Xie Yuchen also ran over, followed by two of his subordinates.

"Brother said, then the stone carving is weird, maybe it's alive." Wu Xie said to them.

"What? Is this stone sculpture alive?" Fatty Wang looked surprised.

"Wu Xie, I don't read many books, don't lie to me, this stone sculpture has been here for at least a thousand years, is it still alive?" Fatty Wang said.

"In these ancient tombs, what is impossible? I believe what my brother said." Xie Yuchen said lightly.

"But, at least you have to prove it to Fat Lord!" Fatty Wang still didn't want to believe it.

"That's why I called you all back. I'm afraid they will all be resurrected at once, and it will be bad if you are still there." Liu Xu said.

"How are you going to verify it?" Fatty Wang said to Liu Xu.

"Of course I smashed one to see." Liu Xu said with a smile, took out Shengxie and walked in front of a stone sculpture.

"You guys back away first." The younger brother said lightly.

Wu Xie, Fatty Wang, Xie Yuchen and his two subordinates took a few steps back.

The little brother looked at the stone carving with cold eyes, and slowly raised the ancient black gold knife in his hand.

Liu Xu walked up to several stone sculptures, and hexagrams appeared in his eyes, constantly turning, but unfortunately, he couldn't find any signs of life in the stone sculptures.

Liu Xu shook his head, stopped thinking about it, picked up Shengxie in his hand, and circulated his internal energy into Shengxie, causing Shengxie to glow golden, and the blade of the sword kept making soft sounds.


Liu Xu's eyes were cold, and he shouted violently. In an instant, the sword had slid across the stone sculpture's neck, and not only that, he also destroyed these stone sculptures in an instant.

Since one is killed, the other group is also killed. Anyway, if they can't be resurrected, they won't suffer.

If it is resurrected, it also reduces a few enemies.

"Clap clap..."

After the heads of these stone carvings were beheaded, cracks suddenly appeared on the stone carvings in other corners...


Chapter 1902 You are an ADC today

"Be careful, they're resurrected." The little brother looked at the stone carvings, opened his eyes the moment the crack appeared, and said loudly.

"Sure enough, my evil eyes can't see through them at all. How did they hide the signs of life so well?"

Liu Xu kept looking at the stone statue with his evil eyes.

I saw cracks in the stone statue constantly appearing, and the signs of life inside were also constantly appearing, and it became more and more vigorous.

"Be careful."

Liu Xu yelled and rushed towards the stone sculptures.

The little brother had already rushed up, raised the ancient black gold knife in his hand, and directly slashed off the neck of a strange creature that hadn't come out of the whole stone.


The stone of the stone statue was completely shattered, revealing the monster inside. It looked like a wolf, but it had three eyes, with saliva in its mouth, staring fiercely at the little brother.

The little brother looked at the monster that came out, and rushed towards him without giving it time to think.


With a low growl, the monster also rushed towards the little brother.

Liu Xu saw that the monster was actually fighting with his own claws and his brother's black gold ancient knife, and shook his head and gave up on the monster. They were all sleepy in the stone statue and their minds were confused.

Sure enough, when the monster's claws collided with the little brother's black gold ancient knife, the little brother's black gold ancient knife directly chopped off a pair of its claws.


The monster's claws were cut off, and the little brother chopped off its head as soon as it let out a shrill scream, and the sound stopped suddenly.

The little brother killed a monster, and Liu Xu also met one here, which looked like a sheep, but had two wings and a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"Do you think there's nothing I can do if I hide in the sky?" Liu Xu looked at the flying monster flapping its wings and said indifferently.

The monster didn't scream, just looked at Liu Xu coldly.

"Stupid." Liu Xu said softly.

The golden glow of Shengxie in his hand flashed, and a sharp sword energy slid towards the monster with the sound of piercing through the air.


The monster made a sound at last, but it was its last.

Liu Xu and his younger brother were surrounded by a group of monsters. Although they were beaten half to death, they still couldn't leave for a while and were surrounded.

A few monsters walked towards Wu Xie and the others.

"Bang bang..."

Fatty Wang put the black gun directly behind.


Blood flowed from the body of the hit monster, and it let out a shrill cry, but it did not fall down.

"Fatty, take the lead." Xie Yuchen said to Fatty Wang with narrowed eyes.

"Don't think that Fatty is a sharpshooter, I have never learned how to shoot, Fatty." Fatty Wang said while waiting for the monsters to walk in.

"Then you can be an ADC today!" After Xie Yuchen finished speaking, he took out a dagger from his arms and rushed towards a monster.

Two of his men also rushed towards one, and Wu Xie also took out a dagger and rushed towards the other, leaving Fatty Wang alone.

"Come on, Fatty Master will be the ADC today, and fly a kite to kill you and me." Fatty Wang said loudly to the injured monster.


The monster seemed to be able to hear that Fatty Wang was provoking it, roared angrily, and rushed towards Fatty Wang quickly.


Fatty Wang yelled, turned around and ran away, firing a gun from time to time, hitting the monster with another wound and bleeding continuously.

Xie Yuchen's strength was not weak, so he calmly avoided the monster's attack, picked up the dagger and cut several deep cuts on it.

His two subordinates cooperated well, this La Hate cooperated well, he ran away with one hit, and the other ran away after attacking from behind.This monster has been sealed in the stone for too long, his mind is confused, and he has been played too much.

On the contrary, Wu Xie is a bit embarrassed, but he can fight back from time to time. It has only been a few days since he entered the industry, and he has been able to fight monsters. He has made rapid progress.

"Hey, let's see if I can kill you." Fatty Wang said excitedly.

The monster chasing it fell to the ground with blood on the ground, panting continuously, the pupils in its eyes were also expanding, and was bled to death by Fatty Wang!

"Fatty, you still have one or two hands!" Liu Xu's voice sounded in Fatty Wang's ear.

Fatty Wang looked over and saw Liu Xu holding Shengxie, with blood dripping from the tip of the sword, looking at him leisurely.

He also looked at the monsters that surrounded Liu Xu. All the corpses were separated and lying on the ground. There were only two or three kittens next to him.

"I said, what show are you watching after playing? Come here to help Fat Master. Didn't I see Fat Master and I was chased so hard that I couldn't breathe?" Fatty Wang looked at Liu Xu's leisurely face and said dissatisfied.

"Oh, isn't this a chance for you to perform, Fatty! I don't usually have the opportunity to let you perform. Your unruly desire to perform must have been suppressed!" Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Ahem, you still understand me." Fatty Wang coughed embarrassedly, and said to Liu Xu with a smile.

Liu Xu shook his head and looked at the performance of the others.

He doesn't help, he just wants to exercise everyone's strength, especially Wu Xie, who can fight one-on-one like this, and the opponent's strength is about the same as his. It's rare to have an opponent, so it's better to exercise more.

"As for Xiao Hua, one monster doesn't seem to be enough, next time I'll give him a few more." Liu Xu thought to himself looking at the dizzy and slowed monster that had been bloodletted.

As for Xie Yuchen's two subordinates, Liu Xu didn't pay much attention to them after taking a look at them. They were not familiar with them anyway. If they died, they died. It's luck that they didn't die.

It's been a blessing for hundreds of years to be able to act with the leading role in the role of a dragon set.

Fatty Wang also looked around. After seeing that everyone had dealt with his own monsters, he let out a long breath and sat down directly, regardless of the monsters that fell on the ground not far away. Grandpa, take a sip of water."

"You guys rest first! I'll go and study these monsters first." Liu Xu said to Wu Xie and the others who were panting non-stop.


They nodded, walked to the side and stepped down, taking out drinks and food from the endorsements.


Chapter 1903 Witchcraft

"Brother, what are these things?"

Liu Xu walked to the little brother, and the corpses of those monsters were lying on the ground under his feet.

"They are animals refined by witchcraft." The younger brother looked at the monsters underground and said lightly.

"Witchcraft refining? Is there really such a thing as witchcraft?" Liu Xu said.

"Isn't this the best proof." The little brother said, pointing to the strange-shaped animal underground.

"What about the stone statues? Why didn't I feel their breath of life when I was in the stone statues at first?"

Liu Xu frowned. This was the first time that Xieyan's insight was invalidated.

"It's still witchcraft. It should be a way to seal people up, prevent them from getting old, and completely turn them into stone statues. When certain conditions are met, the stone statue will be broken and the things inside will be resurrected." The little brother said.

"Is this witchcraft so powerful?"

Liu Xu didn't know much about such ancient things.

"Wizards are the first people in China to communicate with ghosts and gods and use magic. They can rely on some mysterious means such as spells, gods, divination and other rituals to exorcise ghosts and descend gods, so as to achieve the purpose of praying for blessings and eliminating disasters. But some of them People who pursue power or have ulterior motives start to follow the path of black witchcraft, and these animals are transformed by black witchcraft, but it is also difficult to determine whether it is white witchcraft or black witchcraft with the seal of the stone statue." The little brother said.

"Then why would they help the Huns?"

I don't know when Wu Xie also came over, followed by Xie Yuchen.

"During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the rise of the School of Philosophy was a great blow to wizards. The cumbersome spell-casting rituals and the power of the School of Culture were not as powerful as the School of Philosophy, so they could only slowly weaken. As for helping the Hun King Maodun to repair the mausoleum, there may be two reasons." The younger brother said.

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