After the discussion of physical publishing is over, we will start to discuss the issue of film and television adaptation rights.

"Mr. Wei, your company wants to change my Dou Break Sphere, right?" Liu Xu asked.

"Yes!" Wei Wei nodded, "Our company is also very sincere and decided to buy the IP of Dou Po Cang Qiong for [-] million!"

IP stands for intellectual property, including trademarks, copyrights, registered or unregistered designs, etc.


Hu Yifei and the others gasped, [-] million, how many people can't earn so much money in a lifetime or even in ten lifetimes.

"Si Guoyi!" Guan Gu said with admiration.

He is currently helping senior brother Du Jun draw Dou Po Cang Qiong's comics. He naturally knows that the money seems a lot, but Dou Po Cang Qiong is definitely worth the price.

Everyone was surprised, but Liu Xu had a calm face, and said with a smile: "Mr. Wei, you should also know how popular Dou Po Cang Qiong is now. It is not an exaggeration to say that everyone is fighting to break the sky. Isn't it a bit stingy to buy the copyright of this animation and manga for [-] million?"

Is this stingy?

Everyone looked at Liu Xu strangely.

Wei Wei was also slightly surprised, and asked cautiously: "Then what is Mr. Liu's price?"

"Fifty million!" Liu Xu didn't dare to open his mouth. It seemed that the Douluo Dalu, the third son of the Tang family, was sold for [-] million. It was still a world full of online novels, but now, in a world where entertainment for the whole people is scarce, Liu Xu didn't ask for [-] million to save Wei Wei's face.

Upon hearing this, Wei Wei was silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "OK, deal!"

Fifty million is Wei Wei's bottom line, and Liu Xu stepped on this point very accurately.

Liu Xu smiled: "Okay, happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Wei Wei's smile was a little stiff. The right to adapt this novel was the most expensive he had ever seen, but this novel was also the most popular novel he had ever seen.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1423 Now... Only money is missing

"By the way, Mr. Wei, I have a small request!" Liu Xu said.

"Mr. Liu, please tell me!"

"That's right, this is Mr. Fantastic Guan Gu, he is the artist of the Dou Po Cangong cartoon version, I hope he can participate in the production of the Dou Po Cangong film and television." Liu Xu looked at Guan Gu Miraculously and said: "Guan Gu, Comics and movies are actually related, if you have time, get closer to Mr. Wei and learn more from Mr. Wei."

Find more things for Guan Gumi to do, then he won't have the time and energy to provoke Tang Youyou.

"Hi, thank you Xu Jun." Guan Gu was very excited by this sudden happy event.

"No problem!" Of course, Wei Wei readily agreed to this small request.

In this way, Liu Xu also signed with Wei Wei the film and television adaptation rights of Fighting the Sky, and Wei Wei also left happily.

"Miss Guan, please take a trip." Liu Xu said to the big beauty Guan Juer with a smile.

"Hehe, Mr. Liu is polite, I'm leaving if there's nothing else to do." After saying that, Guan Juer left the iPartment.

As soon as Guan Juer left, the iPartment exploded. This is too awesome. How can I earn tens of millions by writing a novel like this?

"Liu Xu, you are so awesome, I love you so much!" Chen Meijia got excited and ran over to give Liu Xu a bear hug.

"Hey, Chen Meijia's Yuexiong is indeed bigger than Hu Yifei's. It feels so beautiful." Liu Xu thought evilly in his heart.

Seeing Liu Xu being hugged by Chen Meijia, Hu Yifei felt a little sour and disappointed.

But they are "relatives", and she herself...

After Liu Xu and Chen Meijia separated, thinking of her excitement just now, her face also blushed, very cute.

Although she is now managing the pet shop that Liu Xu gave her, Liu Xu has never touched her since the last time they tried to have sex in the pet shop.

Seeing how excited everyone was, Liu Xu cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, I have good news to announce to you!"

When everyone heard Liu Xu's good news announcement, they all looked at Liu Xu.

Liu Xu pondered for a while, and then said, "As the landlord of the love apartment, I have decided to exempt your rent and utility bills for one year!"

The entire living room was silent for two seconds, followed by enthusiastic cheers.

"Yeah! Phew!"

"Good landlord in China!"

Everyone was full of smiles. The rent has always been their major concern. Now Liu Xu has solved their major concern with one sentence, and they don't have to worry about the rent anymore.

Seeing everyone happy, Liu Xu was also happy. Anyway, he is not short of money now, so he doesn't care about the rent at all.

In the evening, after eating, Liu Xu went back to his room.

Liu Xu just returned to the room, leaving a tenant crying and crying.


Not long after, there was a knock on the door, and Liu Xu shouted, "Come in!"

Immediately after, Lu Ziqiao sneaked into Liu Xu's room. He looked at Liu Xu very curiously, and frowned, "Zi Qiao, what are you doing?"

"Liu Xu, I have something to discuss with you!" Lu Ziqiao put his arm on Liu Xu's shoulder and said mysteriously.

"What's the matter?" Liu Xu asked.

"What do you see from me?" Lu Ziqiao asked very mysteriously.

Liu Xu looked Lu Ziqiao up and down carefully for a while, then shook his head and said, "I really don't see anything, just tell me if you have anything to say!"

"You can't tell?" Lu Ziqiao looked disappointed: "I have all the temperament of a nobleman, and now... only money is missing!"

Liu Xu understood it. It turns out that Lu Ziqiao came to him to ask for money. Although his life trajectory seems to have changed now, the fact that he is short of money and loves to pick up girls is true to the original book.

"Liu Xu, you see that you have so much money, you can't spend it all, I can help!" Lu Ziqiao said with a mean smile.

Just as Liu Xu was about to speak, he heard a roar.

"Lu Ziqiao! Flick!"

"Buddha's Palm!"

The two big moves came straight to Lu Ziqiao, and there was a miserable cry in Liu Xu's room.

Liu Xu saw that Hu Yifei and Chen Meijia were standing at the door, and they were looking at Lu Ziqiao aggressively.

"Lu Ziqiao, as expected, he came to ask Liu Xu for money!" Chen Meijia put her hands on her hips and looked at Lu Ziqiao angrily.

"Meijia, Yifei, I'm just joking, joking!" Seeing that Hu Yifei and Chen Meijia were both in a rage, Lu Ziqiao immediately begged for mercy and said with that signature smile.

"Are you kidding?" Hu Yifei didn't believe it!

"Yifei, Mika, forget it!"

At this time, Liu Xu spoke, and when he heard his good buddy pleading for mercy, Lu Ziqiao immediately cast him a grateful look.

Liu Xu looked at the three of them and said, "Zi Qiao, our buddies for many years, if you are really short of money, just tell me!"

"Really?" Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up immediately when he heard Liu Xu say that. With him as a rich man, is Young Master Lu afraid of running out of money?

But when Lu Ziqiao noticed two murderous eyes looking at him, he immediately became deflated.

"Lv Xiaobu, I warn you, if you dare to ask Liu Xu for money, I will slap you to death with the Tathagata palm!" Chen Meijia waited for Lu Ziqiao to say.

"Liu Xu, don't give money to Lu Ziqiao." Hu Yifei also said: "Once a man has money, he will change. He is so bad now that he has no money. If he has money, he can still get it?"

Lu Ziqiao wanted to refute, but when he saw Hu Yifei's eyes, he swallowed it back.

"It's okay, I'll go first!" He finally said only this, and then left Liu Xu's room.

Liu Xu looked at Lu Ziqiao deflated, Hu Yifei is worthy of being the first sister of the apartment, she is awesome!


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1424 Teacher Zeng, please respect yourself

After Lu Ziqiao left, Chen Meijia and Hu Yifei didn't stay in the room for long before leaving. Before leaving, they also asked him not to be deceived by Lu Ziqiao.

Am I still young?How could he be deceived by Lu Ziqiao?Moreover, if he really wanted money, he would definitely give it to him. After all, we were classmates, and there was Zhang Zeling's relationship in it!

After a while, the door of Liu Xu's room was knocked again, and then the door opened, and Zeng Xiaoxian walked in with a rippling smile.

Liu Xu looked at Zeng Xiaoxian, who was even more wretched and sneaky than Lu Ziqiao, and said, "Mr. Zeng, what are you doing? Thank you and I'll save it!"

"No, Liu Xu! Brother Xian, I have something to ask!" Zeng Xiaoxian had a rippling smile on his face.

"Tell me about it?" Liu Xu said.

"Uh, what about me, would you like to do an interview on my show as the author of "Fights Break Sphere"?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked expectantly.

"Your late-night radio program "Your Moon My Heart"?"

"Yes yes yes!" Zeng Xiaoxian nodded quickly. His idea is very simple, that is to use Liu Xu's popularity to increase the popularity of his column. If he uses it well, maybe he will no longer be the host of the late night column. Think about it All a little excited!

Liu Xu was speechless. He originally wanted to be on Nuolan's show, but now he's on Zeng Xiaoxian's show. It's really beeping.

"Okay, no problem!" Liu Xu waved his hand and said, "When?"

"Tonight!" Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't wait.

"Okay then, you arrange it!" Liu Xu laughed.

"Yeah! That's great!" Seeing Liu Xu agreeing to come down, Zeng Xiaoxian became agitated. He stretched out his arms and wanted to hug him and kiss him passionately, but Liu Xu stopped him.

"Teacher Zeng, please respect yourself." Liu Xu had a disgusted expression on his face.

"Hey!" Zeng Xiaoxian exited the room excitedly.

Since I want to be on a radio show, of course I have to tell my book fans to listen!

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