Third Uncle and Pan Zi's expressions were ugly, they knew that the danger down there was great!

But those who came out to hang out, were afraid of death and went home to hold their children long ago.

Isn't it worth running over here?

He Wu Sansheng didn't have this habit.

"Dig!" said the third uncle, throwing the Luoyang shovel aside.

Da Kui, Xiao Hei, Xiao Jun and Pan Zi picked up their shovels and started digging.

Uncle San and Liu Xu stood aside to watch out for them while talking.

"Third Uncle, the soil looks like blood. I mentioned in Grandpa's notes that this tomb is probably..." Liu Xu said in a deep voice.

"Well, I'm afraid there are blood corpses in this tomb, but I just don't know how many." The third uncle also looked solemn.

"I'm afraid there are not only blood corpses, but also other things." Liu Xu said worriedly.

Although he himself was not afraid, third uncle, Pan Zi and the others were in danger.

They are indeed rich in experience, but it is still very dangerous to encounter such supernatural things.

"Don't worry, your third uncle eats more food than you, and nothing will happen." Although the third uncle was worried, he still didn't want his little nephew to be afraid, so he comforted him.

"Yeah." Liu Xu smiled and said in his heart, "Don't worry, third uncle, I will definitely not let you have trouble."

"Yes!" Pan Zi said.

Liu Xu and the third uncle walked over and found that a stone brick with a corner had been dug out.

The four of them were full of strength and dug up faster.

Soon, a space was dug through.

"Da Kui, get it out of the way." Third Uncle said.

"Yes, third master."

Da Kui also took out an iron pick at random, dropped a corner, and finally got all the bricks out.

"Okay, let's go down in a while. Let me make one thing clear first. I rarely see this ancient tomb of the Warring States Period. After I go down, everything will follow my command. Don't touch things randomly. Control your hands and feet. Do you know?" Third Uncle said sternly to Dakui and the others.

Da Kui, especially Xiao Hei and Xiao Jun nodded their heads vigorously. Although they want to make a fortune, they have to spend their lives!

They are not as experienced as Pan Zi or the third uncle. If they don't listen to the third uncle, they will be no different from courting death.


Chapter 1671 Mom no longer has to worry about my tomb robbery encountering a trap!

After a while, the third uncle said: "Okay, let's go in! Try to come out before dawn."

Xiao Hei took the lead and went in with a flashlight, followed by Xiao Jun, then Dakui, Pan Zi, Third Uncle, and Liu Xu in the rear.

After everyone entered the first tomb, they picked up their flashlights and looked around.

After Liu Xu came in, he didn't dare to be careless at all, and directly used the Qi Watching Technique, only to see that the entire tomb was filled with a layer of red.

He couldn't help but gasped, Liu Xu had never seen such a color before, but the blood mist-like red gave him an ominous feeling, which made him dare not be careless.

Liu Xu randomly picked up a stone tool.

The third master said: "This should be a side room, just pick up two things."

Even though he said so, the third uncle, Liu Xu and Pan Zi didn't move. They didn't like these things. Da Kui asked Xiao Hei and Xiao Jun to take a small and light thing each.

The third uncle saw that there was nothing to explore in the tomb, so he walked towards the door.

Liu Xu and Pan Zi followed closely, and Dakui and others also hurried over.

Liu Xu suddenly noticed a bright red line at the very bottom of the door, and he pressed his third uncle's shoulder.

The third uncle turned his head and said to Liu Xu, "Wu Xu, what's wrong?"

"There is something." Liu Xu said.

Everyone became vigilant, and Liu Xu said after seeing it: "It's not Zongzi, there are organs!"

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, Liu Xu squatted down, and shone a powerful flashlight close to the door to see the ground. The third uncle also squatted down and found the reflection.

The third uncle said: "It should be a piece of silk. Once someone steps on it, immediately touch the mechanism."

Everyone swallowed. Although they didn't know what the agency was, it was definitely not a good thing, and they didn't want to try it.

The third uncle said to Liu Xu: "Okay, brat, your eyes are so sharp, you have discovered it."

Liu Xu smiled, but did not speak.

He seems to have discovered a new function of the Qi Watching Technique, such as mechanism, so easy to discover!

Mom no longer has to worry about my tomb robbers encountering organs!

Others also looked at Liu Xu with admiration.

"Go ahead, everyone be careful."

The third uncle stepped over the silk, and the people behind followed suit. This was the first trap after going down to the tomb. Under Liu Xu's reminder, he had avoided it.

After leaving the gate, there will naturally be a fork. Everyone is not familiar with this tomb, and they have no choice but to choose a road at random.

This tomb passage is very long, and everyone walked quite slowly. The agency just reminded everyone.

Suddenly, Liu Xu saw these small red dots filling the walls on both sides in front, and knew that this was another mechanism, but how to touch or avoid this mechanism?

He didn't know this, so he could only ask the experienced third uncle.

"Third Uncle, what mechanism is hidden in the wall." Liu Xu asked deliberately.

"There are many, but they are usually crossbows and the like. Once touched, they will be shot into hedgehogs immediately," said the third uncle.

The third uncle seemed to understand something suddenly. He took a deep look at Liu Xu, and there seemed to be some surprise in his eyes.

"Wait." The third uncle raised his hand in front, signaling for everyone to stop, and everyone stopped.

He took out a few stones from his pocket, third uncle threw them forward, and the stones rolled forward with bumps.

When the first stone rolled to a certain place and fell, countless crossbow bolts were suddenly shot out from the walls on both sides, and the range of the crossbow bolts was farther than the range where the stone fell.

If someone stepped on it and touched the organ, he would be unable to move forward or backward, and could only be shot into a hedgehog.

Everyone looked at the densely packed crossbow arrows and couldn't help swallowing again. Even a person like Pan Zi who had been on the battlefield couldn't help but shed a cold sweat.

"The owner who built this mechanism is too scheming. The tomb passage is so long that people who are walking relax their vigilance. When they step on the mechanism, it is too late to retreat." The third uncle said.

If it wasn't for Liu Xu's reminder, he might have been attacked too, or he might have been within the range of the crossbow when he threw the stone.

"It should be all right, let's move on." Third Uncle said after waiting for a while.

Everyone calmed down and continued to follow Third Uncle.

The road ahead seemed to be safe, and nothing happened along the way. They entered another tomb. Once they entered the tomb, everyone was shocked again. There were ten coffins in front of them.

Nine are placed below, and one is placed on the stone steps. This stone step is built according to the shape of the eight trigrams, and some mysterious patterns are engraved on it.

Liu Xu lost his ability in metaphysics and Taoism, and he didn't understand these things, and he didn't have the mood to find out now, because in its eyes, all ten coffins were full of black air.

Especially the one on the stone steps, the black air was extremely dense, and it merged with the blood energy in the air, forming a black-purple color, which was disgusting and terrifying.

"Light on the lamp first." Uncle San said.

Da Kui, Xiao Hei and Xiao Jun lit the ancient candles on the surrounding stone platforms, and the light yellow flame lit up, bringing a faint light to the entire tomb.

Liu Xu's eyes fixed on the coffin on the stone steps, and suddenly he seemed to hear the sound of a bell coming from the air. Liu Xu felt that he became confused, but when the tattoo on his body became hot, he woke up instantly.

He looked back, third uncle, Pan Zi, Dakui, Xiao Hei and Xiao Jun, their eyes became dull, and they walked around, as if they wanted to pick up the funeral objects nearby.

Liu Xu's face changed drastically. If he touches the mechanism of these zongzi, he must be on these funerary objects.

Liu Xu ran up to the third uncle, holding up the scabbard with one hand, and with the thumb of the other hand, stroked the edge of the sword, and then tapped on the third uncle's brow, and then ran towards Pan Zi, Da Kui, and Xiao Jun. ...

As for Xiao Hei, it was already too late, when he touched his brow, he had already touched a funeral object.

Uncle San and the others also came to their senses, and Liu Xu said to them, "The Central Committee has activated, these zongzi will be dead soon, ready to fight."

Although Third Uncle and the others didn't understand what happened, they all entered a fighting state when they heard Liu Xu's words.


Chapter 1672 Blood Corpse

The third uncle picked up a pair of old black donkey hooves, Pan Zi picked up a pair of gleaming daggers, and Dakui, Xiao Jun and Xiao Hei took out short guns.

Liu Xu looked at it and said quickly, "Guns don't do much to them, so find something to restrain the zongzi."

Da Kui, Xiao Hei, and Xiao Jun's expressions changed. Just when they were about to say something, the coffin lids of the ten coffins were all violently pushed away, and ten zongzi jumped out.

Liu Xu set his eyes on the one on the stone steps, his eyes narrowed, purple, blood corpse!

All ten zongzi howled, indicating that they had made their debut.

The clothes on the bodies of the nine zongzi below were all rotting when they jumped, exposing their emaciated bodies.

Although it looks skinny, its hidden strength can easily overturn a car.

The blood corpse on the stone steps is wearing a bronze battle armor, and the material is unknown. It has been thousands of years, but it has not rotted and is well preserved.

"You assign the bottom nine yourself, and leave the top one to me," Liu Xu said.

"It's too dangerous, let's run away!" Xiao Hei couldn't help trembling.

"Do you think that thing's speed will be slower than yours?" Liu Xu pointed at the blood corpse on the stone steps with his sword.

The blood corpse's eyes are full of coldness, bloodthirsty, and madness. Ordinary people are guaranteed to be shocked when they see it, but this is of no use. Liu Xu doesn't like it.

You won't die if you take a look, it's best for you to just take a look, don't do anything, and tell your subordinates not to do anything, I will at most show you a monkey, take a few things and leave, okay!

The third uncle said, "Wu Xu, be careful."

The blood corpse couldn't hold back anymore, and roared, the nine rice dumplings below seemed to be wise, they directly ignored Liu Xu, and rushed towards Third Uncle and the others.

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