Tian Erniu took out the clothes from a suitcase, and replied, "Clean up the room! I just moved here, and the house is a bit messy."

Looking at Liu Xu, Tian Erniu grinned happily, and beckoned, "Come on, try on the clothes I bought for you, you will be satisfied."

Liu Xu was dragged up by her forcefully, and let her toss and toss on him. He changed into a set of brand-name casual clothes from the inside to the outside, and was dragged by her arm to the big mirror in the bathroom to look at it. Effect.

When Liu Xu looked in the big mirror at a handsome young man dressed in fashion and with a tall and strong figure, he shook his head secretly: "No, no, this is more handsome than Daniel Wu, super cool than Gu Tianle, too high-profile, not my brother's style."

He was pinched again by Tian Erniu's slender hand and forced him to smile. Liu Xu grinned involuntarily, and a sunny breath came over his face.

Tian Erniu laughed so hard that her eyes rolled up, she clapped her hands and said, "Uh, you're still handsome."

Liu Xu needs to remind himself repeatedly in his heart that this woman's acting skills are very good. This woman's appearance is easy-going and enthusiastic, but her nature is actually cruel and murderous. You can play with her and don't take it seriously.

After reminding himself repeatedly in his heart, Liu Xu smiled a little more naturally in front of the mirror, and admired it from several angles for a while.

Afternoon, apartment, living room.

The two sat opposite each other on the sofa in the living room, looking at each other.

Tian Erniu finally showed her true nature, and said in a deep voice: "Because you already have a certain fighting foundation, so let's skip the fighting class and go straight to the main point, using a gun."

Liu Xu nodded slightly, and gently grabbed a firearm in front of him. The firearm had a cold touch in his hand, which became more exciting.

Tian Erniu explained patiently and meticulously: "The tactical m1911 is reliable in performance, and the American police choose to equip it with powerful guns. It is the gun I specially choose for a powerful monster like you. It has a double safety design, press here... the grip safety needs to be pressed continuously with the palm of your hand to shoot, and here, there is a manual safety on the left side of the gunner, and the sleeve cannot be retracted in the safety state."

As the saying goes, there are specializations in the arts, and special forces are completely different from killers.

Under Tian Erniu's guidance, Liu Xu quickly learned how to use a gun as a killer.

After the explanation, another passport and several documents were pushed over.

Tian Erniu stared at her and said seriously, "Your ID card is here."

Liu Xu opened the ID card and saw Wang Tiezhu's name, which was still a valid passport issued by Saudi Arabia, but the photo on the passport had been replaced with his own, and his identity was still the executive of the Saudi trading company.

Facing his other identity, Liu Xu still felt a little ridiculous, and at the same time, he was wary of the organization's powerful public relations capabilities.

At night, in the bedroom, in bed.

Clothes were strewn all over the bedroom floor, men's and women's clothes all tangled together.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 711 Soul Ferryman

As night fell, Liu Xu left Tian Erniu's residence.

As soon as he walked out of the love apartment, Liu Xu saw convenience store No. 444 when he went out.

At the entrance of convenience store No. 444, Liu Xu saw Zhao Li chasing a man and entering the store.

Liu Xu was delighted, he didn't expect that the time was just right for the plot to begin.

However, Liu Xuting feels pity for Xiaolong, he is still dead.

This made Liu Xu understand that some plots can be changed by himself, such as Wang Xiaoya, such as Bai Suzhen, these people have a close relationship with him, but like Xiaolong, his fate can only be as in the original book, the butterfly effect impact is limited.

However, Zhao Li, Xia Dongqing, since Liu Xu met him, this merit can only be given to him.

As for what you two should do, let the plot develop to arrange it, Liu Xu doesn't think about these things.

What Liu Xu did was to walk his own path, leaving others nowhere to go.

Xia Dongqing helped Xiaolong up and asked Zhao Li what was going on.

But Zhao Li ignored him, instead he pointed his long barrel gun at Xiaolong and shouted, "Do you want to die again?!"

Xiaolong struggled a bit, he pointed to the wound on his head, fearlessly: "I have died once, I am not afraid of death."

"Oh... that shot to your head terminated your life, but my shot terminated your soul, making you disappear forever." Zhao Li roared angrily.

Xiaolong couldn't help taking a step back, and Zhao Li continued: "Look back at your watch, it will be midnight in half an hour, and the passage between the underworld and the underworld will open. If you don't obediently follow me back to the underworld, I will Let you be wiped out, let you never be reborn!"

Xiaolong was forced by Zhao Li to stand in front of the cash register and had no choice but to retreat, so he begged, "Can you give me a little more time?"

"No!" Zhao Li refused without thinking.

"I only need one day!"

"There is a saying in your world that the King of Hades tells you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch." Zhao Li looked cold.

"I have a wish unfulfilled." Xiaolong looked anxious.

"Do you think you are a ghost?" Zhao Li was merciless.

"Please! I only need one day!"

"I said no!" Zhao Li roared angrily.

Xiaolong tried to explain: "Listen to me, I am a policeman. Three years ago, before I graduated from the police academy, I was sent to a drug gang as an undercover agent. It has been three years. Everyone's efforts are in vain, I only need one day, I have already got the evidence, and I will definitely bring the criminal to justice!".

Hearing this, Zhao Li retracted his gun and said coldly: "You are already dead, do you think this is a game, and you can start over after the gameover? You are a policeman from the underworld, and I am a policeman from the underworld. We are considered colleagues. You should know my responsibility, my responsibility is to send you to the underworld, if you insist on refusing, I have the right to dispose of you directly." Then he pointed the gun at Xiaolong again.

At this time Xia Dongqing shouted: "Wait a minute."

He stared at Zhao Li and asked, "Who are you?"

Zhao official said: "Ghost messenger, black and white impermanence, soul ferryman, call it whatever you want."

Zhao Li said that he was a soul ferryman, but to Xia Dongqing, he really didn't understand what a soul ferryman was, but he still understood the impermanence of black and white.

Zhao Li took out his iPhone 7, which was hanging from the sky, and the photos and information of Xiaolong were displayed on the screen.

"Is it you?" Zhao Li put the phone in front of Xiaolong.

Xiaolong was a little surprised, and it took him a long time to say: "I've been dead for so long? Is the iPhone 7 already out?"

Zhao Li was very proud: "So the following is not as bad as you imagined. Jobs had the best sales in China during his lifetime, so now we are in charge, and our boss is in charge of this stuff." Saying that, Zhao Li Blowing into the phone.

The screen changed, and piles of women flashed across the screen. Zhao Li pointed to these women and said, "So the boss assigned him 150 female assistants, and asked him to hurry up and do research and development. This is the life and death book of this district. It’s similar to what you call it, it’s called bosslist, take a good look, is that you?”

Zhao Li grabbed Xiaolong's hand and forcibly stamped his fingerprints on the phone, then looked at the wall clock on the wall, and said to Xiaolong: "There are still fifteen minutes until twelve o'clock, and your time in Yangjian is here." So far, this is your destiny."

Zhao Li sighed: "Let's go!"

Xiaolong remained silent, but stood up slowly, and glanced at Xia Dongqing as he walked out.

Then, he turned around suddenly, desperately pushed Zhao Li away, and ran towards the door.

"I'm going to kill you." Zhao Li drew out his gun and wanted to kill Xiaolong directly, but Xia Dongqing stopped him.

Zhao Li roared angrily, and the entire No. 444 convenience store turned into a hell on earth.

However, just as Xiaolong pushed open the door, he bumped into a person, and the whole person stepped back.

Xiaolong backed into the store, and a chuckling voice came in: "I don't know which blind person has offended our soul ferryman."

When he saw the person coming, Zhao Li's face changed, and he became very ugly. Why did this guy come over at this time.

All of a sudden, Zhao Li had various thoughts in his mind, guessing why Liu Xu came here.

For Liu Xu, Zhao Li can now be said to have fear.

Xia Dongqing naturally recognized Liu Xu, but he was just a little surprised and didn't have as many thoughts as Zhao Li.

His only thought was probably that Liu Xu was very mysterious.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 712 Zhao Shi vs Liu Xu

"Ah, I'm sorry...you are?" Xiaolong hurriedly apologized, but when he saw Liu Xu, he felt as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he just couldn't remember it.

"We met. I gave you a note in the underground parking garage that day. But, it's a pity..."

"It's you!"

Xiaolong thought about it, and then a look of shame appeared on his face, "I'm sorry, I failed your kindness."

Xiaolong naturally knew what Liu Xu was sorry for. He kindly reminded you, but he still died.

It's like when he played a game, he opened a cheat, but in the end he still lost.

It's embarrassing.

"This is the path you chose, there is nothing to be sorry about." Liu Xu waved his hand and said, "I came today just to fulfill your last wish, so that you can go to reincarnation with peace of mind."

Xiaolong looked puzzled and said, "Do you know what my wish is?"

"The incriminating evidence hidden under your bed." Liu Xu explained clearly.

Xiaolong was overjoyed, although he didn't know how Liu Xu knew this secret, but as long as the incriminating evidence could be made public, everything would be worth it.

Zhao Li stopped Xiaolong and said: "You can't go, the time is up, follow me back to the underworld."

Xiaolong looked at Liu Xu hesitantly.

Liu Xu chuckled and said, "Officer Zhao, do you want to fight?"

Zhao Shi said: "Fight, fight. If I win, then you can't meddle in my affairs. From now on, it will be like this."

Liu Xuxu narrowed his eyes and asked, "Then, what if you lose?"

Zhao Li was stunned for a moment.

He will lose?He didn't think about it.

"Well, if you lose, I want a ghost mark." Liu Xu thought for a while and said.

He vaguely had an idea in his mind, but he hadn't figured it out yet. This was the best way at the moment.

"Impossible." Zhao Li refused without even thinking about it. The imprint of ghosts, what is that?

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