On this day, members of the Fire Phoenix commando lined up neatly in front of the small square, waiting for Liu Xu and the old fox to be domesticated.

Liu Xu looked at the group of fire phoenixes full of energy, looked at him seriously and earnestly, laughed loudly, and said, "Ahem...well, this is not a formal meeting, otherwise it wouldn't be me and The old fox is here, don't be so serious."

"Hey, I said Demon King, you said it earlier, it's a waste of our feelings."

Needless to say, it was Tian Guo who answered the question in this way, and she was the only one so bold. She collapsed and complained loudly.

"Pistachios!" the old fox shouted.


"Why, it's not a formal conversation, so you can't do it properly? What about your military posture? Is the training all in vain!?"

"No! Old fox! I was wrong! Old fox!"

Liu Xu quickly smoothed things over and said, "Okay, old fox, let me do it!"

As he spoke, Liu Xu stepped forward: "Order!"

The entire Fire Phoenix Commando was shocked, and they all stood at attention.

"According to the decision of the superior leaders, since there is only one female special force team in the entire military region, and there is no energy to build a large dormitory and garrison for you, the garrison and dormitory of the Fire Phoenix commando team will directly use the garrison and dormitory used by the original Fire Phoenix training team. dormitory!"

"What, thanks to the fact that we are the first women's special forces team in the Republic, why do the leaders pay so little attention to us? Don't we even have a resident?"

"Guozi, shut up, because we are the first women's special forces team, so we don't have a garrison. Think about it, the military region won't start construction just for the eight of us!" Ouyang Qian on the side heard Tian Guo's words Complain, and immediately persuade in a low voice.



"If you have any dissatisfaction, bring it up, don't mutter there! Also, if you don't like this place, I can apply to transfer you away!" The old fox said loudly.

"Report! I'm satisfied!"

Liu Xu watched Tian Guo's farce with a smile, coughed, and continued to announce: "Also, your task today is..."

Seeing the Fire Phoenix commando's attention being drawn to him, a smile flashed across Liu Xu's face: "We're on vacation for a week! Those who want to go home go home, those who want to play play. Alright, disband!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly remembered something and turned around and said, "Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention it. After research and decision by all Thunder Commando members, you have worked hard these past few months, so you have You can make any wish, and we can help you fulfill it. Remember, it's a small wish, and we can't make it if it's too outrageous. Okay, let's disband. When you come back from vacation, just report your wish. "


Chapter 1949 Devil, I have a wish

"Yeah! One week! It's not true..."

"It's a lie, has this big devil changed his sex?"

"How is it possible, don't you believe in the Great Demon King, don't you believe in the old fox? I didn't see the old fox and didn't say anything..."

"It's vacation, where should I go?"

"There is still a wish, these male soldiers are not very bad! My wish is to eat a big meal, roast chicken, barbecue, seafood..."

The female soldiers were all confused by the sudden news. They didn't come back to their senses until Liu Xu announced the decision of his wish. They were all jumping and jumping excitedly.

At this time, Ye Cunxin looked at the back of Liu Xu who was about to leave, gritted his teeth, and said loudly: "Report! Demon King!"

Liu Xu and the old fox stopped when they heard the words, turned around and looked at her suspiciously, "Tell me!"

"Excuse me, are we on vacation now!?"

Isn't it obvious?

I said it just now!

Although puzzled, Liu Xu still replied: "Yes, you have been on vacation since I announced the end of the order."

"Then we're definitely not in office hours right now, are we!?"


"Devil King, I have a wish!"

"Tell me! If it can be done, our lightning team will definitely help you do it."

Liu Xu became interested.

"Devil King, I like you! I know you've been single, so be my boyfriend!"

Just this sound stunned Liu Xu, and the female soldiers stopped fighting, and all looked at Liu Xu and Ye Cunxin in a daze.

Liu Xu came back to his senses, and immediately said angrily: "Nonsense! You're in the army now! It's office hours!"

This kind of wish, you have no one to mention it alone!

In front of everyone like this, agree or not...

Also, who told you I'm single?

Ye Cunxin curled her lips in disdain, raised her head and said, "Report! It's you who said I'm already on vacation!"

Liu Xu was so choked up by this sentence that he couldn't speak.

Ouyang Qian said in shock: "I'll go, I never thought that the enemy would be so bold!"

"I've seen for a long time that the enemy's killing has something to do with the Great Demon King." Shen Lanni muttered in a voice that only she could hear, "She preempted it..."

Tian Guo said: "When? Oh? No, isn't the Great Demon King the one you've been looking for? Are you not jealous?"

Shen Lanni said stubbornly: "Why are you jealous? I'm looking for Liu Xu just to prove that I have become stronger, and it's not admiration. How can I be jealous!"

Tian Guo smiled and said: "This time it's fun, look, look, the face of the big devil is black."

Ouyang Qian didn't agree with her heart and said: "Guozi, don't make trouble, as comrades-in-arms, we should support the enemy to kill."

Tang Xiao laughed and coaxed: "Idol! If you kill the enemy, I support you! Women, you should boldly pursue what you love!"

Three women did not speak.

Tan Xiaolin's eyes darkened, and she thought, "Should I quit..."

He Lu said unhappily: "It seems that Ye Cunxin and I can't get along peacefully..."

Qubi Azhuo felt aggrieved and said, "Obviously I was the first to know him..."

Liu Xu was completely confused by Ye Cunxin's words, and stood there in a daze at a loss.

Ye Cunxin looked at Liu Xu's stupefied look, smiled, and said loudly: "Devil King! Where's your answer!?"

Liu Xu regained his senses and wanted to look around, only to find that it wasn't just the old fox and the members of the Fire Phoenix team.

Ye Cunxin's voices directly startled the members of Thunder Team, and now they are all crossing their arms, with smirks on their faces, looking at themselves.

Liu Xu's expression darkened immediately, and he said, "Nonsense! You're on vacation! I haven't had a vacation yet!"

Ye Cunxin's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and said: "So, as long as you are on vacation, you will agree!?"

After hearing this, Liu Xu was speechless. In private, you can ask me to sacrifice myself, but now in front of so many people, if I agree, how can I date other girls?

"The enemy is killed! Ye Cunxin! Haven't you messed around enough? Now, I order! Fire Phoenix Commando! Bring them all back!"

"Liu Xu! You haven't answered me yet!"

Ye Cunxin was unwilling to get Liu Xu's reply.

"Did you hear me! I ordered! Fire Phoenix Commando! Bring everyone back! And Lu Xue! Execute the order!"

How could Liu Xu answer that the whole forest cannot be given up for a single tree.

"Yes! Execute the order!"

Upon hearing Liu Xu's order, He Lu stepped forward and dragged Ye Cunxin away in a selfish manner.

Ye Cunxin who was taken away shouted loudly: "Liu Xu! You are a coward! You will regret it!"

Liu Xu looked at the members of the Thunder Commando with a dark face, and said, "Why are you laughing, why don't you go to training!"

"Yes! Deputy Captain!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"


The common residence of Thunderbolt and Fire Phoenix, the command post.

Liu Xu sat alone on a chair, rubbing his head, thinking in distress.

Lei Zhan and the old fox walked in, and seeing Liu Xu's performance, they looked at each other, and Lei Zhan signaled the old fox to speak first.

"Devil King, what are you thinking? Are you worried about what happened just now? Let me tell you, as long as you are interested, just accept it!"


Accept your sister!

Accepted one, what about the others?

"Could it be that what happened to you, An Ran, is true...I've heard stories about you..."


Really gossip, Liu Xu rolled his eyes, but fortunately he did a good job of keeping secrets.

Lei Zhan also chimed in and said, "That's right, Demon King, you have met all the requirements, even if you get married."

As he said that, Lei Zhan suddenly saw the old fox winking at him, lip-syncing, and immediately understood, a little embarrassed: "Well, you are a little younger! But now it's not marriage, but love, you want You know, as a special soldier like us, it's not easy to find a partner, just look at Yuanbao."

Liu Xu looked up at the expressions of his two comrades-in-arms, they were more anxious than himself!


Chapter 1950 One youthful, one mature... It's hard to choose!

It was funny in his heart, he couldn't help teasing and said: "Thunder God, what right do you have to say about me, I'm still single!"

Thunder God countered: "Oh, by the way, what are you going to do, Teacher Tan Xiaolin?"

When Liu Xu heard this, he was speechless in embarrassment, so he could only wink at the old fox.

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