The location of the remaining jade fragments of the four souls clearly emerged in Liu Xu's mind.

Right at the intersection of the underworld and the present world!

The place where the dog general Dou Ya Wang is buried!

Inuyasha, Sesshomaru.

Sprite pill, white boy.

These Liu Xu's acquaintances finally arrived.

Although the jade fragments of the four souls there did not contain much power, Liu Xu didn't do it for that energy.

It's rare to meet the protagonists, and it's good to watch it by the way.

His figure flickered slightly, and Liu Xu disappeared in place.

Molesting the protagonist, destroying the villain, no matter which of the two is Liu Xu's bad taste as a time traveler!


In the huge cemetery, smoke was swirling around.

The huge body of Dou Ya Wang, the dog general, is like a continuous mountain range, covering a large area of ​​land around him.

Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Maitreya and others searched around in the huge cemetery, looking for traces of Shirodoji, Myomaru and others.

It's a pity that although the two are strong, they really can't bear to look directly at them in terms of reconnaissance. In addition, Bai Ye, who is proficient in illusion, is among the group of Bai Tongzi. It is not difficult to hide Inuyasha and the others in this complicated terrain.

Inuyasha and the others searched for a long time, but they still couldn't find Shirodoji and the others.

However, unexpectedly, a monster was found in the bones of the dog general.

A monster whose whole body is as dazzling as a diamond, with red light shining on its body.

The jade of the four souls is on his body.

"Okay! Not to mention hiding the jade of the four souls, but still building a nest in the body of the old man, you monster, you are really good at it! Eat me..."

Inuyasha raised his iron broken teeth, and was about to strike at Baoxiangui.

However, he hasn't used the wound of the wind yet, and even the most common moves haven't been used in time.

Sesshomaru on one side suddenly punched him, hitting Inuyasha in the face, and knocking Inuyasha away.


Inuyasha fell on all fours...

"Irreverent fellow!" Sesshomaru said coldly.

"Asshole, Sesshomaru, do you want to fight!" Inuyasha raised his iron broken teeth, his face full of anger.Inexplicably being beaten, or his nemesis Sesshomaru, Inuyasha has the tendency to go berserk again!

"Hmph! Baoxiangui and his father were good friends before they were alive, but you actually drew your sword to face each other, you really are a half-demon who doesn't know how to behave!" Sesshomaru put down these words with disdain, and walked forward.

The elegant posture and steady steps made Inuyasha even more angry.

"Bastard! Sesshomaru, stop! Stop..."

"Master Inuyasha! Master Inuyasha, please calm down!"

"You Mingjia, why are you out again!?"

"Master Inuyasha! Sesshomaru is right, Bao Sengui and the master were indeed best friends during their lifetime..."



"What, do you want the jade fragments of the four souls?"

Baoxiangui, Sesshomaru, and Mingjia are all acquaintances. After talking with the two sides for a while, Inuyasha Maitreya and others gradually became familiar with each other.

Seeing that it was almost done, Inuyasha immediately cut to the chase and asked for the jade of the four souls.

Sesshomaru frowned, feeling very uncomfortable with Inuyasha's rudeness.

However, the Jade of the Four Souls was exactly what he wanted, at least, he couldn't let Bai Tongzi go alone.

So, he nodded by default.

"Old man! Someone is coming to snatch the jade of the four souls. They have done so many crimes with the jade of the four souls! We must rush ahead of Bai Tongzi and the others to collect the jade of the four souls!" Inuyasha said firmly.

Baoxiangui frowned, as if there was something unspeakable.

After thinking about it, Bao Xiangui still sighed, and said: "The jade fragments of the four souls cannot be given to you!"


Chapter 1620 Jewel monster, the truth revealed



"Baoxiangui, for my sake... oh no, for the master's sake, can't you clear it up?"


Even Sesshomaru was slightly surprised.

Bao Xiangui doesn't seem like someone who covets the jade of the four souls, so why wouldn't he hand it over?

With the relationship of General Dog, it should be easy to handle!

Bao Xiangui shook his head, knowing that everyone would definitely not give up.

Gently took out a fragment of the Jade of the Four Souls from his body, put it in front of his eyes, and explained: "It's not that I don't help you, I'm doing it for your own good. The Jade of the Four Souls, the current Jade of the Four Souls, It should not exist in the world. This is, an ominous thing!"

"What do you mean?" Sesshomaru asked succinctly.

Bao Xiangui said slowly: "To put it simply, the current jade of four souls is no longer the jade of four souls of the past. The current jade of four souls was forged by others. However, it is said to be forged, but in fact, The ability of this jade of four souls even surpasses that of the real jade of four souls. Its ability is actually... to stimulate the life potential of the user!"

Inuyasha and the others were shocked, there was absolutely no way the person in front of them could deceive them, and there was no reason to deceive them.

In other words, the jade of the four souls is fake, and it can also stimulate people's life potential!

Inuyasha hurriedly asked: "How do you know?"

"Hehe, I am a jewel monster, and I can listen to the inner voice of gems. Naturally, this fake four-hundred jade cannot escape my listening. It is precisely because of this that I discovered its secret!" Bao Xiangui recalled. "The forger of the Jade of the Four Souls has a shocking conspiracy. Through the scattered Jade of the Four Souls, he will sweep everyone, demons, into it. I can't find out exactly what he wants to do. After all, it's just a fragment , unable to find out more information..."

"Then, do you know who that person is!?" Inuyasha asked.

Sesshomaru also became serious.

Even Qibao, Mingjia, Maitreya, everyone, and even Bai Tongzi who was hiding in the dark in shock after hearing the news, were all listening carefully...

Bao Xiangui said slowly: "This person's name is..."

The sound stopped abruptly, and a ray of light suddenly appeared, piercing Baoxiangui's throat.

"...Although I'm handsome and invincible, I never mind showing off, but it's better for me to do the introductions myself!"

Joking voices suddenly appeared from the void, and the voices echoed in all directions. No one knew where the person was coming from, and where he was about to appear.

The ethereal voice, like a deep and illusory mist covering the entire space!


The space seems to be split open!

A faint shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, slowly, slowly, gradually becoming staring and real.

Liu Xu's handsome face, which he thought he had, finally appeared in front of everyone.

In the right hand, a surge of demonic energy condensed into a straight line, piercing Baoxiangui's throat.


"Liu Xu!"

"It's you!"

"It's actually you!"


The people below were shocked.

Inuyasha raised his Tetsushiya, and Sesshomaru pulled out the fighting spirit.

Maitreya's hand was pressed on the wind hole, ready to strike at any time.

As for the flea Mingjia, he was already bouncing up and down, and he didn't know which rock crevice he had gone to.

The atmosphere instantly became solemn.

Liu Xu walked forward slowly, and the mist in the entire cemetery receded one after another, as if welcoming a king.

A powerful momentum that is not angry and self-prestige emerges from Liu Xu's body.

While walking, Liu Xu said: "That's right, it's me! Bao Xiangui is right, the jade of the four souls is indeed fake. And there is no one other than me who can do this unprecedented feat. How about it? Shocked? Terrified? Oh, it’s better not to be so good, it will only show your ignorance!”

He smiled narcissistically.

Looking at the shocked expressions of the people below, Liu Xu was extremely satisfied.

This kind of heart-to-heart refreshment made Liu Xu feel his strength more clearly, and he had the goal and motivation to move forward.

"Bastard! Then why did you kill him!"

Inuyasha raised his Iron Broken Fang and roared angrily.

Waves of evil spirit entwined around Tie Sui Fang.

Windwound is poised and ready to strike at any moment.

After continuous practice, Inuyasha's wind injury has been practiced to the state of sending and receiving like a heart.

"Why? Of course it's to vent my anger! My plan was actually discovered by a bad old man, and I feel very upset. Anyway, this..."


Inuyasha carries a knife.

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