Waking up with a rush of cold water, Liu Xu recalled the absurd process of the whole night, how he had such a relationship with Tian Erniu in a daze.

However, on second thought, it's normal.

Haven't been to Tian Erniu, how dare you call me Wang Tiezhu?

Tian lay back on the bed, holding Tian Erniu in his arms, Liu Xu couldn't help moaning comfortably, and fell asleep soon.

In the early morning, the sun shines on the earth, and everything recovers from the night to start a new day of life.

Before Chen An'an came back, Tian Erniu had disappeared.

The two were having sex in Liu Xu's small room, so they were not worried that Chen An'an would see any clues.

After Chen An'an came home, he washed up and went to bed soon.

"Jingle Bell……"

At this time, Liu Xu picked up the phone with sleepy eyes and pressed the answer button, expecting to say impatiently, "Hello, who is it?"

"Is this Mr. Liu Xu Liu? My name is Zhao Ying, and I was introduced by Mr. Qin." A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Mr. Qin?do not know!

Liu Xu hung up the phone quickly.

"Jingle Bell……"

"Hey, are you finished? I don't know Mr. Qin!"

"Mr. Liu, do you know Miss Bai and Miss Wang?"

"Bai Suzhen and Wang Xiaoya? Please explain the matter clearly to me."

In this world, there are many people with the surname Bai and Wang, but the two ladies Bai Wang appeared together, and the other party knew his name, it seemed that they were really looking for him.

It turned out that when Bai Suzhen and Wang Xiaoya were shopping, two foodies and shopaholics, they met a boss Qin who was haunted by a ghost, so they showed kindness and sent the ghost into the underworld.

In order to express his gratitude, Boss Qin gave them a bank card with a deposit of [-] yuan, and also took away the contact information of the two girls.

Wang Xiaoya took the money, and readily left Liu Xu's phone number, saying that she could contact this phone number in the future.

So, there is today's thing.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Liu Xu cut to the chase.

"Some weird things have been happening in my house recently. I don't know if there are unclean things at work, so I want to ask Mr. Liu to take a look. The price is not a problem." Zhao Ying said very straightforwardly.

"Okay, no problem, tell me the address, and I'll go there later." Liu Xu said quickly.

"No problem, why don't I ask my assistant to pick you up later?" Zhao Ying asked over there.

"Uh, forget it, I'll go there by myself!" Liu Xu planned to ask the two girls first.

Naturally, Zhao Ying would not be entangled in this, so he sent his home address to Liu Xu and made an appointment to meet.

Liu Xu got up, kissed Chen An'an, covered her with a quilt, washed her up, and went out.


When Liu Xu saw Bai Suzhen and Wang Xiaoya, the latter had just woken up, and Bai Suzhen had already prepared breakfast.

"It's better to come early than to come early." Liu Xu quickly sat down at the dinner table.

To be honest, Bai Suzhen's cooking is very good, Liu Xu felt that even the chefs of those five-star hotels might not be able to compare with Bai Suzhen.

Seeing Liu Xu eating very comfortably, Bai Suzhen's heart was very sweet. At this time, she didn't have the domineering spirit before, but she looked like a little woman who knew how to live at home.

"What happened to Boss Qin?" Liu Xu asked.

"When I went shopping last time, I found that the credit card was maxed out, so I just found someone to pay the bill." Wang Xiaoya's voice came from the bathroom.

"If you don't have money, you can find me!" Liu Xu was speechless, let alone [-], he could afford [-].

"Women have to support themselves." Bai Suzhen said.

"Why do you keep my phone number for self-reliance?" Liu Xu muttered with a laugh.

"What did you say?" Wang Xiaoya came out of the bathroom after washing, and sat on the dining table.

"Okay, pretend I didn't say anything." Liu Xu coughed and changed the subject, "By the way, Miss Suzhen, how is Xiaoqing doing?"

Since she came back last time, Bai Suzhen began to prepare for Xiaoqing's resurrection, and now Xiaoqing is still sealed in the golden bowl by Bai Suzhen to eliminate evil spirits.

"Well, don't worry, after a while, the evil spirit in Xiaoqing's soul will be completely cleared away, and then she can reshape her body."

Bai Suzhen was very happy in her heart. Although she paid a high price for this and lost most of her mana, in her opinion, it was all worth it.

Liu Xu didn't say much, but just told her to pay attention recently so that no accidents would happen.

Although Bai Suzhen's background is very deep, and everyone with a little background knows it, but not everyone in this world has such a strong background.

If a stunned young man with strong strength and no background came at this time, then Bai Suzhen would be a bit tragic.

Liu Xu didn't want Bai Suzhen to have an accident at this time.

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Bai Suzhen responded lightly, and a hint of joy flashed in her eyes.


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Chapter 701

Finished breakfast.

"You guys wait below first, I'll go pick up the car."

Liu Xu gave an order and walked towards the underground parking garage. He didn't come on Chen Anan's bicycle, but a Maybach s600.

"Huh? This is?"

Downstairs, Liu Xu suddenly saw a very familiar figure, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Liu Xu followed.

He saw that the man seemed to be hiding something, and he was still saying something like "As long as you hand over these things, these people will be brought to justice."

Liu Xu remembered, isn't this man the little dragon?

In "Soul Ferry", Xiaolong was an undercover agent, but he was killed by drug gangs when he first appeared on the stage.

This is a young man with a sense of justice.

Liu Xu was wondering if he wanted to change the ending of this little dragon!

So, Liu Xu found a pen and paper from the car, wrote some reminders on it, and then put the note into Xiaolong's pocket while he was not paying attention.

If he could find out, it might save his life.

After finishing, Liu Xu drove away. For men, Liu Xu can only do so much.

Not long after Liu Xu left, Xiaolong found the note Liu Xu had left in his pocket.

Xiaolong's expression changed, and he checked his surroundings vigilantly before opening the contents of the note.

"Be careful, your identity has been revealed."

Xiaolong is a smart person, he immediately understood the meaning of this, the first thought of Xiaolong was: "Could it be that the organization has sent other people into the drug gang?"

Then he extinguished this idea. If this was the case, then this person should have contacted him long ago, and he wouldn't wait until now.

Xiaolong couldn't figure out who was helping him secretly, and he even wondered if it was a conspiracy by drug gangs.

However, all of this does not allow him to think too much, because the boss of the drug gang is going to execute a traitor who leaked the secret today.

Xiaolong was asked to go together.

Liu Xu naturally didn't know that his little action would bring such great confusion to Xiaolong, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much.

It's good to be able to save him, but if you can't, then there's nothing you can do, you can't let him follow behind and protect Xiaolong all the time!

He's an undercover little dragon and not a little dragon!

Dihai Community, one of the famous wealthy communities in Shanghai.

When the three of Liu Xu got out of the car, they were shocked all over the place.

No one who can hang out around this Dihai community is an ordinary person, Wang Xiaoya, Bai Suzhen, which of these two is not a peerless beauty?

However, what made them sad was that such two peerless beauties favored an ordinary person like Liu Xu, which made them unbearable.

Although Liu Xu drove a Maybach s600, it still couldn't dispel the eagerness in some men's hearts.

Liu Xu naturally noticed this, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, an extended Lincoln car stopped in front of Liu Xu, and a man in his fifties got out of the car and stood respectfully in front of Liu Xu.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Liu Xu Liu?"

This man was naturally the person Zhao Ying sent to pick up Liu Xu. He was Zhao Ying's housekeeper, Uncle Zhao, and only those whom Zhao Ying valued very much would send their own housekeeper to pick up the car.

When those people with ulterior motives saw Uncle Zhao appear, their expressions changed one after another, and some timid ones even ran away.

They thought that Liu Xu had no background, but they didn't expect that he was a low-key guy. Even Zhao Ying's chief butler treated Liu Xu respectfully. From this, they could deduce how noble Liu Xu's status was.

But they thought about all the powerful people in their minds, but they couldn't find anyone who could match Liu Xu, which made them very depressed.

These people were depressed, and so was Uncle Zhao's heart. It had been a long time, and he had forgotten when Zhao Ying valued a young man so much.

This made him a little curious about Liu Xu, and when he saw Wang Xiaoya and Bai Suzhen beside Liu Xu, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

What kind of person is this Liu Xu, who can let such two almost heavenly beauties follow him.

Liu Xu naturally didn't know what was going on in their hearts.

"Well, I'm Liu Xu, Mr. Zhao asked you to come?" Liu Xu asked.

"Yes, originally Mr. Zhao said he wanted to come by himself, but something happened suddenly at home, so Mr. Zhao asked me to come here." Uncle Zhao replied respectfully.

"Well, let's go in then!" Liu Xu didn't want to be treated like a monkey outside, especially the way those people looked at the two beauties beside him made him very disliked.

Dihai Community, Villa No. [-].

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