Chen An'an shook her head, said nothing, with a serious expression on her face.

At this moment, the little doctor who just graduated ran out and shouted: "It's not good, the parturient is bleeding again, Director Chen, come here!"


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 693 Chen He Can't Enjoy It Anymore

When Chen Anan heard about it, he walked inside, only to see that the heart rate curve displayed on the electrocardiogram suddenly soared to the limit, while the mother's eyes were wide open, her eyes turned white, and her legs kept kicking around.

Chen An'an was at a loss for a while. It stands to reason that the dual effects of oxytocin and hemostatic agent would have a certain delaying effect, but why did it suddenly become like this now.

Several nurses were startled, the little doctor couldn't help bursting into tears, and the mother's husband even yelled, Chen An'an was also at a loss and flustered.

What can I do, is it going to cause a medical accident tonight?

Suddenly, a pair of warm hands grabbed Chen An'an's flustered slender catkin and said, "Let me do it."

Chen An'an saw that Liu Xu had come in. She became anxious and scolded, "Are you making trouble for me by coming in?"

Liu Xu didn't explain, but walked to the operating table, looked at the situation, and said: "Oxytocin and hemostatic agent were injected, these two things were originally common drugs for bleeding, and they can also have miraculous effects. But elderly women are not suitable for these two drugs, and elderly women must not have a caesarean section, otherwise more vitality will be lost in the body."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu pointed at the parturient's heart rate, and then put his hand on the parturient's pelvis. He touched it for a while, as if he had found an acupuncture point, and pressed it hard.


The mother yelled, and suddenly there was a loud cry, and the baby who was supposed to have a caesarean section was born.

The surrounding doctors and nurses all opened their eyes wide, as if they couldn't believe the moment in front of them, and the husband of the pregnant woman shouted that Liu Xu was the reincarnation of Hua Tuo, a wonderful doctor.

When Liu Xu first thought of using zhenqi to treat diseases, he studied Chinese and Western medicine... gynecology.

Although they are all theoretical things, such as the effect of oxytocin injection that he just talked about, but he learned acupuncture skills from Zeng Jingshi in the world of "Sword Rain".

"Let's go, go back." Liu Xu turned to look at Chen An'an and said.

Chen An'an looked at Liu Xu with weird eyes, and said with great interest, "Liu Xu, you are really a wonderful doctor. I really didn't expect your medical skills to be so superb."

Liu Xu smiled proudly and said, "It's average, third in the world! As the saying goes, craftsmen can't die of starvation in disasters and famines. In fact, my craft is just begging for food and a beautiful wife."

Chen An'an blushed, and said in her heart: "I really don't know what he thinks, such superb medical skills can only beg for a living, beg for a beautiful daughter-in-law? Well, what is a beautiful daughter-in-law? I am also a returnee doctor , should... no, I'm pretty!"

Because of their different visions, in Liu Xu's view, if you can't bring the dead back to life, then the medical skills are ordinary, but in the eyes of ordinary people, if you can really bring the dead back to life, it is a magical technique.

"Hey, it's time for supper, go back after eating." Chen Anan said.

When Liu Xu heard that there was something to eat, he was very grateful, and hurriedly said, "I finally found something to eat."

Chen Andai frowned, lightly punched Liu Xu, and said, "You mean the food I cook is unpalatable?"

"No, no more, girl, you are as beautiful as a flower, and even if it is not a full banquet, it is better than a full banquet. After I eat it, I will never forget it. I think about it every day, and I am grateful. Eating other people's food is like chewing wax." I have to say. , Liu Xu praised people's kung fu, which is really top-notch.

Well, flattering kung fu!

Chen Anan shrugged, twisted her waist and walked forward.

Liu Xu looked at Chen An An Tingqiao's buttocks, sighed, and thought silently in his heart: "Chen He won't be able to enjoy it anymore."


There was a night market near the hospital, and the two of them ate something casually and went back.

Just as Liu Xu was lying on his little bed, he suddenly felt a burst of abdominal pain. He reckoned that he ate the shredded potatoes made by Chen Anan. After scolding Chen An'an, it seems that she really can't eat the food she cooks.

As soon as Liu Xu sat down on the toilet, the bathroom door was pushed open, and Chen Anan walked in wearing a nightgown.

Liu Xu saw that Chen An'an turned around and stood under the shower, undressing in front of him as if no one else was around. He wanted to remind him, but he didn't know what to say.

Just when Liu Xu was hesitating, Chen An'an suddenly turned around, and she saw him in front of her at a glance.

Subconsciously, Chen Anan asked, "Why are you here?"

"I...have diarrhea." Liu Xu said aggrievedly.

"You..." Chen Anan pointed at Liu Xu, and immediately realized something was wrong, subconsciously looked down, and suddenly found that he was completely naked, standing in front of Liu Xu without a trace.


Chen Anan screamed, her pretty face flushed, and she turned around quickly and was about to run out of the bathroom.

The shower in the bathroom corresponds to the toilet, but there is a step between the shower and the toilet. Chen Anan stepped on the step in a hurry, and rushed towards Liu Xu, and was rushed to open his hands Liu Xu hugged her full.

Chen An'an got up quickly, and ran out without caring about getting his clothes.

After such a fuss, Liu Xu didn't have diarrhea anymore. He quickly wiped his pants and pulled up his pants. After washing his face, he left the bathroom.

When I came to Chen An'an's door, I saw Chen An'an buried himself on the bed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Liu Xu thought for a while, this matter cannot be delayed, it must be discussed, otherwise it would be bad for Chen An to misunderstand. Thinking of this, he went into her bedroom bravely.

Walking in on tiptoe, Liu Xu asked with a smile, "Are you asleep?"


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it’s 520 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats on the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 694 We all know the name

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Anan's big pillow flew over, and then he saw her wearing a new pajamas, sitting on the bed, her beautiful eyes were full of anger and unwillingness to look at him, and she took advantage of her with Liu Xu. Cheap in general.

Of course, in fact, Liu Xu did take advantage of him, and showed him his whole body!

But, can this blame him?

"Rogue, bastard, big bastard, big bastard." Chen Anan glared at Liu Xu and cursed.

"I..." Liu Xu felt like he couldn't argue with anything!

"What are you, do you dare to say that you didn't do it on purpose?" Chen Anan said.

"I really didn't mean it." Liu Xu said with his head down.

When Chen An'an heard this, he stopped getting angry immediately, and ran down with a pair of crystal clear jade feet, punching and kicking at Liu Xu.

Liu Xu was speechless. It was obvious that she didn't see if anyone inside took off her clothes first after she came in. After seeing him, she turned around and beat him. Isn't that unreasonable?

Liu Xu held Chen An'an's hands.

Chen An'an's hands were held, he was startled suddenly, and saw Liu Xu standing in front of her, very close to her.

"Hey, let's be reasonable!" Liu Xu said.

"It's unreasonable." Chen An'an glanced his head over and said, thinking: "You must make things difficult for him, this guy has been sloppy all the time, and God damn it, he actually looked at his body, but then again, why didn't I Feeling so angry? Is it because this guy helped me twice?"

Suddenly, Chen An'an only felt a pair of big hands appearing on her willow waist, and she was suddenly pulled into his arms by the beast.

Liu Xu smiled, showing his white teeth, and said to Chen Anan: "You are unreasonable, and I am unreasonable."

After finishing speaking, he kissed him domineeringly.

In Chen An'an's [-] years of peaceful life, he has never been so at a loss as he is today.

Facing Liu Xu's domineering man, Chen Anan's mind went blank for an instant.

In fact, she didn't know that it was called a man and a woman attracting each other, and it was a thunderbolt.

Originally, she had a good impression of Liu Xu. He is handsome and has excellent medical skills. It is suitable for her to be her boyfriend or something. The original difficulty was just a petty temper, but Liu Xu did not play cards according to common sense. , can Chen An'an not be confused?


This night, Xiaolou listened to the spring rain all night.

As for the elevator apartment and the lack of rain, please don't pursue it.


Confused, this was Chen Anan's first reaction when she woke up.

I don't know if I was infected by the scene of Liu Xu treating the female patient in the afternoon, or what, this confused person gave his first time to such a guy who only knew the name.

Chen Anan opened his eyes, looked at Liu Xu who was also watching him, and suddenly said, "Maybe, it was a wrong decision to let you live at home."

Liu Xu nodded and said, "It was indeed a wrong decision."

Chen Anan asked again: "Is this a one-night sex?"

"It doesn't count!" Liu Xu scratched his head and said with a smile: "We all know the name."

"Oh!" Chen Anan said silently, and then kicked Liu Xu out of bed, "Go, cook for my old lady."

"I..." Liu Xu didn't come up in one breath, and said angrily, "Why was I so confused last night!"

Chen An'an burst out laughing, and said, "I'm confused."


Chen An'an sat on the back seat of the bicycle with a pair of blue leather shoes upturned, one arm wrapped around Liu Xu's waist, and his head rested on his back.

The morning wind hit, messing up Chen An'an's hair at the temples, revealing her rosy cheeks, recalling the conversation in the morning, she smiled for no reason.

For some reason, she was not sad about losing her body to Liu Xu, but rather happy in her heart.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the First Affiliated Courtyard, an Audi R8 came head-on, the door opened with a swipe, and a man wearing sunglasses got out from inside.

When Chen An'an saw this man, his face darkened immediately, and he wanted to leave while dragging Liu Xu's hand.

But the man in sunglasses walked straight up to Chen An'an, handed her a bouquet of flowers, and said, "An'an, good morning."

Chen Anan refused to pick up his flowers, and said with a disgusted expression: "Lin Feng, I have a boyfriend, thank you."

After finishing speaking, she raised Liu Xu's hand that she was holding.

Lin Feng, a man with sunglasses, took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of hazy eyes. He looked Liu Xu up and down, and said arrogantly, "Pull-back shoes are really wonderful! Boy, where are you? If you don't want to die on the street tomorrow, just go Hurry up and get out of the magic capital now."

Just as Liu Xu wanted to teach this arrogant rich second generation a lesson, Chen Anan hurriedly stood in front of him, glaring at Lin Feng with beautiful eyes, like an old hen protecting a calf, and said, "Lin Feng, get out of here. "

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