This move is a powerful move that can only be comprehended by reducing the complexity to a very high level.

Baiyue was once taught to him, but Li Xiaoyao couldn't use it at all.

As for the person in front of him, he would.

Liu Xu flicked lightly, and the sword in Li Xiaoyao's hand flew away.

"It's very simple. Once you see it, you will learn it." Liu Xu said.

This move of worshiping the moon is extremely advantageous even against people of the same level.

Have to say, this guy is a genius.

Reiki is the basis for performing various Taoist arts. Baiyue created this trick based on aura, which is really a wonderful idea.

Anyway, Liu Xu is idle and bored. When he has nothing to do, he often uses his mental power to search the world, looking for some interesting tricks.

It is a great honor to be selected for the move of worshiping the moon.


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Chapter 1369 Earth Spirit Orb, Promised Marriage

Liu Xu's mental strength moved a little, and the sword that Li Xiaoyao swung earlier quickly flew back and landed on the ground in front of Li Xiaoyao.

It was an inch away from Li Xiaoyao's body.

Li Xiaoyao broke out in a cold sweat.

"Remember, from now on, Yin Li will be my apprentice." Liu Xu said coldly, "Don't fight any ideas."

Li Xiaoyao hesitated for a while, then nodded.The master's task is important, but he is dead, but even the task cannot be completed.

"Also, when you see your master, say hello to him for me. By the way, is the injury on your master's pipa bone healed?" Li Xiaoyao trembled when he heard the last part of the sentence, and looked at Liu Xu in surprise .

Baiyue's injury has been going on for many years.

Apart from Bai Yue and Li Xiaoyao, no third person knew about this matter.

How could the person in front of me know.

"Many, thank you for your care." Li Xiaoyao said fearfully.

At the bottom of his heart, the thought that he didn't dare to think about still kept popping up: "The injury of worshiping the moon is left by this person in front of him."

Immediately said goodbye to Liu Xu, dragged Xiaohu who had just arrived and was still confused, and fled quickly...

Li Xiaoyao returned without success, but according to Liu Xu's understanding, this guy is not a dead-headed person, and he will definitely not give up.

Later, there will be a chance to meet again.

Liu Xu's eyes were patrolling the ground, and soon, he was attracted by another thing.

Earthy yellow, round and bright.

This is the earth spirit bead.

The Earth Lingzhu is also a treasure.

In addition to creating humans, Nuwa's remaining great feat is the five spirit beads.

It brings together the five most basic energies in the world, and the power of the five spirit beads is self-evident.

Liu Xu could feel the small earth spirit bead in his hand, as long as he gently operated a simple formula, he could mobilize a huge amount of earth element energy.

The power of the five spirit beads should not be underestimated.

Liu Xu played with the Earth Spirit Orb for a long time, and finally figured it out.

Liu Xu turned his head and said, "Okay, let's go back too!"

"Where are you going back?"

"Of course it's Baihe Village. You have to be a hero no matter what!"

Liu Xu threw the Earth Spirit Orb to Yin Li, and said, "I'll teach you a trick, use the Earth Spirit Orb to perform escapism, remember it. If you can't beat the Sword Master in the future, use this trick to escape..."


The three of them returned to Baihe Village in the blink of an eye.

The Red Ghost King was destroyed, and some zombies that occasionally appeared near Baihe Village also disappeared.

The four of them, Liu Xu, were treated like heroes.

The villagers of Baihe Village surrounded each other in front and back, and lined the road to see off.

Thanks to the gratitude of the residents of Baihe Village, Liu Xu walked into the home of the village head, Han Yixian, and received the village head's personal condolences.

Han Mengci dressed up specially, and Xiaojiabiyu's appearance made people feel even more pitiful.

Liu Xu winked at her a few times, Han Mengci's pretty face blushed, but she was not angry.

"Several young heroes, thank you for your help, thank you very much. I, Han, represent the people of the whole village, thank you." Han Yixian said excitedly.

If the scourge of zombies is not resolved in time, the entire Baihe Village may be severely affected by then.

Liu Xu said with a smile: "I've always liked to be chivalrous, and I've done a lot of this kind of thing, village chief, don't mind."

"Young hero Gao Yi."

"This is what martial arts practitioners of my generation should do!"

Liu Xu made a big fuss and portrayed himself as a heroic existence.

He and the village chief drank a few glasses of wine and talked a lot.

Immortal Han Yijiu got up, and finally said to Liu Xu: "Young Xia Chu, look, how is my daughter Mengci?"

Liu Xu looked at Han Mengci, Han Mengci was wearing a light pink dress today, calm and quiet, like a quietly blooming water lily.

The gentle temperament of a Jiangnan beauty is fully revealed in her body.

The slender willow waist is weak and light, a light blue ribbon is looped around the waist, and the small waist is full of toughness.

She has a slender figure, which has already begun to take shape, and she has a girly and elegant temperament, which is gracefully exuding.

Han Mengci's jade hands are pure white and tender. Although he lives in an ordinary family, he is proficient in medical science and well maintained. They are a little more hydrated than girls from rich families.

The two earrings were shaking gently, and Han Mengci's delicate face showed a little shame.

Glancing at Liu Xu, four eyes met, Han Mengci turned his head hastily, and gently picked up the long skirt with his fingers.

"The beauty in the world, the beauty in the world!" Liu Xu praised.

This is not an exaggeration.

Liu Xu's female officials in the Hall of Gods are all one-in-a-million character beauties.

But among them, Han Mengci is still the best one.

Especially this kind of Xiaojiabiyu's gentle temperament is very rare.

"Okay, since the young man agrees, the old man will not say more. Young man, my daughter is sixteen years old this year, and she is waiting in a boudoir. Young man, I think you have a noble character. I don't know if you want to betroth my little girl to you." Xia thinks..."

"No problem, absolutely no problem. Don't worry, rest assured, I will be kind to Meng."

"Okay, do it."



After half an hour of working together, the old and the young, Liu Xu finally poured out the Han doctor fairy.

Seeing Han Mengci who was either walking or staying aside, Liu Xu walked up and said, "Ms. Mengci is good."

Han Mengci's twinkling eyes did not dare to meet Liu Xu's gaze, and said eagerly, "Hi, Brother Liu."

"Mengci, are you nervous?"

"No, Brother Liu, I, I..."

Liu Xu gently took Han Mengci's little hand, and said, "Mengci, don't worry, since I promised to marry you, I will be responsible to the end."

Han Mengci tugged several times, but couldn't break free from Liu Xu's palm, so he could only let Liu Xu hold his jade hand.

She already admired Liu Xu's young hero, and her father agreed, so she already regarded herself as Liu Xu's person in her heart.

It's just that the girl's thin skin was already turning red.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1370 God's Envoy Hall, Wanjian Jue

"Brother Liu..." Han Mengci whispered.

Liu Xu took courage and pulled Han Mengci into his arms.

Liu Xu enjoyed the gentle scent of the little girl very much.

"Farewell, Brother Liu, I..." Han Mengci was ashamed.

"Mengci, be careful, don't wake your father up." Liu Xu whispered.

Han Mengci's body trembled, and he completely surrendered.

Liu Xu put his arms around the little girl, bombarded him with sweet talk, and deceived Han Mengci so much that he didn't know where he was going.

Then he used his exclusive dragon claw hand and ate the tofu all over the little girl.

Even if Han Mengci had no interest in him, she couldn't help her after losing her defense.

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