He is also included.

Although Liu Xu is an old time-traveling driver, this still can't change his depressed mood that he was forced to time-travel by a hairy stiff.

"Brother, you are obviously a zombie, why do you want to learn Taoism?"

"I just watched "Yu Sin (adapted from a web drama, I highly recommend it, my big breasted sister)"!"

"Brother, you are advancing with the times, and there is no generation gap with the times."

Liu Xu has information about this world in his head, which is the world of Mr. Zombie.

Yes, it is the world with Mao Xiaofang.

If Liu Xu wants to leave this world, he must obtain the true transmission of Jiushu Maoshan Taoism, get rid of the zombies transformed by the old man Ren, and subdue the female ghost Xiaoyu.


The golden crow falls to the west, and the evening breeze is cool.

After complaining a lot, Liu Xu felt relaxed.

Even looking at the uninhabited barren mountains and mountains, it seems to feel a little vivid.

"But why can't I meet anyone?"

Although he didn't have to worry about being starved to death in this wilderness, Liu Xu still had the urge to see a living person after a few hours of walking alone.

Maybe God heard his prayer, or maybe the zombie buddy who caused him to cross over heard Liu Xu's prayer.

Anyway, just when this thought came to Liu Xu's mind, a scream came into his ears.

"Ah... help!"

The shrill yet tactful, crisp yet agile scream pierced through the gloomy twilight, and came from the valley not far away.

"Haha... girl! She's alive!"

Hearing this and the shrill screams, Liu Xu's first reaction was excitement.

After several hours of walking alone, now I finally heard the voice of a living person, and it was a woman. Immediately, this guy turned into a breeze and galloped away.

After running vigorously, Liu Xu felt the wind under his feet, and the surrounding environment receded rapidly. In an instant, he ran a distance of thousands of meters that ordinary people could not finish running.

Oh, by the way, he can hear voices also because his hearing is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Although the few abilities that were finally unsealed in the Tomb Raider's Notes have been forged again, but the physique of the zombie buddy seems to have been inherited by him.

Damn, it's a loss for a golden pill.

At this moment, Liu Xu was standing on the edge of a winding mountain, condescending, and he could have a panoramic view of everything in the mountain.

In the mountain col, an extremely bloody robbery incident is taking place at this moment.

The person involved was a young girl who looked seventeen or eighteen years old, with a round face, rosy white, and big eyes, like a pool of autumn water.

The girl was wearing a gauze western dress and a western-style sun hat. She had light but delicate makeup on her face. Her black hair was braided into a thick braid hanging from behind her ears and falling on her chest.

This kind of dress, combined with her face and figure, made Liu Xu, who is used to seeing all kinds of beauties in the future, have a kind of eagerness to move, not to mention the three who are like refugees standing in front of the girl at this moment. What about the bandits?

"Hahahaha, brother, let's post this time."

At this time, a scrawny bamboo pole with a deer head and mouse eyes looked at the frightened girl, and said wretchedly, "This girl is so pretty, after we're done playing, she'll definitely make a lot of money by selling it to a kiln." .”

At the same time, another common short winter melon dragon socket said: "That's right, this deal is too worthwhile. Usually, we don't even have the chance to see a girl of this level, but today we brothers can taste it." , is it really him? It's so cool."

When he was speaking, his mouse eyes were shining brightly, staring at the girl's chest stealthily.

Listening to the unscrupulous hooliganism of the thin bamboo pole and the short winter melon, the girl trembled all over.

"You...what are you going to do? Don't mess around! My cousin is the security captain in the town, you...if you dare to touch me, my cousin will definitely kill you. "

The girl looked at the three thieves with obscene smiles on her face in fear, and she turned around and wanted to run away.

"Hahahaha, when you meet the three of us, you should obediently obey! Don't say that your cousin is the captain of the security, even if he is the king of heaven, I will take advantage of the heat today. If you want to be sensible, just Cooperate well with brother, when the time comes, the three of us will take you flying together, so that you will not waste your life, hahahaha!"

Seeing the girl turn around and run away, the eldest of the three refugee bandits laughed out loud and said something that he thought was very philosophical.

After saying this, he unhurriedly glanced at the two younger brothers who were following him, as if to say, "Look, how educated I am!"

Seeing this scene in the col, Liu Xu hummed angrily.

He really wanted to yell, stop you three scumbags, let me do it!

However, Liu Xu really couldn't do such an unscrupulous thing.

He stomped his feet suddenly, "whoosh", and appeared in front of the three refugees.

"In broad daylight, you three scumbags dare to rob, murder, and moles a decent woman. Are you impatient?"

Before the person arrived, Liu Xu's voice sounded.

When he finished speaking, his whole body was like a gun, standing in front of the girl, opposite to the three refugees.


Chapter 1692 Your shameless appearance is very much like mine back then




Liu Xu's sudden appearance instantly frightened the three refugee bandits.

A sound of panic and wailing came from their mouths in an instant, and the girl who accidentally tripped while running away screamed "Ah" and sat down on the ground.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Liu Xu's whole body hurts.

"What are you three scumbags yelling about, you are the ghosts, your whole family is ghosts!"

Liu Xu didn't like their reaction very much.

According to the correct reaction of the actor, at this time they should be kneeling and begging for mercy, shouting for mercy, how could they not act according to the script?

"Brother, this guy has a shadow, not a ghost, don't be afraid!"

At this moment, the short winter melon who had just jumped up in fright suddenly cried out in surprise.

"Fuck, you fucking think I'm stupid, and I'm not blind, so I can see his shadow naturally, so you don't need to say it!"

After being reminded by the short winter melon, the refugee boss suddenly slapped him out of embarrassment and jumped up and cursed.

Looking at those three people who couldn't grasp the key points and fought among themselves, Liu Xu laughed speechlessly.

"I said you three have had enough trouble?"

Liu Xu's flat voice sounded lightly.

As his voice sounded, the three huddled refugees suddenly woke up.

"Hey, what a brat, how dare you meddle in the affairs of grandpas, you really are impatient." The head of the refugee looked at Liu Xu and said brazenly, "Boy, I see you are well-dressed, and you are a very nice person after all." Lord of the money, as you can see, the three of you grandfathers are the kings of the mountain, if you don’t want to die, you can hand over all the money you have on your body to me, otherwise I will put you in a dilemma, do you believe it or not?”

While speaking, the eyes of the three refugees suddenly shone brightly.

Seeing the appearance of those three guys, Liu Xu was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, a mocking sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Brat, what are you laughing at? Didn't you hear what our boss said? Hurry up and hand over all the money to grandpa, so as not to delay grandpa's playing with this chick, grandpa, I will call you..."

"Life or death!"

The short wax gourd growled impatiently, but was interrupted lightly by Liu Xu.

"It's good to know."

The short winter melon said angrily.

After hearing his words, Liu Xu's smile became even brighter.

Looking at the three people in front of him, Liu Xu moved his wrist, and his drooping eyelids opened instantly.

"I have quite a lot of money, but the key is..." When he said this, his voice suddenly rose, "Why should I give you three bastards?"

The deep and unruly voice, like a gust of wind, resounded in everyone's ears instantly.

As Liu Xu's voice fell, the faces of the three refugees suddenly darkened.

"You damn little bastard, you have the courage to call the three of us a bastard. If I don't kill you today, you don't know that Lord Ma has three eyes." The refugee leader roared angrily. , "Brothers, let's go together and cut this little bastard alive for me."

While speaking, the refugee leader waved the steel knife in his hand, and rushed towards Liu Xu first.

Looking at the three ferocious refugees, Liu Xu's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said, "If you don't know how to live or die, then go to die!"

While speaking, he tapped his feet and jumped out in an instant.

The strength and speed far surpassed that of ordinary people erupted, and in an instant, his whole body came behind the refugee leader who took the lead like a ghost.


At this moment, the head of the refugee who jumped out first felt a blur in front of his eyes and lost Liu Xu's figure in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, before he could react, Liu Xu's ghostly voice rang in his ears.

"With this little ability, I am really impatient to learn from others to rob."

There was a hint of disdain in the plain voice, and the refugee leader was shocked, and just about to yell, he heard a "click", and then his eyes saw his back.

The usual words, accompanied by Liu Xu's harmless smile, instantly snapped off the head of the refugee leader, and directly made the other two refugees scream.


"Damn it, how dare you kill our boss, do you know who we are?"

Wordless panic and unprecedented fear instantly made the thin bamboo pole and the short wax gourd tremble.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth.

"Who? Who could it be? It's nothing more than a bandit full of evil and disregarding human life. Killing him is also killing harm for the people. Is it possible that you are only allowed to kill people like you unscrupulous bastards, and you are not allowed to kill you?"

The indifferent words came out of Liu Xu's mouth, and his eyes instantly turned cold.

Seeing Liu Xu's cold-blooded and heartless look, the two bandits were shocked and angry.

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