By the way, Liu Xu also stained the younger brother's black gold ancient knife with blood, and the wound on his hand healed without leaving a trace.

There was a noise in the sarcophagus, and there was a person inside, no, it couldn't be called a person, it was a zongzi, a big zongzi.

Its body rose directly, like a tumbler, and its eyes stared at Liu Xu and the little brother in the black air.

"The red-green pupils have become Zisha." Liu Xu said looking at the unusually obvious eyes in the black air.

The corpse has become a ghost, called corpse ghost, also known as flying zombie.

Flying Zombie has six levels of Black Sha, Purple Sha, Fierce Sha, Earth Sha, Boneless, and Tian Sha, and then it becomes a demon!

According to normal growth, it is impossible for it to become Zisha, and there must be something to help it.

Liu Xu looked at the shape of the gossip pattern on the ceiling and the gossip-shaped stone steps on the ground and the glyphs carved on the stone steps. Those who can use this pattern are either Taoists or Yin-Yangists.


Chapter 1888 Dude, let's make friends!

The power of various schools of thought is indeed powerful, but it is a pity that many cultural treasures have disappeared in the long river of history, but it is useless to care about these now, the most important thing is the thing above.

Fei Zang's eyes on the sarcophagus are not as bloodthirsty, crazy, and vicious as Mao Zang's eyes before. Instead, he has wisdom, but there is still a flash of confusion in his eyes.

"Bro, let's make friends!" Liu Xu said loudly.

Fei Zhan looked at Liu Xu, was silent for a while, and suddenly flew towards Liu Xu, clawing at him with his hands, surrounded by black air.

A coldness flashed in Liu Xu's eyes. As expected of the red-green Zisha, he would sneak up on this move with his wisdom, but he kept his evil eyes open, so he could clearly see the movement of flying stiff, and the blood in his body was also boiling When I got up, my skin became red, so red that even my clothes couldn't hide the color.

Feeling the rapid increase of the strength of the body, but this is not enough, the internal force in the dantian runs through the whole body, and the strength increases again. Seeing the arrival of the flying stiff, leaving only one sentence "brother, you guerrilla" and rushing towards the flying stiff.

The little brother looked at Liu Xu and Fei Zhan with calm eyes, and he held the ancient black gold knife in his hand more and more tightly, looking for a chance like a wolf, a chance enough to win.

The evil eye in Liu Xu's eyes is running fast, constantly observing the trajectory of the flying rigid, and predicting the next move.

Flying stiff claws swiped fiercely in the air, and suddenly a black air clawed towards Liu Xu.

Liu Xu was calm and calm, the cold iron dagger in his hand gleamed with purple light, directly piercing the black air and dissipating it, but the moment the black air dissipated, flying stiff claws followed.

Liu Xu had already predicted that the upper body of the body was bent back at ninety degrees, like a right angle.

Fei Zang flew past Liu Xu's body, but failed to catch Liu Xu.

Liu Xu looked at Fei Zang's passing body, his eyes burst into light, the dagger in his hand was like a poisonous snake, he rushed to bite, directly pierced Fei Zang's black air, pierced into Fei Zang's body, and ruthlessly smashed Open a mouth.


Flying Zombie roared for the first time after landing, and the entire tomb seemed to be shaking.

The black air on Fei Zang's body kept surging from the wound, trying to heal the wound.

There was a hint of sarcasm in Liu Xu's eyes. After being upgraded by him, the cold iron not only became sharper, but even the cold air became more severe. It is impossible to recover the wound with only the recovery power of flying stiffness.

Seeing that the wound couldn't heal, Fei Zang didn't care about him. Anyway, the wound didn't affect him at all, and it didn't. Gradually, a look of rage rose in its eyes, and it looked at Liu Xu and growled again and again.

Even if Zi Sha has wisdom, it is still not high. As long as he is injured and angered, and it loses its wisdom, it will be much easier to fight.

Liu Xu held the cold iron dagger and stared at the roaring Zisha with evil eyes. The corners of his mouth curled up, and he rushed to Zisha first.

With a roar, Zisha rushed towards Liu Xu faster than Liu Xu, his claws danced in the air again and again, drawing a black energy in the air and rushing towards Liu Xu, but this was of no use.

Liu Xu used his internal force to move into the cold iron, and threw out the extremely sharp purple aura, directly cutting through the black claws.

Liu Xu kept walking and went straight to Zisha.

Zisha saw that the strength of the black claws couldn't help Liu Xu, the tyranny in his eyes was more intense, and the light of wisdom was less, so he roared in a low voice, and flew towards Liu Xu at a high speed.

Liu Xu watched Zisha approaching coldly, and moved to the left in a flash.

Zisha reacted quickly, reaching out to grab Liu Xu.

Liu Xu grabbed Zi Sha's arm, leaned forward to avoid Zi Sha's claws, but put his feet behind Zi Sha's feet, and with a strong hand, Zi Sha fell down.

Liu Xu quickly thrust the dagger into Zisha's forehead, but Zisha's hand quickly blocked it, and the cold iron inserted close to Zisha's hand, opening a big mouth, but it couldn't kill Zisha.

With Zisha's other hand, he punched Liu Xu.

Liu Xu also blocked it with his other hand, but his body was also sent flying.

Zisha also bounced up again like a tumbler, and rushed towards Liu Xu without changing his expression. The wound in his hand seemed to have no effect on it at all.

A trace of helplessness also flashed in Liu Xu's eyes. Zongzi, especially Zongzi who has reached the level of Zisha, if he doesn't stab the vitals, he can't hurt his root at all, and the opponent has infinite physical strength. Consumption, can only consume oneself.

"So if you want to solve him quickly, you have to take some risks." Liu Xu thought to himself.

He looked at Zisha with a cold light in his eyes.


Zisha's red-green pupils were full of tyranny, and he only wanted to tear the person in front of him apart.

Its hands became claws, and it began to move irregularly, and the black mist around it made waves.

If it is an ordinary person, encountering this kind of rapid and irregular movement, the eyes will definitely be lost, and it is easy to be attacked by Zisha, but the evil eye in Liu Xu's eyes is obviously not the eyes of ordinary people. It became a black circle.

Although Zisha's speed was fast, Liu Xu's evil eyes could see everything, just like now, he picked up the dagger and stabbed fiercely to the left, Zisha suddenly appeared in the empty space, just like it It's like hitting a dagger yourself.

Its movements were completely seen through by Liu Xu.


Zisha raised his hand to block Liu Xu's fierce attack, but his hand was also pierced by the dagger, but this was not a serious problem to Zisha.

There was wind under Zi Sha's feet, and her legs actually kicked up.

Liu Xu was fearless in the face of danger, and put one hand on Zisha's leg to support himself, and turned to the side.


Liu Xu was panting slightly, but Zisha was fine.

The little brother's eyes turned cold, since he couldn't find an opportunity, it is also possible to create an opportunity.

Liu Xu started to run irregularly, and Zisha also started to run irregularly when he saw it, with afterimages on both sides.



During the running, one person and one corpse are constantly competing.


In the end, Liu Xu kicked Zisha on the body, retreated to the side, but rushed up again immediately.


Chapter 1889 Why does it feel like playing an RPG?

Seeing Liu Xu rushing up, Zisha also flew over, and when one person and one corpse were about to touch, "Chi..." A black knife pierced Zisha's heart, causing him to pause.

Until now, the light of wisdom in Zisha's eyes has completely disappeared, leaving only a deep tyranny, cruelty, and coldness.

When the ancient black gold knife passed through Zisha's heart, it paused for a moment, then roared angrily, regardless of Liu Xu who was right in front of him, turned around and clawed at the little brother, the black claws rushed towards him.

The little brother had no way to avoid it, so he could barely block in front of him with his other hand.


The claw force scratched the little brother's hands and the clothes on his chest, leaving behind five deep black bloodstains.

Liu Xu's eyes turned cold, knowing that the little brother was creating an opportunity for him, and the internal force circulated all over the body again, making the speed increase again, and the cold iron in his hand slashed towards Zisha's neck in an instant.

Zisha also reacted very quickly, the dagger in front of him could not dodge, and stabbed Liu Xu with a claw.

"Do you think I will be afraid and give up the attack?" A flash of determination flashed in Liu Xu's eyes, "Or are you also afraid?"

Liu Xu didn't hide, and resolutely slashed Zisha's neck with a cold iron dagger, and Zisha's claws also pierced Liu Xu's stomach.


He pushed Zi Sha's headless body with his hands.


Liu Xu pressed his hands on his stomach, where blood was gushing out, and a layer of black air filled the nearby wound.

The blood on his body became more and more red, and a layer of red light seemed to appear on his body. The black air on the wound was illuminated by this red light, and it continued to disperse, while the blood continued to stop.

Soon, the blood stopped flowing, and the black air around the wound disappeared completely. The wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, while the body was constantly itching, and the hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow started to work.


Liu Xu quickly looked at the little brother, and saw that there was still a layer of black air on the scars on the little brother's hands and chest, but it was also disappearing constantly, but although the blood flow slowed down, it was still flowing out.

Liu Xu walked up to the little brother, wiped a handful of blood from his body and smeared it on the little brother's wound, and saw that the black air on the little brother's wound disappeared quickly when it touched the blood, and gradually of hemostasis.

The little brother kept panting, and the black air on the wound caught by Zisha had a corrosive effect, which made him extremely painful, and because he was poisoned by the corpse, he still felt sick, but the little brother was still alive after all. With unicorn blood, as long as he is given time, he can still drive away the corpse poison.

With the help of Liu Xu's blood, the wound stopped bleeding and was still healing. The little brother took Liu Xu's hand and stood up.

"It's okay!" Liu Xu said to the younger brother.

The little brother shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Liu Xu saw that there was nothing serious about the little brother, nodded with a smile, and patted the little brother on the shoulder.

"Ding dong..."

After Fei Zang was eliminated, his body turned into flying ash, leaving behind three jade pendants.

"Why does it feel like playing an RPG?"

Liu Xu picked up the three jade pendants and put them into his arms. Suddenly, a hot current surged up all over his body, and he kept running his whole body. His exhausted body felt like soaking in a hot spring in the heat wave, so comfortable that he couldn't help exhaling softly. tone.

The wounds on his body were healing rapidly, and finally the heat wave returned to the three jade pendants that Liu Xu had just put into his arms.

Sheng Xie in Liu Xu's consciousness space uttered a sword cry, and its power increased a lot.

Suddenly, there was a noise at the door.

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