"What is this?"

Seeing such a disgusting scene, Wu Xie quickly narrowed his eyes.

"Blood man." The little brother said.

Liu Xu went up to the entrance of the cave, glanced at the bloody man, and said, "Let's go, don't worry about it, it's just a piece of trash."

Everyone went to the entrance of the cave and walked into the tomb passage like a maze.

The little brother was walking in front, and suddenly raised his hand to signal everyone to stop.

Everyone stopped, only to see the light of a flashlight in front of them. You must know that in this tomb, besides their group, there is also a group of mercenaries who have come down, and maybe there are other people.

Fatty Wang picked up a pistol and pointed it at the corner.

The figure was getting closer and closer, Wu Xie and Fatty Wang also held their breath to see who was turning around.

"Pan Zi!" Wu Xie shouted.

The person who came was Pan Zi, he was a bit embarrassed, as if he had escaped.

"Little third master, little second master."

Pan Zi said in surprise, and ran over quickly.

"Pan Zi, are you okay?" Liu Xu asked.

"Oh, I'm fine. I ran into a small trap just now, and I avoided it." Pan Zi said with a smile.

"Well, it's good that people are fine." Liu Xu nodded and said.

"By the way, Pan Zi, you were in the ear room just now, why did you disappear suddenly?" Wu Xie asked.

"I don't know either. I seem to have bumped into a mechanism without knowing what happened. Before I could react much, I fell down, and then I wandered around in this tomb passage." Pan Zi said.


Wu Xie nodded and solved the mystery.

"The blood man is here," said the little brother.

Everyone stopped their voices, and they really heard the roar of the blood man.

"Don't worry about him, let's find the way first!" Liu Xu said.

"Yeah." Everyone nodded, and they didn't know the way, so they just found a way to go forward.

"Hey, what is a blood man?" Pan Zi asked.

"It's a person covered in blood." Fatty Wang explained.

Pan Zi looked at the fat man like a fool, and Wu Xie said, "Actually, I don't know, I just took one look and left."

"Blood people are people who have been poisoned, their bodies rotted, and their flesh and blood are exposed." Liu Xu explained: "But because of being poisoned, their physical strength is strengthened, and at the same time they lose their will."


Pan Zi nodded understandingly.

Everyone came to an empty tomb.

Fatty Wang sat down on the ground and said, "Oh, let's take a rest, why are the roads the same?"

"No way, we don't have a map, but why is this escape route built like a maze?" Wu Xie said.

"I'm just bored." Fatty Wang said angrily, "Who told you this is an escape route?"

"Isn't it?"

Wu Xie had a puzzled expression on his face.

"That craftsman has the scheming to make the escape route look like a maze?"

Fatty Wang looked at Wu Xie like a fool.

"Then where is this?" Wu Xie blushed and said.

"Before I always suspected that there was a Western Zhou tomb next to King Lu Shang's tomb, but I found out that this Western Zhou tomb is not next to him, but under him!" Fatty Wang said with a deep expression.


Chapter 1841 Aning, this is your embrace!

"What do you mean?" Wu Xie said.

"This is the tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty!" Fatty Wang asserted.

"Ah? Hiding a tomb within a tomb? How unlucky is that!" Pan Zi said.

"You can't say that, there is this good Fengshui point on this Fengshui, what is it called?" Fatty Wang said.

"Hidden Dragon Cave." Liu Xu said lightly.

"There is something." The little brother said, looking at a faint tomb passage.

Everyone also became nervous, looking at the tomb passage.

Liu Xu walked over slowly holding a flashlight, and everyone also held flashlights to light their way.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed towards Liu Xu at an extremely fast speed.

But Liu Xu was faster than him. He grabbed the hands of the rushing person with both hands, then twisted his backhand, and hugged her in his arms.

"A Ning, this is you throwing yourself into your arms!" Liu Xu whispered in A Ning's ear with a smile.

"Huhu...Wu Xu?"

Panting heavily, Ah Ning heard a familiar voice, looked up at the person restraining her, the expression on her face softened, and her body began to relax from stiffness.

"Go to sleep first." Liu Xu said to Ah Ning.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for her reaction, she pinched Ah Ning's neck lightly, and she passed out.

"Hey, brother, do you know her?" Wu Xie pointed to Aning in Liu Xu's arms and said.

"Hey, she, isn't she the leader of that mercenary army, Ah Ning!"

Fatty Wang recognized Ah Ning at a glance.

"Brother, help me." Liu Xu put Aning on the ground, pointed to Aning's leg and said.


The little brother nodded, walked to Ah Ning, squatted down, and helped Ah Ning take out the dead turtle from his leg.

Liu Xu can also take out the corpse of the turtle, but the little brother's fingers are slender, like boneless, and his hands are extremely fast, which can minimize Aning's pain.

"Her wound is deep, and it needs to be treated, otherwise it will be infected." The younger brother said to Liu Xu.


Liu Xu nodded, took out the cold iron dagger, cut his finger, and dripped blood on the wound.

I saw that Aning's bleeding wound was beginning to stop bleeding, and the corners of the cut had begun to harden.

"Second Master."

Pan Zi took out a medical wound patch from his backpack and handed it to Liu Xu.

"Thank you." Liu Xu smiled at Pan Zi.

Picking up the wound plaster and sticking it on Ah Ning's wound, Ah Ning also slowly woke up, seeing Liu Xu holding the wound plaster to help him deal with the wound, his face that was pale due to pain and blood loss seemed to turn rosy , There was also a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay." Liu Xu said to Aning.

"Thank you." Aning said with a smile.

"Pan Zi, water." Liu Xu said.

"Here, Second Master." Pan Zi handed the water to Liu Xu.

"Drink, tell me what happened." Liu Xu said to Aning.

"This woman is likely to become your sister-in-law." Fatty Wang said to Wu Xie in a low voice.

Wu Xie nodded, agreeing, I have never seen my brother treat a woman so kindly.

Except aunt and grandma!

Ah Ning drank the water, and was about to say something when he was interrupted by the younger brother: "The blood man is here."

"Then let's bury him!" Liu Xu took out Sheng Xie and said coldly.


The figure of the blood man slowly appeared in front of everyone.

Aning, who was leaning against the wall, saw the appearance of the blood man, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he couldn't help shouting: "Xiaoqi?"

"Why, do you know this blood man?" Wu Xie asked suspiciously.

A Ning ignored Wu Xie, grabbed Liu Xu's hand, and said to him with a begging look on his face, "Wu Xu, help me save Xiao Qi!"

Liu Xu nodded to Ah Ning with a smile, and looked at the younger brother, who said flatly: "This bloody man is poisoned, and it will be fine if the poisonous blood is forced out."

"Forcing poisonous blood? Is it that simple?" Liu Xu said with a smile.

The little brother nodded and didn't speak.

Liu Xu nodded, suddenly his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the blood man quickly.

Seeing Liu Xu rushing towards him, the blood man waved his hands and grabbed him.


Liu Xu kicked the blood man flying away. He shook his head. Compared with the blood corpse in the tomb at the beginning, this blood man couldn't even count his toes, and he still wanted to catch himself?Let's make an international joke!

The blood man kept roaring as if he didn't feel any pain, but Liu Xu's kick was so strong that he couldn't get up for a while.

Liu Xu walked up to him, stomped on his stomach, then kicked him in the back, sending him flying.


The blood man spurted out blood in one gulp.

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