"Ha ha ha ha……"

Liu Xu took Ye Cunxin away, leaving Tian Guo with a sad face and a group of female soldiers gloating.


Liu Xu informed Ye Cunxin of the fact that her mother was here, and arranged for the mother and daughter to meet.

When Ye Cunxin knew that Liu Xu was looking for her because of her mother, she felt a little lucky, a little disappointed, and a little moved. In short, her mood was very complicated.

"Thor, I'm going to the base headquarters. It may take a few days. You can arrange the next training."

Lei Zhan was a little puzzled when he heard the words, and asked, "What's the matter, Demon King, since you received the call, you have been in a bad mood, can you tell me?"

"I'm fine, don't worry, but this matter involves confidentiality, so I'm sorry." Liu Xu didn't want Lei Zhan to worry, so he made an excuse.

"Okay, leave the training to me, you go, in short, be careful."

"Okay, I'm leaving."


Langya special warfare base, headquarters.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Please come in."

Liu Xu opened the door and came in. After saluting No. [-], he said coldly, "No. [-], I want to know who gave the order to allow Zhang Haiyan to visit her daughter."

No. [-] heard the words, looked up at Liu Xu, smiled immediately, and said: "Why, you still have emotions! Didn't I say that? I am also very angry, and I am also very unwilling, but sometimes we need to ask Reality bows."

Liu Xu knew that number one had returned it by mistake, so he quickly explained, "No, number one, I'm not angry because of this."

"Oh? Then what are you doing?"

"No. [-], I think you should know about the multinational joint anti-terrorism operation I carried out a year ago. Think about how I failed in that mission?"

Ye Cunxin's mother, Zhang Haiyan, is a beautiful woman. It stands to reason that Liu Xu should be very interested in her arrival, but why did he become indifferent after the initial shock when he heard Zhang Haiyan's arrival?

Because Liu Xu is not only the deputy captain of the Thunder Commando, but also the famous individual combat king in Huaguo. He not only performs domestic and border missions with the Thunder Commando, but also has been assigned many transnational missions. Naturally, I have seen more cruel facts.

Liu Xu had seen a member of the peacekeeping force who had performed missions with him, was bombed by the enemy because of the betrayal of his superior, and died tragically on the spot. there.

So knowing that Zhang Haiyan, an undercover agent sent by the international terrorist organization K2 to China, actually found his place quietly, all these confidential information were leaked...

Has K2 already infiltrated the upper echelons of the military region?

Hearing the words, No. [-] thought about it for a while, and his face immediately changed. After a long time, he sighed and said, "Liu Xu, don't worry, the military region will give you an explanation."


Liu Xu came out of the base headquarters and walked alone on the boulevard.

He did not mention the fact that Zhang Haiyan is an undercover agent of the international terrorist organization K2 to No. [-]. One is because there is no evidence. Will the mother-in-law be given a daughter's wishful thinking...

If that was the case, the world would be complete, Zhang Haiyan is such a beautiful woman!

Liu Xu stood under a tree, thought for a long time, and picked up his mobile phone.

"Hello! Smith, I'm Liu Xu, I want to ask you something, help me find someone..."

"Hello! Bulma, it's me, Liu Xu. Yes, I'm still alive... No, no, I'm looking for you this time to ask you to do me a favor and find a company for me..."

"Hey! Hahaha, you're still alive, kid? If you're not dead, get up and work for me, and help me check someone, from China, her name is..."


Don't think that Liu Xu's two-year special forces career was in vain. He has made a lot of friends with high strength in various fields.

Liu Xu used his connections and asked them to investigate Zhang Haiyan and her Haitian Group. Of course, they didn't let go of the undercover secretary beside her.

A few days later, Liu Xu received the investigation results of those friends one after another. After Liu Xu's conclusion, it was enough to prove that Zhang Haiyan had a serious problem.


"Dong dong dong..."

"Please come in."

Liu Xu opened the door and walked in. Seeing that No. [-] was still working as usual, he walked to the desk and shouted loudly, "Report! The deputy captain of the Lightning Commando Team, Liu Xu, has something important to report!"

No. [-] trembled in fright at Liu Xu's voice, raised his head angrily, and scolded: "Liu Xu! What did you do? Sincerely, aren't you!"

"Hey hey... No. [-], this is what you taught. The voice of reporting work must be loud and loud. I am strictly following the instructions of my superiors." Liu Xu said with a playful smile.


Chapter 1941 I hope Mr. Zhang can come with me

No. [-] sighed, and said: "Tell me, what's the matter, I know you very well, you, the devil king, can go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything!"

Hearing this, Liu Xu straightened his face and said seriously, "Number One, I have something important to report, which is of great importance, so please be mentally prepared for Number One."

Hearing this, No. [-] raised his brows, stopped smiling, sat up straight, and said seriously, "Okay, you can start reporting."

Liu Xu took out the information about Zhang Haiyan that he had printed out from his file bag, handed it to No. [-], and said, "No. [-], since I went back that day, the more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I felt, and the more I thought about it, the more wrong I felt, so, go back After that, I used some of my connections to investigate Zhang Haiyan carefully, and I really found some problems."

No. [-] flipped through the documents, while beckoning Liu Xu to continue.

"On the [-]st, after investigation, Zhang Haiyan's Haitian Group has received a large amount of unknown sponsorship from the beginning of its establishment. Later, every time it encounters a crisis, it has foreign financial assistance, and it also goes abroad every day. A large amount of money was transferred, and after several handovers, it disappeared.”

"Oh? It's a question, do you find anything else?"

"No. 2, after investigation, I have now confirmed the flow of these funds, all pointing to several money laundering companies under the international terrorist organization K2, so I have reason to believe that Zhang Haixia has problems, and also has ties to the international terrorist organization K[-] Great connection."

Hearing this, No. [-] stood up suddenly, and said with a serious face: "Is there enough evidence? You know, Zhang Haiyan is not something we can move if we want."

"No problem, No. 2, the evidence is sufficient, and I also found that Zhang Haiyan has been very low-key in recent years, and has intentionally broken away from K[-], or wants to hide behind the scenes. Because I have investigated, the funds of Haitian Group in recent years have been It was Secretary Yao who was next to Zhang Haiyan, but the specifics need to be investigated. But I think this secretary named Yao Yun is also very problematic, because I found that she has obviously received strict military training, and she has a vicious aura on her body. It killed someone."

No. [-] carefully looked at the evidence Liu Xu found, and said, "Okay! I will immediately apply for the secret arrest of Zhang Haiyan and her secretary, block the information of Haitian Group, and freeze the assets of Haitian Group. Also, you kid actually used private Don’t you know that this is a violation of military discipline? Let’s not take it as an example! Do you know?”

"No. [-], you said it all, we sometimes have to bow our heads to reality, are there not many people like me doing it? Why don't you see me?"

After hearing No. [-]'s answer, Liu Xu started to smile again.

Hearing this, No. [-] laughed and cursed: "Get out, go and perform the task quickly, if something goes wrong, I'm the only one to ask."

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the mission."


Haitian Group.

Liu Xu received the task from No. [-], told Lei Zhan about the situation, and transferred four people, Daniel, Harley, Yuan Bao and Little Bee, to the headquarters building of Haitian Group.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?"

"No, but you just need to report to Mr. Zhang that Liu Xu is visiting. I believe she will meet me."

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."


"Sir, Mr. Zhang invites you to go up. Mr. Zhang's office is on the top floor, and she has only one room. You will see it when you go up."

Liu Xu led Daniel, and Harley and the others took the elevator up to the top floor.

Arriving in front of Zhang Haiyan's office, Liu Xu winked, Daniel and Harley immediately understood, and immediately stood guarding the elevator, the stairs and the office door.

Nodding in satisfaction, Liu Xu opened the door and walked in directly.

"Mr. Zhang, do you still remember me?"

Liu Xu pushed open the door and found that Zhang Haiyan and her Secretary Yao were there, showing a smile.

"Captain Liu, I guessed that you were here." Zhang Haiyan immediately replied nervously, "Why, did something happen to Cun Xin?"

"No, no, it's not about Ye Cunxin." Liu Xu walked to Zhang Haiyan and Secretary Yao while speaking, "I'm here this time to look for Mr. Zhang, hoping to get some help from Mr. Zhang."

When Zhang Haiyan heard that it was not about her daughter, she breathed a sigh of relief and immediately replied: "Leader Liu, tell me, as long as I can do it, I will help."

Hearing this, Liu Xu showed a smile, and said, "Of course Mr. Zhang can help, I'm here today... I hope Mr. Zhang can come with me."

Before the word "Ta" was finished, without warning, Liu Xu knocked Secretary Yao unconscious with a knife in his hand.

Seeing Liu Xu's actions, Zhang Haiyan jumped up in fright, and said loudly: "Captain Liu, what's going on, I didn't ask you to provoke you, this is kidnapping!"

"No, no, we have obtained enough evidence to prove that Ms. Zhang Haiyan and your secretary are related to the international terrorist organization K2, so I would like to ask you to go back and assist in the investigation." Liu Xu waved his hand, "So, Ms. Zhang, you are yourself Come with me, or do you want me to treat you like Secretary Yao?"

After hearing Liu Xu's words, Zhang Haiyan was completely dumbfounded. She felt her mind went blank. After a long time, she slowly stood up and said, "What should come will always come. I'll go with you. However, Captain Liu , my daughter Cun Xin is completely unaware, you can't implicate my daughter!"

"Ms. Zhang, don't worry, I already have evidence to prove that Ye Cunxin has nothing to do with this matter. Also, Ye Cunxin is a soldier under my command. He can't even protect his own soldiers. What kind of officer is he? I'll simply retire from the army. Ms. Zhang, don't worry, we won't implicate innocent people."

"Then I'm relieved, and I ask Captain Liu to take more care. I'm just such a daughter, and I will cooperate with you in your work."


Poor parents all over the world, for Ye Cunxin, Zhang Haiyan confessed everything, including the VX3 researched in the research laboratory funded by herself.

This is the result that Liu Xu wanted, and he also contributed a lot to it, and Zhang Haiyan also knew this, because he was the secret contact person who would contact her one-way in the future.


Chapter 1942 Code Name: Tropical Cobra

After research by the military leadership, it was decided not to arrest Zhang Haiyan for the time being, and let her continue to lurk as usual. If Zhang Haiyan can provide information about the black cat leader of the international terrorist organization K2 in the future, she can make up for her mistakes and reduce her sentence.

The military was afraid that Zhang Haiyan's disappearance would arouse the vigilance of the black cat, and immediately announced to the public that he had discovered Yao Yun's identity as a spy and had arrested him.

As for Ye Cunxin, after multiple investigations and the efforts of Liu Xu and other Thunder Commando members, high-level research decided that Ye Cunxin is indeed not related to the international terrorist organization K2, and can continue to serve in the Langya special warfare base.

Ye Cunxin was completely unaware of this, and continued to train as usual.And the military was also afraid of accidents, so the news of Zhang Haiyan's arrest was limited to Liu Xu and the others who were directly involved, so everything went on as usual and had no impact at all.


After several months of hard training, the female soldiers have passed the tests, and now there are only eight people left, He Lu (and Lu Xue), Tan Xiaolin (Skylark), Shen Lanni (Mie Hailing), Ye Cun Xin (killed by the enemy), Tian Guo (pistachio), Ouyang Qian (mosquito coil), Tang Xiaoxiao (Barbie), Qubi Azhuo (luxury incense).

Today, these female soldiers ushered in the last test.

On the small square in front of the Lightning Commando station command post.

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