liu Xu. Liu Xu found that there was almost no place to put his feet in the room, so he had to sit on the edge of the kang with his buttocks on his back. Nazha's mother would have prepared it long ago. Peanuts, melon seeds, sugar cubes and so on are served.

Nazha's father lit a dry cigarette and smoked it. He sat on the edge of the kang without saying anything.

Liu Xu hurriedly took out the cigarettes he bought and lit one for Nazha's father.

Nazha's father took a sip, his eyes lit up and said, "This is a good cigarette, it costs more than ten yuan a box!"

Gu Li Naza hurriedly said, "Dad, this is the Zhonghua that Liu Xu bought for you, and it costs [-] yuan a box now."

Nazha's father's hands trembled and he was almost burned by the cigarette. He said in surprise, "How much? One hundred yuan a box?"

Gu Li Nazha nodded, and the way Nazha's mother looked at Liu Xu changed even more.

Liu Xu bought so many things, but Nazha's mother couldn't tell how much these things were worth. Hearing that Gu Li Nazha said that a pack of cigarettes cost only [-] yuan, other things would definitely not be cheap. Lina Zha asked, and sure enough, those clothes cost thousands of dollars each.

A few relatives from Gulinazha's family came in, and Nazha's father handed out a cigarette to each of them, emphatically saying, "This is bought by my uncle, and it costs [-] yuan a box."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard [-] yuan a box, and they didn't know whether to smoke or not, and some began to ask Liu Xu what he did at home.

It was Gu Li Nazha who couldn't see it and said: "Mom, let Liu Xu go to the Westinghouse to rest for a while, he has been driving all morning."

Nazha's mother hurriedly said: "Okay, then go and lie down for a while, and I will prepare the meal."

Liu Xu also couldn't stand the relatives of Gulinazha's family, so he followed her to the Westinghouse.

Lie down on the kang, stretched for a while, and Liu Xushen pulled Gulina Zha into his arms.

Gu Li Nazha was taken aback and said, "No, Mom and Dad are right next door!"

Liu Xu smiled and said: "I know, I just want to hug you. Nazha, there are so many people at your house, I think it's better to have a banquet! I'll give you [-] yuan, and you can find some people to buy some." Food and drink, borrow some tables and chairs, and entertain these relatives and friends. You also said that you were able to pass the exam and go to university. Thanks to everyone’s help, it’s okay if you haven’t come back these years, and now that you’re back, thank you all.”

Gu Li Nazha leaned against Liu Xu's arms, getting softer and softer, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, Liu Xu, I really don't know how to thank you."

Liu Xu smiled and patted Gu Li Nazha on the shoulder and said, "Do you still want to be polite to me? Well, tell people to go shopping. It doesn't matter if you buy more. If you can borrow some tables, please invite everyone in the village." Come, fight for your parents' face."

Gu Li Nazha nodded, and said in a low voice: "Liu Xu, you can rest for a while, I'll go out to work first, and I'll come to accompany you later."

Liu Xu nodded, lay on the kang, and fell asleep after a while.

Dimly, I felt that someone came in and covered him with a quilt.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, his ears felt a little itchy. Liu Xu opened his eyes and saw that Dili was lying beside him. He found a piece of dogtail grass somewhere, and it was poking around in his ear. Seeing Liu Xu woke up, he was not afraid, but giggled instead.

Dili was also lying on the kang, following the opening of the shirt, Liu Xu saw a piece of white braid, so it turned out that she was not wearing underwear at all.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu couldn't help feeling hot in his stomach, and his eyes became hot. Dili is so innocent, she hasn't noticed that her brother-in-law-to-be is taking advantage of him.

Liu Xu lay still, this angle was very good, he could see many things clearly, but he asked, "Xiao Di, what time is it, where is your sister?"

Dilly smiled sweetly and said: "It's almost four o'clock, you can really sleep. Mom and sister went shopping in the town, and they said it was a banquet tonight, and the whole village was invited to dinner. Brother-in-law, sister said you Is it true that I gave her [-] yuan?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Then what's the truth? Why didn't you go shopping?"

Dilly snorted and said, "I want to go, but Mom won't let me go, let me watch you at home. What's so interesting about you being a living person!"

Liu Xu followed the neckline, took a few more glances at the tofu, and asked, "Xiao Di, which university do you plan to take?"

Dilly's eyes darkened, and he said, "I want to take the entrance examination for a teacher's school. I heard from the teacher that the tuition fee for a teacher's school is low, so I can find a job."

Liu Xu frowned and said, "What kind of teacher are you going to take? Just like your sister, let's pass the exam! Don't worry about the tuition fee. With your sister and I here, you will be responsible for going to school. This is a lifetime thing, so don't be blind." Think about it, it will be too late to regret in the future.”


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it’s 520 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats on the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 642

Dilly groaned, sat up and said, "Brother-in-law, are you serious? You and my sister are helping me go to school."

Seeing Dili get up and sit up, Liu Xu sighed secretly. The beautiful scenery was no longer visible, so he also sat up and said with a smile: "You, don't worry, study hard, don't need anything else. You worry about it. Take the exam well and don't let your sister and me down."

Liu Xu had a saying that he didn't tell Dilijie, that is, if she passed the exam, then she and Gu Li Nazha would be the most handsome sisters in the entertainment industry.

Dili jumped into Liu Xu's arms and shouted happily: "Thank you brother-in-law, you can rest assured that I will repay you in the future."

Liu Xu felt the turbulent waves in Dili's mouth, especially without underwear. This feeling was more real. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He took the opportunity to hug Dili to take advantage of it, but said: "What? Those who reciprocate or not repay are all family members, so there is nothing to be polite about."

But this bad embryo was thinking silently in his heart: "It is said that my sister-in-law's ass is half of that of my brother-in-law, and she is not an outsider. Talking about repaying her is too strange, let my brother-in-law touch it twice! Hehe, just touch it twice... ..."

Just as Liu Xu was about to touch down, he heard Nazha's mother shouting from outside: "Xiao Di, is your brother-in-law up yet?"

Dili hastily agreed, broke free from Liu Xu's arms, ran outside and said, "Mom, brother-in-law is up, you are back."

After a while, Gulina entered the room, took a towel in her hand, and gently wiped Liu Xu's face. He was flattered by that attitude.

Liu Xu grabbed Gu Li Nazha's hand and said with a smile, "What are you doing, there's no need for this."

Gu Li Nazha shook her head and said, "You don't understand, what you gave me is what I need to repay you for the rest of my life. By the way, I heard from Xiaodi that you promised to support her in college?"

Liu Xu nodded and said, "Xiao Di is not an outsider. My sister-in-law, please help as much as you can. After all, this is a matter of a lifetime."

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