ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu still has a sense of propriety, at least, the four big stars of them went into battle lightly, and did not carry twenty or thirty catties of equipment to cross-country.

But even so, the four big stars were out of breath after running for a fifth.

"Don't stop! People are lazy. Once you stop, your previous efforts will be in vain, and you will no longer be able to run. Now, you treat your legs as other people's legs, and you can't run anymore. Give me the inertia to run."

"Report!" Gao Yuanyuan suddenly called out.


"Instructor, if we train like this, will we develop muscles?"

"Don't worry! Muscles are not so easy to develop! I know you are big stars! You don't need to worry about it if you are afraid of affecting your body! Just imagine, if you have a healthy body, it will be beneficial to you no matter whether you are filming or living in the future. Great benefits! And! As your body sweats, the toxins deposited in your body will also be discharged, and after running five kilometers later, you go back and wash your face, and you will find it! Your skin will become better!"

Perhaps because of Liu Xu's words, the female stars gritted their teeth and continued to run.

"Pay attention to breathing! Keep breathing evenly..."

Liu Xu ran while guiding from the side.

"Actually, I don't want to be strict with you, in my opinion! You are here to make soy sauce. How far you can do it has nothing to do with my ass! You are just here to waste my time, understand! If you can't take it , you can quit, the door to the new training camp is open for you at any time!"

No one responded to Liu Xu.

To Liu Xu's surprise, they finished the five kilometers.

Although they all lay on the ground and couldn't get up in the end, it was finally completed.

Originally, Liu Xu already had a draft, and was going to give them a hard lesson when one of them couldn't hold on, but the plan fell through.

Seeing the four beauties and superstars lying faceless and gasping for air on the ground, Liu Xu hesitated for a moment.

Will it be too harsh...

But then, Liu Xu dismissed this idea, because Long Feihu said that Liu Shishi, Gu Li Nazha, and Tang Yan were still behind...

"Rest for ten minutes! Then go back to the dormitory and sleep!"

After Liu Xu finished speaking, he turned and left.


Panting, Yan Bingbing took a look at Liu Xu who had gone far away, and then cursed: "Gao Yuanyuan! Look at your man, what kind of trouble did you make us?"

"Why is it my man?!"

"Why not... Didn't you say you liked him? You also said he was strong!"

Yang Ying and Jing Tian looked at Gao Yuanyuan in disbelief, and sat up.

Gao Yuanyuan snorted angrily: "I don't want a man who doesn't understand pity and pity at all!"

Yan Bingbing said angrily: "Then are you still planning to ask him out for dinner on weekends?"

Gao Yuanyuan snorted, and said angrily, "Dating a ghost, I want to make a date with you, but I don't want it!"

Yang Ying suddenly said: "Miss Yuanyuan, did you plan to invite him to dinner?"

"Hmm, huh! I thought he was a little handsome at first... Now, it's over!"

"I have an idea. Otherwise, the four of us will ask him out to see who he will go to. Then, no matter what he chooses, we will let him go and tease him. What do you think?"

Gao Yuanyuan smiled openly and said, "Baby, you are the only one with more ideas! I agree!"

Yan Bingbing said: "I agree too!"

The eyes of the three women were all on Jing Tian.

Jing Tian shook his head and said, "I'm not interested. In fact, I think Liu Xu is just performing his duties, not really trying to torture us. Moreover, if we tease him, he will take revenge on us and increase our training volume. We are not the ones who are unlucky at the time?"

Yang Ying stuck out her tongue and said, "Well, you're right, I almost forgot about it, but we can play with him after half a month of training is over!"

Jing Tian hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, I agree, but if it's just releasing pigeons, I think it's too childish, I have a suggestion..."

After she finished speaking, the scene was very quiet.

Gao Yuanyuan, Yang Ying, and Jian Bingbing were all stunned.

After a while, Yan Bingbing exclaimed: "Xiao Tiantian, you are really...too vicious!"

Gao Yuanyuan and Yang Ying also stretched out their thumbs at the same time.


During the assessment period of three consecutive days, the daily training was mainly based on physical exercise.

Long Feihu had strict requirements on Liu Xu's high standards. During the three days of the assessment period, Liu Xu continued to train in the same way as other people did during the three-day assessment period, without any embarrassment.

Three days added up, Liu Xu slept for ten hours, and it would be impossible for other people to bear it.

For the past three days, Jing Tian and the other four female stars have also followed the whole process, and Zuo Yan will be training. When everyone else is resting, Liu Xu has to take on the task of training the female stars. I have to wait on my throat.

However, what made Liu Xu happy was that after these few days of tossing, the physical fitness of the four female stars was much stronger than when they first arrived.


The three-day assessment period was finally over. In the early morning, all the new training camp members gathered.

Zuo Yan also followed with four female celebrities.

Long Feihu looked around and asked loudly, "Are you all ready?"

"Ready!" the students shouted in unison.

"Okay, then, the assessment officially begins! I announce that the first item is collective cross-country cross-country! What it tests is your teamwork spirit! And tenacious willpower! The five pieces of wood under your feet are from our Tiger Commando Baby, they are all about the same in length, thickness, and weight..."

When Long Feihu said this, Liu Xu suddenly remembered such a thing in "SWAT Force".

These five numbered large logs were thrown into the pond three days ago. After absorbing the water, their weight increased a lot.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2154 I took the blame

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Zheng Zhi was worried that Tao Jing and Ling Yun, two female members of the mouse team, would drag down the team's performance, so he encouraged Zhao Xiaohei, He Miao and others.

In the early hours of the morning, they secretly took the wood out of the pond, waited until the water in the wood was almost gone, and then threw it back into the pond. They cheated and won, but they were discovered...

Liu Xu looked down at the wood under his feet, and thought to himself: "They shouldn't have done this already?!"

He subconsciously turned his head to look at Zheng Zhi, and suddenly found that the boy's eyes were flickering.

Liu Xu has also been concentrating on training female stars recently, but he didn't expect Zheng Zhi to stab someone if he didn't pay attention.

Long Feihu raised a hand and said, "Your goal, the red flag on the hill! Time! One hour! The first to arrive wins! The evaluation weight is [-], and if one lags behind, it will be counted as an automatic abstention!"

"Remember the rules of this exam! The first and second places will advance smoothly and receive the next stage of training. The third and fourth places will re-do the first stage of training. Fifth... there is no fifth! Five must voluntarily withdraw from the new training camp! Are there any questions?!"

All the students said in unison: "No!"

Even Liu Xu couldn't change the situation at this time.

Forget it, just admit it!

Anyway, this can't change anything, it's just a small episode.

"Get ready! Carry logs!"

After the five teams had lifted the logs, Long Feihu pressed the timer and shouted: "Let's go!"

At the same time, Zuo Yan also asked four female stars to follow.

It was not easy for them either. They carried backpacks weighing twenty to thirty kilograms and had to carry assault rifles.


Jing Tian, ​​Gao Yuanyuan and the others were already surprised when they saw such a long and thick log. With such a weight, it would be scary to carry it, let alone reach the designated destination!

After trotting along for a while, they were shocked to find that the convertible jeep leading the way was actually heading up the mountain.

Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but whimpered, and said, "These special police officers, are they all supermen made of iron? Such heavy wood!"

Jing Tian pointed to the green mountain and asked Zuo Yan, "Instructor Zuo, there is a red flag there! Could it be that they are going to carry logs to that place?"

Zuo Yan said: "Every tiger commando has to go through this kind of assessment, and this is not the cruelest training!"

"Oh my God, I feel like it's really hard to go up that high with empty hands!" Yan Bingbing exclaimed.

Zuo Yan said: "It's difficult for you now because you are not used to it. After a while, you will feel that it is a very simple thing."

Yan Bingbing asked: "Instructor Zuo, have you ever received such training?"

"Of course, this is what every special police officer must do! By the way, this is only a training program for special police officers, not a training program for Tiger Commandos. Will never forget!"


The mouse team was the first to arrive at the location of the red flag.

The time is 54 minutes and 35 seconds.

Followed by the third team of mice, the second team of mice...

The students cheered and were extremely excited.

Long Feihu came by car immediately.

His serious expression made him look murderous.

"All assembly!"

Wu Di ordered loudly.

"There are all of them, look to the right!"

Long Feihu asked: "Wu Di, grades!"

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