Chapter 302 Before you fuck...

Xiaobi's giant hand was cut off in two by Hill, and Ma Yin was saved because of this, but she was still trapped by the broken hand and couldn't get out.

At the most critical moment, Hill used her Teigu again to save Ma Yin...

"Fortunately, we've caught up with...!" Hill smiled slightly at Ma Yin.

Horror appeared on Ma Yin's face.

Because Hill's moon was shot through a hole, impossible, there are new enemies?

In the distance, there was also a muzzle in Sai Liu's mouth, and it was the deadly bullet it fired!

Hill couldn't move his entire body, and the bullets were covered with toxins. I didn't expect the enemy today to be so vicious and powerful...

A huge mouth full of ferocious teeth magnified in front of Hill's eyes, and she even smelled the bloody breath from Kuanghua Xiaobi's mouth.

It was over, and Hill closed his eyes, thinking of that night.


A round of bright moon appeared in the dark blue night sky, white and clean, round and bright, just like a big disc, let people appreciate it to the fullest.

The moon hangs high, and the stars twinkle and twinkle. Everything is so peaceful, so beautiful and wonderful, which brings people a lot of reverie.

"Liu Xu, what are you thinking?"

You don't need to look at Liu Xu to know the light voice behind is Xi'er.

Among the many companions in the night attack, Hill is the most gentle and amiable one, and she is also the most popular, otherwise no one can stand the cute personality of the eye girl.

"It's nothing, I just couldn't sleep and came out to count the stars." Liu Xu turned around, stood up straight and felt the breeze floating in another world, and replied with a smile.

"There must be something on my mind!" Xi'er still held the book "One Hundred Ways to Be Naturally Cute", adjusted her glasses with her fingers, walked to Liu Xu, and said, "Tell me about it?"

"'s nothing, it's just that I can't see the direction of the future clearly." The "future" that Liu Xu said definitely didn't mean it literally.

"This is not a good thing. As a killer, any confusion can bring you the threat of death!" Xi'er said seriously.

"I know, but..." Liu Xu wanted to say but hesitated to speak, unnecessarily confused, his journey is a sea of ​​stars.

"The mission that Tazmi carried out to assassinate Oka, the client—that woman was killed by the guard." Xier suddenly brought up such a topic.

"How could it be? I would have told her to let her leave the imperial capital if I knew it earlier!" Liu Xu was a little surprised. It seemed that he still underestimated the strength of the empire. The task that was only carried out tonight, they found a murderer in a few hours. employer?

"Is it safe to leave the imperial capital?" Xi'er sighed slightly, "The crimes of this country have penetrated into every corner of this land. As a weak woman, death may be a relief for her."

"So, if one day I fall into the hands of the enemy, you must not hesitate. At that time, kill me!" Xi'er closed the book, turned to Liu Xu, and the two looked at each other.

" come, Xi'er is so powerful, the enemy has no time to hide!" Liu Xu didn't expect that his casual words would also have an impact on Xi'er.

"We are women after all, and sometimes we need your men to protect us!" Xi'er was very cheerful, and smiled knowingly: "So, Liu Xu, you have to become a super strong man! This way you can protect me and everyone who attacked at night gone."

"Well, good!" Liu Xuting straightened Yuexiong's chest and responded loudly.

On the Imperial Avenue, Liu Xu wandered like a headless chicken for a long time, and finally saw Hill and Ma Yin.

At this time, the battle was in full swing, Seliu's biotype Tegu Xiaobi had gone berserk, Ma Yin was caught in his hands, and Hill cut off Xiao Bi's arm with Xiao Hun at a critical moment, saving Ma Yin ...

Liu Xu's face was gloomy. Although Ma Yin was rescued, he would not be happy at all if Hill's life was to be exchanged.

At this moment, Seleu opened her mouth, and a black gun barrel protruded from her mouth.

The barrel lights up.


Hill was shot, blood spattering.

At the same time, Crazy Xiaobi opened his ferocious mouth and bit towards Hill.



super fast!

Li Xu continued to accelerate, and his whole body was like a hurricane lightning, snatching Hill from Kuanghua Xiaobi's mouth abruptly.

Hugging Hill, Liu Xu narrowly rubbed Xiaobi's sharp teeth and landed next to Ma Yin.

"Bang..." There was a loud noise.

The solid and flat ground of the imperial capital was bitten by the madman Xiaobi, and the teeth...

If Liu Xu hadn't rescued Hill just now, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Who are you?" Seleu went from ecstasy to fury, and the justice trial was destroyed by someone. This kind of crime cannot be forgiven.


Liu Xu let out a long sigh of relief, but fortunately he caught up. Along the way, he used his speed to the limit, even broke through the limit, and finally turned the world around. The tragedy in the original book did not happen. The cute girl with glasses was definitely eaten by Xiaobi. It is the pain in the hearts of countless nerds!

"Why are you back? Didn't the Boss send you to Rongshuka to carry out the mission?" Ma Yin saw Liu Xu with a relaxed expression on her face. She knew that Liu Xu's strength was no weaker than Chi Tong, as long as he was Here, they are safe.

"The task is completed, so I came back!" Liu Xu was actually in a cold sweat, and he was terrified. If he was slower, he would definitely regret it for life. "It was really dangerous just now. Hill was almost eaten."

"You, why are you here... cough cough..." Seeing Liu Xu, a strange light lit up in Hill's eyes.

Because of the excitement, Hill coughed violently, and the blood from the wound gurgled out.

But at this moment, Hill seemed to understand his own heart.

Now is not the time to talk, Hill's injury must be treated immediately.

"I'm here to block the enemy, you retreat quickly, remember, don't get entangled when you meet the guards." Liu Xu handed Hill to Ma Yin, and took her Teigu Wanwuliangdu [Xiao. Hun], Walking straight to Seriu and Kuanghua Xiaobi, it seemed that he was about to end the queen for the two girls.

At the critical moment, Ma Yin was not ambiguous, and she would never be sloppy in doing things. She knew that if she and Hill stayed here, they would definitely become a burden to Liu Xu and distract him from taking care of them. The siege, if he refuses to abandon them and escape alone, even Liu Xu will be in danger.



"Don't die!"

"Before your moon and hunger grow bigger..." Liu Xu stretched out his hand and flicked Ma Yin's forehead lightly, and said jokingly, "I won't die."

Ma Yin's pretty face flushed, and she gave Liu Xu a hard look, then supported Hill, and left quickly.

Chapter 303

Sai Liu watched Hill and Ma Yin flee and wanted to catch up, but the young man in front of her made her dare not act rashly.

This guy……

Sai Liu recognized Liu Xu, thinking that he had helped him, and took Liu Xu home for the night.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu turned out to be the one who attacked at night.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you go." Liu Xu's voice was very calm. Seliu actually has two qualities, just like Arya's, which is very attractive at certain times.

"Really? It seems that you are also a member of Night Raid!" Sai Liu's expression was a little bit broken, and there was a strong violent air on her body. No matter which anime she was in, she would definitely be a villain boss. "Since you are a guilty person, then accept justice!"

After speaking the same dialogue as the second disease, Sai Liu's aura is completely different from before.

If it was a wild lion who was crazy and reckless before, now it is a poisonous snake with killing intent and restrained. Although there is still a trace of hatred in his eyes, his feelings have basically been closed.

Is it to prevent emotions from affecting the battle?Seriu's control is pretty good, no wonder Xi'er didn't notice her just now...

"Justice cannot be desecrated, the imperial guard Seriu Ubikitas, here to judge your evil!" Sailiu stands proudly, under the moonlight, like a beautiful girl warrior who "represents the moon to punish you", " Xiaobi, kill him!"

"Justice, your sister!" Liu Xu shone coldly, and the Teigu in his hand shook, and everything broke [Xiao. Hun] began to tremble slightly. It was Teigu who was excited.


When Crazy Xiaobi heard Seriu's order, he didn't know what fear was. It opened its big mouth with three rings of sharp teeth, and immediately attacked Liu Xu, but if you just look at the mouth, it might as well be called It is more suitable for piranhas.

Even if the enemy was right in front of him, he didn't have the slightest intention of dodging, so Liu Xu closed his eyes just as he was about to be bitten off.

"Hmph, it's useless even if you surrender to the weak and evil." Sai Liu looked at Liu Xu's strange behavior coldly, "Dad died in the line of duty because he fought with guys like you, and then you killed Ou Xu who is my master." Captain Ka, no matter what, you will be punished with justice!"

"This slow one can only eat shit!"

With a movement of Liu Xu's figure, the whole person has disappeared, while the crazy Xiaobi suddenly rushed to the position where he was just now, and his claws scratched the ground to make several narrow and deep marks.

Surprised, Sai Liu immediately rolled forward, and at the same time stuck out the barrel of the gun again, shooting at the place where he was standing before.

"Spin stick into gun!"

The bullets roared towards Liu Xu, and the latter charged forward without hesitation. Except for two or three bullets that missed, the rest were blocked by the spinning scissors Teigu.

"Your body has undergone a fashionable plastic surgery, right?"

Sai Liu's pupils dilated instantly.

"That guy with a problematic aesthetic." Liu Xu frowned.

"Chick woo woo woo..."

Kuanghua Xiaobi missed the target and became angry very humanely.

"It's such an annoying dog, it barks so badly." It was obvious that Liu Xu's body was not strong enough to ignore the bite of the biological Teigu, and when he stomped on his foot, the crazy Xiaobi flew into the air again.

Although the appearance, voice, and abilities are a bit weird, Liu Xu still has to admit that this guy's combat effectiveness is really high...

Although the hole cards were easily revealed, Sai Liu was a little uneasy, but in her heart it was obvious that "justice" had the upper hand.

"Then I can't be perfunctory anymore. Try your strength, and I will probably know the strength of fashion."

"Warcraft changes into a 'hundred-armed giant', the body is extended, and the arms are strengthened!"

Crazy Xiaobi's originally chubby hands emerged from the shoulders as a transparent jelly-like object, swelled and wrapped the entire arm, and gradually took on a stable shape, and then quickly replaced the original toy limbs, growing into a human with five distinct fingers arm.

It's just that in the process of changing, the sticky jelly looks like a slime.

"The battle will really start now. I am Liu Xu from Night Attack, codenamed Kill."

Although the name was announced carelessly, it had no effect on Liu Xu, after all, Seriu had already met him.

"Oh, is Ting decent?" Standing next to Xiao Bi, Sai Liu smiled sarcastically, "As an evil person, how do you pretend to say hello? Shouldn't you come to sneak attack at this time?"

"In that case, I can kill you more happily!"

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