It's just that the battle situation in the early stage has greatly affected the final result. In the end, Liu Xu was still ahead of Qin Yumo by two chess pieces.

"Hey, I lost." Qin Yumo said depressedly: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Really anything is fine?" Liu Xu suddenly smirked.

"Even if I say yes, do you dare?" Qin Yumo gave Liu Xu a white look, "Are you not afraid that I will tell Yifei that you bullied me?"

"Hey, you can say whatever you want, why is Yifei involved again?"

Liu Xu widened his eyes and said.

"That's right!" Qin Yumo blinked, "But I didn't say I wouldn't tell Yifei!"

"You... count yourself as cruel." Liu Xu said viciously.

Under Qin Yumo's teasing gaze, he suddenly smiled and said, "Then you can dance for me on this bed!"

"Dancing?" Qin Yumo asked in surprise.

"That's right!" Liu Xu's smile grew stronger, "Of course, you can go back on your word. As a man, I won't care about a little woman."

"Who says you're going to go back on your word." Qin Yumo said loudly, and stood up, "Isn't it just a dance, what's so difficult about it?"

"Then let me enjoy it and give you a piece of music."

The moment the music sounded, Yu Mo's body also began to twist.

She danced a folk dance. Liu Xu had seen a lot of Hu Yifei's dances, but she mainly focused on fast dances, giving people a kind of strength and a kind of explosion, while Qin Yumo was different.

Her dance brought Liu Xu a sense of tranquility. Although Liu Xu didn't know how to dance, at this moment, he was also deeply fascinated by Yu Mo's figure.


Just when Qin Yumo was about to complete the last movement, he suddenly stepped on the ground and let out a scream.

At this critical moment, Liu Xu finally reacted, and quickly hugged Qin Yumo's body, but was still a step too late, and the two of them rolled down on the floor together.

Liu Xu never thought that such a dramatic scene would happen to him.

His body was pressed against Qin Yumo's body, and one hand was just pressing on her chest.

And Liu Xu's first reaction was that Qin Yumo was not wearing anything under his pajamas.

Both of them were stunned, their big eyes looked at their small eyes, and they just stared at each other in a daze.

"If, I didn't mean it, it was just an accident, do you believe it?"

Finally, Liu Xu swallowed and tried to explain.

As soon as Liu Xu spoke, Qin Yumo came back to his senses and screamed "Ah", seeing Liu Xu's hand still resting on his body, he couldn't help but angrily said, "Where is your hand?"

"Huh? Oh... Saori Saori."

Liu Xu smiled dryly, and immediately put his hand down, but he sighed in his heart. I'm afraid there won't be such a good chance next time.

Qin Yumo blushed, stood up with Liu Xu's support, straightened his clothes, rolled his eyes at him and said, "I'm going to go back and tell Yifei about your bullying me, and let her teach you a lesson..."

Liu Xu was dumbfounded. The labor and management kindly wanted to support you, so why did they end up bullying you?

Although it was a little suspected of taking advantage, it was also an accident!

Seeing Liu Xu's dumbfounded look, Qin Yumo burst out laughing suddenly, and said slyly, "However, if you promise me to see what happened, I'll pretend it never happened..."

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Liu Xu said helplessly.

Now that things have happened, I have fallen into Qin Yumo's hands. If I say that I took advantage of her, it was just an accident. If I say it, no one will believe it. If Hu Yifei finds out, then...

Liu Xu shuddered, not daring to think about it any further.

"Didn't I tell you to kill people and set fires, why not look so sad?" Seeing Liu Xu's sad look, Qin Yumo said dissatisfiedly, "Come on, give me a smile."

"Heh, hehe..."

Liu Xu showed a smile uglier than crying.

Only then did Qin Yumo nodded in satisfaction, leaned into Liu Xu's ear and said, "I want you...and...understand?"

Liu Xu looked at Qin Yumo with a strange look.

Uncomfortable being looked at by Liu Xu, Qin Yumo said dissatisfiedly again: "You just say, you agree or not, if you don't agree, you will be finished when you go back, hmph..."

Under Qin Yumo's repeated threats, Liu Xu reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"Ha, I know you are the best."

Seeing that Liu Xu agreed, Qin Yumo hugged Liu Xu excitedly, and kissed him fiercely on the face.

Under Liu Xu's weird expression, Qin Yumo said angrily again: "This is just a reward for you, and also, you can't tell Yifei about this, otherwise, you're finished."

It was only then that Liu Xu discovered that Qin Yumo, a calm urban beauty with a ladylike face, turned out to have a dark side.


Chapter 2059 Yifei, why not tonight...

The next day, the weather finally returned to clear. Liu Xu and Qin Yumo returned to the love apartment after a short three-day trip.

Downstairs in the apartment, except for Du Qianqian, everyone had been waiting for Liu Xu and Qin Yumo's return.

"Hey, I'm back, Liu Xu and Yu Mo are back."

As the sharp-eyed Zhang Wei yelled, everyone looked in the direction he was pointing.

Not far away, Liu Xu and Qin Yumo were dragging suitcases and walking towards everyone with a smile. Everyone shouted and ran towards them.

"Everyone, I haven't seen you for three days. I miss you so much."

Seeing the people rushing over, Qin Yumo was also a little excited.

Zeng Xiaoxian, Zhang Wei, and Lu Ziqiao said in unison: "We miss you too."

Immediately, they turned their gazes to the hands of the two, as if they were looking for something.

"Hey, what are you three looking for?" Qin Yumo asked in confusion.

"Of course it's a gift." Zeng Xiaoxian said: "You guys went out to play for three days, you didn't even bring us a gift!"

"Look, I just said that these guys only care about presents."

Liu Xu looked at Qin Yumo with a look that I knew a long time ago.

"Who said we only care about gifts? We also care about Yumo. Just by looking at her now, we know that Yumo has recovered!" Lu Ziqiao said, "That's why we pay more attention to gifts. Be careful."

"Okay, I've brought you all the presents, and they're all in the bags." Liu Xu said helplessly.

Walking up to Hu Yifei, he said with a smile: "The task has been successfully completed, and Yu Mo has successfully stepped out of the shadow of emotion."

"Good job." Hu Yifei patted Liu Xu on the shoulder and said, "It didn't disappoint me."

"Do you have to reward me, how about tonight..." Liu Xu approached Hu Yifei and whispered in her ear, with a smirk on his face.

"Hey, my head is full of bad thoughts." Hu Yifei blushed slightly, pushed Liu Xu away, walked up to Qin Yumo and said, "Yumo..."

"Yifei, thank you, and everyone, thank you for always caring about me. Now that I have come out of Richard's shadow, I promise, I will not let everyone worry anymore."

Facing everyone's concern, Qin Yumo was obviously very warm, showing a smiling face all the time.

Suddenly, Hu Yifei asked, "Yu Mo, did Liu Xu bully you?"

"Him?" Qin Yumo glanced at Liu Xu, saw that he was winking at him, and suppressed a smile and said, "No, I'll send it too. As expected of a psychiatrist, if it weren't for him these days." Enlightenment, I'm afraid I'm still sad!"

"It's good that he didn't bully you." Hu Yifei glanced at Liu Xu, "Don't look at him as a gentleman, he is actually not a good person."

Qin Yumo really wanted to say yes, but she couldn't say so, she could only silently acquiesce to Hu Yifei's words in her heart...

"Okay, in order to celebrate Yu Mo being himself again, and for Yu Mo to find a better partner again, I propose that we go out and have a good meal." Lu Ziqiao said.


"And I agree, it's a day to celebrate."

Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei followed suit in time and agreed with Lu Ziqiao's mention.

"It should be celebrated."

Knowing that he would pay the bill in the end, Liu Xu didn't care, and readily agreed with Sanhuo's proposal.

Liu Xu agreed, and the rest of the people would naturally not have any opinions.

With everyone's help, Liu Xu and Yu Mo's luggage was taken to the apartment.

Afterwards, the few people walked into a restaurant like tigers descending the mountain, talking, laughing and fighting all the way.

This day is the day of Qin Yumo's rebirth.


Life is still so exciting, Yifei has been admitted to a doctorate, and Tang Youyou is still running around for the role.

With the help of Du Qianqian, Liu Xu's career is also flourishing. Even Guan Gu Miracle, who accidentally rescued the girl in the past, also came to the apartment.

"Wow, I said why there is no one at home today, so they all came here. Are you... interviewing?"

In suite 3603, I saw many women walking around, as if they were interviewing, Liu Xu was surprised and asked how many women were standing at the side.

When he came back from get off work, he found that there was no one at home, even the 3602 next door. Out of curiosity, he came to 363, but found that everyone was gathering.

"Is such that……"

Qin Yumo slowly explained to Liu Xu, and he couldn't help but suddenly realized, no wonder they are so "cautious" now.

"Since Guan Gu is looking for a temporary wife, why not find Yoyo? She is a professional." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Look! I just said I can do it, even Liu Xu said so." Tang Youyou yelled: "Isn't it just playing a wife? I'm a professional, and I promise to make that Xinling retreat in spite of difficulties .”

"Then what are you doing?" Liu Xu asked suspiciously.

"Zi Qiao said that I would only make trouble and ruin a scene, so I must not be allowed to act." Tang Youyou pouted, with a dissatisfied expression on her face, "Little aunt usually loves you for nothing."

"Zi Qiao, let Yoyo try!" Liu Xu looked at Lu Ziqiao with a smile and said, "Instead of looking for outsiders, it's better to find someone you know well, so that you can cooperate with Guan Gu in a tacit understanding."

"Then I can find someone else too!"

Lu Ziqiao looked at Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo.

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