Liu Xu turned his head and said to the two people below: "Hey, I just split the space. When will I kill you? Now you don't even have the qualifications to be killed..."

Smiling, Liu Xu stepped into the passage.

The crack in space slowly closed behind Liu Xu. Liu Xu went to the underworld because he thought of a sentence that Fairy Lingyue once said, and suddenly turned back to the underworld...


Chapter 1624 Chizimou in March, Sixteen Nights of Princess Xiguo

"By the way, let me give you a chance! Within three months, if you have enough confidence, come to me! Ten breaths, as long as I can last ten breaths, I will suspend the four-hundred jade plan. Expired Don't wait, hurry up!"

The joking voice gradually moved away as the space fluctuations disappeared.

On the ground, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and their clothes were all drenched with sweat.

That horrible feeling, like hell on earth, is more painful than death.Inuyasha looked around blankly, seeing Maitreya's staff dropped to the ground, his heart ached.

"It's all me, it's all my impulsiveness! Liu Xu didn't want to kill us in the first place, and his strength didn't even bother to kill us, disdainful, hehe. It was my impulsiveness that killed Maitreya, and I killed him. ,it's me……"

"It's me!"

Inuyasha punched the ground angrily, his hand was bloody, but he couldn't feel it at all.

Deep self-blame swallowed Inuyasha...

Sesshomaru on one side staggered up from the ground, kicked out suddenly, and kicked Inuyasha far away.

"Boom boom boom!"

After knocking down several huge rocks, Inuyasha's body stopped.

Looking at Sesshomaru, Inuyasha said disappointedly: "You think so too, right? You must also..."

Sesshomaru interrupted coldly: "Useless half-demon!"

Inuyasha raised his head and stared at his half-brother, but this time, he rarely refuted.

Holding Tie Sui Ya tightly, the strength Liu Xu showed made him unable to think of fighting at all.

Confidence, completely crushed!

Sesshomaru clenched his fists, and looked at Inuyasha sharply. Sesshoumaru, who usually doesn't like talking too much, said a lot at this time.

"In three months' time, I will go to Fengzhi Village and make a settlement with Liu Xu. Take back Cong Yunya and wash away the shame of today! If you are afraid, you half-demon, hide in a corner where there is no one and tremble! Hmph!"

With a wave of his long sleeves, he turned around and Sesshomaru staggered towards the front.

Looking at the hilt of the sword left in his hand, it was useless to keep the destroyed Ghost Fighting God.

Sesshomaru casually tossed Douguishen away and continued to move forward.

A long trail of blood left behind Sesshomaru.

Yin Hong, enthusiastic...

Inuyasha stared blankly at the ground, lost in thought...


"Inuyasha, use your iron ... iron broken teeth to chop me! I... I'm almost... almost dying, and now I can help you, only this. The Vajra Spear is broken, and it can... It can strengthen Iron Broken Fang..."

In the giant pit, the dying Baoxian ghost said.

The deep voice is like a sad song...

Inuyasha's eyes turned red.

Tightly, holding Tie Sui Fang...


And at this time, in this world.

In a certain hidden valley, a child was suspended in a red enchantment with a gloomy expression.

In the chubby little hand is a piece of "non-demon wall", which can conceal the aura of monsters.

However, this is meaningless now, Bai Tongzi is dead, Yaoyao No. [-] is dead, and Bai Ye is also dead.

He is weak and has almost no strength to contend with Liu Xu.

He is just a heart.


"Damn! I have no strength, what should I do, what should I do!?"

"Liu Xu! Liu Xu!" Chi Zi roared angrily.

A powerful demonic energy erupted from his doll-like body.

Yaoyaowan, originally his armor, made up for the lack of combat, but unexpectedly died in the place where the two worlds meet, what use is there for the current Chizi! ?

"No, no, I can't sit still! No!"

Chizi's head turned quickly, thinking about countermeasures.

The form of a baby dooms him to be weak in combat, but in terms of defense and intelligence, he is far superior to ordinary people.

"...Instead of piecing together a ghost pill No. [-], it's better to turn myself into a ghost pill! My power is for me to fight for! I will never rely on anyone again!"

"Three months, after three months, is my greatest opportunity!"

"Liu Xu, Liu Xu..."


After wandering around in the underworld for a while, Liu Xu returned to his mansion again.

However, there was one more person behind Liu Xu.

sixteen nights.

This is a black hair shawl, quiet and elegant woman.

With clear eyes and a graceful figure, she is as quiet as a virgin, with a pervasive fragrance, and there is a sense of dignity in her indifference.

Decades ago, she had another distinguished status: Princess of the West Country.

Unfortunately, due to an accident, he died at a young age.

...Because General Inuyasha had important things to do at that time, he could only entrust his son Inuyasha to a trusted person.

Both wives died because of vendetta, and Izayoi, the best sister of the dog general's sister-in-law, undoubtedly became the best candidate.

So Izayoi took care of Inuyasha for a while...

Inuyasha even always thought that Izayoi was his mother.

Of course, Liu Xu thought so too.

It wasn't until Immortal Fairy Lingyue mentioned it to Liu Xu inadvertently that Liu Xu knew that Shiliuye had died before she got married.

With such a beautiful woman and Lingyue Xianji's good sister, Liu Xu was of course obliged to rescue her.

Directly and domineeringly, he resurrected her from the underworld.


"Sixteen Nights!"


Shiliuye and Fairy Lingyue hugged each other happily as soon as they met.

Back then, one was the princess of the Western Kingdom and the other was the princess of the Dog Clan. They had similar status and similar tempers.

So, they became good sisters.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, they actually met again.

The two girls, one with loose silver hair, have a graceful and tall figure, exuding the temperament of a queen; the other is Xiaojiabiyu, gentle and pleasant, like a beautiful woman in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

The two women were talking together, like two blooming flowers.

Really, a spring orchid, an autumn chrysanthemum!

Having not seen each other for decades, the two women have countless things to talk about.

After talking for a long time, I thought of Liu Xu on the side.

"Brother Liu, many, many thanks!"

Immortal Fairy Lingyue said excitedly, and threw herself into Liu Xu's arms.


Chapter 1625 Beautiful women are like clouds, with reversed hair

After many days of getting along, the relationship between the two has made some progress, and Liu Xu's great and selfless help this time moved Immortal Fairy Lingyue even more.

The slender figure squeezed Liu Xu, and Liu Xu finally felt the fruits of these days...

Big hands wrapped around Lingyue Fairy's slender waist, Lingyue Fairy's face turned slightly red, she lay in Liu Xu's arms and dared not raise her head.

Liu Xu blinked at Shiliuye, flirting with the little girl.

Little Aunt Nian blushed slightly, and also lowered her head. She remembered that back then, she had told Fairy Lingyue that she would marry a husband and continue to be sisters. Thinking of Liu Xu, the savior, sixteen nights felt a tinge of excitement. Ripples...

The three continued to chat for a while, and this time they went in and introduced each other to the girls.

Liu Xu's family members are quite extensive at present.

Kikyo, Kagome, Coral, Cuizi, Little Lolita Kaede, Little Lolita Ling, Little Lolita Kanna, Kagura, Enjou, Maid Tsubaki, Calamus, Lingyue Xianji, Sixteen Nights, plus Liu Xu from modern times The maid N who was transferred here, the current mansion is simply Liu Xu's private paradise!

Collect the Jade of the Four Souls?

Liu Xu is not interested anymore.

Picking up girls is king!

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