"I didn't realize that my brother is still a martial arts practitioner, but I'm going to let you go for nothing. There are no martial arts masters in the city, but a group of people who make money by crafting." The charterer was very regretful. Said.

Hearing this, Liu Xu sneered in his heart.


Chapter 1815 Mysterious Master, Thousand Hands Fist

There are a total of five masters with surnames in the pig cage walled city, namely Coolie Qiang, Fried Ghost, Tailor A Sheng, and the charterer and renter. There are even more masters who don't know their names.

When Ah Xing came to Zhulong Walled City to collect protection fees, almost everyone whose name was called had extraordinary skills.

The so-called big hermit in the city is talking about people like them.

"The famous Condor Heroes in the Jianghu would actually live in this kind of place. If I hadn't had very definite information, I'm afraid I wouldn't have believed it. Charterer, what do you think?"

Liu Xu's tone was flat, as if he was asking about a very ordinary matter.

But these words fell into the ears of the charterer, which shocked him very much.

However, the charterer has lived in seclusion for many years, and his skill in nourishing his energy is extraordinary. He didn't do anything because his identity was exposed. Instead, he pretended to be puzzled.

"Brother, what did you say about The Legend of Condor Heroes, I don't understand?"

Hmph, don't understand?

Liu Xu didn't intend to compete with the charterer right now, so he didn't continue to expose him, and started to care about his hairstyle. Anyway, sooner or later, he would have a chance, so don't worry.

But when he was talking about the Condor Heroes just now, Jiang Bao's expression caught his attention.

Although the surprised look quickly disappeared in Jiang Bao's eyes, and then the silly expression returned, but because of the mirror, Liu Xu saw it clearly.

Sure enough, Pigpen Walled City is full of masters!

Liu Xu realized that this Jiang Bao was obviously a master of martial arts, and slowly recalled the performance of Jiang Bao who only played a few times in kung fu.

He found that Jiang Bao was not only a master, but also an extraordinary master. At least, he was stronger than Coolie Qiang and others.

In the original plot of Kung Fu, there was such a scene.

Ah Xing came to collect the protection fee, but was beaten violently by the charterer. After that, he threw a firecracker and attracted the second head of the Ax Gang, but Jiang Bao was not afraid at all when facing the Ax Gang. Instead, he provocatively said, "You Want to blackmail me too, I...not...afraid..."

The second leader of the ax gang immediately took out his axe and chopped it off at Jiang Bao's head.

However, in an instant, the second head of the Ax Gang was sent flying, and what was even more strange was that no one could see who did it.

When watching the movie, Liu Xu once guessed that it was Coolie Qiang and others, but after time travel and getting in touch with martial arts, he found that with this speed of attack, he was at least a top-notch master.

Obviously Coolie Qiang and the others didn't have that strength yet, and the Condor Heroes who were top-notch masters were not present.

At such a close distance, it was obvious that there was only one, and Jiang Bao was the mysterious master who made the shot.

The corners of Liu Xu's mouth turned up slightly. Under the solemn eyes of the charterer and Jiang Bao's still dull eyes, he said with a light smile to himself: "It's interesting, it's getting more and more interesting!"


In the end, Liu Xu rented a room from the charterer and lived in it.

As for the charterer's secret wariness against him, he didn't take it to heart. He would only be worried if he had no strength, but now Liu Xu asked himself that he was not afraid of anyone in the pig cage city.

So it is natural to act according to the heart, without any scruples.

At night, the moon is like a silver plate, and the cold stars are shining everywhere.

Liu Xu closed the door gently, and walked out under the moonlight. It was already midnight, and everyone in the city had fallen asleep. It was so quiet that even the sound of insects could not be heard.


He walked all the way to the door of the barber shop and knocked on the door a few times.


After a while, the door slowly opened, and Jiang Bao was wearing a sleeveless gown, looking at him solemnly: "Do you have anything to do?"

"Fight with me!" Liu Xu said in a deep voice.

Jiang Bao frowned and asked, "When did you find out?"


"I have retired from the world, and I don't want to live the days of fighting and killing. You go, I won't fight with you."

"If you want to practice martial arts well, you must practice hard for decades. If you want to become a first-class master, you must seek a breakthrough between life and death."

After a pause, Liu Xu continued: "Jiang Bao, you can become a first-class master at such an age. Apart from the reasons of talent and adventure, you must have put in a lot of sweat and hard work."

"For those of us who practice martial arts, what is the purpose of practicing martial arts? To strengthen the body, or to help the weak, no, I don't think it is. Practicing martial arts is an interesting thing in itself. Martial arts is a science, and it can also be regarded as a lifelong struggle. Career." Liu Xu talked eloquently, "For those who practice martial arts, the most rare thing is to meet a good opponent, who can make them use what they have learned!"

Jiang Bao looked at him and asked, "Can you be my opponent?"

Liu Xu smiled slightly and said, "I'm also a top-notch expert!"

Their eyes met, and both of them saw a strong fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

The two slowly walked to the open space in the center of the city wall, and the battle was imminent!

"I practiced martial arts at the age of ten, and it has been twenty years since I practiced the martial arts "Thousand Hands Fist".

"Thousand Hands Fist", Liu Xu realized that this was another master created by an old beggar.

He didn't underestimate the opponent's "Thousand Hands Divine Fist" just because he had only cultivated to the level of Dacheng, but he took it seriously with [-] points.

In the battle between martial arts masters, the outcome is determined by many aspects, and there are not no examples of the weak defeating the strong.

Liu Xudao: "I practiced martial arts when I was eight years old. It has been ten years since I practiced "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon".



Liu Xu suddenly felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a sharp gust of wind hit his chest, so he had to move aside, but the next moment, his head was threatened again, and after he dodged it, the attack came again When it came to the abdomen, neck, arms, and vest, Liu Xu had no time to fight back, so he could only keep dodging.

"So fast!" Liu Xu was shocked.


Chapter 1816 The Legendary Rare Martial Arts Wizard?

This kind of shooting speed, I'm afraid he can catch the bullet, that is to say, the speed of the sauce explosion can be compared to Huoyun Cthulhu!

I can't even see his fist with my own eyes, is it almost to this point?

The reason why he was able to dodge completely relied on his keen five senses, as well as his intuition honed between life and death!

"Hung Chien Yu Lu!"

Liu Xu drew back and used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Hongjian Yulu. This move is all in one clever word, hidden ingenuity but clumsiness, it is a move to retreat from the enemy, using palms to make it difficult for the enemy to bury himself.

As soon as this move is performed, it is as if he has set up a defensive force field around his body. Any person or force that breaks into this force field will be sensed by him and will be suppressed to a certain extent.

With one move, Liu Xu was also able to see Jiang Bang's punches and counterattack.

Hung-chien Yu Lu's move, if the enemy is close to him, he can divide this move into three moves, first protect the upper, middle and lower three points respectively, and at the same time hit the enemy's wrist with his palm force to force the enemy to retreat.

As for the three moves that were dismantled, since they were Hongjian Yulu's changed moves, the defensive force field would not dissipate immediately, and after repelling the enemy's attack, they could continue to use Hongjian Yulu to maintain the existence of the force field.

At this time, I saw that Jiang Bao's shots were getting faster and faster, attacking him like a gust of wind and rain.

Liu Xu is neither fast nor slow. In the defensive force field, Jiang Bao's speed is weakened, and his speed will increase. With one addition and one subtraction, there is no pressure to keep up with Jiang Bao's speed.

The so-called Thousand-handed Fist has indeed reached the level of mastery, and this martial art is also worthy of the name of the thousand-handed. Not only is it extremely fast, but even now, Liu Xu has never seen it repeated. moves.

However, no matter how Jiang Bao's boxing changes, Liu Xu always uses the same move to deal with Hongjian Yulu. As the saying goes, no matter how many times you come, I will only go all the way. What I'm talking about is his current situation.

Gradually, the power of the sauce tended to weaken, and Liu Xu felt a chill in his heart, knowing that at this moment, the victory or defeat had been decided.

"Kang Long has regrets!"

There was a faint sound of dragon chant.

Feeling the fist attack from the defensive force field again, this time he did not continue to use Hongjian Yulu's move, but used his most powerful move, Kanglong Youhui!

At the moment when the defensive force field was about to dissipate, this palm hit Jiang Bao's fist.


That was the sound of an arm breaking. Jiang Bao was hit by the palm and flew several feet away. He fell to the ground with a bang, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Originally, the strength of the Thousand Hands Divine Fist was not as strong as the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, and Liu Xu's realm was already superb. In terms of strength alone, he can already proudly say that he is the best in the world in kung fu. up.

The only advantage of the Thousand Hands Divine Fist is that it is fast enough, but after this advantage is restrained by Hongjian Yulu, there is no suspense about the outcome.

However, Liu Xu obviously kept his hand, otherwise, even Kang Long Youhui, who had fused the essence of the other Seventeen Palms, would be able to kill Jiang Bao, let alone the explosive version of Kang Long Youhui, or the fusion of the seventeen palms. The version of Kanglong has regrets.

Liu Xu walked over to the sauce and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thank you for your mercy." Jiang Bao said: "I thought my martial arts were strong enough, but I didn't expect that there are people beyond the sky, and there is a sky beyond the sky, and I was easily defeated by you. The Legend of Condor Heroes will not be your opponent, your martial arts should be regarded as the best in the world!"

"No. [-] in the world, how dare you say that you are No. [-] in the world if you haven't reached the innate realm!" Liu Xu shook his head, then stared at Jiang Bao and asked, "Is your "Thousand Hands God Fist" martial arts cheat book sold by an old beggar?" For you?"

"You..." There was a look of shock in Jiang Bao's eyes: "How do you know?"

"Could it be? Your "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" is the same?"

Liu Xu nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "So, you are still my senior brother!"

"In that case, then I'll ask you to call me junior." Jiang Bao said, "Junior, are you a martial arts prodigy who is said to be rare in a hundred years? You were able to practice "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" in ten years." To such an extent!"

Liu Xu didn't answer the question, but instead asked: "Brother, how many masters are there in the pig cage city? Just now when you and I were fighting, I felt a lot of prying eyes. Watching our fight?"

Jiang Bao said: "I have been in the Walled City for many years. According to my intentional or unintentional observation, I found that the Walled City is indeed a cloud of masters. Almost any three or five people in the Walled City have practiced martial arts, but it is really interesting. The only ones who are headed are the Hong family's Iron Wire Fist, Twelve-way Spring Legs, Wulang's Eight Diagrams Stick, and the Condor Heroes."

"Junior brother, don't you want to learn martial arts with them?"

Liu Xu nodded, why not?

"The Hong family's Iron Wire Fist, Wulang's Eight Trigrams Stick, and Twelve-way Spring Kicks are all external skills. Brother, is there no one in the pig cage city who practices internal skills?" Liu Xu asked.

Jiang Bao said: "Inner strength? With the rapid development of science and technology, martial arts have long been useless, and inner strength is extremely difficult to cultivate in this day and age, so most of the inner strength has been lost; , maybe only the charterer, and the charterer has internal strength."

"Brother, do you want to fight with the charterer and the charterer?" Jiang Bao asked.

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