Dian Wei won the first round with arm strength.

Gao Shun was secretly surprised. He was usually proud of his strength, but he didn't expect that a mountain would be as high as a mountain.

Dian Wei's wide opening and closing is different from the head-to-head style of fighting. Gao Shun's iron spear looks more like a black snake, delicate and delicate, he can drill when he has time, and go back and forth when he has no time.

The two showed their strengths, and everyone was mesmerized. It was really a battle between dragons and tigers, and Liu Xu and Bai Yanni couldn't feel itchy to watch.

In the blink of an eye, after nearly a hundred rounds, Gao Shun's strength was no match for Dian Wei's. Although he did not break through the defense line, the defensive area was getting smaller and smaller, and the offense was even more powerless.

On the other hand, Dian Wei became more and more aggressive as he fought more and more, and the double halberds in his hands were like dragons sailing out to sea, rolling with the waves.

Seeing that Gao Shun couldn't hold on anymore, Tian Feng feared that he would be injured, so he shouted: "Dian Wei doesn't stop."

He hurried up.

Seeing the situation, Gao Shun feigned a shot and jumped out of the battle ring.

Only then did I realize that my hands were shaking constantly, my body was covered in sweat, and I felt a sense of loss of strength.

Hearing the sound, Dian Wei looked back and saw Tian Feng striding towards him, he was overjoyed and said: "Mr. Tian, ​​please, the Sa family hasn't had such a happy fight with others for a long time, this brother is so lucky to be able to fight with me Hundreds of rounds, no winner."

Only then did Liu Xu have the opportunity to look Dian Wei up and down. He saw that he was eight feet long, with a strong back, a leopard head and monkey arms, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a thunderous laugh.

Unable to hold Bai Yanni tightly in his arms, Liu Xu praised: "Dian Wei is a real hero!"

Bai Yanni pouted her small mouth.Whispered: "It looks like a big stupid cow, full of brute force."

Liu Xu couldn't help laughing twice, if Dian Wei couldn't hear these words, I don't know how he would feel.

At this time, Zhang Chu also walked quickly to the side of Gao Shun, supported him, and helped him sweat.

Gao Shun gasped and said, "Brother Dian is amazing, Gao Shun really admires him."

Dian Wei couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Tian Feng walked while holding Dian Wei's tiger palm, "I came today to introduce you to Yiming Jun. In the future, you can follow him on the saddle and fight on the battlefield, and you will definitely live up to your unique skills."

Dian Wei said happily, "I've been waiting for this day for a long time. If I don't leave the mountain, I'm afraid I'll get sick."

At this time Liu Xu and Bai Yanni had already walked up.

Tian Feng pointed at Dian Wei to Liu Xu and said, "Dian Wei, hurry up and see the lord."

Dian Wei hurriedly took the first two steps and threw his halberd on the ground, knelt in front of Liu Xu and said loudly: "Dian Wei has seen the lord, and he is willing to live and die with the lord, and he will not hesitate."

Liu Xu loved Dian Wei in his heart, and saw that he was upright and upright, so he hurriedly helped him up and said: "A man has gold under his knees, and he said that he worshiped heaven and earth and worshiped high halls. Dian Wei, don't do such a big thing to me in the future." Li, as long as you have the heart."

Dian Wei said anxiously: "This is not acceptable, etiquette cannot be discarded."

Liu Xu's face tensed, and he said in a cold voice: "I'll do it if I say so. Don't give me such a big gift from now on. I'll treat you like a brother."

Dian Wei was only obedient, looked up and saw Liu Xu looking at him with a smile on his face, he was very moved, and saw Bai Yanni leaning on Liu Xu, and hurriedly said: "I have seen Madam."

Bai Yanni couldn't stop smiling coquettishly, she was as moving as a hundred flowers blooming, and everyone who watched was relaxed and happy.

Tian Feng watched from the side and nodded quite a bit. It seemed that he was also very satisfied with Liu Xu's performance.

Liu Xu got another fierce general, and he talked and laughed with everyone with great enthusiasm. After a long time, he started to prepare for the road.


Chapter 1765

On the way, Tian Feng said: "I don't know what your plan is?"

He asked this question because he has a lot of knowledge in it. Given that he has no soldiers and two or two riches, it is so difficult to plot the Central Plains and start from scratch. If Liu Xu is really superior, he must have a good plan, so he just Have this question.

Liu Xu understood Tian Feng's meaning in a blink of an eye, but seeing that he was confident when he asked this question, he tentatively asked, "What is Tian Feng's opinion?"

Tian Feng put his hands on his back, looked up at the sky and said slowly: "Today's general situation, the lord knows it very well. If you want to achieve supremacy, you will need extraordinary means. Feng has two strategies for the lord to refer to."

Liu Xu's heart moved, and he said happily, "What plan?"

Tian Feng continued: "The world is in chaos, treacherous ministers are in power, princes are rising together, the people are full of complaints, and the voice of crusade is loudly heard. Now with Dian Wei and Gao Shun's instigation, we can become bandits, occupy mountains and become kings, and rob riches." Help the poor, recruit virtuous ministers, buy people's hearts, make false promises when the time comes, and rise up, they will respond back and forth, and hegemony can be achieved."

At first Liu Xu heard that it made sense, but when he thought about it carefully, he shook his head and said, "This is not feasible, is there another plan?"

Tian Feng said again: "Choose a master and support him, watch the changes quietly, and act according to circumstances."

Liu Xu nodded and suddenly remembered Cao Cao and Liu Bei cooking wine and talking about heroes, and asked, "Does Zi Hao know the change of the dragon?"

Tian Feng was stunned for a moment, and didn't understand why Liu Xu asked this, but there must be a deep meaning, and knowing that he still had something to say, he said cautiously: "I hope to hear about it."

Liu Xu also put his hands behind his back and said with a slight smile: "Dragon can be big or small, can rise or hide; big can make clouds and fog, small can hide its shape; rising can fly between the universe, hidden can hide in the waves Inside. The dragon takes advantage of the changes of the seasons, and the people get their ambitions and travel across the world."

Tian Feng saw Liu Xu staring at him with admiration in his eyes, and listened to his incisive explanation, he understood what he meant, and said in admiration: "My lord is confident, Feng is willing to bow down."

Liu Xu smiled casually and said, "The world will undergo major changes recently. At that time, wind and rain from all directions will meet Zhongzhou. Let's meet the heroes of the world and talk about it first."

Tian Feng nodded in agreement.

Dian Wei and Gao Shun were confused by the conversation between Liu Xu and Tian Feng, not knowing what to say.

Dian Wei said carelessly, "Where are we going?"

Liu Xu thought for a while and said, "Now that I heard that Chen Liu Cao Cao is a hero in the world, we can go and meet each other."

In fact, when he went to vote for Cao Cao, he just wanted to meet this peerless villain, and he also wanted to meet a bunch of famous generals and advisors under him.

Gao Shun didn't know who Cao Cao was, but he knew where Chen stayed, so he had a rare chance to interject, "Then let's go!"

Everyone had no opinion, so they went on the road.


After several weeks of trekking, I left Dingtao, passed Qiaoyang, and arrived at Chenliu.

As soon as he entered Chenliu, Dian Wei was a little absent-minded, and he walked in secret, afraid that others would look at him.

Liu Xu suddenly came to his senses, Dian Wei's old affair with Chenliu's prefect Zhang Miao, who even killed his subordinates, was lucky to be able to enter the city at this time.

He hurriedly found an inn to rest, and ordered Gao Shun to inquire about the place where Cao Cao's incident was committed, and only went out after dark.

After walking for less than an hour, I saw lights shining in front of me from a distance.

Gao Shun was overjoyed and said, "It's just ahead, we're almost there."

As Liu Xu and his group got closer and closer, there was a lot of yelling coming from the front, with the faint sound of weapons and horses in the middle.

But Dazhai is full of sentry soldiers, banners are flying, camps are connected, and soldiers patrol between the camps from time to time.

At this moment, a group of soldiers suddenly came out from the grass on both sides, and surrounded Liu Xu's people.

The leading squad leader shouted loudly: "Who dares to visit the barracks at night, tie them up for me."

Seeing their strength, Dian Wei and Gao Shun drew out their weapons to protect Liu Xu, Tian Feng and the others.

Seeing that the soldiers were about to step forward, Liu Xu stretched out his hand and said hurriedly, "Come on slowly, I'll wait for Wen Mengde to raise his troops, and I'll come to meet you. Hurry up and report, if you're late, be careful with your head."

The soldier captain was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Liu Xu and the others suspiciously. Later, he saw that except for Dian Wei and Gao Shun, the other two had no weapons, and there were two women, so he couldn't help but believe it.

Opening his mouth to prevent the soldiers from catching people, the soldier captain said politely: "I don't know the names of the strong men, so let me report."

Liu Xu couldn't help secretly admiring Cao Jun's well-trained troops. Although the soldiers spoke very politely, they didn't look like they were relaxing their vigilance, which showed that they were well-trained.

Just when Liu Xu was about to say his name, a strong voice suddenly came from the front: "What are you doing here, what happened?"

The soldier went back to look at the person, and hurriedly saluted: "See General Le."

The team leader went on to say: "General Le, the thing is like this. When my subordinates were on guard tonight, they found these people. They said they came here to consort with each other. The subordinates are asking their names so that they can hug the general." .”

"Understood, you guys go watch and be smart, leave the matter here to me." The general said roughly.

The soldier saluted and turned to leave.

Liu Xu thought to himself, probably this person is Le Jin!

The person who came was Le Jin, who happened to be watching the night at night, and when he was bored, he came out for a walk, and found people rushing forward in front of him, so he came forward to check.

By the light of the fire, he could vaguely see his general outline, with a square face and thick eyebrows, and a husky aura on his body.

Liu Xu cupped his hands and asked, "Is this Le Jin, General Le Wenqian?"

Le Jin was stunned for a moment, wondering who this person is and how he knew my name.But he didn't dare to be negligent and said: "It's Lemou, how many people are there?"

Liu Xu smiled, thinking that Le Jin is honest and honest, he couldn't help pointing at the crowd and jokingly said, "General Le, is this how you treat guests?"

Le Jin couldn't help feeling embarrassed, his old face blushed, and he hurriedly waved his hands: "Everyone please, everyone please."

Tian Feng looked at Liu Xu. Although he couldn't see his expression clearly, he could imagine the confident expression. His heart was full of surprise and admiration, and he felt more and more unable to see through Liu Xu.


Chapter 1766

After several people were seated, Le Jin said in a daze, "How do you know someone Le?"

Liu Xu smiled mysteriously and said, "General Yue is highly skilled in martial arts, and is extremely brave. May I ask who in the world does not know General Le Jin and Le Wenqian?"

With such a big hat, Le Jin was embarrassed to ask the bottom line, but he still humbly said: "Your Excellency is too flattering, what can Le Jin do, he is just the master's pawn."

Liu Xu chuckled twice and said, "Recently, when I heard about Mr. Cao's incident, I came here with my family members from thousands of miles away. I also hope that General Le will introduce Mr. Cao for me."

Le Jin said movedly: "The strong men are full of passion, such a righteous deed makes Le admire, I will introduce the lord for the strong men, but I don't know the names of the strong men?"

Liu Xu scolded himself for being confused, and then said: "Next to Liu Xu, the one on the left is Tian Feng, the housekeeper, the one on the right is Gao Shun and Dian Wei, and the one next to Gao Shun is Mrs. Gao." Bai Yanni said: "This is my wife, Bai Yanni."

Although Tian Feng and the others were surprised when one of them would become the steward and the other two would become the nursing home, when Liu Xu introduced himself, they all smiled and bowed their hands as a salute.

After carefully looking at a few people, Le Jin had a good idea, and asked tentatively: "The strong man Gao and the strong man Dian, don't know how good they are in martial arts?"

Liu Xu naturally understood why he asked this question, because Dian Wei had two halberds in his back, and Gao Shun also had two iron spears in his back. Jin naturally wanted to try their martial arts, so that he could report in front of Cao Cao.

Liu Xu said with a confident smile: "If General Le is sexually interested, you can move them outside the tent, and I will tell them to play for the general to see."

Le Jin nodded and said: "That's very good, I also want to see the martial arts of the two strong men."

Le Jin stood up and walked out of the tent, followed by Liu Xu, Tian Feng and others.

Finding a relatively open place, Le Jin ordered the soldiers to light torches and form a circle.

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