He stood up on the spot, pulled Dong Xiaoyu along, and was about to go out.

Dong Xiaoyu didn't have much opinion in the first place, and during this time with Liu Xu, Liu Xu was in charge of everything, so she didn't say anything.

But for the sake of safety, Dong Xiaoyu still said: "You can go out, but you can use my 'Tibetan God' talent!"

Hidden God is Dong Xiaoyu's natal talent. Once she uses it, she will completely restrain her aura. As long as she doesn't expose herself intentionally, no one can see through this almost camouflaged talent.

Originally, this kind of talent could only be used by Dong Xiaoyu alone.

But now it is different. Liu Xu used Maoshan Taoism to establish a Dao seal with Dong Xiaoyu. Dong Xiaoyu has become Liu Xu's natal ghost, and all his abilities can be used by Liu Xu.

Therefore, Liu Xu can also perform this technique of hiding the gods.


Chapter 1733 Poison drop, blood scorpion

"Okay, that's a good idea, maybe I can give that old guy Lei Gang a slap in the face!"

Liu Xu smiled, and immediately used the technique of hiding the gods. Suddenly, his whole aura changed.

If the previous Liu Xu was a sharp sword, then the current Liu Xu is like a scabbard, the sharpness is restrained, and he can no longer see the slightest difference.

After finishing the performance, the two left the Ren family compound without staying any longer.

Liu Xu was really aggrieved, he and Dong Xiaoyu were the only two in the Ren family these days.

They have to do all the basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation by themselves. Although this feeling has the taste of a married couple, Dong Xiaoyu doesn't know any housework. Whether it is basic necessities, food, housing, transportation, laundry and cooking, Liu Xu has to come. This is not beautiful up.

Therefore, after three days of enduring, Liu Xu finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Pulling Dong Xiaoyu, he went straight to the most famous Yanhong Tower in the town, without even looking at the menu, he just threw out a bag of silver dollars and asked the person in charge to bring the best food and drinks before he stopped.

Regarding Liu Xu's actions, Dong Xiaoyu sat on the side, lying on the table with a smile on her face.

Liu Xu ignored Dong Xiaoyu's ridicule at all.

Anyway, only you can see this female ghost, and no one else can see it, so you can laugh as much as you want, and I won't lose face.

Naturally, Dong Xiaoyu didn't know what Liu Xu was thinking, otherwise he would have to channel the people in the restaurant so they could see him, and then tell Liu Xu to embarrass him once again.


It has to be said that money is indeed a good thing.

Under the supervision of a bag of silver dollars, all the food and wine in Yanhong Tower were served in a short while.

Looking at the delicious food, Liu Xu was full of strength.

"Damn, I endured it for three days, and I can finally have a good meal today!"

Obviously, in the past three days, Liu Xu's resentment towards that Lei Gang has reached an extreme.

Now that the food was on the table, he didn't hesitate any more, picked up the bowl, and immediately started to eat.

However, when he started to deal with the food on the table, he didn't see that there was a pair of eyes full of sneering at him by the window not far away.

Lei Gang has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. Ever since Liu Xu killed the zombie he manipulated and his divine sense that day, Lei Gang has come here, waiting for the opportunity to take revenge on Liu Xu.

Although he said before that within three days, he would definitely go to Ren's house to make a settlement with Liu Xu.

But as an old Jianghu, his words were just to confuse Liu Xu.

After all, he said such things, as long as Liu Xu is not stupid, he will definitely lay a net there and wait for himself to fall into the net.

Although, in this small town, there is no one who can compete with him.

But even so, as a veteran Jianghu, he was still unwilling to take this risk.

After all, who knows what method that kid will use to wait for him.

If you get a room full of explosives, no matter how good you are, you may have to finish the game right away.

Therefore, during these three days, he did not go to Ren's house at all.

Because he believed that if he didn't go to Ren's house, Liu Xu would definitely come out after three days.

After all, I only said it was three days at the beginning, and if Liu Xu waited for him to wait for three days, with his young mind, he would definitely feel that he was afraid of him and had already run away.

Therefore, by that time, he will definitely walk out of Ren's house swaggeringly.

And when he walked out of Ren's house, it was time for him to take revenge.

For this, Lei Gang is still very confident.

Because in the past, he used this method to deal with a very powerful genius who practiced head lowering in Nanyang.

After all, young people never lack self-confidence, let alone a young man who beat himself!

And the change of things did not exceed his expectations.

After waiting for three days, Liu Xu finally couldn't take it anymore and walked out of Ren's house.

As soon as Liu Xu walked out of Ren's house, Lei Gang followed.

Originally, he was worried that he would not have a good chance to attack Liu Xu, but who knew that this kid would come to Yanhong Tower for dinner alone, and now he really came to deliver a pillow when he fell asleep!

Therefore, Lei Gang didn't hesitate any more, and immediately used the head lowering technique to lower his head among the meals Liu Xu wanted.

For the sake of safety, he did not use the powerful ghost drop technique, nor did he use the poison drop technique, but used the least powerful but most concealed drug drop technique.

Although this kind of head lowering technique is not as powerful as the previous two methods, it has unique advantages in terms of concealment.

Even if Lin Jiu (Uncle Nine) sat in front of him intact, he would definitely not notice anything unusual about the food.

And that brat who knows a little bit of kung fu is even less qualified to find out.

Seeing Liu Xu sweeping away the food on the table without any defense, and Lei Gang hiding in the dark, his whole body twitched with excitement.

This damn kid, I was worried about what he was capable of, but I didn't expect to be cleaned up like this. It's really a pity for my own spiritual thoughts and the zombies I have cultivated for many years.

But it doesn't matter, this kid seems to have practiced a set of horizontal martial arts. He is covered with copper skin and iron bones, which is a good material for refining bronze armored corpses. Make up for the fact that he destroyed his own zombies.

Lei Gang was thinking excitedly, but when he was thinking about it, suddenly, with a bang, Liu Xu, who had just finished eating a table of food, suddenly fell headlong on the table.

In an instant, his whole face was distorted, and an invisible black energy suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hahahaha, there is no place to find such broken iron filings, and it doesn't take much effort to get them, brat, how dare you fight this old man!"

At this moment, seeing Liu Xu fall headfirst, Lei Gang became excited.

After a wild laugh, he immediately walked towards Liu Xu.

However, he did not come directly to Liu Xu's ear, but stopped within five steps from Liu Xu's side, and with a flick of his wrist, a blood-red centipede nearly a foot long rushed towards Liu Xu like lightning. Xu bit his back.


Chapter 1734 Illusion, Yuchan

This scene appeared very suddenly, and no one could have imagined that Lei Gang would continue to attack under such a situation of complete victory.

He did make the shot though, very fluid and natural.

The moment he shot, he didn't hesitate at all. Obviously, this method had already been honed into his bones.

"call out!"

The red line pierced through the air and disappeared in a flash.

However, when the poisonous martial art flew towards Liu Xu's back, Lei Gang's expression changed suddenly.

"No, it's an illusion!"

When the centipede landed, Liu Xu's back suddenly appeared like a wave of ripples, which disappeared in an instant.

Lei Gang let out a cry of alarm, and withdrew and retreated.

However, at this moment, a sneering voice rang in his ear: "I just found out now, it's too late, go to hell!"

The person who spoke was none other than Liu Xu.

The moment the voice fell, a cold light cut out from his hand and went straight to Lei Gang's neck.

At this moment, Lei Gang felt terrified.

The unprecedented crisis forced out his strongest strength in an instant.

With a sudden retreat of both feet, one hand curled into a claw, and with a cloud of black energy, he blocked the tip of Liu Xu's knife.

Throwing a fist with one hand, with a strong sound of trembling air, counterattacked Liu Xu's chest.

Facing Lei Gang's calm counterattack, Liu Xu advances instead of retreating.

Taking a step forward, the short blade in his hand suddenly pulled back, giving up the opportunity to seal his throat with a knife, and directly slashed at Lei Gang's arm that was counterattacking, as if he wanted to abolish Lei Gang's right hand with a single knife.

At this moment, Lei Gang smiled instead of anger when he saw Liu Xu changing his moves.

Young people are young people. They don't understand that war opportunities are fleeting. They only know how to focus on the small profits in front of them. Fortunately, they are very lucky.

There was no danger to his life, Lei Gang laughed out loud, and grasped the blade with his left hand, grabbing forward, ready to tear Liu Xu's left shoulder.

As for countering Liu Xu's chest punch, he retreated immediately, not head-on with Liu Xu's blade at all.

However, at this moment, Liu Xu's blade chased forward fiercely. In Lei Gang's shocked eyes, with a "poof", it tore his retreating right arm, and at the same time, his right shoulder was also hit. Lei Gang grabbed it.

The clothes were torn on the spot, and three bloody scratches were exposed on the shoulders.

"Boy, you are so ruthless!"

The confrontation between the two was like a rabbit rising and falling, and it was over before most people could react in time.

At this moment, Lei Gang looked at Liu Xu with a gloomy face, his right arm was already stained red with blood.

"You are not bad, each other!"

Facing Lei Gang's gloominess, Liu Xu also grinned, and the three scratches on his shoulders were not so easy to suffer.

After hearing Liu Xu's words, Lei Gang said gloomyly: "How did you find out about this old man?"

Lei Gang asked solemnly, this is very important to him.

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