
Three days later, Liu Xu received a call from Zheng Shuang.

Zheng Shuang said something to Liu Xu that made Liu Xu very ashamed: "My mother is angry at home, come here quickly!"

"I'm going, what's the matter?"

"My mother scolded me early in the morning, and then sat in front of the TV to watch The Legend of Zhen Huan. According to my experience of getting along with her for nearly eighteen years, she is a sign of going crazy. If you don't satisfy her, She will not show me a good face all day, so come and save me!"

After finishing speaking, Zheng Shuang hung up the phone.

Liu Xu was in pain at the time, what kind of daughter is this damn!

He very much doubted whether Zheng Shuang was his own?

Could it be Che Xiao's adopted daughter, so to speak of his own mother.

Liu Xu drove to Che Xiao's house.

As soon as the doorbell rang, Zheng Shuang opened the door and let out a sound that made Liu Xu amazed at her acting skills.

"Doctor Liu, why are you here?"

I'll go, it's obviously you who called me, but now you're acting so surprised again.

Zheng Shuang pulled Liu Xu in, and then he saw Che Xiao sitting on the sofa watching The Legend of Zhen Huan.

When Che Xiao saw Liu Xu coming, he seemed a little embarrassed.

Liu Xu was also a little embarrassed. After all, when the two of them were about to get things done last time, they were bumped into by Zheng Shuang, which ruined their good deeds.

It was embarrassing to meet at this time.

"I'm not going to work today!"

Liu Xu smiled and greeted Che Xiao.

Che Xiao said very calmly: "Xiao Shuang's school is on holiday for three days, so stay with her at home."

"I don't want you to accompany me!" Zheng Shuang said with a smile: "Mom, my classmate called me to go out to play, I went out first, you two chat."

After speaking, she ran away in a flash.

Zheng Shuang obviously created opportunities for Che Xiao and him!

Che Xiao just looked at Zhen Huan's biography and said nothing.

After a while, she said to Liu Xu, "Shall I go out for lunch?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Okay!"

A woman is like a wolf at thirty and a tiger at forty.

Although Che Xiao is only about thirty-five years old, she is in the age of a wolf and a tiger. Although she lived a boring life in the past, she still has those things to comfort her. Now that her daughter has taken her away, she is a little upset up.

The last time her daughter bumped into something beautiful, she also regretted it, but women are women after all, and they are always shy, so they never contacted Liu Xu afterwards.

Today Liu Xu actually came to find her, even though Che Xiao guessed that it was her daughter who called, she didn't point it out.

Che Xiao knows that wine is a good thing.

So she told Liu Xu to go out to eat, in order to go out to drink some wine, use the wine to hide her shame, and then a good thing can be accomplished.


Chapter 2033

The two randomly found a decent restaurant, and after entering, Liu Xu ordered a lot of dishes. Finally, when he asked Che Xiao what he wanted, Che Xiao asked for a bottle of red wine with more than [-] degrees.

But before the two of them started eating, Che Xiao's cell phone rang, and she answered the call...

At this time, Liu Xu's cell phone rang, and it was Li Xue calling, saying that he had something to help.

Liu Xu asked: "If you don't explain the matter clearly, I will never go there."

Li Xue said, "I'm sick."

"Eh?" Liu Xu was surprised and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Xue said shyly, "Oh, you'll know when you come."

After hanging up the phone, Che Xiao said, "I'm sorry, there is a sudden emergency in my company, you can eat alone!"

Of course Liu Xu wouldn't eat alone, he got up and said, "I'll see you off."

The two had their own affairs, but naturally they failed to accomplish their good deeds.

Liu Xu has a feeling that Che Xiao is the final boss of this world, as long as he pushes it, the map will be [-]% complete.


After sending Che Xiao to the company, Liu Xu drove to Li Xue's house.

Li Mu is not at home.

Liu Xu entered Li Xue's boudoir and sat carelessly on her bed.

He glanced at Li Xue, his face was rosy, he didn't look sick!

Liu Xu said, "What's the disease?"

Li Xue blushed and said, "I haven't had my period for two months."

"Damn..." Liu Xu swears and said in shock, "Li Xue, you must be pregnant!"

Bastard, who the hell?

Is it...

Wang Xiaoer?

"Ah?" Li Xue was very surprised, and finally hit Liu Xu, and said, "Will you be pregnant if you touch it?"

"What can you get pregnant if you touch it?" Liu Xu put his hand on Li Xue's head, and said, "Did someone give you that! Li Xue, I didn't expect that you are such a person, ah , This is really a decline in the world, people's hearts are not old!"

He also calmed down at this moment. With Li Xue's character, it was impossible to have sex with a man easily.

Li Xue punched Liu Xu on the chest, and cursed: "Get out, my aunt is still a virgin, I'm talking about bathing, you know it's not easy to clean it, so... will I get pregnant too?"

"Is it not easy to clean?"

Liu Xu's head was full of black lines, and he didn't know what to say.

Li Xue said irritably: "I haven't had my period for two months, it's over, it's over."

As she spoke, she patted her belly.

Liu Xu slapped her ass, and said: "You are not so magical, you can get pregnant by touching it in the shower, if that is the case, you can directly open a hospital to treat infertility, as long as a woman comes Let you touch it, and you will be pregnant. How did you go to school, you are so big, and you say you can get pregnant by touching it?"

Li Xuedao: "Then tell me why I haven't had my period for two months. I calculated very carefully, and I haven't had my period for two months. I can't be wrong."

There is nothing certain about this collapse, even the hymen can be regenerated!

Liu Xu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Let me take a look for you."

Liu Xu is not a gynecologist, but he is very familiar with the functions of the human body.

So Li Xue said that she bought her aunt two months ago. Liu Xu first suspected that Li Xue was pregnant, but on the surface, she was still a virgin, and it was impossible for her to be pregnant.

In this case, if Li Xue didn't come to Auntie, there was only one possibility, the endocrine disorder in her body appeared.

Liu Xu placed his fingers on Li Xue's lower abdomen, his hands gradually became hot, and asked, "Is it hot?"

Li Xue nodded.

Liu Xu asked again: "How does it feel?"

Li Xue said, "It's very hot."

"Damn, I asked you how it feels inside your body. Now I put my hand on your ovary." Liu Xu said very painfully.

Li Xue closed her eyes and felt for a while, then said, "It's very comfortable."

Then, the whole person showed a very comfortable expression.

Women belong to Yin, and ovaries are the most important thing in a woman's whole body, so when Liu Xu warms her ovaries with his hands, she will feel very comfortable.

In this way, Liu Xu knew what kind of illness Li Xue had.

It's not a disease, but her reproductive function is degraded. The ovaries are too cold, which causes the menstrual blood in the body to be blocked and can't be excreted, so she hasn't had her period for two months.

If it goes on for a long time, she will not be able to have children in the future.

Liu Xu told Li Xue about the situation, and she was taken aback, saying: "This can't be true, right? I usually pay attention to exercise, how could this happen?"

"This is a genetic situation. Didn't your mother die when you were born? Maybe it's because of this."

Liu Xu solved her doubts. Many diseases cannot be immunized by just exercising well, and it is not a cold.

Li Xue was a little sad, and Liu Xu quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, I can help you treat it."

She ignited a glimmer of hope, looked at Liu Xu and asked, "How to treat it?"

In fact, Li Xue's illness is very simple, all she needs is to warm her ovaries with yang energy, and this yang energy is a man's yang energy.

Therefore, Liu Xu smiled lewdly and said, "It's very simple, you and I just need to do it once."

"make once?"

Li Xue has a cute expression.


Liu Xu nodded.

"What do you do once?" Li Xue asked.


"Say it!" Li Xue frowned.


"Do it once..." Li Xue slowly straightened out Liu Xu's words, "Love?"

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