Then, he began to carefully unpack the original proprietress.


"Daughter-in-law, it's time to get up, are you going to have dinner?"

Liu Xu looked at Huang Yanli who was lying beside her, and shook her body.

This woman is so alluring when she is asleep, Liu Xu's heart feels hot when he thinks about the scene just now.

"Don't make trouble, I'm sleepy, let me sleep a little longer." Huang Yanli pulled Liu Xu's arm away, said coquettishly, and continued to sleep.

"Oh, why are you disobedient?"

Liu Xu frowned, and rushed directly at Huang Yanli, riding on her body.

Huang Yanli woke up all of a sudden, then looked at Liu Xu in horror and said, "What do you want to do? It's the first time for him, no, I can't do it again, I'm still in pain!"

Liu Xu got up, made dinner for Huang Yanli, and then thoughtfully brought it to the bed, almost feeding it into her mouth...

"By the way, wife, what's the matter with your husband?" Liu Xu asked Huang Yanli, "You... are still unemployed?"

"My husband, hmph, he's just a useless person, he's so old, he can't do it, and it's not rare!"

"Then why did he still marry you?" Liu Xu asked.

"He has a little money and thinks he has face. Naturally, it is impossible for people to know about his inhumane things. What's so strange about it? Of course it's okay. He treats me well. He didn't feel sorry for me. He married After him, although he lived his own life, his life is still safe." Huang Yanli hugged Liu Xu's head and whispered in his ear: "However, Xiao Liu, I marry him, it's just a deal That's all, don't think too much about it."

"What the hell is Xiao Liu? I want to call you husband!"

Hearing this, Liu Xu didn't have too many thoughts in his heart. He originally thought that the proprietress was already a married woman, but unexpectedly she turned out to be a perfect body. It was an unexpected harvest!

Looking up at Huang Yanli, Liu Xu indeed saw love in Huang Yanli's eyes.

Indeed, a celebrity once said that the place closest to a woman's heart is where a woman is, and now he is close to Huang Yanli's heart.

"By the way, little...husband, I want to take you to my house when I have time." Huang Yanli said suddenly.

"Little husband? Husband is husband, what size is it? Do you have a big husband?" Liu Xu said angrily.

"Of course I have a big husband!"

"Did you call me out to have a look?"

"Can't get out!"

"Don't worry, I promise not to kill him."

"Tired and sleeping."

Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said in his heart, "The lady boss is so filthy, it's the first time for such a woman, really..."

"Isn't this your home?"

He coughed and changed the subject.

Huang Yanli laughed, nodded Liu Xu's head, and said angrily, "Why are you so stupid? I married that old guy. If this was my home, wouldn't that old guy be here? This is just It’s just a small house that I hold in his hands.”

Liu Xu nodded and said, "So that's the case, I understand, then why did you let me go to your house?"

"There seems to be something wrong with the old guy. You can go and have a look if you have time, but don't worry, he has basically become a living dead now, and no one is bothering us."

Huang Yanli's face became a little rosy, and she didn't know what she thought of.

"You little elf."

Liu Xu smiled and hugged Huang Yanli in his arms. He still had some understanding of what was going on in her heart.

The relationship between her and her husband was just a transaction, and there was no relationship. Huang Yanli didn't want to care about it so much, but after all, she got a lot of benefits from that old guy, so let Liu Xu take a look.

"I see, when you want to go, just tell me!" Liu Xu smiled.

Huang Yanli nodded.

Time passed by, and it was half past eight before he knew it. Liu Xu remembered He Jing's family rules about the colorful flags fluttering outside, that is, the red flags at home cannot be down, so after coaxing and tricking Huang Yanli to sleep, he left.


"What's the matter, has Li Xue been found?"

"I got it back. I was drinking in a bar. I was so drunk that I almost had an accident."

He Jing pursed her lips apprehensively, and said, "I don't care, you go and cook for me, hmph."

Liu Xu knew that the eldest lady was jealous again, so he coughed and said, "Your Majesty, 'Sao' wait a moment."

"I'm waiting for you." He Jing snorted and said with a smile, "Get lost!"

After such a fuss, He Jing's anger disappeared, and he stopped being jealous.

Liu Xu even came over to help Liu Xu when he was cooking. In fact, He Jing is not the kind of woman with a small belly. She also has her own bottom line. The last time Tang Wei got that thing, it was Liu Xu who went too far, otherwise He Jing is not so capricious.

After Sihou He Niangniang finished her meal, it was time to pay the public rations every day.


The next day, Liu Xu was going to go to work, but he received a call from the big fox Tang Wei, asking if he was in Shanghai?

Liu Xu said yes, but the big vixen asked him to go to Nanshan Villa. She had something important to discuss with Liu Xu.

Hearing that there was an important matter, Liu Xu didn't dare to neglect, so he discussed a reason with He Jing and went to Nanshan Villa.

After arriving, the big vixen sister had already set up two cups of tea in the garden. After Liu Xu sat down, Tang Wei made him a cup of tea first.

After Liu Xu served the tea, the big vixen sister said, "How is it? Does the tea taste good?"

"...The important thing you said is to let me come and drink tea with you?"

Liu Xu was forced, he rushed over in a hurry, but ended up talking about tea first.


Chapter 2014 Women are disasters, then men are Dayu...

Tang Wei picked up a baby peach, took a bite and said, "Why, isn't it important to drink tea with me?"

Liu Xu held back his internal injuries again, swallowed his last sip of tea, and said, "It's important."

Tang Wei giggled and said, "Let me tell you a story, have you heard of the lords of Fenghuo Opera?"

Liu Xu was speechless, and said, "Sister, everyone has heard of this story, okay?"

Tang Wei nodded and said, "Okay, let's talk about this today."

Liu Xu's egg hurts, so he can only bite the bullet and listen.

Tang Wei said: "During the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was a fool named King Zhou You. In order to win his beauty, that big vixen, Baosi, he lit up the beacon tower to announce the war, and teased the princes from all sides to come to pay a visit. Baosi watched After that, he laughed out loud in front of the princes from all walks of life. King Zhou You was insane at that time. coming."

Liu Xu's head was full of black lines, and he said, "I know, this is a matter of not breaking trust with others."

Tang Wei pursed her lips and said, "Listen to me, it's not a breach of trust, okay?"

"Okay, okay, I won't talk, you continue." Liu Xu said awkwardly.

Tang Wei continued to lift her chin, looked at Liu Xu with a smile, and said, "This story tells us a profound lesson, that is, women are disasters, especially a vixen like Bao Si."

Liu Xu, who was drinking tea, almost spit it out, swallowed it abruptly, choked again, patted his chest, finally swallowed it, took a long breath, and said in surprise: "No, big goblin soup, you She is a disaster-level beauty!"

Tang Wei patted Liu Xu and said, "Oh, my sister knows, can you stop interrupting me!"

"Okay, okay, I will never interrupt you." Liu Xu raised his hands and said.

Tang Wei continued: "Women are disasters, so men are Dayu, because men like to control water, and they especially like to control the disaster of the level of the great flood. Be a tide-player who can handle the disaster with ease, right?"

Liu Xu quickly agreed, "Yes, yes."

Tang Wei nodded Liu Xu's head, and said, "I know you're a trendy kid who likes to navigate a few troubles, hmph."

Liu Xu: "..."

Tang Wei said: "Here, I have to mention King Zhou You again, you are so stupid."

Liu Xu couldn't help but said: "Stop yelling stupidly, he is also an infatuated kind after all!"

Tang Wei raised her eyebrows vertically, "Don't interrupt me!"

Liu Xu kept silent.

Tang Wei said: "King Zhou You is so stupid. He was originally a tide-wielding boy with a concubine, but he was accidentally hit by a wave and drowned in the river. Even though he has the reputation of being a love interest, But for a man, what's not a fool?"

Liu Xu was taken aback.

Tang Wei said: "Okay, I've finished telling the story of my ink marks, let's applaud!"

Liu Xu raised his head and took Tang Wei's hand.

Tang Weiwei looked at Liu Xu with a smile in his eyes, and said: "A woman who is willing to give birth to a child for you and give everything for you is a woman's blessing as a woman. Since you want to be a fashionista, don't be fooled by this Teased by the billowing tide, and finally drowned in some unknown river, it’s ridiculous, and it’s not infatuation, it’s stupid, understand?”

Liu Xuzhen nodded seriously, and asked softly, "You know everything?"

Tang Wei smiled like a flower and said: "What do I know? I don't know anything, oh, you are so annoying, when someone tells you a story, you don't applaud, but you touch his hand, stinky rascal, big bad wolf, shameless ,whee……"

Liu Xu breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the wise and foolish Tang Wei, his heart was very clear.

Liu Xu took Tang Wei's hand, let her sit on his body, felt her soft buttocks, and said, "You will always be my big vixen, my Baosi."

Tang Wei hugged Liu Xu, put it in his ear and said: "If one day, you meet a particularly powerful villain, and he takes me away and asks you to die before letting me go, then you will treat it as if you didn't meet him!" It’s good to have met me, anyway, I have already booked the next life with you. At that time, I will give you a bunch of children, watch them grow up, watch them call you daddy and my mommy, and then I’m telling you They, their father's name is Liu Big Bad Wolf."

Liu Xu hugged Tang Wei tightly, feeling the burning heat of her breath, and remained silent.

There are bewitching women in the world, none more bewitching than foxes, and no more bewitching than Bao Si.

There are infatuated women in the world, nothing is more infatuated than a fool, and nothing is more affectionate than a fool.

Stupid, isn't it because of the word love?

After saying this, Tang Wei laughed and left Liu Xu's arms, stretched her waist in the sun, and said, "Sister, this story is very exciting, huh, you don't applaud, sister is exhausted, you press the film for sister OK."

Liu Xu looked at Tang Wei and agreed, "Okay."

Back in the bedroom, Tang Wei lay on the bed and asked Liu Xu to massage her.

Liu Xu is also very proficient in Chinese medicine, and has his own unique insights into the massage, which is called comfortable for Tang Wei.

It was different from the time he pressed her on the proprietress Huang Yanli, that time he pushed her onto the bed...

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