Chapter 1863

"Look, can't you hear me!" Seeing that the female auctioneer below did not respond, Fatty Wang turned around and said to Wu Xie and the others with a smile.

"Really?" Wu Xie swung Fatty Wang's head back with his hands, and pointed to the female auctioneer below.


Fatty Wang saw the female auctioneer below pointing her finger at him at a glance, and all the security personnel below rushed up quickly, causing the guests below to talk a lot.

"Oh, fat man, why are you so unreliable every time!" Liu Xu said with a sigh.

"How many minutes?" Liu Xu asked.

"There are still five minutes." Chen Chengcheng raised his hand, looked at his watch and said.

"Fatty, Wu Xie, HIGH, little brother, call Aning and Xiuxiu to come in. The four of you will stand up for five minutes first, and then I will go find you." Liu Xu said.

"No problem, brother." Wu Xie nodded.

"Oh, Fatty's hands are starting to itch, you need to move your muscles!" Fatty Wang untied his tie, shaking his head with excitement on his face.

The little brother nodded and walked indoors.

Young Master HIGH also smiled and said, "This fight is also fun."

The four laughed and walked towards the room.

"You are crazy, offending the boss here, do you know what the consequences will be?" Huo Xiangu said to Liu Xu.

"Hmph, I've never been afraid of doing things, let alone offending the boss here." Liu Xu said disdainfully.

"It's too stable here. If I give him some entertainment, he should thank me very much." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Wu Xu, what's the matter?" Aning and Huo Xiuxiu walked in and asked.

"It's okay, you stand here." Liu Xu said to them with a smile.

"Brother Wu Xu, why are you sitting in this position?" Huo Xiuxiu asked in surprise when she saw Liu Xu sitting in the position where the sky lantern was lit.

"Well, I'm a little bit interested today, so I'll book the whole venue," Liu Xu said.

"Listen, now that I'm sitting in this position, today's venue is mine. Even if I tear down the entire restaurant, it's up to me!" Liu Xu shouted loudly.

All the guests heard it, and everyone talked about it.

"You dare to do this?" Huo Xiangu asked in shock.

"Humph, today I'm going to blow up this place. I'll throw out a billion today. Do you think anyone would dare to do this? One billion is not enough, two billion is not enough, three billion is not enough, you Guess, would those mercenaries in Africa come here like sharks smelling blood?" Liu Xu looked pleasant to Huo Xiangu, but his tone was extremely cold, and his voice was enough for the guests on the whole floor to hear.

Everyone stopped and looked at Liu Xu, who did not take money seriously and exuded domineering arrogance.

"Or, do you want me to directly offer a reward for the life of the hotel owner? Or your own life?"

Liu Xu looked at the female auctioneer below, and the cold murderous intent in his tone began to spread faintly towards the surroundings, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop several degrees.

At the end, she rushed towards the auctioneer with murderous intent, causing her to sit on the ground with her legs limp, her body trembling constantly.

The female auctioneer pouted, her face turned pale, she seemed to have kicked a steel plate this time.

She knew that what the man above said was definitely not a lie.

He can say it and do it!

Huo Xiuxiu and Aning looked at Liu Xu without blinking, their eyes full of fascination.

Liu Xu's tone was full of arrogance, and the courage to slaughter tens of thousands of people if he didn't agree with a word made the two women extremely fascinated.

"Is it 4:30?" Liu Xu turned his head and asked Ah Ning.

Aning looked at the watch, nodded and said, "It's here."

Liu Xu looked at Huo Xiangu and said with a smile, "Grandmother, I will visit you in person."

After finishing speaking, the smile on his face disappeared, and his handsome face became extremely cold in an instant.

Suddenly without warning, Liu Xu kicked the wooden guardrail in front to pieces, and a few pieces of wood stuck close to the arm of the female auctioneer.

The female auctioneer let out a cry of pain, and looked at Liu Xu with fear.

Liu Xu gave her a cold look, his eyes were full of indifference and heartlessness, as if looking at a dead person.

He looked down at her as he would look at a dog.

Liu Xu said in a cold voice: "For everything today, let your master ask me for money in person. Remember, the snake-browed copper fish will be delivered to the hotel where I live obediently, otherwise..."

There was a red light in his eyes, making people seem to see death.

Although the words did not go on, everyone knew the consequences very well.

When dealing with enemies, there should be no distinction between men and women. Those who can't move their eyes when they see the enemy is a woman have died so long ago that they don't know which street.

Liu Xu turned his head and walked indoors, bringing a gust of cold wind, the emperor was furious, and hundreds of millions of corpses floated.

Although Liu Xu can't do this yet, all the people in this restaurant must fall down.

Several security personnel in gray suits were lying on the ground floor of the room.

The four of Wu Xie are struggling against a group of security personnel, and there are still people coming outside the door, but the limitation of the indoor space prevents them from entering so many people at once, and it also makes Wu Xie and the others not under so much pressure , but there are still many people.

The little brother kept Wu Xie and HIGH alone, so he only knocked out a few people, and the fat man resisted alone on the other side. It wasn't because a stick hit his body that he kept calling his mother.

"Fatty, are you okay!" Liu Xu walked to Fatty Wang, kicked a security guard away, and said to Fatty Wang.

"It's okay." Fatty Wang said angrily.

"Your nose is bleeding, are you okay?" Liu Xu asked suspiciously.

"Ah? It's okay, I've been bleeding every month, and I've made up my hair." Fatty Wang wiped his nose and said.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Liu Xu patted the fat man on the shoulder, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he punched the security guard who wanted to hit him from behind.


The security guard's chest made a clear sound of bones breaking, and he slammed into the people behind him with an extremely tragic scream.

Liu Xu's body flashed to the door, and kicked a security guard who was blocking the door into the air and knocked him into several people behind. The door was instantly cleared and there was an empty seat.


Chapter 1864 Master Wu, this is your auction item

Liu Xu walked in front of the howling man lying on the ground, looked at him slightly, and stepped on his back without hesitation.

His back was trampled as if flattened in an instant, with a "click" sound, and his spine was crushed alive.

Liu Xu kicked the crippled man below into the air and crashed into the security personnel in the corridor.

Taking a look at the situation in the room, the four of Wu Xie were also guarding the door with Liu Xu. While making dumplings, they killed all the security personnel in the room, and Ah Ning also came over.

Liu Xu turned his head back and looked at a group of security guards in the corridor with cold eyes. They were swallowing their saliva and looking at Liu Xu in fear.

They didn't dare to move, but it didn't mean Liu Xu didn't move.

Liu Xu stepped in front of them, grabbed a person with his hand, and punched him in the face, smashing all his teeth, and swallowed them down his throat, making him unable to cry out in pain. sound.


Liu Xu twisted his hand and turned him around.


He kicked him flying and pushed him back, and the force attached to that person caused the group of people behind him to fall to the ground.

"Let's go!" Liu Xu said.

Passing past the security guards who fell densely to the ground screaming in pain, their eyes did not fluctuate at all.

Aning followed closely behind him, turning a blind eye to the people under his feet for a while.

Wu Xie and the others looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and followed Liu Xu down the stairs. The younger brother walked behind, and the security personnel behind wanted to move forward, but the younger brother gave him a cold stare, and was immediately too frightened to move.

Walking to the entrance of the Crescent Hotel, Liu Xu snorted coldly and looked at the security personnel who were looking at him in fear from a distance, and said with disdain, "A group of ants."

"Let's go!"

Liu Xu led the crowd to the parking lot when suddenly the phone in his pocket rang.

He picked up his cell phone, answered the call, and listened to the speech on the other side.

Soon, Liu Xu put down the phone, his eyes flashed coldly, and he walked in front of Chen Chengcheng, grabbing her by the neck.

Everyone was shocked, Wu Xie and High Young Master quickly grabbed Liu Xu's hand and said, "Brother, what are you doing? Let Cheng Cheng go, she is not an enemy!"

"Yes, yes! Brother Wu Xu, what are you doing?" Chen Chengcheng also said in a panic.

"My people called me just now, saying that Aunt Wen Jin does have a niece, but her name is not Chen Chengcheng." Liu Xu said coldly, "Then who are you?"

"What? You say she's a fake?" Fatty Wang pointed at Chen Chengcheng in surprise.

Wu Xie and HIGH also stopped their movements and looked at each other, both of whom could see the strong surprise in each other's eyes.

This super foodie who seems to have no intentions has been deceiving them all the time.

Aning's eyes were also full of surprise. This silly, sweet, good-looking girl image was actually faked, and even she didn't find any flaws.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to find out."

Chen Chengcheng's voice cooled down, it was no longer as sweet as before.

"Tell me, your identity? Purpose?" Liu Xu said.

"I am indeed not Chen Wenjin's niece. I and Aning are the same boss. The purpose is that fish. But with you here, I know that this task is very slim. I was going to find a chance to leave you, but I didn't expect to give it to you." You are the first to discover it." Chen Chengcheng said.

"Jude Kao?" Liu Xu whispered.

"Tell me, what do you want to do with me?" Chen Chengcheng said.

"You go!" Liu Xu put down his hands and said to her.

Chen Chengcheng looked at Liu Xu in surprise, and even the others looked at him in surprise.

Because they all knew very well that Liu Xu was not a person who cared for others, and he was always merciless towards his enemies, just like the pretty auctioneer just now was ruined by his ruthless hands.

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